%define Theme KDesktop %define codename Centaurea Sadleriana %define brand altlinux %define Brand ALT Linux Name: branding-%brand-kdesktop Version: 6.0.0 Release: alt14.0.2 BuildArch: noarch %define theme %name %define design_graphics_abi_epoch 0 %define design_graphics_abi_major 12 %define design_graphics_abi_minor 0 %define design_graphics_abi_bugfix 0 BuildRequires: cpio fonts-ttf-dejavu fonts-ttf-droid BuildRequires: design-bootloader-source >= 5.0-alt2 %ifnarch %arm BuildRequires: cpio gfxboot >= 4 %endif BuildRequires(pre): libqt4-core BuildRequires: libalternatives-devel BuildRequires: libqt4-devel BuildRequires: ImageMagick fontconfig bc libGConf-devel %define status БЕТА %define status_en BETA %define variants altlinux-desktop altlinux-office-desktop altlinux-office-server altlinux-lite altlinux-workbench school-master altlinux-gnome-desktop Source: branding.tar Group: Graphics Summary: System/Base License: GPL %description Distro-specific packages with design and texts %package bootloader Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init Summary: Graphical boot logo for grub2, lilo and syslinux License: GPL PreReq: coreutils Provides: design-bootloader-system-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootloader Obsoletes: design-bootloader-system-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootloader %define grub_normal white/black %define grub_high black/white %description bootloader Here you find the graphical boot logo. Suitable for both lilo and syslinux. %package bootsplash BuildArch: noarch Summary: Theme for splash animations during bootup License: Distributable Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init Provides: plymouth-theme-%theme Requires: plymouth-plugin-script PreReq: plymouth %description bootsplash This package contains graphics for boot process, displayed via Plymouth %package alterator BuildArch: noarch Summary: Design for alterator for %Brand %Theme License: GPL Group: System/Configuration/Other Provides: design-alterator-browser-%theme branding-alt-%theme-browser-qt branding-altlinux-%theme-browser-qt Provides: alterator-icons design-alterator design-alterator-%theme Obsoletes: branding-alt-%theme-browser-qt branding-altlinux-%theme-browser-qt Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-browser-qt ";done ) Obsoletes: design-alterator-server design-alterator-desktop design-altertor-browser-desktop design-altertor-browser-server PreReq(post,preun): alternatives >= 0.2 alterator %description alterator Design for QT and web alterator for %Brand %Theme %package graphics BuildArch: noarch Summary: design for ALT License: Different licenses Group: Graphics Provides: design-graphics = %design_graphics_abi_major.%design_graphics_abi_minor.%design_graphics_abi_bugfix Provides: design-graphics-%theme branding-alt-%theme-graphics design-graphics-kdesktop Obsoletes: branding-alt-%theme-graphics design-graphics-%theme design-graphics-kdesktop Provides: gnome-session-splash = %version-%release PreReq(post,preun): alternatives >= 0.2 %description graphics This package contains some graphics for ALT design. %define provide_list altlinux fedora redhat system altlinux %define obsolete_list altlinux-release fedora-release redhat-release %define conflicts_list altlinux-release-sisyphus altlinux-release-4.0 altlinux-release-junior altlinux-release-master altlinux-release-server altlinux-release-terminal altlinux-release-small_business %package release BuildArch: noarch Summary: %distribution %Theme release file License: GPL Group: System/Configuration/Other Provides: %(for n in %provide_list; do echo -n "$n-release = %version-%release "; done) altlinux-release-%theme branding-alt-%theme-release Obsoletes: %obsolete_list branding-alt-%theme-release Conflicts: %conflicts_list Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-release ";done ) %description release %distribution %version %Theme release file. %package notes BuildArch: noarch Provides: alt-license-theme = %version alt-notes-%theme Obsoletes: alt-license-%theme alt-notes-%theme Summary: Distribution license and release notes License: Distributable Group: Documentation Conflicts: alt-notes-children alt-notes-hpc alt-notes-junior alt-notes-junior-sj alt-notes-junior-sm alt-notes-school-server alt-notes-server-lite alt-notes-skif alt-notes-terminal Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-notes ";done ) %description notes Distribution license and release notes %package kde4-settings BuildArch: noarch Summary: KDE4 settings for %Brand %version %Theme License: Distributable Group: Graphical desktop/KDE Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-kde4-settings ";done ) PreReq: %name-graphics %description kde4-settings KDE4 settings for %Brand %version %Theme %package kde3-settings BuildArch: noarch Summary: KDE3 settings for %Brand %version %Theme License: Distributable Group: Graphical desktop/KDE Requires: ksplash-engine-moodin PreReq: %name-graphics Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-kde3-settings ";done ) %description kde3-settings KDE3 settings for %Brand %version %Theme %package fvwm-settings BuildArch: noarch Summary: FVWM2 settings for %Brand %version %Theme License: Distributable Group: Graphical desktop/FVWM based Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-fvwm-settings ";done ) %description fvwm-settings FVWM2 settings for %Brand %version %Theme %package gnome-settings BuildArch: noarch Summary: GNOME settings for %Brand %version %Theme License: Distributable Group: Graphical desktop/GNOME Requires: gtk2-theme-mist Provides: gnome-theme-%brand-%theme = %version-%release Provides: metacity-theme-%brand-%theme = %version-%release Provides: metacity-theme Provides: gnome-menus = 2.30.4 Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-gnome-settings ";done ) %description gnome-settings GNOME settings for %Brand %version %Theme %package slideshow BuildArch: noarch Summary: Slideshow for %Brand %version %Theme installer License: Distributable Group: System/Configuration/Other Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-slideshow ";done ) %description slideshow Slideshow for %Brand %version %Theme installer %package indexhtml BuildArch: noarch Summary: %name -- ALT Linux html welcome page License: distributable Group: System/Base Provides: indexhtml indexhtml-%theme = %version indexhtml-Desktop = 1:5.0 Obsoletes: indexhtml-desktop indexhtml-Desktop Conflicts: indexhtml-sisyphus Conflicts: indexhtml-school_junior Conflicts: indexhtml-school_lite Conflicts: indexhtml-school_master Conflicts: indexhtml-school_terminal Conflicts: indexhtml-small_business Conflicts: indexhtml-school-server Requires: xdg-utils Requires(post): indexhtml-common %description indexhtml ALT Linux index.html welcome page. %prep %setup -n branding %ifnarch %arm %define x86 boot %else %define x86 %nil %endif %build autoconf THEME=%theme NAME='%Theme' BRAND_FNAME='%Brand' BRAND='%brand' STATUS_EN=%status_en STATUS=%status VERSION=%version X86='%x86' ./configure make %install %makeinstall #graphics mkdir -p %buildroot/%_datadir/design/{%theme,backgrounds} cp -ar graphics/* %buildroot/%_datadir/design/%theme pushd %buildroot/%_datadir/design/%theme pushd backgrounds ln -sf ../../../wallpapers more popd popd GRAPHICS_ALTPRIO=`printf '%%.3d%%.3d%%.3d%%.3d\n' %design_graphics_abi_epoch %design_graphics_abi_major %design_graphics_abi_minor %design_graphics_abi_bugfix` install -d %buildroot//etc/alternatives/packages.d cat >%buildroot/etc/alternatives/packages.d/%name-graphics <<__EOF__ %_datadir/design-current %_datadir/design/%theme $GRAPHICS_ALTPRIO %_datadir/design/current %_datadir/design/%theme $GRAPHICS_ALTPRIO __EOF__ #release mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/ignore.d/ install -pD -m644 /dev/null %buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/ignore.d/%name-release echo "%distribution %version %Theme %status_en (%codename)" >%buildroot%_sysconfdir/altlinux-release for n in fedora redhat system; do ln -s altlinux-release %buildroot%_sysconfdir/$n-release done #notes pushd notes %makeinstall popd #kde4-settings pushd kde4-settings mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde4 cp -a kde4/* %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde4/ popd #kde3-settings pushd kde3-settings mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde cp -a kde/* %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde/ mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde/share mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde/share/config mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde/share/apps cp -a config/* %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde/share/config/ cp -a apps/* %buildroot%_sysconfdir/skel/.kde/share/apps/ popd #kde3-splash pushd kde3-styles-splash mkdir -p "%buildroot/%_datadir/apps/ksplash/Themes/ALTLinux%Theme" install -m 644 *.jpg "%buildroot/%_datadir/apps/ksplash/Themes/ALTLinux%Theme/" install -m 644 *.png "%buildroot/%_datadir/apps/ksplash/Themes/ALTLinux%Theme/" install -m 644 *.rc "%buildroot/%_datadir/apps/ksplash/Themes/ALTLinux%Theme/" popd #fwvm-settings mkdir -p %buildroot/etc/skel install -m 644 fvwm-settings/.fvwm2rc %buildroot/etc/skel/ #gnome-settings %define XdgThemeName %Brand %Theme pushd gnome-settings mkdir -p '%buildroot/%_datadir/themes/%XdgThemeName' mkdir -p '%buildroot/%_datadir/themes/%XdgThemeName/gtk-2.0' install -m 644 gtkrc '%buildroot/%_datadir/themes/%XdgThemeName/gtk-2.0' mkdir -p '%buildroot/%_datadir/themes/%XdgThemeName/metacity-1' install -m 644 metacity-theme-1.xml '%buildroot/%_datadir/themes/%XdgThemeName/metacity-1/' install -m 644 index.theme '%buildroot/%_datadir/themes/%XdgThemeName/' mkdir -p '%buildroot/etc/gnome/xdg/menus/' install -m 644 gnome-applications.menu '%buildroot/etc/gnome/xdg/menus/' install -m 644 settings.menu '%buildroot/etc/gnome/xdg/menus/' cp -a skel/.gconf '%buildroot/etc/skel/' popd #slideshow mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/share/install2/slideshow install slideshow/* %buildroot/usr/share/install2/slideshow/ #bootloader %pre bootloader [ -s /usr/share/gfxboot/%theme ] && rm -fr /usr/share/gfxboot/%theme ||: [ -s /boot/splash/%theme ] && rm -fr /boot/splash/%theme ||: %post bootloader %__ln_s -nf %theme/message /boot/splash/message . /etc/sysconfig/i18n lang=$(echo $LANG | cut -d. -f 1) cd boot/splash/%theme/ echo $lang > lang [ "$lang" = "C" ] || echo lang | cpio -o --append -F message . shell-config shell_config_set /etc/sysconfig/grub2 GRUB_THEME /boot/grub/themes/%theme/theme.txt shell_config_set /etc/sysconfig/grub2 GRUB_COLOR_NORMAL %grub_normal shell_config_set /etc/sysconfig/grub2 GRUB_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT %grub_high %preun bootloader [ $1 = 0 ] || exit 0 [ "`readlink /boot/splash/message`" != "%theme/message" ] || %__rm -f /boot/splash/message %post indexhtml %_sbindir/indexhtml-update %ifnarch %arm %files bootloader %_datadir/gfxboot/%theme /boot/splash/%theme /boot/grub/themes/%theme %endif #bootsplash %post bootsplash subst "s/Theme=.*/Theme=%theme/" /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf [ -f /etc/sysconfig/grub2 ] && \ subst "s|GRUB_WALLPAPER=.*|GRUB_WALLPAPER=/usr/share/plymouth/themes/%theme/grub.jpg|" \ /etc/sysconfig/grub2 ||: %post gnome-settings %gconf2_set string /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name Sans 11 %gconf2_set string /desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name Monospace 10 %files alterator %config %_altdir/*.rcc /usr/share/alterator-browser-qt/design/*.rcc /usr/share/alterator/design/* %files graphics %config /etc/alternatives/packages.d/%name-graphics %_datadir/design %files bootsplash %_datadir/plymouth/themes/%theme/* %files release %_sysconfdir/*-* %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/ignore.d/* %files notes %_datadir/alt-notes/* %files kde4-settings %_sysconfdir/skel/.kde4 %ifnarch %arm %files kde3-settings %_sysconfdir/skel/.kde %_datadir/apps/ksplash/Themes/* %endif %files fvwm-settings %_sysconfdir/skel/.fvwm2rc %files gnome-settings %_datadir/themes/* /etc/gnome/xdg/menus /etc/skel/.gconf %files slideshow /usr/share/install2/slideshow %define indexhtmldir %_defaultdocdir/indexhtml %files indexhtml %ghost %indexhtmldir/index.html %indexhtmldir/index-*.html %indexhtmldir/index.css %indexhtmldir/img %_desktopdir/indexhtml.desktop %changelog * Tue May 24 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt14 - change title label to KDesktop * Mon May 23 2011 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 6.0.0-alt8 - dependence on altlinux-menus dropped * Sat May 07 2011 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 6.0.0-alt7 - beta status deleted - rebuild with design-bootloader-source 5.9-alt4 * Thu Apr 28 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt13 - fix default background color * Thu Apr 28 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt12 - fix requires * Thu Apr 28 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt11 - remove old unused backgrounds - fix gnome settings placement - import last changes from centaurus branding * Wed Apr 27 2011 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 6.0.0-alt6 - settings menu translation fixed * Tue Apr 26 2011 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 6.0.0-alt5 - arm buildabulity - gnome menus customization * Tue Apr 12 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt10 - update groups and steps icons * Thu Mar 24 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt9 - return kde3 startup splash * Tue Feb 22 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt8 - import last changes from centaurus branding * Mon Feb 21 2011 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 6.0.0-alt4 - indexhtml colors changed (mex3) * Fri Feb 11 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt7 - import last changes from centaurus branding * Thu Feb 10 2011 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 6.0.0-alt3 - fixed logo in web interface - boot colors changed * Mon Feb 07 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt6 - update kdm4 color scheme - import last changes from centaurus branding * Thu Feb 03 2011 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 6.0.0-alt2 - install menu position changed - web design from mex3@ * Tue Feb 01 2011 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt5 - import last changes from centaurus branding * Fri Jan 28 2011 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 6.0.0-alt1 - production slideshow - installer wallpaper changed - grub theme * Wed Dec 15 2010 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.9.9-alt11 - fvwm settings added * Fri Nov 19 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt4 - import last changes from centaurus: - gfxboot colors changed * Tue Nov 16 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt3 - import last changes from centaurus: - plymouth: scaling for non 4:3 or 16:9 resolutions fixed - non 4:3 or 16:9 resolutions support - typo in plymouth script fixed * Fri Nov 12 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt2 - update last changes from centaurus * Thu Oct 28 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt1 - update fixes from centaurus * Thu Sep 30 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt0.3 - update graphics from centaurus * Tue Sep 14 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt0.2 - update design, codename * Thu Sep 09 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 6.0.0-alt0.1 - update kdesktop design to 6.0.0 beta * Tue Aug 31 2010 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.9.9-alt4 - status changed to beta - background changed * Mon Aug 02 2010 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.9.9-alt3 - fonts changed * Tue May 25 2010 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.9.9-alt2.2 - rebuld with design-bootloader-source 5.9 * Fri May 21 2010 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.9.9-alt2.1 - rebuild with gfxboot.git-4.1.47 * Tue Apr 06 2010 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.9.9-alt2 - product-logo.png changed * Thu Mar 04 2010 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.9.9-alt1 - Centaurus branding * Wed Mar 03 2010 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.1-alt1 - OO.o desktop files names changed * Wed Dec 23 2009 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt28.M51.1 - built for M51 * Wed Dec 23 2009 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt29 - add icon for Firewall group - remove "beta" * Fri Nov 27 2009 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt26.M51.3 - built for M51 * Fri Nov 27 2009 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt28 - update steps and groups icons * Mon Nov 23 2009 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt26.M51.2 - built for M51 * Mon Nov 23 2009 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt27 - update sysconfig-base icon * Mon Nov 23 2009 Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt26 - udpate graphics - update alterator-browser-qt style - remove bootsplash and graphics conflicts - move status word to SouthEast * Fri Oct 30 2009 Artem Zolochevskiy <azol@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt25 - indexhtml: + change default indexhtml dir + use unified local documentation link * Mon Oct 26 2009 Andrey Cherepanov <cas@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt22 - provide design-graphics and gnome-session-splash to avoid wrong graphics package installation * Thu Oct 22 2009 Andrey Cherepanov <cas@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt21 - fix Russian name and copyright years - fix images - remove beta status * Tue Sep 24 2009 Alexandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt24 - new pictures * Mon Sep 07 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt20 - beep on boot disabled * Thu Aug 13 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt19 - production images, slides (and colors?) * Sun Jul 12 2009 Alexey Rusakov <ktirf@altlinux.org> 5.0.0-alt18.1.1 - fix unexpanded autoconf substitute (closes bug 20757) - beautify theme names in -gnome-settings * Thu Jun 25 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt18.1 - titles removed from wallpater and installer * Wed Jun 24 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt18 - sources restructure * Thu Jun 11 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt17 - ksplashrc added for kde4 - kde3-settings and splash for kde3 added (mex@) - gnome-settngs added (mex@) * Wed May 13 2009 Alexandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt16 - \%setup fixed from boyarsh@ - remove package name from .gear-rules from boyarsh@ * Fri Apr 24 2009 Alexandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt15 - minor fixes of strange merge - changes in alterator.css.in from inger@ * Fri Apr 17 2009 Alexandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt14 - better quality background image for installer * Thu Apr 16 2009 Alexandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt13 - alterator.css = alterator.css+menu.css - some strange results of merge fixed * Fri Apr 10 2009 Alexandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt12 - gear-rules fixed * Fri Apr 10 2009 Alexandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt11 - web logo - white and smaller; labels on buttons - darker; disabled elements - lighter; * Fri Apr 10 2009 Alxandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt10 - some misspells fixed * Thu Apr 09 2009 Alexandra Panyukova <mex3@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt9 - darker text and new logo for web * Thu Apr 09 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt8 - gradients and some colors in css fixed by mex3@ * Tue Apr 07 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt7 - fixes for installer design from mex3@ * Fri Apr 03 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt6 - default gray design from mex3@ - \%status_en intorduces for release file * Wed Apr 01 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt5 - logo in www design fixed * Tue Mar 31 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt4 - www design fixed * Tue Mar 31 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt3 - conflicts for -alterator subpackages added - design for web alterator changed * Mon Mar 30 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt2 - -browser-qt subpackage remaned to -alterator as it really is * Fri Mar 27 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0.0-alt1 - addes \%status to altlinux-release - images for verbose bootsplash mode from one source * Wed Mar 25 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt24 - added versioned provides for indexhtml * Tue Mar 24 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt23 - indexhtml subpackage added * Mon Mar 23 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt22 - nepomukserverrc added into kde4 * Wed Mar 18 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt21 - other images for browser-qt added - gtkrcs added into kde4-settings - plasma-applet-networkmanagenemt removed from kde4 by default - conflicts bitween different brandings added * Thu Mar 05 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt20 - steps icons added * Fri Feb 27 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt19 - sample slideshow added * Wed Feb 25 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt18 - 1024x768 removed :D - more transparent menu selection bar * Tue Feb 24 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt17 - 1024x768 added - fonts changed * Thu Feb 19 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt16 - not setup language in bootloader during install (when it is 'C') * Wed Feb 18 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt15 - rebuild with new bootloader-source with support of real language change * Tue Feb 17 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt14 - auto set default language for bootloader from /etc/sysconfig/i18n * Mon Feb 16 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt13 - rebuild for fix oversized /boot/splash/message * Fri Feb 13 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt12 - default language set to ru_RU for system boot * Wed Feb 11 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt11 - fixed conflict of notes subpackage with itself * Tue Feb 10 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt10 - more kde4 settings from zerg@ - alternative and obsoletes for graphics added * Thu Feb 05 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt9 - rebuild with new translations * Thu Feb 05 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt8 - added kde4-settings subpackage * Wed Feb 04 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt7 - added conflicts for notes * Mon Jan 26 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt6 - xdm background fixed * Fri Jan 23 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt5 - added 'notes' subpackage * Thu Jan 15 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt4 - fixed problem with owerwritten alternative * Wed Jan 14 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt3 - release subpackage added * Fri Dec 26 2008 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt2 - colors integration - graphics package added * Thu Dec 18 2008 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt1 - initial sceleton