--field="$(gettext "Change the version of <b>WINDOWS</b> emulation")!$(gettext "Changing the <b>WINDOWS</b> emulation version may be required to run older games. <b>WINDOWS</b> versions below 10 do not support new games with DirectX 12") :CB""${ADD_WINVER_EDIT_DB}"\
--field="$(gettext "AUTOINSTALL WITH <b>WINETRICKS</b>")!$(gettext "Automatically install with <b>WINETRICKS</b> additional libraries required to run the game/program. List of libraries separated by spaces") :CBE""${PW_DLL_INSTALL}!vcrun2019 corefonts lucida"\
--field="$(gettext "AUTOINSTALL WITH <b>WINETRICKS</b>")!$(gettext "Automatically install with <b>WINETRICKS</b> additional libraries required to run the game/program. List of libraries separated by spaces") :CBE""$(combobox_fix_empty "${PW_DLL_INSTALL}""vcrun2019 corefonts lucida")"\
--field="$(gettext "Forced to use/disable libraries")!$(gettext "Forced to use/disable the library only for the given application. (There are examples in the drop-down list)
A brief instruction:
@@ -3440,9 +3418,9 @@ A brief instruction:
* library=b - use <b>WINE</b> (built-in) library
* library=n,b - use <b>WINDOWS</b> library and then <b>WINE</b>
* library=b,n - use <b>WINE</b> library and then <b>WINDOWS</b>
* library= - disable the use of this library") :CBE""${WINEDLLOVERRIDES}!libglesv2=!d3dx9_36,d3dx9_42=n,b;mfc120=b,n"\
* library= - disable the use of this library") :CBE""$(combobox_fix_empty "${WINEDLLOVERRIDES}""libglesv2=!d3dx9_36,d3dx9_42=n,b;mfc120=b,n")"\
--field="$(gettext "ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE")!$(gettext "Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system") :CBE""\\${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[@]}!-dx11 -skipintro 1"\
--field="$(gettext "ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE")!$(gettext "Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system") :CBE""$(combobox_fix_empty "\\${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[@]}""-dx11 -skipintro 1")"\
--field="$(gettext "Limit the use of processor cores")!$(gettext "Limiting the number of CPU cores is useful for Unity games (It is recommended to set the value equal to 8)") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${CPU_LIMIT_VAR}""${GET_LOGICAL_CORE}")"\
--field="$(gettext "Choose a graphics card to run the game (in user.conf)")!$(gettext "Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${GPU_VAR}""${GET_GPU_NAMES}")"\