* добавить автоматическое обновление при выходе нового порта
* добавить вывод ошибки при скачивании файла при автоматической установки
* добавить фикс установки dotnet
* добавить кнопку очистки префикса в PortProton
* проверка версий и обновления скриптов из https://github.com/Castro-Fidel/PortWINE/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
* добавить условие: если установлен vcrun2019, то не устанавливать vcrun2015-2017
* EDIT DB открывается не у всех
* пересоздать удаление PortProton (чистка ярлыков в меню с помощью grep "путь до порта")
* проверить windows steam под PortProton
* создать defaut префикс и сделать авто симлинки в другие префиксы (games, programm files, users)
* иконка в трей для PortProton
* сменить цвет url
* добавить контроль за окнами для правильного отключения прогресс бара
* проверка версий dxvk на github: curl -s https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases | grep Version | awk {'print $3'} | sed 's%</a>%%g'
* проверка версий vkd3d на github: curl -s https://github.com/HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton/releases | grep Version | awk {'print $3'} | sed 's%</a>%%g'
* зарабатывать на жизнь развитием проекта с помощью вашей подписки на https://boosty.to/portwine-linux.ru
###Scripts version 1053###
* HOTFIX - перенос всех функций в скрипте runlib (наверх)
* добавлена переменная в default ##export PW_WINE_ALLOW_XIM=1, которая отключает XIM (X input manager)
* в функции PW_INIT_PFX добавлено копирование всех dll из библиотек wine/lib(64) в префикс (если префикса не существует)
###Scripts version 1052###
* отключена автоотчистка ~/.PortWINE
* отключение сервиса OriginWebHelperService.exe (правкой реестра) перенесена в скрипт var
* в AUTOINSTALL добавлена установка EVE Online
###Scripts version 1051###
* изменён db файл Origin для отключение сервиса OriginWebHelperService.exe (правкой реестра)
if try_download "http://dist.blizzard.com/downloads/bna-installers/322d5bb9ae0318de3d4cde7641c96425/retail.1/Battle.net-Setup-${BN_LOC}.exe""${PW_AUTOINSTALL_EXE}"
PW_START_PROGRESS_BAR "Installing the Battle Net. Please wait..."
if try_download "https://launcher-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com/launcher/api/installer/download/EpicGamesLauncherInstaller.msi""${PW_AUTOINSTALL_EXE}"
PW_START_PROGRESS_BAR_BLOCK "Installing Epic Games Launcher. Please wait..."
if try_download "https://content-system.gog.com/open_link/download?path=/open/galaxy/client/""${PW_AUTOINSTALL_EXE}"
PW_START_PROGRESS_BAR_CS "Installing the GOG Galaxy. Please wait..."
portwine_exe=`find "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/"-type f -name"GalaxyClient.exe"`
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=0 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=1 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=1 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINE_ALLOW_XIM=1 # Disable XIM support until libx11 >= 1.7 is widespread
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=1 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk # dxvk, vkd3d or 0 for OpenGL
##export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="blabla=n,b"
##export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2017 d3dcompiler_43" # Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43"# Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
##export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=0 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
if try_download "https://github.com/Castro-Fidel/PortWINE/releases/download/libs${pw_libs_ver}/libs${pw_libs_ver}.tar.xz""${HOME}/.PortWINE/tmp/libs${pw_libs_ver}.tar.xz";then
if unpack_tar_xz "${HOME}/.PortWINE/tmp/libs${pw_libs_ver}.tar.xz""${HOME}/.PortWINE/";then
`zenity --error--title"Error..."--text"Failed to download runtime libraries.\nCheck internet connection and restart PortProton"--no-wrap`> /dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
`zenity --error--title"Error..."--text"Failed to download runtime libraries.\nCheck internet connection and restart PortProton"--no-wrap`> /dev/null 2>&1
if try_download "https://github.com/Castro-Fidel/PortWINE/releases/download/libs${pw_libs_ver}/libs${pw_libs_ver}.tar.xz""${HOME}/.PortWINE/tmp/libs${pw_libs_ver}.tar.xz";then
if unpack_tar_xz "${HOME}/.PortWINE/tmp/libs${pw_libs_ver}.tar.xz""${HOME}/.PortWINE/";then
`zenity --error--title"Error..."--text"Failed to download runtime libraries.\nCheck internet connection and restart PortProton"--no-wrap`> /dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
`zenity --error--title"Error..."--text"Failed to download runtime libraries.\nCheck internet connection and restart PortProton"--no-wrap`> /dev/null 2>&1