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Commit 9d4934ca authored by castro-fidel's avatar castro-fidel

Scripts version 2137

...@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ You can help us in the development of the project on the website: ...@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ You can help us in the development of the project on the website:
----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
Changelog: Changelog:
###Scripts version 2137###
* updated version of PROTON_LG 7.32 based on PROTON GE 7.38 (Added support for running games: "Overwatch 2" and "Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves")
* minor script optimizations for running PortProton
###Scripts version 2136### ###Scripts version 2136###
* added "Lesta Game Center" in AUTOINSTALL * added "Lesta Game Center" in AUTOINSTALL
...@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ ...@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
История изменений: История изменений:
###Scripts version 2137###
* обновлена версия PROTON_LG 7.32 на основе PROTON GE 7.38 (Добавлена поддержка запуска игр: "Overwatch 2" и "Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves")
* небольшие оптимизации скриптов для запуска PortProton
###Scripts version 2136### ###Scripts version 2136###
* добавлен автоустановщик "Lesta Game Center" и автоматическое обновление ярлыков, при условии что LGC уже утановлен, но запущен ярлык для WGC. * добавлен автоустановщик "Lesta Game Center" и автоматическое обновление ярлыков, при условии что LGC уже установлен, но запущен ярлык для WGC.
###Scripts version 2135### ###Scripts version 2135###
* обновлен "PROTON_GE" до версии 7-37 (версии dxvk и vkd3d обновлены) * обновлен "PROTON_GE" до версии 7-37 (версии dxvk и vkd3d обновлены)
# Create the VkSurface on the first call to IDXGISwapChain::Present, # Create the VkSurface on the first call to IDXGISwapChain::Present,
# rather than when creating the swap chain. Some games that start # rather than when creating the swap chain. Some games that start
# rendering with a different graphics API may require this option, # rendering with a different graphics API may require this option,
# or otherwise the window may stay black. # or otherwise the window may stay black.
...@@ -15,8 +15,17 @@ ...@@ -15,8 +15,17 @@
# #
# Supported values : 0 - 16 # Supported values : 0 - 16
# dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 0 dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 1
# d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 0 d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 1
# Enables frame rate limiter. The main purpose of this is to work around
# bugs in games that have physics or other simulation tied to their frame
# rate, but do not provide their own limiter.
# Supported values : Any non-negative integer
# dxgi.maxFrameRate = 0
# d3d9.maxFrameRate = 0
# Override PCI vendor and device IDs reported to the application. Can # Override PCI vendor and device IDs reported to the application. Can
...@@ -30,13 +39,15 @@ dxgi.customVendorId = 10de ...@@ -30,13 +39,15 @@ dxgi.customVendorId = 10de
# d3d9.customDeviceId = 222F # d3d9.customDeviceId = 222F
# d3d9.customVendorId = 10de # d3d9.customVendorId = 10de
# Report Nvidia GPUs as AMD GPUs by default. This is enabled by default
# to work around issues with NVAPI, but may cause issues in some games. # Override the reported device description
# #
# Supported values: True, False # Supported values: Any string.
# dxgi.customDeviceDesc = ""
# d3d9.customDeviceDesc = ""
dxgi.nvapiHack = False
dxvk.enableAsync = True
# Override maximum amount of device memory and shared system memory # Override maximum amount of device memory and shared system memory
# reported to the application. This may fix texture streaming issues # reported to the application. This may fix texture streaming issues
...@@ -48,6 +59,15 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -48,6 +59,15 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# dxgi.maxSharedMemory = 0 # dxgi.maxSharedMemory = 0
# Some games think we are on Intel given a lack of NVAPI or
# AGS/atiadlxx support. Report our device memory as shared memory,
# and some small amount for a "carveout".
# Supported values: True, False
# dxgi.emulateUMA = False
# Override back buffer count for the Vulkan swap chain. # Override back buffer count for the Vulkan swap chain.
# Setting this to 0 or less will have no effect. # Setting this to 0 or less will have no effect.
# #
...@@ -85,15 +105,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -85,15 +105,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.tearFree = Auto # d3d9.tearFree = Auto
# Performs range check on dynamically indexed constant buffers in shaders.
# This may be needed to work around a certain type of game bug, but may
# also introduce incorrect behaviour.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.constantBufferRangeCheck = False
# Assume single-use mode for command lists created on deferred contexts. # Assume single-use mode for command lists created on deferred contexts.
# This may need to be disabled for some applications to avoid rendering # This may need to be disabled for some applications to avoid rendering
# issues, which may come at a significant performance cost. # issues, which may come at a significant performance cost.
...@@ -107,9 +118,9 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -107,9 +118,9 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# with. Setting this to a higher value may allow some applications to run # with. Setting this to a higher value may allow some applications to run
# that would otherwise fail to create a D3D11 device. # that would otherwise fail to create a D3D11 device.
# #
# Supported values: 9_1, 9_2, 9_3, 10_0, 10_1, 11_0, 11_1 # Supported values: 9_1, 9_2, 9_3, 10_0, 10_1, 11_0, 11_1, 12_0, 12_1
# d3d11.maxFeatureLevel = 11_1 # d3d11.maxFeatureLevel = 12_1
# Overrides the maximum allowed tessellation factor. This can be used to # Overrides the maximum allowed tessellation factor. This can be used to
...@@ -117,7 +128,7 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -117,7 +128,7 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# #
# Supported values: Any number between 8 and 64 # Supported values: Any number between 8 and 64
# d3d11.maxTessFactor = 0 d3d11.maxTessFactor = 16
# Enables relaxed pipeline barriers around UAV writes. # Enables relaxed pipeline barriers around UAV writes.
...@@ -130,6 +141,16 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -130,6 +141,16 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d11.relaxedBarriers = False # d3d11.relaxedBarriers = False
# Ignores barriers around UAV writes from fragment shaders.
# This may improve performance in some games, but may also introduce
# rendering issues. Please don't report bugs with the option enabled.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.ignoreGraphicsBarriers = False
# Overrides anisotropic filtering for all samplers. Set this to a positive # Overrides anisotropic filtering for all samplers. Set this to a positive
# value to enable AF for all samplers in the game, or to 0 in order to # value to enable AF for all samplers in the game, or to 0 in order to
# disable AF entirely. Negative values will have no effect. # disable AF entirely. Negative values will have no effect.
...@@ -140,21 +161,31 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -140,21 +161,31 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.samplerAnisotropy = -1 # d3d9.samplerAnisotropy = -1
# Changes the mipmap LOD bias for all samplers. The given number will be
# added to the LOD bias provided by the application, rather than replacing
# it entirely. Positive values will reduce texture detail, while negative
# values may increase sharpness at the cost of shimmer.
# Supported values: Any number between -2.0 and 1.0
# d3d11.samplerLodBias = -0.3
# Declares vertex positions as invariant in order to solve # Declares vertex positions as invariant in order to solve
# potential Z-fighting issues at a small performance cost. # potential Z-fighting issues at a small performance cost.
# #
# Supported values: True, False # Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.invariantPosition = True # d3d11.invariantPosition = True
# d3d9.invariantPosition = False # d3d9.invariantPosition = True
# Replaces NaN outputs from fragment shaders with zeroes for floating # Forces the sample count of all textures to 1, and performs
# point render target. Used in some games to prevent artifacting. # the needed fixups in resolve operations and shaders.
# #
# Supported values: True, False # Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.enableRtOutputNanFixup = False # d3d11.disableMsaa = False
# Clears workgroup memory in compute shaders to zero. Some games don't do # Clears workgroup memory in compute shaders to zero. Some games don't do
...@@ -165,10 +196,53 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -165,10 +196,53 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d11.zeroWorkgroupMemory = False # d3d11.zeroWorkgroupMemory = False
# Resource size limit for implicit discards, in kilobytes. For small staging
# resources mapped with MAP_WRITE, DXVK will sometimes allocate new backing
# storage in order to avoid GPU synchronization, so setting this too high
# may cause memory issues, setting it to -1 disables the feature.
# d3d11.maxImplicitDiscardSize = 256
# Resource size limit for buffer-mapped dynamic images, in kilobytes.
# A higher threshold may reduce memory usage and PCI-E bandwidth in
# some games, but may also increase GPU synchronizations. Setting it
# to -1 disables the feature.
# d3d11.maxDynamicImageBufferSize = -1
# Allocates dynamic resources with the given set of bind flags in
# cached system memory rather than uncached memory or host-visible
# VRAM, in order to allow fast readback from the CPU. This is only
# useful for buggy applications, and may reduce GPU-bound performance.
# Supported values: Any combination of the following:
# - v: Vertex buffers
# - i: Index buffers
# - c: Constant buffers
# - r: Shader resources
# - a: All dynamic resources
# d3d11.cachedDynamicResources = ""
# Force-enables the D3D11 context lock via the ID3D10Multithread
# interface. This may be useful to debug race conditions.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.enableContextLock = False
# Sets number of pipeline compiler threads. # Sets number of pipeline compiler threads.
# #
# If the graphics pipeline library feature is enabled, the given
# number of threads will be used for shader compilation. Some of
# these threads will be reserved for high-priority work.
# Supported values: # Supported values:
# - 0 to automatically determine the number of threads to use # - 0 to use all available CPU cores
# - any positive number to enforce the thread count # - any positive number to enforce the thread count
# dxvk.numCompilerThreads = 0 # dxvk.numCompilerThreads = 0
...@@ -189,33 +263,32 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -189,33 +263,32 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# dxvk.useRawSsbo = Auto # dxvk.useRawSsbo = Auto
# Toggles early discard. # Controls graphics pipeline library behaviour
# #
# Uses subgroup operations to determine whether it is safe to # Can be used to change VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library usage for
# discard fragments before the end of a fragment shader. This # debugging purpose. Doing so will likely result in increased stutter
# is enabled by default on all drivers except RADV and Nvidia. # or degraded performance.
# Enabling this may improve or degrade performance depending
# on the game and hardware, or cause other issues.
# #
# Supported values: # Supported values:
# - Auto: Don't change the default # - Auto: Enable if supported, and compile optimized pipelines in the background
# - True, False: Always enable / disable # - True: Enable if supported, but do not compile optimized pipelines
# - False: Always disable the feature
# dxvk.useEarlyDiscard = Auto # dxvk.enableGraphicsPipelineLibrary = Auto
# Controls workaround for NVIDIA HVV Heap bug. # Controls pipeline lifetime tracking
# #
# Limits the budget of NVIDIA's HVV (host-visible, # If enabled, pipeline libraries will be freed aggressively in order
# device-local) heap to be half of the reported size. This is # save memory and address space. Has no effect if graphics pipeline
# needed to avoid NVIDIA driver bug 3114283, and defaults to # libraries are not supported or disabled.
# being enabled on all affected drivers.
# #
# Supported values: # Supported values:
# - Auto: Don't change the default # - Auto: Enable tracking for 32-bit applications only
# - True, False: Always enable / disable # - True: Always enable tracking
# - False: Always disable tracking
# dxvk.halveNvidiaHVVHeap = Auto # dxvk.trackPipelineLifetime = Auto
# Sets enabled HUD elements # Sets enabled HUD elements
...@@ -240,17 +313,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -240,17 +313,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.shaderModel = 3 # d3d9.shaderModel = 3
# Evict Managed on Unlock
# Decides whether we should evict managed resources from
# system memory when they are unlocked entirely.
# Supported values:
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# d3d9.evictManagedOnUnlock = False
# DPI Awareness # DPI Awareness
# #
# Decides whether we should call SetProcessDPIAware on device # Decides whether we should call SetProcessDPIAware on device
...@@ -306,18 +368,21 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -306,18 +368,21 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# - Max Available Memory: Any int32_t # - Max Available Memory: Any int32_t
# - Memory Tracking Testing: True, False # - Memory Tracking Testing: True, False
# d3d9.maxAvailableMemory = 1024 # d3d9.maxAvailableMemory = 4096
# d3d9.memoryTrackTest = False # d3d9.memoryTrackTest = False
# Force enable/disable floating point quirk emulation # Force enable/disable floating point quirk emulation
# #
# Force toggle anything * 0 emulation # Force toggle anything * 0 emulation
# Tristate # Setting it to True will use a faster but less accurate approach that works for most games.
# Supported values: # Supported values:
# - True/False # - True: Use a faster but less accurate approach. Good enough for most games
# - False: Disable float emulation completely
# - Strict: Use a slower but more correct approach. Necessary for some games
# - Auto: DXVK will pick automatically
# d3d9.floatEmulation = d3d9.floatEmulation = Auto
# Enable dialog box mode # Enable dialog box mode
...@@ -348,16 +413,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -348,16 +413,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.longMad = False # d3d9.longMad = False
# Alpha Test Wiggle Room
# Workaround for games using alpha test == 1.0, etc due to wonky interpolation or
# misc. imprecision on some vendors
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.alphaTestWiggleRoom = False
# Device Local Constant Buffers # Device Local Constant Buffers
# #
# Enables using device local, host accessible memory for constant buffers in D3D9. # Enables using device local, host accessible memory for constant buffers in D3D9.
...@@ -369,16 +424,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -369,16 +424,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.deviceLocalConstantBuffers = False # d3d9.deviceLocalConstantBuffers = False
# Allow Read Only
# Enables using the D3DLOCK_READONLY flag. Some apps use this
# incorrectly, and write when they should be reading.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.allowLockFlagReadonly = True
# No Explicit Front Buffer # No Explicit Front Buffer
# #
# Disables the front buffer # Disables the front buffer
...@@ -397,6 +442,15 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -397,6 +442,15 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.supportDFFormats = True # d3d9.supportDFFormats = True
# Use D32f for D24
# Useful for reproducing AMD issues on other hw.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.useD32forD24 = False
# Support X4R4G4B4 # Support X4R4G4B4
# #
# Support the X4R4G4B4 format. # Support the X4R4G4B4 format.
...@@ -416,17 +470,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -416,17 +470,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.supportD32 = True # d3d9.supportD32 = True
# SWVP Constant Counts
# The number of constants available when using Software Vertex Processing.
# Supported values:
# - Integers
# d3d9.swvpFloatCount = 8192
# d3d9.swvpIntCount = 2048
# d3d9.swvpBoolCount = 2048
# Disable A8 as a Render Target # Disable A8 as a Render Target
# #
# Disable support for A8 format render targets # Disable support for A8 format render targets
...@@ -437,17 +480,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -437,17 +480,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.disableA8RT = False # d3d9.disableA8RT = False
# Support for VCache Query
# Support for the vcache query
# Not very important as a user config.
# Used internally.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# Defaults to True if vendorId == 0x10de
# d3d9.supportVCache = True
# Force Sampler Type Spec Constants # Force Sampler Type Spec Constants
# #
...@@ -470,16 +502,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -470,16 +502,6 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# d3d9.forceAspectRatio = "" # d3d9.forceAspectRatio = ""
# Allow Do Not Wait
# Allow the do not wait lock flag to be used
# Useful if some apps use this incorrectly.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.allowDoNotWait = True
# Allow Discard # Allow Discard
# #
# Allow the discard lock flag to be used # Allow the discard lock flag to be used
...@@ -511,4 +533,13 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True ...@@ -511,4 +533,13 @@ dxvk.enableAsync = True
# - True/False # - True/False
# d3d9.apitraceMode = False # d3d9.apitraceMode = False
# d3d11.apitraceMode = False
# Seamless Cubes
# Don't use non seamless cube maps even if they are supported.
# Non seamless cubes are correct d3d9 behavior, but can produce worse looking edges.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.seamlessCubes = False
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...@@ -104,18 +104,24 @@ start_portwine () { ...@@ -104,18 +104,24 @@ start_portwine () {
var_vkd3d_config_update single_queue var_vkd3d_config_update single_queue
fi fi
if ! try_force_link_file "${WINEDIR}"/lib64/wine/fakedlls/winmm.dll "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/" enabled_fake_nvidia_videocard ()
then try_force_link_file "${WINEDIR}"/lib64/wine/x86_64-windows/winmm.dll "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/" {
fi if [[ "${1}" == 1 ]] ; then
sed -i /'dxgi.customDeviceId =/c dxgi.customDeviceId = 222F' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i /'dxgi.customVendorId =/c dxgi.customVendorId = 10de' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
elif [[ "${1}" == 0 ]] ; then
sed -i /'dxgi.customDeviceId =/c # dxgi.customDeviceId = 222F' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i /'dxgi.customVendorId =/c # dxgi.customVendorId = 10de' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
if [[ ! -z "${PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS}" && "${PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS}" == 1 && -d "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/fake_dlss/${PW_FAKE_DLSS_VER}/" ]] if [[ ! -z "${PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS}" && "${PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS}" == 1 && -d "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/fake_dlss/${PW_FAKE_DLSS_VER}/" ]]
then then
try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/fake_dlss/${PW_FAKE_DLSS_VER}/nvngx.dll" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/" try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/fake_dlss/${PW_FAKE_DLSS_VER}/nvngx.dll" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/fake_dlss/${PW_FAKE_DLSS_VER}/nvngx.ini" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/" try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/fake_dlss/${PW_FAKE_DLSS_VER}/nvngx.ini" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
sed -i /'dxgi.customDeviceId =/c dxgi.customDeviceId = 222F' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}" enabled_fake_nvidia_videocard 1
sed -i /'dxgi.customVendorId =/c dxgi.customVendorId = 10de' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i /'dxgi.nvapiHack =/c dxgi.nvapiHack = False' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
elif [[ ! -z "${PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS}" && "${PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS}" == 1 && -d "${WINEDIR}/lib/wine/nvapi/" ]] elif [[ ! -z "${PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS}" && "${PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS}" == 1 ]] && [[ -d "${WINEDIR}/lib/wine/nvapi/" ]]
then then
try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/nvapi/x32/nvapi.dll" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/" try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/nvapi/x32/nvapi.dll" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/"
try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/nvapi/x64/nvapi64.dll" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/" try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}/nvapi/x64/nvapi64.dll" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
...@@ -129,25 +135,13 @@ start_portwine () { ...@@ -129,25 +135,13 @@ start_portwine () {
try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}"/nvml/lib/wine/ "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/nvml.dll" try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}"/nvml/lib/wine/ "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/nvml.dll"
try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}"/nvml/lib64/wine/ "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/nvml.dll" try_force_link_file "${PW_PLUGINS_PATH}"/nvml/lib64/wine/ "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/drive_c/windows/system32/nvml.dll"
sed -i /'dxgi.customDeviceId =/c # dxgi.customDeviceId = 222F' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}" enabled_fake_nvidia_videocard 0
sed -i /'dxgi.customVendorId =/c # dxgi.customVendorId = 10de' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i /'dxgi.nvapiHack =/c # dxgi.nvapiHack = False' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
else else
var_winedlloverride_update "nvapi,nvapi64,nvml,nvngx,nvcuda=" var_winedlloverride_update "nvapi,nvapi64,nvml,nvngx,nvcuda="
sed -i /'dxgi.customDeviceId =/c # dxgi.customDeviceId = 222F' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}" enabled_fake_nvidia_videocard 0
sed -i /'dxgi.customVendorId =/c # dxgi.customVendorId = 10de' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i /'dxgi.nvapiHack =/c # dxgi.nvapiHack = False' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
if [[ ! -z "${PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE}" && "${PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE}" != 0 ]] ; then
var_winedlloverride_update "winedbg.exe="
if [[ ! -z "${PW_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU}" && "${PW_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU}" != 0 ]] ; then
sed -i /'dxgi.customDeviceId =/c # dxgi.customDeviceId = 222F' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i /'dxgi.customVendorId =/c # dxgi.customVendorId = 10de' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i /'dxgi.nvapiHack =/c dxgi.nvapiHack = True' "${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE}"
fi fi
if [[ ! -z "${PW_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD}" && "${PW_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD}" != 0 ]] ; then if [[ ! -z "${PW_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD}" && "${PW_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD}" != 0 ]] ; then
check_nvidia_vk_icd_file check_nvidia_vk_icd_file
#!/usr/bin/env bash #!/usr/bin/env bash
#Author: Castro-Fidel ( #Author: Castro-Fidel (
######################################################################## ########################################################################
export PW_MANGOHUD=0 export PW_MANGOHUD=0
export MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_stats,cpu_temp,cpu_mhz,cpu_color=2e97cb,cpu_text=CPU,gpu_stats,gpu_temp,gpu_core_clock,gpu_mem_clock,vulkan_driver,gpu_name,gpu_color=2e9762,gpu_text=GPU,vram,vram_color=ad64c1,ram,ram_color=c26693,io_color=a491d3,frame_timing=1,frametime_color=00ff00,time,arch,wine,wine_color=eb5b5b,engine_color=eb5b5b,background_alpha=0.2,font_size=24,background_color=020202,text_color=ffffff,toggle_hud=Shift_R+F12,resolution,vkbasalt export MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_stats,cpu_temp,cpu_mhz,cpu_color=2e97cb,cpu_text=CPU,gpu_stats,gpu_temp,gpu_core_clock,gpu_mem_clock,vulkan_driver,gpu_name,gpu_color=2e9762,gpu_text=GPU,vram,vram_color=ad64c1,ram,ram_color=c26693,io_color=a491d3,frame_timing=1,frametime_color=00ff00,time,arch,wine,wine_color=eb5b5b,engine_color=eb5b5b,background_alpha=0.2,font_size=24,background_color=020202,text_color=ffffff,toggle_hud=Shift_R+F12,resolution,vkbasalt
...@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE="1" ...@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE="1"
export PW_WINDOWS_VER="10" export PW_WINDOWS_VER="10"
export WINEARCH="win64" export WINEARCH="win64"
export PW_LIBS_VER="_v33" export PW_LIBS_VER="_v33"
export LG_SITE_URL=""
export GDK_BACKEND="x11" export GDK_BACKEND="x11"
export PW_USE_D3D_EXTRAS="1" export PW_USE_D3D_EXTRAS="1"
...@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ export PW_WINE_USE="PROTON_LG" ...@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ export PW_WINE_USE="PROTON_LG"
export PW_PLUGINS_VER="_v8" export PW_PLUGINS_VER="_v8"
export PW_FAKE_DLSS_VER="051022" export PW_FAKE_DLSS_VER="051022"
export PW_LG_VER="7-31" export PW_LG_VER="7-32"
export PW_GE_VER="7-37" export PW_GE_VER="7-37"
...@@ -66,7 +65,8 @@ add_in_stop_portwine () ...@@ -66,7 +65,8 @@ add_in_stop_portwine ()
echo " " echo " "
} }
######################################################################## ########################################################################
pw_other_fixes () { pw_other_fixes ()
if [[ -f "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" ]] ; then if [[ -f "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" ]] ; then
#fix after installation Origin, for disabled OriginWebHelperService by default #fix after installation Origin, for disabled OriginWebHelperService by default
if [[ ! -z `cat "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" | grep -wm 1 "Origin.exe" | awk '{print $1}'` ]] ; then if [[ ! -z `cat "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" | grep -wm 1 "Origin.exe" | awk '{print $1}'` ]] ; then
...@@ -74,15 +74,17 @@ pw_other_fixes () { ...@@ -74,15 +74,17 @@ pw_other_fixes () {
sed -i "${sysreg_norig}s/dword:0000000[1-2]/dword:00000003/" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" sed -i "${sysreg_norig}s/dword:0000000[1-2]/dword:00000003/" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg"
fi fi
#fix after installation PnkBstr*, for disabled PnkBstr* by default #fix after installation PnkBstr*, for disabled PnkBstr* by default
for fix_reg in "PnkBstrA.exe" "PnkBstrB.exe" ; do if [[ ! -z `cat "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" | grep -wm 1 "PnkBstrA.exe" | awk '{print $1}'` ]] ; then
if [[ ! -z `cat "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" | grep -wm 1 "${fix_reg}" | awk '{print $1}'` ]] ; then sysreg_norig=$(((`cat -n "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" | grep "PnkBstrA.exe" | awk '{print $1}'` + 3)))
sysreg_norig=$(((`cat -n "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" | grep "${fix_reg}" | awk '{print $1}'` + 3))) sed -i "${sysreg_norig}s/dword:0000000[1-2]/dword:00000003/" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg"
if [[ ! -z `cat "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" | grep -wm 1 "PnkBstrB.exe" | awk '{print $1}'` ]] ; then
sysreg_norig=$(((`cat -n "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" | grep "PnkBstrB.exe" | awk '{print $1}'` + 3)))
sed -i "${sysreg_norig}s/dword:0000000[1-2]/dword:00000003/" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg" sed -i "${sysreg_norig}s/dword:0000000[1-2]/dword:00000003/" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/system.reg"
fi fi
done fi
fi fi
#disabled silent autostart steam #disabled silent autostart steam
if [[ -f "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/user.reg" ]] ; then # if [[ -f "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/user.reg" ]] ; then
sed -i '/steam.exe\\" -silent"/d' "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/user.reg" # sed -i '/steam.exe\\" -silent"/d' "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/prefixes/${PW_PREFIX_NAME}/user.reg"
fi # fi
} }
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