Commit c4cab73d authored by Mikhail Tergoev's avatar Mikhail Tergoev

Scripts version 1036

parent 56c3da7d
История изменений и дальнейшие планы:
В планах:
* добавить выбор версий dxvk и vkd3d в db файле.
* добавить условие: если установлен vcrun2019, то не устанавливать vcrun2015-2017
* проверить Cyberpunk и Tomd Raider 4
* EDIT DB открывается не у всех
* добавить всю инфу из db файла и winetricks.log в debug
* проверка установки mangohud
* вывод changlog после обновления
* перепроверить KILL_WINESERVER
* исправить работу windows steam
* создать defaut префик и сделать авто симлинки в другие префиксы (games, programm files, users)
* создать defaut префикс и сделать авто симлинки в другие префиксы (games, programm files, users)
* добавить кнопку отчистки префикса без затрагивания игр и программ
* удалить старые mono и gecko из .PortWINE
* удалить старые mono, gecko и libs из .PortWINE
* добавить вопрос перед обновлением скриптов
* проверить windows steam под PortProton
* убрать все *_vars
* выкачка либов из серверов кроссовера?
* иконка в трей для PortProton
* пофиксить выхлоп debug
* зарабатывать на жизнь развитием проекта с помощью вашей подписки на
###Scripts version 1034###
* в setup db изменен список библиотек (export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun6 mfc42 vcrun6sp6 mfc120 vcrun2013")
###PortProton-73### 18.04.2021 ###Scripts version 1036###
* фикс для StarCraft (db)
* Фикс работы порта в solus (отключение xterm)
* Фикс создания циклической ссылки drive_c внутри drive_c
* Удален &>>/dev/null из PW_RUN (ломает запуск неторорых игр и приложений)
* Очистищен код функции PW_RUN (убрано условие optirun_on за ненадобностью)
* Проверить минимальный набор библиотек в default db (vcrun6 vcrun6sp6 mfc42 d3dcompiler_42 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9)
###PortProton-72### 17.04.2021 ###Scripts version 1035###
* Обновлен wine до версии Proton experimental-6.3-20210407b (совместно с dxvk и vkd3d)
* добавлен фикс работы 32-битных игр в режиме DXVK (export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1)
* изменен список библиотек для запуска неизвестных игр (для которых еще нет db файлов)
* добавлен dxvk.conf в каталог data
* обновлеы libs до v.8
* hotfix для EGS
* в dxvk и opengl режиме, по умолчанию выбран win7
###Scripts version 1033###
* убран xterm из debug (иначе ломает шрифты)
* добавлена кнопка редактирования найденного db файла
* ТЕСТ: автоудаление PINNED_LIBS и отключение --force
###Scripts version 1032###
* изменение сравнения версий скриптов и портов "$(curl -s --list-only "")"
* автоматическая установка в префикс порта PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2017 vcrun6 vcrun6sp6 mfc42"
* по умолчанию под dxvk и opengl используется win10
* исправлено создание db файла при создании ярлыков, в именах которых присутствует одниковвые названия запускаемого файла
###Scripts version 1031###
* исправили создания префикса на некоторых системах при использования встроенного xterm из ~/PortWINE/libs
###PortProton-71### 11.04.2021
# Create the VkSurface on the first call to IDXGISwapChain::Present,
# rather than when creating the swap chain. Some games that start
# rendering with a different graphics API may require this option,
# or otherwise the window may stay black.
# Supported values: True, False
# dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = False
# d3d9.deferSurfaceCreation = False
# Enforce a stricter maximum frame latency. Overrides the application
# setting specified by calling IDXGIDevice::SetMaximumFrameLatency.
# Setting this to 0 will have no effect.
# Supported values : 0 - 16
# dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 0
# d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 0
# Override PCI vendor and device IDs reported to the application. Can
# cause the app to adjust behaviour depending on the selected values.
# Supported values: Any four-digit hex number.
# dxgi.customDeviceId = 0000
# dxgi.customVendorId = 0000
# d3d9.customDeviceId = 0000
# d3d9.customVendorId = 0000
# Report Nvidia GPUs as AMD GPUs by default. This is enabled by default
# to work around issues with NVAPI, but may cause issues in some games.
# Supported values: True, False
# dxgi.nvapiHack = True
# Override maximum amount of device memory and shared system memory
# reported to the application. This may fix texture streaming issues
# in games that do not support cards with large amounts of VRAM.
# Supported values: Any number in Megabytes.
# dxgi.maxDeviceMemory = 0
# dxgi.maxSharedMemory = 0
# Override back buffer count for the Vulkan swap chain.
# Setting this to 0 or less will have no effect.
# Supported values: Any number greater than or equal to 2.
# dxgi.numBackBuffers = 0
# d3d9.numBackBuffers = 0
# Overrides synchronization interval (Vsync) for presentation.
# Setting this to 0 disables vertical synchronization entirely.
# A positive value 'n' will enable Vsync and repeat the same
# image n times, and a negative value will have no effect.
# Supported values: Any non-negative number
# dxgi.syncInterval = -1
# d3d9.presentInterval = -1
# True enables the mailbox present mode in case regular Vsync is disabled.
# This should avoid tearing, but may be unsupported on some systems
# or require setting dxgi.numBackBuffers to a higher value in order
# to work properly.
# False enables the relaxed fifo present mode in case regular Vsync is enabled.
# This should result in tearing but reduce stutter if FPS are too low,
# but may be unsupported on some systems.
# Please do not report issues with this option.
# Supported values: Auto, True, False
# dxgi.tearFree = Auto
# d3d9.tearFree = Auto
# Performs range check on dynamically indexed constant buffers in shaders.
# This may be needed to work around a certain type of game bug, but may
# also introduce incorrect behaviour.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.constantBufferRangeCheck = False
# Assume single-use mode for command lists created on deferred contexts.
# This may need to be disabled for some applications to avoid rendering
# issues, which may come at a significant performance cost.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.dcSingleUseMode = True
# Override the maximum feature level that a D3D11 device can be created
# with. Setting this to a higher value may allow some applications to run
# that would otherwise fail to create a D3D11 device.
# Supported values: 9_1, 9_2, 9_3, 10_0, 10_1, 11_0, 11_1
# d3d11.maxFeatureLevel = 11_1
# Overrides the maximum allowed tessellation factor. This can be used to
# improve performance in titles which overuse tessellation.
# Supported values: Any number between 8 and 64
# d3d11.maxTessFactor = 0
# Enables relaxed pipeline barriers around UAV writes.
# This may improve performance in some games, but may also introduce
# rendering issues. Please don't report bugs with the option enabled.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.relaxedBarriers = False
# Overrides anisotropic filtering for all samplers. Set this to a positive
# value to enable AF for all samplers in the game, or to 0 in order to
# disable AF entirely. Negative values will have no effect.
# Supported values: Any number between 0 and 16
# d3d11.samplerAnisotropy = -1
# d3d9.samplerAnisotropy = -1
# Declares vertex positions as invariant in order to solve
# potential Z-fighting issues at a small performance cost.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.invariantPosition = True
# d3d9.invariantPosition = False
# Replaces NaN outputs from fragment shaders with zeroes for floating
# point render target. Used in some games to prevent artifacting.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.enableRtOutputNanFixup = False
# Clears workgroup memory in compute shaders to zero. Some games don't do
# this and rely on undefined behaviour. Enabling may reduce performance.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.zeroWorkgroupMemory = False
# Sets number of pipeline compiler threads.
# Supported values:
# - 0 to automatically determine the number of threads to use
# - any positive number to enforce the thread count
# dxvk.numCompilerThreads = 0
# Toggles raw SSBO usage.
# Uses storage buffers to implement raw and structured buffer
# views. Enabled by default on hardware which has a storage
# buffer offset alignment requirement of 4 Bytes (e.g. AMD).
# Enabling this may improve performance, but is not safe on
# hardware with higher alignment requirements.
# Supported values:
# - Auto: Don't change the default
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# dxvk.useRawSsbo = Auto
# Toggles early discard.
# Uses subgroup operations to determine whether it is safe to
# discard fragments before the end of a fragment shader. This
# is enabled by default on all drivers except RADV and Nvidia.
# Enabling this may improve or degrade performance depending
# on the game and hardware, or cause other issues.
# Supported values:
# - Auto: Don't change the default
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# dxvk.useEarlyDiscard = Auto
# Controls workaround for NVIDIA HVV Heap bug.
# Limits the budget of NVIDIA's HVV (host-visible,
# device-local) heap to be half of the reported size. This is
# needed to avoid NVIDIA driver bug 3114283, and defaults to
# being enabled on all affected drivers.
# Supported values:
# - Auto: Don't change the default
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# dxvk.halveNvidiaHVVHeap = Auto
# Sets enabled HUD elements
# Behaves like the DXVK_HUD environment variable if the
# environment variable is not set, otherwise it will be
# ignored. The syntax is identical.
# dxvk.hud =
# Reported shader model
# The shader model to state that we support in the device
# capabilities that the applicatation queries.
# Supported values:
# - 1: Shader Model 1
# - 2: Shader Model 2
# - 3: Shader Model 3
# d3d9.shaderModel = 3
# Evict Managed on Unlock
# Decides whether we should evict managed resources from
# system memory when they are unlocked entirely.
# Supported values:
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# d3d9.evictManagedOnUnlock = False
# DPI Awareness
# Decides whether we should call SetProcessDPIAware on device
# creation. Helps avoid upscaling blur in modern Windows on
# Hi-DPI screens/devices.
# Supported values:
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# d3d9.dpiAware = True
# Strict Constant Copies
# Decides whether we should always copy defined constants to
# the UBO when relative addressing is used, or only when the
# relative addressing starts a defined constant.
# Supported values:
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# d3d9.strictConstantCopies = False
# Strict Pow
# Decides whether we have an opSelect for handling pow(0,0) = 0
# otherwise it becomes undefined.
# Supported values:
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# d3d9.strictPow = True
# Lenient Clear
# Decides whether or not we fastpath clear anyway if we are close enough to
# clearing a full render target.
# Supported values:
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# d3d9.lenientClear = False
# Max available memory
# Changes the max initial value used in tracking and GetAvailableTextureMem
# Value in Megabytes
# Supported values:
# - Max Available Memory: Any int32_t
# - Memory Tracking Testing: True, False
# d3d9.maxAvailableMemory = 1024
d3d9.memoryTrackTest = False
# Force enable/disable floating point quirk emulation
# Force toggle anything * 0 emulation
# Tristate
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.floatEmulation =
# Enable dialog box mode
# Changes the default state of dialog box mode.
# *Disables* exclusive fullscreen when enabled.
# Supported values:
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# d3d9.enableDialogMode = False
# Overrides the application's MSAA level on the swapchain
# Supported values: -1 (application) and 0 to 16 (user override)
# d3d9.forceSwapchainMSAA = -1
# Long Mad
# Should we make our Mads a FFma or do it the long way with an FMul and an FAdd?
# This solves some rendering bugs in games that have z-pass shaders which
# don't match entirely to the regular vertex shader in this way.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.longMad = False
# Alpha Test Wiggle Room
# Workaround for games using alpha test == 1.0, etc due to wonky interpolation or
# misc. imprecision on some vendors
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.alphaTestWiggleRoom = False
# Device Local Constant Buffers
# Enables using device local, host accessible memory for constant buffers in D3D9.
# This tends to actually be slower for some reason on AMD,
# and the exact same performance on NVIDIA.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.deviceLocalConstantBuffers = False
# Allow Read Only
# Enables using the D3DLOCK_READONLY flag. Some apps use this
# incorrectly, and write when they should be reading.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.allowLockFlagReadonly = True
# No Explicit Front Buffer
# Disables the front buffer
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.noExplicitFrontBuffer = False
# Support DF formats
# Support the vendor extension DF floating point depth formats
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.supportDFFormats = True
# Support X4R4G4B4
# Support the X4R4G4B4 format.
# The Sims 2 is a horrible game made by complete morons.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.supportX4R4G4B4 = True
# Support D32
# Support the D32 format.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.supportD32 = True
# SWVP Constant Counts
# The number of constants available when using Software Vertex Processing.
# Supported values:
# - Integers
# d3d9.swvpFloatCount = 8192
# d3d9.swvpIntCount = 2048
# d3d9.swvpBoolCount = 2048
# Disable A8 as a Render Target
# Disable support for A8 format render targets
# Once again, The Sims 2 is a horrible game made by complete morons.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.disableA8RT = False
# Support for VCache Query
# Support for the vcache query
# Not very important as a user config.
# Used internally.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# Defaults to True if vendorId == 0x10de
# d3d9.supportVCache = True
# Force Sampler Type Spec Constants
# Useful if games use the wrong image and sampler
# type combo like Halo: CE or Spellforce.
# Can fix rendering in older, broken games in some instances.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.forceSamplerTypeSpecConstants = False
# Force Aspect Ratio
# Only exposes modes with a given aspect ratio.
# Useful for titles that break if they see ultra-wide.
# Supported values:
# - Any ratio, ie. "16:9", "4:3"
# d3d9.forceAspectRatio = ""
# Allow Do Not Wait
# Allow the do not wait lock flag to be used
# Useful if some apps use this incorrectly.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.allowDoNotWait = True
# Allow Discard
# Allow the discard lock flag to be used
# Useful if some apps use this incorrectly.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.allowDiscard = True
# Enumerate by Displays
# Whether we should enumerate D3D9 adapters by display (windows behaviour)
# or by physical adapter.
# May be useful in PRIME setups.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.enumerateByDisplays = True
# APITrace Mode
# Makes all host visible buffers cached and coherent
# Improves performance when apitracing, but also can impact
# some dumb games.
# Supported values:
# - True/False
# d3d9.apitraceMode = False
# d3d11.apitraceMode = False
#Author: PortWINE
export PW_VULKAN_USE=vkd3d
#Author: xuser
export PW_VULKAN_USE=vkd3d
##export PW_COMMENT_DB="blablabla"
##export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b"
##export PW_DLL_INSTALL="d3dcompiler_47" # Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
##export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PW_DXVK_NO_ASYNC=1 # Disabled ASYNC for VULKAN
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_OLD_GL_STRING=0
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=0 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=40 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export LAUNCH_PARAMETERS="('"+com_skipIntroVideo 1"' '"+com_skipSignInManager 1"')" # Additional launch options
##export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS=1 # 1 = disabled GUI
##export VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_texel_buffer,multi_queue
export PW_WINDOWS_VER=10 # Set windows version 10, 7 or XP
##export DXVK_HUD=fps,devinfo
##export PW_DXGI_FROM_DXVK=0
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##ADD_IN_START_PORTWINE () { commands ; }
#Author: Garrett-42
export PW_NO_FSYNC=1
export PW_NO_ESYNC=1
#Author: xuser
export PW_VULKAN_USE=vkd3d
##export PW_COMMENT_DB="blablabla"
##export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk # dxvk, vkd3d or 0 for OpenGL
##export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="blabla=n,b"
##export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2019 vcrun6" # Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
##export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PW_DXVK_NO_ASYNC=1 # Disabled ASYNC for VULKAN
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_OLD_GL_STRING=0
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=0 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export LAUNCH_PARAMETERS="('"+com_skipIntroVideo 1"' '"+com_skipSignInManager 1"')" # Additional launch options
##export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS=1 # 1 = disabled GUI
##export VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_texel_buffer,multi_queue,dxr
##export PW_WINDOWS_VER=10 # Set windows version 10, 7 or XP
##export DXVK_HUD=fps,devinfo
##export PW_DXGI_FROM_DXVK=1
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##ADD_IN_START_PORTWINE () { commands ; }
#Author: akeshi
#Need For Speed The Run.exe
export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk
##export PW_COMMENT_DB="blablabla"
##export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk # dxvk, vkd3d or 0 for OpenGL
##export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="blabla=n,b"
##export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2019 vcrun6" # Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
##export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PW_DXVK_NO_ASYNC=1 # Disabled ASYNC for VULKAN
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_OLD_GL_STRING=0
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=0 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export LAUNCH_PARAMETERS="('"+com_skipIntroVideo 1"' '"+com_skipSignInManager 1"')" # Additional launch options
##export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS=1 # 1 = disabled GUI
##export VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_texel_buffer,multi_queue,dxr
##export PW_WINDOWS_VER=7 # Set windows version 10, 7 or XP
##export DXVK_HUD=fps,devinfo
##export PW_DXGI_FROM_DXVK=0
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##ADD_IN_START_PORTWINE () { commands ; }
#Author: dez
export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk
export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b"
##export PW_COMMENT_DB="blablabla"
##export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk # dxvk, vkd3d or 0 for OpenGL
##export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="blabla=n,b"
##export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2019 vcrun6" # Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
##export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PW_DXVK_NO_ASYNC=1 # Disabled ASYNC for VULKAN
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_OLD_GL_STRING=0
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=0 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export LAUNCH_PARAMETERS="('"+com_skipIntroVideo 1"' '"+com_skipSignInManager 1"')" # Additional launch options
##export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS=1 # 1 = disabled GUI
##export VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_texel_buffer,multi_queue,dxr
##export PW_WINDOWS_VER=10 # Set windows version 10, 7 or XP
##export DXVK_HUD=fps,devinfo
##export PW_DXGI_FROM_DXVK=0
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##ADD_IN_START_PORTWINE () { commands ; }
#Author: chal55rus
#export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="arial corefonts d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9"
##export PW_COMMENT_DB="blablabla"
##export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk # dxvk, vkd3d or 0 for OpenGL
##export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="blabla=n,b"
##export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2019 vcrun6" # Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
##export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PW_DXVK_NO_ASYNC=1 # Disabled ASYNC for VULKAN
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_OLD_GL_STRING=0
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=0 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export LAUNCH_PARAMETERS="('"+com_skipIntroVideo 1"' '"+com_skipSignInManager 1"')" # Additional launch options
##export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS=1 # 1 = disabled GUI
##export VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_texel_buffer,multi_queue,dxr
##export PW_WINDOWS_VER=10 # Set windows version 10, 7 or XP
##export DXVK_HUD=fps,devinfo
##export PW_DXGI_FROM_DXVK=0
##ADD_IN_START_PORTWINE () { commands ; }
#Author: xuser
##export PW_COMMENT_DB="blablabla"
##export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk # dxvk, vkd3d or 0 for OpenGL
##export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="blabla=n,b"
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43" # Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
##export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
#export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
#export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PW_DXVK_NO_ASYNC=1 # Disabled ASYNC for VULKAN
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=0 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_OLD_GL_STRING=0
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=0 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=1 # Force disabele gamemod
##export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export LAUNCH_PARAMETERS="('"+com_skipIntroVideo 1"' '"+com_skipSignInManager 1"')" # Additional launch options
##export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS=1 # 1 = disabled GUI
##export VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_texel_buffer,multi_queue,dxr
export PW_WINDOWS_VER=7 # Set windows version 10, 7 or XP
##export DXVK_HUD=fps,devinfo
##export PW_DXGI_FROM_DXVK=0
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##ADD_IN_START_PORTWINE () { commands ; }
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
export PW_VULKAN_USE=vkd3d
export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk
#export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="amd_ags_x64=b"
export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="atiadlxx=n"
export PW_WINDOWS_VER=10 # Set windows version 10, 7 or XP
export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
export PW_NO_ESYNC=1 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun2017 vcrun6 vcrun6sp6 mfc42" # Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun6 vcrun6sp6 mfc42 d3dcompiler_42 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9" #Install DDL in port prefix (used winetricks)
##export PW_COMMENT_DB="blablabla"
##export PW_VULKAN_USE=dxvk # dxvk, vkd3d or 0 for OpenGL
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1
export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=1 # Force disabele gamemod
export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=0 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun6 mfc42 vcrun6sp6"
export PW_DLL_INSTALL="vcrun6 mfc42 vcrun6sp6 mfc120 vcrun2013"
#export LAUNCH_PARAMETERS="-d3d9"
#export PW_WINDOWS_VER=XP # Set windows version 10, 7 or XP
......@@ -132,12 +132,16 @@ if [ ! -e "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/${portname}_ver" ]; then
echo "10" > "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/${portname}_ver"
export pw_libs_ver="_v7"
export pw_libs_ver="_v8"
export mono_ver="6.1.1"
export gecko_ver="2.47.2"
export PW_DXVK_VER=1.8.1
export PW_VKD3D_VER=2.2
export url_mono="${mono_ver}/wine-mono-${mono_ver}-x86.tar.xz"
export url_gecko_x86="${gecko_ver}/wine-gecko-${gecko_ver}-x86.tar.xz"
export url_gecko_x86_64="${gecko_ver}/wine-gecko-${gecko_ver}-x86_64.tar.xz"
export url_dxvk="${PW_DXVK_VER}/dxvk-${PW_DXVK_VER}.tar.gz"
export url_vkd3d="${PW_VKD3D_VER}/vkd3d-proton-${PW_VKD3D_VER}.tar.zst"
export WINEARCH=win64
export PW_VULKAN_DLL="${PORT_WINE_PATH}"/data/vulkan
export WINEDIR="${PORT_WINE_PATH}"/data/dist
......@@ -151,6 +155,7 @@ export PW_FTP_URL=""
export PW_TERM=""
export PW_WINE_VER_DXVK=""
export PW_WINDOWS_VER="7"
export PW_LOG=0
var_winedlloverride_update "winemenubuilder.exe="
......@@ -181,7 +186,8 @@ if [ -z "${INSTALLING_PORT}" ] ; then
try_remove_dir "${WINELIB}/pinned_libs_64"
export pw_yad="${WINELIB}/usr/bin/yad"
if [ -x "`which xterm 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_XTERM="xterm -geometry 159x37 -e"
export SYS_XTERM=`which xterm`
export PW_XTERM="${SYS_XTERM} -geometry 159x37 -e"
export PW_XTERM="${WINELIB}/amd64/usr/bin/xterm -geometry 159x37 -e"
......@@ -244,18 +250,16 @@ if [ -z "${INSTALLING_PORT}" ] ; then
if [ "${PW_USE_TERMINAL}" = "1" ]; then
if [ -x "`which konsole 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_TERM="konsole -e"
elif [ -x "`which xterm 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_TERM="xterm -e"
elif [ -x "`which gnome-terminal 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_TERM="gnome-terminal -- $SHELL -c"
elif [ -x "`which lxterminal 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_TERM="lxterminal -e"
export PW_TERM="${PW_XTERM}"
if [ -x "`which konsole 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_TERM="konsole --nofork -e"
elif [ -x "`which xterm 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_TERM="${PW_XTERM}"
elif [ -x "`which gnome-terminal 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_TERM="gnome-terminal -- $SHELL -c"
elif [ -x "`which lxterminal 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
export PW_TERM="lxterminal -e"
export PW_TERM="${PW_XTERM}"
if [ -z "${INSTALLING_PORT}" ] ; then
......@@ -266,7 +270,7 @@ START_PORTWINE ()
read "var_pw_vulkan" < "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/pw_vulkan" && export var_pw_vulkan
if [ "${var_pw_vulkan}" = "0" ]; then
if [ -d "${WINEDIR}_dxvk" ]; then
export WINEDIR="${WINEDIR}_dxvk"
......@@ -284,7 +288,6 @@ START_PORTWINE ()
try_copy_file "${WINEDIR}"/lib/wine/fakedlls/dxgi.dll "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/"
try_copy_file "${WINEDIR}"/lib64/wine/fakedlls/dxgi.dll "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
var_winedlloverride_update "dxgi=b"
[ "${PW_MANGOHUD}" == "1" ] && export MANGOHUD_DLSYM=1
echo "Use OpenGL"
elif [ "${var_pw_vulkan}" = "dxvk" ]; then
......@@ -296,25 +299,32 @@ START_PORTWINE ()
try_copy_file "${PW_VULKAN_DLL}/dxvk/x64/${wine_dxvk_dll}.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
[ "$?" == 0 ] && var_winedlloverride_update "${wine_dxvk_dll}=n"
var_winedlloverride_update "d3d12="
[ "${PW_MANGOHUD}" == "1" ] && export MANGOHUD=1
echo "Use DXVK (DX9-DX11 to Vulkan)"
if [ -d "${WINEDIR}_vkd3d" ]; then
export WINEDIR="${WINEDIR}_vkd3d"
for wine_vkd3d_dll in d3d12 libvkd3d-proton-utils-2 ; do
for wine_vkd3d_dll in d3d12 ; do
try_copy_file "${PW_VULKAN_DLL}/vkd3d-proton/x86/${wine_vkd3d_dll}.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/"
try_copy_file "${PW_VULKAN_DLL}/vkd3d-proton/x64/${wine_vkd3d_dll}.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
[ "$?" == 0 ] && var_winedlloverride_update "${wine_vkd3d_dll}=n"
if [ ! -z "${PW_DXGI_FROM_DXVK}" ] && [ "${PW_DXGI_FROM_DXVK}" != 0 ] ; then
try_copy_file "${PW_VULKAN_DLL}/dxvk/x32/dxgi.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/"
try_copy_file "${PW_VULKAN_DLL}/dxvk/x64/dxgi.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
var_winedlloverride_update "dxgi=n"
for wine_dxvk_dll in d3d11 d3d10 d3d10core d3d10_1 d3d9 dxgi ; do
try_copy_file "${PW_VULKAN_DLL}/dxvk/x32/${wine_dxvk_dll}.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/"
try_copy_file "${PW_VULKAN_DLL}/dxvk/x64/${wine_dxvk_dll}.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
try_copy_file "${WINEDIR}/lib/wine/fakedlls/dxgi.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/"
try_copy_file "${WINEDIR}/lib64/wine/fakedlls/dxgi.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
var_winedlloverride_update "dxgi=b"
for wine_build_dll in d3d11 d3d10 d3d10core d3d10_1 d3d9 ; do
try_copy_file "${WINEDIR}/lib/wine/${wine_build_dll}.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/syswow64/"
try_copy_file "${WINEDIR}/lib64/wine/${wine_build_dll}.dll" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/windows/system32/"
[ "${PW_MANGOHUD}" == "1" ] && export MANGOHUD=1
export PW_WINDOWS_VER="10"
......@@ -374,11 +384,11 @@ START_PORTWINE ()
export WINE_MONO_OVERRIDES="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.*,Gac=n"
if [ ! -z "${PW_NO_ESYNC}" ] && [ "${PW_NO_ESYNC}" != 0 ]
then export WINEESYNC=""
then export WINEESYNC="0"
else export WINEESYNC="1"
if [ ! -z "${PW_NO_FSYNC}" ] && [ "${PW_NO_FSYNC}" != 0 ] ; then
export WINEFSYNC=""
export WINEFSYNC="0"
export WINEFSYNC="1"
......@@ -418,7 +428,7 @@ START_PORTWINE ()
export optirun_on=
export optirun_on=""
export check_optimus_manager=
export PW_NVIDIA="$(lspci | grep NVIDIA)"
if [ -x "`which optimus-manager 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
......@@ -457,7 +467,7 @@ START_PORTWINE ()
export vblank_mode=1
export __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=1 ;;
export DXVK_CONFIG_FILE="${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/dxvk.conf"
export int_xneur=0
if [ $(pgrep xneur)>'0' ]; then
killall xneur
......@@ -544,7 +554,7 @@ RUN_WINETRICKS_FROM_DB () {
if [ "${USE_WT_FROM_DB}" == "1" ] ; then
......@@ -636,7 +646,7 @@ PW_CREATE_PFX () {
sed -i '/HKCR,steam\\shell\\open\\command/d' "${WINEDIR}"*/share/wine/wine.inf
sed -i '/HKCR,steam\\shell\\open\\command/d' "${WINEDIR}"*/share/wine/wine.inf
${PW_XTERM} "${PW_RUNTIME}" "${WINELOADER}" wineboot -u
${PW_TERM} "${PW_RUNTIME}" "${WINELOADER}" wineboot -u
`zenity --info --title "Info..." --text " Updating prefix completed successfully.\n\n Restart ${portname}." --no-wrap ` > /dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
......@@ -678,25 +688,24 @@ PW_RUN () {
export RUN_MANGOHUD=""
[ "${PW_MANGOHUD}" == "1" ] && export RUN_MANGOHUD=mangohud
if [ "${PW_LOG}" == 1 ]
then export PW_LOG_TO_FILE="${PORT_WINE_PATH}/${portname}.log"
else export PW_LOG_TO_FILE="/dev/null"
if [ ! -z "${PW_GAMEMODERUN}" ] && [ "${PW_GAMEMODERUN}" != 0 ] ; then
if [ ! -z ${optirun_on} ]; then
echo "Full command line: ${optirun_on} $PW_TERM "${PW_RUNTIME}" gamemoderun ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}" ${PW_LOG_TO_FILE}
${optirun_on} $PW_TERM "${PW_RUNTIME}" gamemoderun ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]} &>>"${PW_LOG_TO_FILE}"
echo "Full command line: $PW_TERM "${PW_RUNTIME}" gamemoderun ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}" ${PW_LOG_TO_FILE}
if [ "${PW_LOG}" == 1 ] ; then
export PW_TERM=""
export PW_LOG_TO_FILE="${PORT_WINE_PATH}/${portname}.log"
if [ ! -z "${PW_GAMEMODERUN}" ] && [ "${PW_GAMEMODERUN}" != 0 ] ; then
echo "Full command line: $PW_TERM ${optirun_on} "${PW_RUNTIME}" gamemoderun ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}" "&>>${PW_LOG_TO_FILE}"
$PW_TERM ${optirun_on} "${PW_RUNTIME}" gamemoderun ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]} &>>"${PW_LOG_TO_FILE}"
echo "Full command line: $PW_TERM ${optirun_on} "${PW_RUNTIME}" ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}" "&>>${PW_LOG_TO_FILE}"
if [ ! -z ${optirun_on} ]; then
echo "Full command line: ${optirun_on} $PW_TERM "${PW_RUNTIME}" ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}" ${PW_LOG_TO_FILE}
echo "Full command line: $PW_TERM "${PW_RUNTIME}" ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}" ${PW_LOG_TO_FILE}
[ "${PW_USE_TERMINAL}" != "1" ] && export PW_TERM=""
if [ ! -z "${PW_GAMEMODERUN}" ] && [ "${PW_GAMEMODERUN}" != 0 ] ; then
echo "Full command line: $PW_TERM ${optirun_on} "${PW_RUNTIME}" gamemoderun ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}"
$PW_TERM ${optirun_on} "${PW_RUNTIME}" gamemoderun ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}
echo "Full command line: $PW_TERM ${optirun_on} "${PW_RUNTIME}" ${RUN_MANGOHUD} "${WINELOADER}" "$@" ${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[*]}"
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ do
chmod u+x "${PORT_SCRIPTS_PATH}/"*
try_force_link_dir "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/drive_c"
try_remove_dir "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/drive_c"
try_force_link_dir "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/"
if [ -d "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/Public" ] && [ ! -L "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/Public" ]; then
cp -fr "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/Public"/* "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/"
rm -fr "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/Public"
......@@ -81,12 +82,10 @@ ln -s "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/da
if [ ! -d "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/${USER}" ]; then
ln -s "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/drive_c/users/${USER}"
if [ -e "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/system.reg" ] || [ -e "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/user.reg" ] || [ -e "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/userdef.reg" ]; then
sed -i "s/xuser/${USER}/g" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/"*.reg
sed -i "s/vagrant/${USER}/g" "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/pfx/"*.reg
if [ "${s_install}" = "1" ]; then
echo "Installation completed successfully."
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ PORTWINE_DEBUG () {
echo "log WINE:" >> "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/${portname}.log"
export DXVK_HUD="full"
PORTWINE_LAUNCH & zenity --info --title "DEBUG" --text "${port_debug}" --no-wrap && KILL_PORTWINE
deb_text=$(cat "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/${portname}.log" | awk '! a[$0]++')
echo "$deb_text" > "${PORT_WINE_PATH}/${portname}.log"
......@@ -6,15 +6,13 @@ export porturl=""
export PW_LOG=0 # Enable debug mode fo terminal
export PW_FORCE_DISABLED_GAMEMOD=0 # Force disabele gamemod
#export PW_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 # Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag for all executables. Enabled by default.
#export PW_MANGOHUD=1
#export MANGOHUD_CONFIG=full,height=500,font_size=32,position=top-right,toggle_hud=F9
#export DXVK_HUD=fps,devinfo
#export PW_OLD_GL_STRING=0
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