PW_DGVOODOO2_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Enable dgVoodoo2. Forced use all dgVoodoo2 libs (Glide 2.11-3.1, DirectDraw 1-7, Direct3D 2-9) on all 3D API. For WineD3D OpenGL need use WineLG (For Gallium Nine and Zink use too)')
PW_USE_DGVOODOO2_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Enable dgVoodoo2. Forced use all dgVoodoo2 libs (Glide 2.11-3.1, DirectDraw 1-7, Direct3D 2-9) on all 3D API. For WineD3D OpenGL need use WineLG (For Gallium Nine and Zink use too)')
PW_DGV2_DISABLE_D3D_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Do not use d3d8 and d3d9 dgVoodoo2 libraries. For some old games, using the example of Space Rangers, a bug with a black screen is corrected.')
PW_DGV2_16BIT_MODE_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Forced use of 16bit screen mode. Solves the problem of launching old games, such as Moto Racer.')
PW_DGV2_USE_DX12_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Use DirectX12 for dgVoodoo2. Doesnt always work better. (Working only on stable and newest 3D api)')
PW_DGV2_FASTMEMORY_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Enable fast memory access. (Enable if games have poor performance, using Unreal 2 as an example)')
PW_DGV2_VRAM_INCREASE_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Increase the amount of vram for dgVoodoo2 (Increases from 256 to 1024)')
PW_DGV2_FULLSCREEN_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Render image based on monitor resolution. Can use if the game has a small interface size. Widescreen effect for 16:9')
PW_DGV2_FILTERING_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Forced anisotropic filtering 16x in Direct3D games')
PW_DGV2_ANTIALIASING_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Forced antialiasing 8x in Direct3D games')
PW_DINPUT_PROTOCOL_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Force use DirectInput protocol instead of XInput')
PW_DINPUT_PROTOCOL_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Force use DirectInput protocol instead of XInput')
PW_VKBASALT_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Enable vkBasalt by default to improve graphics in games running on Vulkan. (The HOME hotkey disables vkbasalt)')
PW_VKBASALT_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Enable vkBasalt by default to improve graphics in games running on Vulkan. (The HOME hotkey disables vkbasalt)')
PW_NO_ESYNC_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Do not use in-process synchronization primitives based on eventfd. (It is recommended not to change the value.)')
PW_NO_ESYNC_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Do not use in-process synchronization primitives based on eventfd. (It is recommended not to change the value.)')
--field="$(eval_gettext "Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game")!$(eval_gettext "You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)") :CB""${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}!disabled!4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game")!$(eval_gettext "You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)") :CB""${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}!disabled!4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level")!$(eval_gettext "You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12") :CB""${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}!disabled!12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level")!$(eval_gettext "You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12") :CB""${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}!disabled!12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "Force certain locale for an app")!$(eval_gettext "Fixes encoding issues in legacy software") :CB""${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}!disabled!$LOCALE_LIST"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "Force certain locale for an app")!$(eval_gettext "Fixes encoding issues in legacy software") :CB""${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}!disabled!$LOCALE_LIST"\
--text"$(eval_gettext "Change settings in database file for") <b>${PORTWINE_DB}</b>\n$(eval_gettext "<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover your mouse over the text")"--separator=" "\
--text"$(eval_gettext "Change settings in database file for") <b>${PORTWINE_DB}</b>\n$(eval_gettext "<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover your mouse over the text")"--separator=" "--expand--center\
--button="$(eval_gettext "CANCEL THE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu")":1 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "CANCEL THE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu")":1 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "OPEN THE SETTINGS FILE")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Open the <b>.ppdb</b> settings file in a system text editor to view and change variables manually")":150 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "OPEN THE SETTINGS FILE")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Open the <b>.ppdb</b> settings file in a system text editor to view and change variables manually")":150 \
--field="AMD FidelityFX - Contrast Adaptive Sharpening"!"$(eval_gettext "AMD FidelityFX - CAS is designed to dramatically improve texture sharpness without additional modification settings for games, with minimal loss of performance. (For older games it is recommended to set value = 100)")":SCL "${VKBASALT_FFX_CAS_GUI}"\
--field="AMD FidelityFX - Contrast Adaptive Sharpening"!"$(eval_gettext "AMD FidelityFX - CAS is designed to dramatically improve texture sharpness without additional modification settings for games, with minimal loss of performance. (For older games it is recommended to set value = 100)")":SCL "${VKBASALT_FFX_CAS_GUI}"\
--button="$(eval_gettext "CANCEL THE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu")":1 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "CANCEL THE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu")":1 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "DISABLE VKBASALT")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Disable vkBasalt and go to the previous menu")":180 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "DISABLE VKBASALT")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Disable vkBasalt and go to the previous menu")":180 \
PW_DGV2_DISABLE_D3D_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Do not use d3d8 and d3d9 dgVoodoo2 libraries. For some old games, using the example of Space Rangers, a bug with a black screen is corrected.')
PW_DGV2_16BIT_MODE_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Forced use of 16bit screen mode. Solves the problem of launching old games, such as Moto Racer.')
PW_DGV2_USE_DX12_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'DirectXD 11 is used by default (and recommended). Use DirectX12 for dgVoodoo2. Doesnt always work better. (Working only on stable dxvk and vkd3d)')
PW_DGV2_FASTMEMORY_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Enable fast memory access. (Enable if games have poor performance, using Unreal 2 as an example)')
PW_DGV2_VRAM_INCREASE_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Increase the amount of vram for dgVoodoo2 (Increases from 256 to 1024)')
PW_DGV2_FULLSCREEN_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Render image based on monitor resolution. Can use if the game has a small interface size. Widescreen effect for 16:9')
--button="$(eval_gettext "CANCEL THE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu")":1 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "DISABLE DGVOODOO2")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Disable dgVoodoo2 and go to the previous menu")":162 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "SAVE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Save the current changes, and go to the previous menu")":166 \
--text"\n$(eval_gettext "Could not find the file:")\n${portwine_exe}\n\n$(eval_gettext "ATTENTION:\nIf you forgot to mount the disk with the running application, click CANCEL!")"\
--text"\n$(eval_gettext "Could not find the file:")\n${portwine_exe}\n\n$(eval_gettext "ATTENTION:\nIf you forgot to mount the disk with the running application, click CANCEL!")"\
--button="$(eval_gettext "VKBASALT")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Enable vkBasalt by default to improve graphics in games running on Vulkan. (The HOME hotkey disables vkbasalt)")":120 \
--field="$(eval_gettext "vkBasalt")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Enable vkBasalt by default to improve graphics in games running on Vulkan. (The HOME hotkey disables vkbasalt)")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click_start 120"' \
--field="$(eval_gettext "dgVoodoo2")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Enable dgVoodoo2 by default (This wrapper fixes many compatibility and rendering issues when running old games)")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click_start 124"' \
2>/dev/null &
if [[ -f "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/tmp_yad_form_tab" ]] ; then
--button="$(eval_gettext "DEBUG")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Launch with the creation of a .log file at the root PortProton")":102 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "DEBUG")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Launch with the creation of a .log file at the root PortProton")":102 \
--field="$(eval_gettext "vkBasalt")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Enable vkBasalt by default to improve graphics in games running on Vulkan. (The HOME hotkey disables vkbasalt)")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click_start 120"' \
--field="$(eval_gettext "dgVoodoo2")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Enable dgVoodoo2 by default (This wrapper fixes many compatibility and rendering issues when running old games)")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click_start 124"' \
--button="$(eval_gettext "DEBUG")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Launch with the creation of a .log file at the root PortProton")":102 \
--field=" $(eval_gettext "Prefix Manager") "!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Run winecfg to edit the settings of the selected prefix")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click WINECFG"' \
--field=" $(eval_gettext "Prefix Manager") "!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Run winecfg to edit the settings of the selected prefix")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click WINECFG"' \
--field=" Dolphin 5.0"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/dolphin.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Emulator for Nintendo game consoles with high compatibility")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click PW_DOLPHIN"' \
--field=" Dolphin 5.0"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/dolphin.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Emulator for Nintendo game consoles with high compatibility")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click PW_DOLPHIN"' \
@@ -575,11 +644,7 @@ else
@@ -575,11 +644,7 @@ else
if [[ "$YAD_STATUS" == "1" || "$YAD_STATUS" == "252" ]] ; then exit 0 ; fi
if [[ "$YAD_STATUS" == "1" || "$YAD_STATUS" == "252" ]] ; then exit 0 ; fi
if [[ -f "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/tmp_yad_form" ]]; then