--text-align=center --text="$(eval_gettext "vkBasalt settings for adding effects to games running under Vulkan. (The <b>HOME</b> key disables vkbasalt)\n<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover over the text\n")"\
--text-align=center --text="$(eval_gettext "VkBasalt settings for adding effects to games running under Vulkan. (The <b>HOME</b> key disables vkbasalt)\n<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover over the text\n")"\
--text"$(eval_gettext "\nCould not find the file:\n${portwine_exe}\n\nATTENTION:\nIf you forgot to mount the disk with the running application, click CANCEL!")"\
--text"\n$(eval_gettext "Could not find the file:")\n${portwine_exe}\n\n$(eval_gettext "ATTENTION:\nIf you forgot to mount the disk with the running application, click CANCEL!")"\