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  <h1 align="center">PortProton</h1>
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  <p style="text-align: center;">
    A project designed to make running Windows games on Linux easy and convenient for both beginners and advanced users.<br>
    The project aims to simplify the process of launching games (and other software) while also providing flexible settings for experienced users.

# **Readme Language**

**English** - [Русский](README-RU.md)

## Attention

The **official website of the project** since September 2022 is: https://linux-gaming.ru.  **Any other site is fake!**

## Features

- Based on the version of WINE from Valve (Proton) and its modifications (Proton GE).
  Includes a set of scripts combined with wine-proton itself, a Steam Runtime Sniper container with the addition of
  ported mangoHud (output useful information over the game window: FPS, frametime, CPU, GPU, etc.),
  vkBasalt (improvement of graphics in games, great alongside FSR or DLSS) versions,
  and many already configured optimizations for maximum performance.
- Implemented one-click auto-installation (in the AUTOINSTALL tab) of popular launchers such as WGC, Epic Games, Battle.net, Origin, EVE Online, Rockstar, Ubisoft Connect, League of Legends, and many others.

- For fans of console games, there are many console emulators to choose from (in the EMULATORS tab): PPSSPP, Citra, Cemu, ePSXe, MAME, and many others.


## **Wine sources used in PortWINE:**

* WINE-PROTON: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton

* WINE-PROTON-GE: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom

## Installation using packages

* **Alt Linux** (package in the official repository) is installed with the command:


su -

apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y

apt-get install portproton i586-{libvulkan1,libd3d,libGL,libgio,libnm,libnsl1,libnss,glibc-nss,glibc-pthread,libunwind,xorg-dri-swrast}



su -

epm full-upgrade

epm play portproton


* **Ubuntu 24.04**, **Debian 12**, **Linux Mint 21.x**, and **Deepin**:

* **Arch Linux** and derivatives (Manjaro, Garuda, etc.):

* **ROSA Linux** (package in the official repository) is installed with the command:

sudo urpmi portproton

* **Fedora 39+** and **Nobara**:

sudo dnf copr enable boria138/portproton

sudo dnf install portproton

* **Flathub**

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
flatpak install flathub ru.linux_gaming.PortProton

## Universal (manual) installation

**ATTENTION**: with the universal method of installing PortProton, dependencies must be installed manually!

wget -c "https://github.com/Castro-Fidel/PortProton_ALT/raw/main/portproton" && sh portproton

## Dependencies

* **NVIDIA graphics card users**

If you have a video card from NVIDIA and a proprietary driver is installed, then you need to check if lib32-nvidia-utils is installed (32-bit games don't work without it)

* **Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Pop!_OS**

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

sudo add-apt-repository multiverse

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install curl file libc6 libnss3 policykit-1 xz-utils bubblewrap curl icoutils tar libvulkan1 libvulkan1:i386  zstd cabextract xdg-utils openssl libgl libgl1:i386

* **Arch Linux / Manjaro**

First check if the **multilib** repository is enabled

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

sudo pacman -Syu bash bubblewrap zstd cabextract tar openssl desktop-file-utils curl dbus freetype2 gdk-pixbuf2 ttf-font gzip nss xorg-xrandr vulkan-driver vulkan-icd-loader lsof lib32-freetype2 lib32-libgl lib32-gcc-libs lib32-libx11 lib32-libxss lib32-alsa-plugins lib32-libgpg-error lib32-nss lib32-vulkan-driver lib32-vulkan-icd-loader lib32-openssl

If you have a video card from **NVIDIA** , be sure to check if the **lib32-nvidia-utils** package is installed

sudo pacman -Syu lib32-nvidia-utils

* **openSUSE**

sudo zypper install curl bubblewrap zstd cabextract tar steam

* **Fedora**

sudo dnf update

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

sudo dnf install curl bubblewrap zstd cabextract tar openssl mesa-dri-drivers.i686 mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers.i686 vulkan-loader vulkan-loader.i686 nss.i686 alsa-lib.i686 mesa-libGL.i686 mesa-libEGL.i686 wmctrl ImageMagick

* **Alt Linux**

su -

apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y

apt-get install bubblewrap cabextract  zstd gawk tar xz pciutils coreutils file curl icoutils wmctrl xdg-utils desktop-file-utils libvulkan1 vulkan-tools libd3d libGL fontconfig xrdb libcurl libgio libnm libnsl1 libnss glibc-nss glibc-pthread i586-{libvulkan1,libd3d,libGL,libgio,libnm,libnsl1,libnss,glibc-nss,glibc-pthread,libunwind,xorg-dri-swrast}



sudo dnf update

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

sudo dnf install sysvinit-tools curl libcurl4 bubblewrap zstd cabextract tar libvulkan1 lib64vulkan1 vulkan.x86_64 vulkan.i686 vkd3d.x86_64 vkd3d.i686 coreutils file libc6 libnss3 xz bubblewrap xdg-utils openssl libgl1 lib64freetype2 libfreetype2 lib64txc-dxtn libtxc-dxtn lib64opencl1 libopencl1 libdrm2 libdrm2.i686 mesa.i686

* **RED OS**

sudo -E dnf install curl icoutils libcurl bubblewrap zstd cabextract tar goverlay openssl steam

* **Solus 4.x**

sudo eopkg it curl file bubblewrap curl icoutils tar zstd cabextract xdg-utils openssl bc vulkan vulkan-32bit mesalib-32bit samba

* **Void**

sudo xbps-install -Su void-repo-multilib

sudo xbps-install -S bash wget icoutils yad bubblewrap zstd cabextract gzip tar xz openssl desktop-file-utils curl dbus freetype xdg-utils
gdk-pixbuf noto-fonts-ttf nss xrandr lsof mesa-demos ImageMagick Vulkan-Tools libgcc alsa-plugins-32bit libX11-32bit freetype-32bit libglvnd-32bit libgpg-error-32bit nss-32bit openssl-32bit vulkan-loader vulkan-loader-32bit