--field="$(eval_gettext "Change the version of <b>WINDOWS</b> emulation")!$(eval_gettext "Changing the <b>WINDOWS</b> emulation version may be required to run older games. <b>WINDOWS</b> versions below 10 do not support new games with DirectX 12") :CB""${ADD_WINVER_EDIT_DB}"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "AUTOINSTALL WITH <b>WINETRICKS</b>")!$(eval_gettext "Automatically install with <b>WINETRICKS</b> additional libraries required to run the game/program. List of libraries separated by spaces") :CBE""${PW_DLL_INSTALL}!vcrun2019 corefonts lucida"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "Forced to use/disable libraries")!$(eval_gettext "Forced to use/disable the library only for the given application. (There are examples in the drop-down list)") :CBE""${WINEDLLOVERRIDES}!libglesv2=!d3dx9_36,d3dx9_42=n,b;mfc120=b,n"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "Forced to use/disable libraries")!$(eval_gettext "Forced to use/disable the library only for the given application. (There are examples in the drop-down list)
A brief instruction:
* libraries are written <b>WITHOUT</b> the .dll file extension
* libraries are separated by semicolons - <b>;</b>
* library=n - use the <b>WINDOWS</b> (third-party) library
* library=b - use <b>WINE</b> (built-in) library
* library=n,b - use <b>WINDOWS</b> library and then <b>WINE</b>
* library=b,n - use <b>WINE</b> library and then <b>WINDOWS</b>
* library= - disable the use of this library") :CBE""${WINEDLLOVERRIDES}!libglesv2=!d3dx9_36,d3dx9_42=n,b;mfc120=b,n"\
--field="$(eval_gettext "ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE")!$(eval_gettext "Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system") :CBE""\\${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[@]}!-dx11 -skipintro 1"\
@@ -2975,7 +2987,7 @@ gui_vkBasalt () {
local PW_ChromaticAberration_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Adds chromatic aberration to an image')
local PW_Clarity_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Sharpening textures with slight modifications of image contrast (similar in effect to CAS)')
local PW_ColorMatrix_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Adding cool colors')
local PW_Colourfulness_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Increasing color saturation. Increasing color saturation')
local PW_Colourfulness_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Increasing color saturation')
local PW_FakeHDR_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Add fake HDR')
local PW_FilmGrain2_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Adding the film grain effect')
local PW_Curves_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Increases the contrast of the image without affecting the bright and dark areas, so that the detail in shadows and sky is not lost')
export PW_COMMENT_DB="На данный момент игра работает, но долго запускаеться из Лаунчера.\nПосле установки игры, при повторном запуске, игра будет запускаться быстро."
export PW_COMMENT_DB="At the moment the game works, but it takes a long time to start from the Launcher.\nAfter installing the game, when restarting, the game will start quickly."
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=0 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PW_USE_GSTREAMER=1 # 0 - disabled use winegstreamer
##export PW_REDUCE_PULSE_LATENCY=1 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=1 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=1 # Force run in terminal
--field=" WINETRICKS"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Run winetricks to install additional libraries to the selected prefix")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click WINETRICKS"'\
--field=" Winetricks"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Run winetricks to install additional libraries to the selected prefix")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click WINETRICKS"'\
--field=" $(eval_gettext "Clear prefix")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Clear the prefix to fix problems")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click gui_clear_pfx"'\
--field=" $(eval_gettext "Get other Wine")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Open the menu to download other versions of WINE or PROTON")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click gui_proton_downloader"'\
--field=" $(eval_gettext "Uninstaller")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Run the program uninstaller built into wine")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click gui_wine_uninstaller"'\
--field=" $(eval_gettext "Prefix Manager") "!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Run winecfg to edit the settings of the selected prefix")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click WINECFG"'\
--field=" Dolphin 5.0"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/dolphin.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Emulator for Nintendo game consoles with high compatibility")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click PW_DOLPHIN"'\