###Scripts version 2313### Дата: / Размер скачиваемого обновления: 4 мегабайта
* добавлены все настройки gamescope в интерфейс (огромное спасибо Htylol)
* небольшие улучшения и оптимизации (спасибо Boria138 и Htylol)
* добавлена экспериментальная возможность запуска нативной версии wine-wayland с сторонней версией wine которая скомпилирована с данной функцией (спасибо Boria138)
* все временные файлы перенесены в каталог /tmp/PortProton (спасибо Htylol)
Пофиксить баг с несколькими ярлыками с бэкапа
###Scripts version 2312### Дата: 25.06.2024 / Размер скачиваемого обновления: 4 мегабайта
###Scripts version 2312### Дата: 25.06.2024 / Размер скачиваемого обновления: 4 мегабайта
HOTFIX - исправлена ошибка: "Argument list too long"
HOTFIX - исправлена ошибка: "Argument list too long"
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game")!$(gettext "You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}""4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3")"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game")!$(gettext "You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}""4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3")"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level")!$(gettext "You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12") :${VKD3D_CB}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}""12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0")"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level")!$(gettext "You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12") :${VKD3D_CB}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}""12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0")"\
--field="$(gettext "Force certain locale for an app:")!$(gettext "Fixes encoding issues in legacy software") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}""$LOCALE_LIST")"\
--field="$(gettext "Force certain locale for an app:")!$(gettext "Fixes encoding issues in legacy software") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}""$LOCALE_LIST")"\
--text"$(gettext "Change settings in database file for") <b>${PORTWINE_DB}</b>\n$(gettext "<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover your mouse over the text")"\
--text"$(gettext "Change settings in database file for") <b>${PORTWINE_DB}</b>\n$(gettext "<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover your mouse over the text")"\
--text-align=center --text="$(gettext "VkBasalt settings for adding effects to games running under Vulkan. (The <b>HOME</b> key disables vkbasalt)\n<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover over the text")"\
--text-align=center --text="$(gettext "VkBasalt settings for adding effects to games running under Vulkan. (The <b>HOME</b> key disables vkbasalt)\n<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover over the text")"\
--field="AMD FidelityFX - Contrast Adaptive Sharpening"!"$(gettext "AMD FidelityFX - CAS is designed to dramatically improve texture sharpness without additional modification settings for games, with minimal loss of performance. (For older games it is recommended to set value = 100)")":SCL "${VKBASALT_FFX_CAS_GUI}"\
--field="AMD FidelityFX - Contrast Adaptive Sharpening"!"$(gettext "AMD FidelityFX - CAS is designed to dramatically improve texture sharpness without additional modification settings for games, with minimal loss of performance. (For older games it is recommended to set value = 100)")":SCL "${VKBASALT_FFX_CAS_GUI}"\
--text="$(gettext "MangoHud settings (Keys <b>R_SHIFT + F12</b> disable MangoHud)\n<b>note:</b> To display help for each item, just hover the mouse cursor over the text.")"\
--text="$(gettext "MangoHud settings (Keys <b>R_SHIFT + F12</b> disable MangoHud)\n<b>note:</b> To display help for each item, just hover the mouse cursor over the text.")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}FILTERING!$(gettext "Forced anisotropic filtering in Direct3D games") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_DGV2_FILTERING}""2!4!8!16")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}FILTERING!$(gettext "Forced anisotropic filtering in Direct3D games") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_DGV2_FILTERING}""2!4!8!16")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}ANTIALIASING!$(gettext "Forced antialiasing in Direct3D and Glide games") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_DGV2_ANTIALIASING}""2!4!8")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}ANTIALIASING!$(gettext "Forced antialiasing in Direct3D and Glide games") :CB""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_DGV2_ANTIALIASING}""2!4!8")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "HDR inverse target")!$(gettext "Set the target luninance of the inverse tone mapping process - Max is 10000 nits") :${GS_NUM}""${PW_GS_ITM_TARGET_NITS}:!0..10000"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "HDR inverse target")!$(gettext "Set the target luninance of the inverse tone mapping process - Max is 10000 nits") :${GS_NUM}""${PW_GS_ITM_TARGET_NITS}:!0..10000"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Mesa vulkan WSI")!$(gettext "Overrides the WSI present mode") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_GS_MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE}""fifo!immediate!mailbox!relaxed")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Mesa vulkan WSI")!$(gettext "Overrides the WSI present mode") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_GS_MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE}""fifo!immediate!mailbox!relaxed")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Gamescope WSI")!$(gettext "This can be useful for some HDR options and for some DXVK v2.3 vsync optimisations") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_default "${PW_GS_GAMESCOPE_WSI}""enable!disable")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Gamescope WSI")!$(gettext "This can be useful for some HDR options and for some DXVK v2.3 vsync optimisations") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_default "${PW_GS_GAMESCOPE_WSI}""enable!disable")"\
--field=" $(gettext "Prefix Manager") "!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(gettext "Run winecfg to edit the settings of the selected prefix")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click WINECFG"' \
--field=" $(gettext "Prefix Manager") "!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(gettext "Run winecfg to edit the settings of the selected prefix")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click WINECFG"' \