--field="$(gettext "ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE")!$(gettext "Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system") :CBE""$(combobox_fix --empty"\\${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[@]}""-dx11 -skipintro 1")"\
--field="$(gettext "ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE")!$(gettext "Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system") :CBE""$(combobox_fix --empty"\\${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[@]}""-dx11 -skipintro 1")"\
--field="$(gettext "Limit the use of processor cores")!$(gettext "Limiting the number of CPU cores is useful for Unity games (It is recommended to set the value equal to 8)") :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${CPU_LIMIT_VAR}""${GET_LOGICAL_CORE}")"\
--field="$(gettext "Limit the use of processor cores")!$(gettext "Limiting the number of CPU cores is useful for Unity games (It is recommended to set the value equal to 8)") :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${CPU_LIMIT_VAR}""${GET_LOGICAL_CORE}")"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game")!$(gettext "You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)") :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}""4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3")"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game")!$(gettext "You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)") :CBE""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}""4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3")"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level")!$(gettext "You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12") :${VKD3D_CB}""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}""12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0")"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level")!$(gettext "You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12") :${VKD3D_CB}""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}""12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0")"\
--field="$(gettext "Force certain locale for an app:")!$(gettext "Fixes encoding issues in legacy software") :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}""$LOCALE_LIST")"\
--field="$(gettext "Force certain locale for an app:")!$(gettext "Fixes encoding issues in legacy software") :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}""$LOCALE_LIST")"\
--text"$(gettext "Change settings for") <b>user.conf</b>\n$(gettext "<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover your mouse over the text")"\
--field=" $(gettext "Change mirror to")$NEW_MIRROR"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(gettext "Depending on which mirror is selected, updates will be downloaded from there.")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click --userconf change_mirror"'\
--field=" $(gettext "Change branch to")$NEW_BRANCH"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(gettext "Depending on the version of the scripts, PortProton will receive the latest changes first (the DEVEL branch), the STABLE branch is updated later and is stable.")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click --userconf change_branch"'\
--field=" $(gettext "Change start gui to")$NEW_START_GUI"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(gettext "When using PANED in the game start menu, additional buttons are located on one large page; if NOTEBOOK, then they are divided into several.")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click --userconf change_gui_start"'\
--field=" $NEW_STEAM_BEHAVIOR$(gettext "steam covers download")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE_MM.png"!"$(gettext "If downloading steam covers is enabled, they will be downloaded and created. (Disablement is provided in cases where their downloading is unavailable for some reason)")":"FBTN"'@bash -c "button_click --userconf change_download_grid"'\