PW_HighPassSharpen_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Another method of sharpening using highpass frequencies')
PW_HighPassSharpen_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Another method of sharpening using highpass frequencies')
PW_HQ4X_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Smoothing of nearby pixels with the drawing of missing parts (in normal games the picture is blurred)')
PW_HQ4X_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Smoothing of nearby pixels with the drawing of missing parts (in normal games the picture is blurred)')
PW_HSLShift_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Advanced HSL shift (for each shade)')
PW_HSLShift_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Advanced HSL shift (for each shade)')
PW_Layer_INFO=$(eval_gettext "Image overlay on the game (the image is in the $PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH/libs_v$PW_LIBS_VER/pressure-vessel/reshade/textures folder)")
PW_Layer_INFO=$(eval_gettext "Image overlay on the game")
PW_Levels_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Increases contrast, but some detail in shadows or highlights may be lost')
PW_Levels_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Increases contrast, but some detail in shadows or highlights may be lost')
PW_LevelsPlus_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Same as Levels, but with less loss of detail')
PW_LevelsPlus_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Same as Levels, but with less loss of detail')
PW_LiftGammaGain_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Gamma correction by individual color channels: red, green and blue')
PW_LiftGammaGain_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Gamma correction by individual color channels: red, green and blue')
@@ -3187,7 +3187,7 @@ gui_MangoHud () {
@@ -3187,7 +3187,7 @@ gui_MangoHud () {
PW_MH_vkbasalt_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Show if vkBasalt is on')
PW_MH_vkbasalt_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Show if vkBasalt is on')
PW_MH_vram_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Display system VRAM usage')
PW_MH_vram_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Display system VRAM usage')
PW_MH_vulkan_driver_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Display used Vulkan driver (radv/amdgpu-pro/amdvlk)')
PW_MH_vulkan_driver_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Display used Vulkan driver (radv/amdgpu-pro/amdvlk)')
PW_MH_frametime=$(eval_gettext 'Display frametime next to FPS text')
PW_MH_frametime_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Display frametime next to FPS text')
PW_MH_wine_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Show current Wine or Proton version in use')
PW_MH_wine_INFO=$(eval_gettext 'Show current Wine or Proton version in use')