Commit b5629c86 authored by Exc404's avatar Exc404

Полная анимация кнопок вкладок

parent 1b37eb37
......@@ -13,13 +13,16 @@ Rectangle {
property var activeButtonTab: buttonGames
id: tabs
x: 0
x: 100
y: 0
width: 640
height: 480
color: Style.backgroundColor
Component.onCompleted:{tabButtons.changeButtonActiveTab(tabs.activeButtonTab);tabButtons.x = tabButtons.tempX;}
onVisibleChanged: {tabButtons.changeButtonActiveTab(tabs.activeButtonTab);tabButtons.x = tabButtons.tempX;console.log("tabButtons.x = " + tabButtons.x);}
Component.onCompleted:{tabButtons.changeButtonActiveTab(tabs.activeButtonTab);tabButtons.x = tabButtons.tempX;console.log("Tabs completed!");}
onWidthChanged: function(){tabButtons.changeButtonActiveTab(tabs.activeButtonTab);tabButtons.x = tabButtons.tempX;}
onHeightChanged: function(){tabButtons.changeButtonActiveTab(tabs.activeButtonTab);tabButtons.x = tabButtons.tempX;}
......@@ -35,15 +38,17 @@ Rectangle {
width: parent.width
RowLayout {
id: tabButtons
property int tempX: 0
property int tempX: 100
property bool toggle: false
height: 400
//anchors.leftMargin: parent.width / 10
//anchors.rightMargin: parent.width / 10
Layout.bottomMargin: buttonSystemManagement.height
Layout.topMargin: buttonSystemManagement.height
Component.onCompleted:{tabButtons.changeButtonActiveTab(tabs.activeButtonTab);tabButtons.x = tabButtons.tempX;console.log("tabButtons completed!");}
//x: topNavigation.width / 2 //- tabButtons.children[1].width / 2 - (spacing + tabButtons.children[0].width )
Layout.bottomMargin: buttonSystemManagement.height / 2
Layout.topMargin: buttonSystemManagement.height / 3
// Состояния
states: [
State {name: "ClickTabButton";when:tabButtons.toggle;PropertyChanges {target: tabButtons;x:tempX}},
......@@ -74,7 +79,10 @@ Rectangle {
for(i = 0; i < index; ++i)
left_distance += spacing + children[i].width
tempX = topNavigation.width / 2 - tabButtons.children[index].width / 2 - left_distance
tabs.activeButtonTab.isActive = false
tabs.activeButtonTab = ButtonId
tabs.activeButtonTab.isActive = true
TopMenuBut.TextButton {
......@@ -104,14 +112,16 @@ Rectangle {
// tabs.changeTab();
// console.log(tabs.currentTab);
// ;console.log(tabs.currentTab);
// ;console.log("1");
onReleased: tabButtons.toggle = false
TopMenuBut.TextButton {
id: testbut1
text: "Test"
text: "Mega"
onClicked: function(){
tabButtons.x = tabButtons.tempX
......@@ -122,7 +132,7 @@ Rectangle {
TopMenuBut.TextButton {
id: testbut2
text: "Test2"
text: "Test"
//font.pixelSize: 60
//height:Math.ceil(tabs.height/100 * 10)
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls as C
C.Button {
id: root
property bool isActive: false
hoverEnabled: true
//width: parent.width / 100 * 1.5
//height: 200
//text: "Size me!"
contentItem: Text {
id: text
text: root.text "Helvetica"
font.pointSize: 14
font.bold : true
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
//fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
color: 'white'
opacity: 0.8
background.opacity: 0.0
background.anchors.margins: 0
id: line
color: 'white'
height: 2
width: 0
anchors.horizontalCenter: root.horizontalCenter
// anchors.bottom:root.bottom
// Состояния
states: [
// Карточка в фокуске
State {
name: "active"; when: isActive
PropertyChanges { target: line; width: parent.width;}
PropertyChanges { target: text; opacity:1 }
// На карточку навели курсор мыши
State {
name: "hover"; when: hovered && !isActive
//PropertyChanges { target: line; width: parent.width;}
PropertyChanges { target: text; opacity:1 }
// Анимации при изменениях состояний
transitions: [
Transition {
to: "active"
reversible: true
ParallelAnimation {
target: line; property: "width"
duration: 200
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
NumberAnimation {target: text; property: "opacity"; duration: 100 }
Transition {
from: ""; to: "hover"
reversible: true
ParallelAnimation {
target: line; property: "width"
duration: 200
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
NumberAnimation {target: text; property: "opacity"; duration: 100 }
......@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ C.Button {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: function(){
// console.log(game.title);
// console.log(game.title)
gameInfoScene.title = game.gameTitle;
gameInfoScene.icon = game.gameIcon;
gameInfoScene.exec = game.gameExec;
window.scene = SceneConstants.gameInfoScene;
<svg xmlns='' width='100%' height='100%' viewBox='0 0 1600 800'><rect fill='#63067A' width='1600' height='800'/><g fill-opacity='1'><path fill='#520874' d='M486 705.8c-109.3-21.8-223.4-32.2-335.3-19.4C99.5 692.1 49 703 0 719.8V800h843.8c-115.9-33.2-230.8-68.1-347.6-92.2C492.8 707.1 489.4 706.5 486 705.8z'/><path fill='#42096e' d='M1600 0H0v719.8c49-16.8 99.5-27.8 150.7-33.5c111.9-12.7 226-2.4 335.3 19.4c3.4 0.7 6.8 1.4 10.2 2c116.8 24 231.7 59 347.6 92.2H1600V0z'/><path fill='#310b69' d='M478.4 581c3.2 0.8 6.4 1.7 9.5 2.5c196.2 52.5 388.7 133.5 593.5 176.6c174.2 36.6 349.5 29.2 518.6-10.2V0H0v574.9c52.3-17.6 106.5-27.7 161.1-30.9C268.4 537.4 375.7 554.2 478.4 581z'/><path fill='#210c63' d='M0 0v429.4c55.6-18.4 113.5-27.3 171.4-27.7c102.8-0.8 203.2 22.7 299.3 54.5c3 1 5.9 2 8.9 3c183.6 62 365.7 146.1 562.4 192.1c186.7 43.7 376.3 34.4 557.9-12.6V0H0z'/><path fill='#100E5D' d='M181.8 259.4c98.2 6 191.9 35.2 281.3 72.1c2.8 1.1 5.5 2.3 8.3 3.4c171 71.6 342.7 158.5 531.3 207.7c198.8 51.8 403.4 40.8 597.3-14.8V0H0v283.2C59 263.6 120.6 255.7 181.8 259.4z'/><path fill='#0d0b4a' d='M1600 0H0v136.3c62.3-20.9 127.7-27.5 192.2-19.2c93.6 12.1 180.5 47.7 263.3 89.6c2.6 1.3 5.1 2.6 7.7 3.9c158.4 81.1 319.7 170.9 500.3 223.2c210.5 61 430.8 49 636.6-16.6V0z'/><path fill='#0a0838' d='M454.9 86.3C600.7 177 751.6 269.3 924.1 325c208.6 67.4 431.3 60.8 637.9-5.3c12.8-4.1 25.4-8.4 38.1-12.9V0H288.1c56 21.3 108.7 50.6 159.7 82C450.2 83.4 452.5 84.9 454.9 86.3z'/><path fill='#060625' d='M1600 0H498c118.1 85.8 243.5 164.5 386.8 216.2c191.8 69.2 400 74.7 595 21.1c40.8-11.2 81.1-25.2 120.3-41.7V0z'/><path fill='#030313' d='M1397.5 154.8c47.2-10.6 93.6-25.3 138.6-43.8c21.7-8.9 43-18.8 63.9-29.5V0H643.4c62.9 41.7 129.7 78.2 202.1 107.4C1020.4 178.1 1214.2 196.1 1397.5 154.8z'/><path fill='#000000' d='M1315.3 72.4c75.3-12.6 148.9-37.1 216.8-72.4h-723C966.8 71 1144.7 101 1315.3 72.4z'/></g></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ import "constants/scene.js" as SceneConstants
Window {
property string scene: SceneConstants.homeScene
id : ld
anchors.fill: parent;
Connections {
target: core_app
function onGameStarted(done) {
......@@ -45,20 +50,31 @@ Window {
visible: true
title: qsTr("Launcher")
// Решение бага с изменением положений кнопок вкладок через opacity и enabled - ЭТО КОСТЫЛЬ!!!
HomeScene {
visible: scene == SceneConstants.homeScene
//visible: scene == SceneConstants.homeScene
opacity: scene == SceneConstants.homeScene
enabled: scene == SceneConstants.homeScene
id: homeScene
anchors.fill: parent
GameInfoScene {
visible: scene == SceneConstants.gameInfoScene
//visible: scene == SceneConstants.gameInfoScene
opacity: scene == SceneConstants.gameInfoScene
enabled: scene == SceneConstants.gameInfoScene
id: gameInfoScene
anchors.fill: parent
RunningScene {
visible: scene == SceneConstants.runningScene
//visible: scene == SceneConstants.runningScene
opacity: scene == SceneConstants.runningScene
enabled: scene == SceneConstants.runningScene
id: runningScene
anchors.fill: parent
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Rectangle {
property string icon: ""
property string exec: ""
id: container
x: 0
y: 0
......@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ Rectangle {
width: 64
height: 64
imageUrl: "../images/back.svg"
onClicked: function(){
window.scene = S.homeScene;
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Rectangle {
width: 640
height: 480
onVisibleChanged: {tabs.visible = container.visible}
// Rectangle {
// id: rectangle
// height: parent.height/100 * 5
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