import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Dialogs import "../delegates" import "../constants/tabs.js" as TabConstants import "../constants/style.js" as Style import "../components" as TopMenuBut import "../constants/scene.js" as S // TODO: set to be parent (root element) of GamesTab // TODO: remove code duplication (!) ScrollView { property var model: core_app.system_entries; // TODO: fix TypeError: Cannot read property 'system_entries' of null (on application closes) id: entriesScroller anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: topNavigation.height ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { id: scrolV; height: parent.height opacity: 0 position: 0 property double fromAnim: 0.0 property double toAnim: 0.0 } function scrollToY(y, HItem) { scrolV.fromAnim = scrolV.position; scrolV.position = (1.0 - scrolV.size) * y / entriesScroller.height; scrolV.toAnim = (1.0 - scrolV.size) * y / entriesScroller.height; if(scrolV.toAnim != scrolV.fromAnim) { scrollAnimation.start(); } } // Анимация авто скролла PropertyAnimation { to: scrolV.toAnim; from: scrolV.fromAnim; target: scrolV; id: scrollAnimation; property: "position"; duration: 200; } GridLayout { id: entriesGrid anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom columns: 5 rows: Math.max(Math.ceil(children.length / columns), 1)+1 anchors.rightMargin: rowSpacing * 2 anchors.leftMargin: rowSpacing * 2 anchors.bottomMargin : 90 anchors.topMargin: Math.floor( entriesScroller.width / 100 * 3) rowSpacing: Math.floor( entriesScroller.width / 100 * 3) columnSpacing: rowSpacing // Повторитель Repeater { id: entriesGridRepeater model: entriesScroller.model Entry { id: game gameTitle: gameExec: model.exec gameIcon: model.icon Layout.bottomMargin : (index - index % entriesGrid.columns) / entriesGrid.columns === entriesGrid.rows - 2 ? entriesGrid.rowSpacing * 2 : 0 onFocusChanged: if(focus) { entriesScroller.scrollToY(y); } Layout.preferredWidth: (entriesScroller.width - (entriesGrid.columns -1) * entriesGrid.rowSpacing - entriesGrid.anchors.rightMargin - entriesGrid.anchors.leftMargin) / entriesGrid.columns Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth / 2 * 3 } } Rectangle { Layout.preferredWidth: 1 Layout.preferredHeight: 10 color: "red" opacity: 0 } } // LOGIC property int focusedItems: 0; function applyItemsFocus(inc){ if(window.scene !== S.homeScene) return; let c = entriesGrid.children; let l = c.length - 1; // exclude QQuickRepeater if(entriesScroller.focusedItems + inc >= l) { entriesScroller.focusedItems = (entriesScroller.focusedItems + inc === l - 1) ? 0 : l - 1; } else if(entriesScroller.focusedItems + inc < 0) { entriesScroller.focusedItems = (entriesScroller.focusedItems + inc === 0) ? l - 1 : 0; //; } else { entriesScroller.focusedItems += inc; } if(c[entriesScroller.focusedItems] !== undefined) { c[entriesScroller.focusedItems].forceActiveFocus(); } } function applyItemsFocusByLine(inc){ entriesScroller.applyItemsFocus(inc * entriesGrid.columns); } function pressFocusedItem(){ let c = entriesGrid.children; if(c[entriesScroller.focusedItems] !== undefined) { c[entriesScroller.focusedItems].press(); } } function refreshItems(data){ // entriesGridRepeater.model = []; // entriesGridRepeater.model = data; } }