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Commit 8d72aaa3 authored by Victor Ananjevsky's avatar Victor Ananjevsky

update man page

parent b7295319
......@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ options starting with two dashes (`-').
.SS Dialog options
.B \-\-about
Display about dialog.
.B \-\-app
Display application selection dialog.
......@@ -258,6 +261,36 @@ Set the output type of boolean values to \fITYPE\fP. Possible types are \fIT\fP,
\fI1\fP - for \fI1/0\fP pair.
.SS Custom about dialog options
.B \-\-pname=\fISTRING\fP
Set programm name.
.B \-\-image=\fIIMAGE\fP
Set programm icon name.
.B \-\-version=\fISTRING\fP
Set programm version string.
.B \-\-copyright=\fISTRING\fP
Set programm copyrightstring.
.B \-\-comments=\fISTRING\fP
Set programm detailed description.
.B \-\-license=\fISTRING\fP
Set programm license. The value of this option can be one of predefined licenses (\fIGPL2\fP, \fIGPL3\fP, \fILGPL2\fP, \fILGPL3\fP, \fIBSD\fP, \fIMIT\fP or \fIARTISTIC\fP,),
file name with license text or arbitrary string.
.B \-\-authors=\fISTRING\fP
Set list of programm authors separated by comma.
.B \-\-website=\fIURI\fP
Set a link to programm website.
.B \-\-website-label=\fILABEL\fP
Set a label for programm website link.
.SS Application selection options
.B \-\-enable-fallback
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