.TH YAD 1 "June 3, 2017"
yad \- display GTK+ dialogs in shell scripts

.B yad

\fBYAD\fP is a program that will display GTK+ dialogs, and return
(either in the return code or on standard output) the users
input. This allows you to present information, and ask for information
from the user, from all manner of shell scripts.
\fBYAD\fP is the fork of \fBZenity\fP program.

This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
options starting with two dashes (`-').

.SS Dialog options
.B \-\-calendar
Display calendar dialog.
.B \-\-color
Display color selection dialog.
.B \-\-dnd
Display drag-and-drop box.
.B \-\-entry
Display text entry dialog.
.B \-\-icons
Display box with shortcut icons.
.B \-\-file
Display file selection dialog.
.B \-\-font
Display font selection dialog.
.B \-\-form
Display form dialog
.B \-\-html
Display HTML dialog
.B \-\-list
Display list dialog
.B \-\-multi-progress
Display multi progress bars dialog.
.B \-\-notebook
Display notebook dialog.
.B \-\-notification
Display notification icon.
.B \-\-print
Display print dialog.
.B \-\-progress
Display progress indication dialog.
.B \-\-text-info
Display text information dialog.
.B \-\-scale
Display scale dialog.

.SS General options
.B \-\-title=\fITITLE\fP
Set the dialog title.
.B \-\-window-icon=\fIICON\fP
Set the window icon.
.B \-\-width=\fIWIDTH\fP
Set the dialog window width.
.B \-\-height=\fIHEIGHT\fP
Set the dialog window height.
.B \-\-posx=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the X position of dialog window. \fINUMBER\fP can be negative.
.B \-\-posy=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the Y position of dialog window. \fINUMBER\fP can be negative.
.B \-\-geometry=\fIWIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y\fP
Use standard X Window geometry notation for placing dialog.
When this option is used, \fIwidth\fP, \fIheight\fP, \fIposx\fP, \fIposy\fP, \fImouse\fP and \fIcenter\fP options are
ignored. This option is obsolete for gtk3 builds.
.B \-\-timeout=\fITIMEOUT\fP
Set the dialog timeout in seconds.
.B \-\-timeout-indicator=\fIPOSITION\fP
Show timeout indicator in given position. Positions are \fItop\fP, \fIbottom\fP, \fIleft\fP or \fIright\fP.
Style of indicator may be set through the gtkrc file.
See \fIhttp://code.google.com/p/yad/wiki/TimeoutIndicator\fP for details.
.B \-\-kill-parent=\fI[SIGNAL]\fP
Send SIGNAL to parent process. Default value of SIGNAL is a SIGTERM.
SIGNAL may be specified by it's number or symbolic name with or without SIG prefix.
See signal(7) for details about signals.
.B \-\-print-xid=\fI[FILENAME]\fP
Output X Window ID of a yad's window to the specified file or stderr.
.B \-\-plug=\fIKEY\fP
Run dialog in plug mode for swallow as a notebook tab. See \fINOTEBOOK\fP section for more.
.B \-\-tabnum=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the tab number for plugged dialog. See \fINOTEBOOK\fP section for more.
.B \-\-text=\fISTRING\fP
Set the dialog text.
.B \-\-text-align=\fITYPE\fP
Set type of dialog text justification. \fITYPE\fP may be \fIleft\fP, \fIright\fP, \fIcenter\fP or \fIfill\fP.
.B \-\-image=\fIIMAGE\fP
Set the dialog image which appears on the left side of dialog.
\fIIMAGE\fP might be file name or icon name from current icon theme.
.B \-\-image-on-top
Show image above main widget instead of left. This option is always on for print dialog.
.B \-\-icon-theme=\fITHEME\fP
Use specified GTK icon theme instead of default.
.B \-\-expander=\fI[TEXT]\fP
Hide main widget with expander. \fITEXT\fP is an optional argument with expander's label.
.B \-\-button=\fIBUTTON:ID\fP
Add the dialog button. May be used multiple times. \fIID\fP is an exit code or a command.
\fIBUTTON\fP may be gtk stock item name for predefined buttons (like gtk-close or gtk-ok) or text in a form
\fILABEL[!ICON[!TOOLTIP]]\fP where `!' is an item separator.
Full list of stock items may be found in gtk-demo program, in snippet called \fI"Stock Items and Icon Browser"\fP.
If no buttons specified \fIOK\fP and \fICancel\fP buttons used. See \fBEXIT STATUS\fP section for more.
If \fIID\fP have a non-numeric value it treats like a command and click on such button doesn't close the dialog.
.B \-\-no-buttons
Don't show buttons.
.B \-\-buttons-layout=\fITYPE\fP
Set buttons layout type. Possible types are: \fIspread\fP, \fIedge\fP, \fIstart\fP, \fIend\fP or \fIcenter\fP.
Default is \fIend\fP.
.B \-\-no-markup
Don't use pango markup in dialog's text.
.B \-\-no-escape
Don't close dialog if \fIEscape\fP was pressed.
.B \-\-escape-ok
\fIEscape\fP acts like pressing \fIOK\fP button.
.B \-\-always-print-result
Print result for aby of the return codes. This options doesn't work if timeout was reached or \fIEscape\fP was pressed.
.B \-\-dialog-sep
Show separator between dialog and buttons. Works only with gtk+-2.0.
.B \-\-borders=\fINUM\fP
Set dialog window borders.
.B \-\-sticky
Make window visible on all desktops.
.B \-\-fixed
Make window fixed width and height.
.B \-\-center
Place window on center of screen.
.B \-\-mouse
Place window under mouse position.
.B \-\-on-top
Place window over other windows.
.B \-\-undecorated
Make window undecorated (remove title and window borders).
.B \-\-skip-taskbar
Don't show window in taskbar and pager.
.B \-\-maximized
Run dialog window maximized.
.B \-\-fullscreen
Run dialog in fullscreen mode. This option may not work on all window managers.
.B \-\-splash
Open window with "splashscreen" window hints. For details see description of \fI_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH\fP
in EWMH specification. The behavior of dialog with this option is HIGHLY DEPENDS on settings of your window manager.
.B \-\-no-focus
Dialog window never take focus.
.B \-\-close-on-unfocus
Close the dialog window when it loose the focus.
.B \-\-selectable-labels
If set, user can select dialog's text and copy it to clipboard.
This option also affects on label fields in form dialog.
.B \-\-image-path=\fIPATH\fP
Add specified path to the standard list of directories for looking for icons. This option can be used multiple times.
.B \-\-rest=\fIFILENAME\fP
Read extra arguments from given file instead of command line. Each line of a file treats as a single argument.
.B \-\-response=\fINUMBER\fP
Set default exit code to \fINUMBER\fP instead of \fI0\fP.
.B \-\-gtkrc=\fIFILENAME\fP
Read and parse additional GTK+ settings from given file. This option doesn't work with GTK+-3.x builds.
.B \-\-hscroll-policy=\fITYPE\fP
Set the policy type for horizontal scrollbars. \fITYPE\fP can be one of the \fIauto\fP, \fIalways\fP or \fInever\fP. Default is \fIauto\fP.
.B \-\-vscroll-policy=\fITYPE\fP
Set the policy type for vertical scrollbars. \fITYPE\fP can be one of the \fIauto\fP, \fIalways\fP or \fInever\fP. Default is \fIauto\fP.
.B \-\-enable-spell
Enable spell checking in textview widgets
.B \-\-spell-lang=\fILANGUAGE\fP
Set spell checking language to \fILANGUAGE\fP. By default language guesses from current locale. Use option \fI\-\-show-langs\fP for get list of all possible languages.

.SS Calendar options
.B \-\-day=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the calendar day.
.B \-\-month=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the calendar month.
.B \-\-year=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the calendar year.
.B \-\-date-format=\fIPATTERN\fP
Set the format for the returned date. By default is `%x'. See \fIstrftime(3)\fP for more details.
.B \-\-show-weeks
Show the week numbers at the left side of calendar.
.B \-\-details=\fIFILENAME\fP
Read days description from \fIFILENAME\fP.
File with days details must be in following format:
<date> <description>
\fIdate\fP field is date in format, specified with \fI\-\-date-format\fP option. \fIdescription\fP
is a string with date details, which may include Pango markup.

.SS Color selection options
.B \-\-init\-color=\fICOLOR\fP
Set initial color value.
.B \-\-gtk-palette
Show system palette inside color dialog.
.B \-\-extra
Show extra information about color in returned string.
.B \-\-alpha
Add opacity to output color string.
.B \-\-palette=\fI[FILENAME]\fP
Show palette and set predefined colors from given filename.
By default used \fI/etc/X11/rgb.txt\fP.
.B \-\-expand-palette
Expander for list of user-defined colors will be initially opened.
.B \-\-mode=\fIMODE\fP
Set output color mode. Possible values are \fIhex\fP or \fIrgb\fP. Default is \fIhex\fP. HEX mode looks like \fI#rrggbbaa\fP, RGB mode - \fIrgba(r, g, b, a)\fP.
In RGBA mode opacity have values from 0.0 to 1.0.

.SS Drag-and-Drop box options
.B \-\-tooltip
Use dialog text as a tooltip for Drag-and-Drop box.
.B \-\-command=\fICMD\fP
Run command when data received. Data strings pass to command as an argument or replace \fI%s\fP modifier in a command.
By default data just prints to stdout.
.B \-\-exit-on-drop=\fINUMBER\fP
Exit after \fINUMBER\fP of drops was reached. 0 means infinite number of drops, this is the default.

.SS Text entry options
.B \-\-entry-label=\fISTRING\fP
Set the entry label text.
.B \-\-entry-text=\fISTRING\fP
Set the initial entry text or default item in combo-box.
.B \-\-hide-text
Hide the entry text.
.B \-\-completion
Use completion instead of combo-box.
.B \-\-complete=\fITYPE\fP
Use specific type for extended completion. \fITYPE\fP can be \fIany\fP for match any of typed words, \fIall\fP for match all of typed words or
\fIregex\fP when typed text treats as regular expression.
.B \-\-editable
Allow make changes to text in combo-box.
.B \-\-numeric
Use spin button instead of text entry. Additional parameters in command line treats as minimum and maximum
values, step value and precisions (in that order). All this values are optional. Default range is from 0 to 65535 with step 1.
.B \-\-float-precision=\fINUMBER\fP
Set precision of floating point numbers. By default precision is three digits after point.
.B \-\-licon=\fIIMAGE\fP
Set an icon on a left side of entry.
.B \-\-licon-action=\fICMD\fP
Specify a command which will be run when the left icon clicked. Output of command will be set as entry text.
.B \-\-ricon=\fIIMAGE\fP
Set an icon on a right side of entry.
.B \-\-ricon-action=\fICMD\fP
Specify a command which will be run when the right icon clicked. Output of command will be set as entry text.
.B \-\-num-output
Output index of active element instead of text for combo-box entry.
Any extra data specified in command line adds as an items of combo-box entry, except of numeric mode.

If icon specified and icon action is not given, click on icon just clear the entry.
Numeric fields will ignore the icons.

.SS Iconbox options
.B \-\-read-dir=\fIPATH\fP
Read .desktop files from specified directory.
.B \-\-monitor
Watch for changes in directory and automatically update content of iconbox.
.B \-\-generic
Use field GenericName instead of Name for shortcut label.
.B \-\-sort-by-name
Use field Name instead of filename for sorting items.
.B \-\-descend
Sort items in descending order. If data reads from stdin this option is useless without \fI\-\-sort-by-name\fP.
.B \-\-listen
Read data from stdin. Data must be in order - \fIName\fP, \fITooltip\fP, \fIIcon\fP, \fICommand\fP, \fIInTerm\fP
separated by newline. \fIInTerm\fP is a case insensitive boolean constant (\fITRUE\fP or \fIFALSE\fP).
Sending \fIFormFeed\fP character clears iconbox.
.B \-\-item-width
Set items width.
.B \-\-compact
Use compact mode. Icon and name of each item is placed in a single row.
.B \-\-single-click
Activate items by single mouse click. This option may not works properly in case of compact mode.
.B \-\-term
Pattern for terminal. By default use `xterm \-e %s' where %s replaced by the command.
If both directory and stdin specified, content of iconbox will be read from directory.

.SS File selection options
.B \-\-filename=\fIFILENAME\fP
Set the filename.
.B \-\-multiple
Allow selection of multiple filenames in file selection dialog.
.B \-\-directory
Activate directory-only selection.
.B \-\-save
Activate save mode.
.B \-\-separator=\fISTRING\fP
Specify separator character when returning multiple filenames.
.B \-\-confirm\-overwrite=\fI[TEXT]\fP
Confirm file selection if filename already exists.
Optional argument is a text for confirmation dialog.
.B \-\-quoted-output
Output values will be shell-style quoted.

.SS Font selection options
.B \-\-fontname=\fIFONTNAME\fP
Set the initial font. \fIFONTNAME\fP is a string with font representation in the
.B \-\-preview
Set the preview text.
.B \-\-separate-output
Separate output of selected font description.
.B \-\-separator=\fISTRING\fP
Set output separator character. Default is `|'.
.B \-\-quoted-output
Output data will be in shell-style quotes.

.SS Form options
.B \-\-field=\fILABEL[:TYPE]\fP
Add field to form. Type may be \fIH\fP, \fIRO\fP, \fINUM\fP, \fICHK\fP, \fICB\fP, \fICBE\fP, \fICE\fP, \fIFL\fP, \fISFL\fP, \fIDIR\fP, \fICDIR\fP, \fIFN\fP, \fIMFL\fP, \fIMDIR\fP, \fIDT\fP, \fISCL\fP, \fICLR\fP, \fIBTN\fP, \fIFBTN\fP, \fILBL\fP or \fITXT\fP.
\fBH\fP - hidden field type. All characters are displayed as the invisible char.
\fBRO\fP - field is in read-only mode.
\fBNUM\fP - field is a numeric. Initial value format for this field is \fIVALUE[!RANGE[!STEP![PREC]]]\fP, where \fIRANGE\fP must be in form \fIMIN..MAX\fP. `!' is a default item separator. \fIPREC\fP is a precision for decimals.
\fBCHK\fP - checkbox field. Initial value is a case insensitive boolean constant (\fITRUE\fP or \fIFALSE\fP).
\fBCB\fP - combo-box field. Initial value is a list \fIVAL1!VAL2!...\fP. The separator is the same as in \fINUM\fP field. Value started with `^' threats as default for combo-box.
\fBCBE\fP - editable combo-box field. Initial value same as for combo-box.
\fBCE\fP - entry with completion. Initial value same as for combo-box.
\fBFL\fP - file selection button.
\fBSFL\fP - field for create file.
\fBDIR\fP - directory selection button.
\fBCDIR\fP - field for create folder.
\fBFN\fP - font selection button. Initial value same as in font dialog.
\fBMFL\fP - select multiple files. Value of this field is a list of files separated by \fIitem-separator\fP.
\fBMDIR\fP - select multiple folders. Value of this field is a list of folders separated by \fIitem-separator\fP.
\fBDT\fP - date field.
\fBSCL\fP - scale field. Value of this field in a range 0..100.
\fBCLR\fP - color selection button. Output values for this field generates in the same manner as for color dialog.
\fBBTN\fP - button field. Label may be in form text in a form \fILABEL[!ICON[!TOOLTIP]]\fP where `!' is an item separator. \fILABEL\fP is a text of button label or gtk stock id. \fIICON\fP is a buttons icon (stock id or file name). \fITOOLTIP\fP is an optional text for popup help string. Initial value is a command which is running when button is clicked. A special sympols \fI%N\fP in command are replaced by value of field \fIN\fP. If command starts with \fI@\fP, the output of command will be parsed and lines started with number and colon will be treats as a new field values.
A quoting style for value when \fIsh -c\fP is used \- a single quotes around command and double quotes around -c argument
\fBFBTN\fP - same as button field, but with full relief of a button.
\fBLBL\fP - text label. If field name is empty, horizontal separator line will be shown.
\fBTXT\fP - multiline text entry. This field is always occupy all of form width.

Without type field will be a simple text entry.
.B \-\-align=\fITYPE\fP
Set alignment of field labels. Possible types are \fIleft\fP, \fIcenter\fP or \fIright\fP. Default is left.
.B \-\-columns=\fINUMBER\fP
Set number of columns in form. Fields will be placed from top to bottom.
.B \-\-separator=\fISTRING\fP
Set output separator character. Default is `|'.
.B \-\-focus-field=\fINUMBER\fP
Set focused field.
.B \-\-cycle-read
Cycled reading of stdin data. Sending FormFeed character clears the form. This symbol may be sent as \fIecho \-e '\\f'\fP.
.B \-\-item-separator=\fISTRING\fP
Set separator character for combo-box or scale values. Default is `!'.
.B \-\-date-format=\fIPATTERN\fP
Set the format for the date fields (same as in calendar dialog).
.B \-\-float-precision=\fINUMBER\fP
Set precision of floating point numbers. By default precision is three digits after point.
.B \-\-complete=\fITYPE\fP
Use specific type for extended completion. \fITYPE\fP can be \fIany\fP for match any of typed words, \fIall\fP for match all of typed words or
\fIregex\fP when typed text treats as regular expression.
.B \-\-scroll
Make form scrollable.
.B \-\-quoted-output
Output values will be in shell-style quotes.
.B \-\-output-by-row
Output field values row by row if several columns is specified.
.B \-\-num-output
Output index of active element instead of text for combo-box fields.
Additional data in command line interprets as a default values for form fields. A special value \fI@disabled@\fP makes corresponding field inactive. If no extra arguments specified in a command line, data will be readed from stdin, one value per line. Cycled reading means that for \fIN\fP fields \fIN+1\fP value will replace the first field. Empty values are skipped when reading from stdin.

.SS HTML options
.B \-\-uri=\fIURI\fP
Open specified location. \fIURI\fP can be a filename or internet address. If \fIURI\fP is not an existing file and protocol is not specified a prefix \fIhttp://\fP will be added to \fIURI\fP.
.B \-\-browser
Turn on browser mode. In this mode all clicked links will be opened in html widget and command \fIOpen\fP will be added to context menu.
.B \-\-print-uri
Print clicked links to standard output. By default clicked links opens with \fIxdg-open\fP.
.B \-\-mime=\fIMIME\fP
Set mime type of data passed to standard input to \fIMIME\fP. Default is \fItext/html\fP.
.B \-\-encodintg=\fIENCODING\fP
Set encoding of data passed to standard input to \fIENCODING\fP. Default is \fIUTF-8\fP.
.B \-\-uri-handler=\fICMD\fP
Set external handler for clicked uri. \fI%s\fP will be replaced by activated uri. Return code of the \fICMD\fP must be \fI0\fP for keep working, \fI1\fP for ignoring uri and \fI2\fP for downloading uri. This option works only in browser mode. There are two environment variables available in handler - \fIYAD_HTML_BUTTON\fP with value of pressed mouse button and \fIYAD_HTML_STATE\fP with value of bitmask with the the state of the modifier keys.
.B \-\-user-agent=\fISTRING\fP
Set user agent string. Default is \fIYAD-Webkit (@VERSION@)\fP
.B \-\-user-style=\fIURI\fP
Set path or uri to custom user styles. Path to local file can be an absolute file name or uri with \fIfile://\fP prefix.
When dialog wors in browser mode additional data in command line interprets as \fIURI\fP.

.SS List options
.B \-\-column=\fISTRING[:TYPE]\fP
Set the column header. Types are \fITEXT\fP, \fINUM\fP, \fISZ\fP, \fIFLT\fP, \fICHK\fP, \fIRD\fP, \fIBAR\fP, \fIIMG\fP, \fIHD\fP or \fITIP\fP.
\fITEXT\fP type is default. Use \fINUM\fP for integers and \fIFLT\fP for double values. \fITIP\fP is used for define tooltip column.
\fISZ\fP size column type. Works exactly like \fINUM\fP column but shows human readable sizes instead of numbers.
\fICHK\fP (checkboxes) and \fIRD\fP (radio toggle) are a boolean columns.
\fIBAR\fP is a progress bar column. Value must be between \fI0\fP and \fI100\fP. If value is outside is range it will be croped to neares legal value.
\fIHD\fP type means a hidden column. Such columns are not displayes in the list, only in output.
\fIIMG\fP may be path to image or icon name from currnet GTK+ icon theme.
Size of icons may be set in gtk config file at GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU position of gtk-icon-sizes. Image field prints as empty value.

Special column names \fI@fore@\fP, \fI@back@\fP and \fI@font@\fP sets corresponding rows attributes.
Values of those columns don't show in results.
.B \-\-checklist
Use check boxes for first column.
.B \-\-radiolist
Use radio toggle for first column.
.B \-\-separator=\fISTRING\fP
Set output separator characters.
.B \-\-multiple
Allow multiple rows to be selected.
.B \-\-editable
Allow changes to text.
.B \-\-editable-cols=\fILIST\fP
Set the list of editable columns. \fILIST\fP must be a string of numbers separated by comma.
.B \-\-no-headers
Do not show column headers.
.B \-\-no-click
Disable sorting of column content by clicking on its header.
.B \-\-no-rules-hint
Don't draw even and odd rows by a different colors. This option depends on your current gtk theme and may not work.
.B \-\-grid-lines=\fITYPE\fP
Draw grid lines of type \fITYPE\fP in list dialog. \fITYPE\fP can be one of the \fIhor[izontal]\fP, \fIvert[ical]\fP of \fIboth\fP.
.B \-\-no-selection
Disable selection in list.
.B \-\-print-all
Print all data from the list.
.B \-\-print-column=\fINUMBER\fP
Specify what column will be printed to standard output. \fI0\fP may be used to print all columns (this is default).
.B \-\-hide\-column=\fINUMBER\fP
Hide a specific column.
.B \-\-expand\-column=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the column expandable by default. \fI0\fP sets all columns expandable.
.B \-\-search\-column=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the quick search column. \fI0\fP mean to disable searching. By default search mades on first column.
.B \-\-tooltip\-column=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the column with popup tooltips.
.B \-\-sep\-column=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the row separator column. If the cell value from this column equal to specified row separator value such row will be draw as separator.
Separator value must be set.
.B \-\-sep\-value=\fITEXT\fP
Set the \fITEXT\fP as a row separator value. This feature highly depends on your current GTK+ theme and may not work properly.
.B \-\-limit=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the number of rows in list dialog. Will be shown only the last \fINUMBER\fP rows. This option will take effect only when data reading from stdin.
.B \-\-wrap-width=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the width of column before wrapping to \fINUMBER\fP.
.B \-\-wrap-cols=\fILIST\fP
Set the list of wrapped columns. \fILIST\fP must be a string of numbers separated by comma.
.B \-\-ellipsize=\fITYPE\fP
Set ellipsize mode for text columns. \fITYPE\fP may be \fINONE\fP, \fISTART\fP, \fIMIDDLE\fP or \fIEND\fP.
.B \-\-ellipsize-cols=\fILIST\fP
Set the list of ellipsized columns. \fILIST\fP must be a string of numbers separated by comma.
.B \-\-dclick-action=\fICMD\fP
Set the \fICMD\fP as a double-click command. When user double-clicked on row, \fICMD\fP will be launched with values of all columns as an arguments. By default double-click selects row and act as \fIOK\fP button for simple lists, set the checkbox if \fI\-\-checklist\fP specified and do nothing when list run with \fI\-\-multiple\fP option.
When double-click specified \fIEnter\fP acts as a double-click and \fICtrl+Enter\fP acts as an \fIOK\fP button.
\fICMD\fP may contain a special character `%s' for setting a position for arguments. By default arguments will be concatenated to the end of \fICMD\fP.
If \fICMD\fP starts with \fI@\fP, its output will replace values of current row.
This option doesn't work with \fI--editable\fP.
.B \-\-select-action=\fICMD\fP
Set the \fICMD\fP as a action when selection is changed. \fICMD\fP will be launched with values of all columns as an arguments.
\fICMD\fP may contain a special character `%s' for setting a position for arguments. By default arguments will be concatenated to the end of \fICMD\fP.
This option doesn't work with \fI--multiple\fP.
.B \-\-add-action=\fICMD\fP
Set the \fICMD\fP as a action when new row is added from a context menu. Command launched without any additional arguments. Output of this command sets the new row values.
.B \-\-regex-search
Use regular expressions in search for text fields.
.B \-\-listen
Listen data from stdin even if command-line values was specified.
.B \-\-quoted-output
Output values will be shell-style quoted.
.B \-\-float-precision=\fINUMBER\fP
Set precision of floating point numbers. By default precision is three digits after point.
.B \-\-add-on-top
Add new records at the top of the list.
.B \-\-tail
Autoscroll to the end of the list when a new row will be added.
.B \-\-iec-format
Use IEC (base 1024) units with for size values. With this option values will have suffixes KiB, MiB, GiB.
Sending FormFeed character to list clears it. This symbol may be sent as \fIecho \-e '\\f'\fP.

.SS Multi progress bars dialog options
.B \-\-bar=\fILABEL[:TYPE]\fP
Add progress bar. \fILABEL\fP is a text label for progress bar. \fITYPE\fP is a progress bar type.
Types are: \fINORM\fP for normal progress bar, \fIRTL\fP for inverted progress bar and \fIPULSE\fP for pulsate progress bar.
.B \-\-vertical
Set vertical orientation of progress bars.
.B \-\-align=\fITYPE\fP
Set alignment of bar labels. Possible types are \fIleft\fP, \fIcenter\fP or \fIright\fP. Default is left.
.B \-\-auto\-close
Close dialog when 100% has been reached for all of non-pulsating progress bars.
.B \-\-watch-bar\fINUMBER\fP
Watch for 100% of bar \fINUMBER\fP for close dialog.
.B \-\-auto\-kill
Kill parent process if cancel button is pressed.
Initial values for bars set as an extra arguments. Each lines with progress data passed to stdin must be started
from \fIN:\fP where \fIN\fP is a number of progress bar.

.SS Notebook options
.B \-\-key=\fIKEY\fP
Set the key of the children.
.B \-\-tab=\fITEXT\fP
Add tab with specified label to notebook. \fITEXT\fP may be in a form \fILABEL[!ICON[!TOOLTIP]]\fP
where `!' is an item separator.
.B \-\-tab-pos=\fITYPE\fP
Set the tabs position. Value may be \fItop\fP, \fIbottom\fP, \fIleft\fP, or \fIright\fP. Default is  \fItop\fP.
.B \-\-tab-borders=\fINUMBER\fP
Set the borders width around widget in tabs.
.B \-\-active-tab=\fINUMBER\fP
Set active tab.
See \fBNOTEBOOK and PANED\fP section for more about notebook dialog.

.SS Notification options
.B \-\-command=\fICMD\fP
Set the command running when clicked on the icon. Default action is \fIquit\fP if \fI\-\-listen\fP not specified.
.B \-\-listen
Listen for commands on stdin. See \fBNOTIFICATION\fP section.
.B \-\-separator=\fISTRING\fP
Set separator character for menu values. Default is \fI|\fP.
.B \-\-item-separator=\fISTRING\fP
Set separator character for menu items. Default is \fI!\fP.
.B \-\-menu=\fISTRING\fP
Set initial menu for right-click.
.B \-\-no-middle
Disable exit on middle click.
.B \-\-hidden
Doesn't show icon at startup.
.B \-\-icon-size=\fISIZE\fP
Set notification icon size to \fISIZE\fP. This option doesn't works for themed icons.
See \fBNOTIFICATION\fP section for more about separators.

.SS Paned options
.B \-\-key=\fIKEY\fP
Set the key of the children.
.B \-\-orient=\fITYPE\fP
Set orientation of panes inside dialog. \fITYPE\fP may be in \fIhor[izontal]\fP or \fIvert[ical]\fP.
.B \-\-splitter=\fIPOS\fP
Set the initial splitter position.
See \fBNOTEBOOK and PANED\fP section for more about paned dialog.

.SS Picture options
.B \-\-size=\fIVALUE\fP
Set initial size of picture. Available values are \fIfit\fP for fitting image in window or \fIorig\fP for show picture in original size.
.B \-\-inc=\fiNUMBER\fp
Set increment value for scaling image.
.B \-\-filename=\fIFILENAME\fP
Set picture filename.
Some actions on a picture like scaling or rotating available from popup menu. Those actions can be made only on static images.

.SS Print options
.B \-\-type=\fITYPE\fP
Set source file type. \fITYPE\fP may be a \fITEXT\fP for text files, \fIIMAGE\fP for image files or \fIRAW\fP for files in postscript or pdf formats.
.B \-\-filename=\fIFILENAME\fP
Set name or path to the source file.
.B \-\-headers
Add headers to the top of page with filename and page number. This option doesn't work for \fIRAW\fP type.
.B \-\-add-preview
Add \fIPreview\fP button to the print dialog. This option doesn't work for \fIRAW\fP type.
.B \-\-fontname=\fIFONTNAME\fP
Set the font for printing text. \fIFONTNAME\fP is a string with font representation in the form \fI"[FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE]"\fP. This option works only for \fITEXT\fP type.

.SS Progress options
When the \-\-progress option is used, yad reads lines of progress data from stdin.
When the lines begin with \fI#\fP the text after \fI#\fP is displayed in the progress
bar label. Numeric values treats like a persents for progress bar.
.B \-\-progress-text=\fITEXT\fP
Set text in progress bar to \fITEXT\fP.
.B \-\-percentage=\fINUMBER\fP
Set initial percentage.
.B \-\-rtl
Set Right-To-Left progress bar direction.
.B \-\-auto\-close
Close dialog when 100% has been reached.
.B \-\-auto\-kill
Kill parent process if cancel button is pressed.
.B \-\-pulsate
Pulsate progress bar.
.B \-\-enable-log\fI[=TEXT]\fP
Show log window. This window gathers all of lines from stdin, started from \fI#\fP instead of setting appropriate progress labels.
Optional argument \fITEXT\fP is a text label for window expander.
.B \-\-log-on-top
Place log window above progress bar.
.B \-\-log-expanded
Start with expanded log window.
.B \-\-log-height
Set the height of log window.

.SS Multiprogress options
.B \-\-bar=\fILABEL[:TYPE]\fP
Add the progress bar with type \fITYPE\fp. \fITYPE\fP can be one of the \fInorm\fP for average progress bar, \fIrtl\fP for progress bar with inverted direction, \fIpulse\fP for pulsating progress bar (m,oves on receiving data) or \fIperm\fP for permanent pulsatin progress bar. \fIprem\fP progress bar understant two commands - \fIstart\fP for start movement and \fIstop\fP for stop it.
.B \-\-watch-bar=\fINUMBER\fP
Watch for specific bar for auto closing.
.B \-\-align=\fITYPE\fP
Set alignment of bar labels. \fITYPE\fP can be \fIleft\fP, \fIcenter\fP or \fIright\fP.
.B \-\-auto-close
Dismiss the dialog when 100% of all bars (or only watching bar) has been reached.
.B \-\-auto-kill
Kill parent process if cancel button was pressed.

.SS Text info options
.B \-\-filename=\fIFILENAME\fP
Open specified file.
.B \-\-editable
Allow changes to text.
.B \-\-fore=\fICOLOR\fP
Set foreground color of text.
.B \-\-back=\fICOLOR\fP
Set background color of text.
.B \-\-fontname=\fIFONTNAME\fP
Set text font. \fIFONTNAME\fP must be in a Pango font description format. By default \fIMonospace\fP is used.
.B \-\-wrap
Enable text wrapping.
.B \-\-justify=\fITYPE\fP
Set justification. \fITYPE\fP may be \fIleft\fP, \fIright\fP, \fIcenter\fP or \fIfill\fP.
Default is \fIleft\fP.
.B \-\-margins=\fINUMBER\fP
Set text margins to \fINUMBER\fP.
.B \-\-tail
Autoscroll to end when new text appears. Works only when text is read from stdin.
.B \-\-show-cursor
Show cursor in read-only mode.
.B \-\-show-uri
Make links in text clickable. Links opens with \fIxdg-open\fP command.
.B \-\-uri-color
Set color for links. Default is \fIblue\fP.
.B \-\-lang=LANGUAGE
Highlight syntax for specified \fILANGUAGE\fP. This option works only if yad builds with gtksourceview.
.B \-\-theme=THEME
Set used theme to \fITHEME\fP. This option works only if yad builds with gtksourceview. Use option \fI\-\-show-themes\fP for get list of all available themes.
.B \-\-listen
Listen data from stdin even if filename was specified.

Sending FormFeed character to text dialog clears it. This symbol may be sent as \fIecho \-e '\\f'\fP.
Pressing \fICtrl+S\fP popups the search entry in text dialog.

.SS Scale options
.B \-\-value=\fIVALUE\fP
Set initial value.
.B \-\-min\-value=\fIVALUE\fP
Set minimum value.
.B \-\-max\-value=\fIVALUE\fP
Set maximum value.
.B \-\-step=\fIVALUE\fP
Set step size.
.B \-\-page=\fIVALUE\fP
Set paging size. By default page value is STEP*10.
.B \-\-print\-partial
Print partial values.
.B \-\-hide\-value
Hide value.
.B \-\-vertical
Show vertical scale.
.B \-\-invert
Invert scale direction.
.B \-\-inc-buttons
Show buttons on edges of a scale for increasing or decreasing scale value.
.B \-\-mark=\fI[NAME]:VALUE\fP
Add a mark to scale. May be used multiple times. \fINAME\fP is an optional arguments for set label to mark.

.SS File filters options
.B \-\-file-filter=\fINAME | PATTERN1 PATTERN2 ...\fP
Add a filename filter. \fINAME\fP is a displayed filter name, \fIPATTERN\fP
is a shell-style filename pattern (for example *.txt). This option may be used multiple times.
.B \-\-mime-filter=\fINAME | MIME1 MIME2 ...\fP
Add a mime-type filter. \fINAME\fP is a displayed filter name, \fIPATTERN\fP
is a name of mime type (for example text/plain). This option may be used multiple times.
.B \-\-image-filter=\fI[NAME]\fP
Add filter for images supported by gdk-pixbuf library. \fINAME\fP in as optional name for this filter.
.B \-\-add-preview
Add preview widget. Preview images loads from large or normal thumbnails according to XDG Thumbnails
specification v0.8.0 (http://standards.freedesktop.org/thumbnail-spec/latest/) or creates by yad for image files and saves
as large thumbnails.

This options applies to all of yad's file chooser dialogs.

.SS Miscellaneous options
.B \-?, \-\-help
Show summary of options.
.B \-\-about
Display an about dialog.
.B \-\-version
Show version of program.
.B \-\-show-langs
Show list of possible languages for spell checking. Available only if yad builds with \fIGtkSpell\fP support.
.B \-\-show-themes
Show list of possible GtkSourceView themes. Available only if yad builds with \fIGtkSourceView\fP support.

Also the standard GTK+ options are accepted.

Notebook is a complex dialog which swallow other dialogs in his tabs.
Dialogs identifies by unique key (integer) and must be runs in a special plug mode (\-\-plug option).
Following example runs notebook dialog with two tabs, first has a simple text and second is an entry dialog.

#! /bin/sh
yad \-\-plug=12345 \-\-tabnum=1 \-\-text="first tab with text" &> res1 &
yad \-\-plug=12345 \-\-tabnum=2 \-\-text="second tab" \-\-entry &> res2 &
yad \-\-notebook \-\-key=12345 \-\-tab="Tab 1" \-\-tab="Tab 2"

NOTE: The order of output results for tabs is undefined!

Paned works in a same manner as a notebook with one restriction - only first and secong plug dialogs
will be swallowed to panes.

Allows commands to be sent to yad in the form \fBcommand:args\fP.
Possible commands are \fIicon\fP, \fItooltip\fP, \fIvisible\fP, \fIaction\fP, \fImenu\fP and \fIquit\fP.
Set notification icon to ICONNAME.
.B tooltip:STRING
Set notification tooltip.
.B visible:[true|false|blink]
Set notification icon to visible, invisible or blinking states.
.B action:COMMAND
Specify the command running when click on the icon.
Special string \fI"quit"\fP exit the program.
.B menu:STRING
Set popup menu for notification icon.
STRING must be in form \fIname1[!action1[!icon1]]|name2[!action2[!icon2]]...\fP.
Empty name add separator to menu.
Separator character for values (e.g. `|') sets with \-\-separator argument.
Separator character for menu items (e.g. `!') sets with \-\-item-separator argument.
.B quit
Exit the program. Middle click on icon also send \fIquit\fP command.

This variable can holds some default options for yad. All options in this
variable may be redefined from command line.
This variable sets to the value of current dialog's pid and accessible in all
dialog children.
This variable sets to the value of current dialog's X Window ID and accessible in all
dialog children. This variable is not set in print and notification dialogs,
and in a dialogs which acts as a notebook or paned children.

Close dialog with 0 exit code.
Close dialog with 1 exit code.

.B 0
The user has pressed \fIOK\fP button
.B 1
The user has pressed \fICancel\fP button
.B 70
The dialog has been closed because the timeout has been reached.
.B 252
The dialog has been closed by pressing \fIEsc\fP or used the window functions to close the dialog
Exit codes for user-specified buttons must be specified in command line. Even exit code mean to print result, odd just return exit code.

The look and feel of yad's dialogs can be customized through gtkrc file. Here is the names of yad's widgets:

tab (@);
l l l.
Widget name@Widget type@Description
yad-dialog-window@GtkDialog@Dialog window
yad-dialog-image@GtkImage@Dialog image
yad-dialog-label@GtkLabel@Dialog text
yad-calendar-widget@GtkCalendar@Calendar widget
yad-color-widget@GtkColorChooser@Color selection widget
yad-color-palette@GtkTreeView@Predefined colors list
yad-entry-label@GtkLabel@Entry label
yad-entry-widget@GtkEntry@Entry widget
yad-entry-spin@GtkSpinButton@Entry widget for numeric values
yad-entry-combo@GtkComboBox@Entry widget with combo
yad-entry-edit-combo@GtkComboBoxEntry@Entry widget with editable combo
yad-file-widget@GtkFileChooser@File selection widget
yad-font-widget@GtkFontChooser@Font selection widget
yad-form-flabel@GtkLabel@Field label in form
yad-form-button@GtkButton@Button field in form
yad-form-entry@GtkEntrfy@Entry field in form
yad-form-spin@GtkSpinButton@Numeric entry field in form
yad-form-check@GtkCheckButton@Checkbox field in form
yad-form-combo@GtkComboBox@Combo field in form
yad-form-edit-combo@GtkComboBoxEntry@Editable combo field in form
yad-form-file@GtkFileChooserButton@File or directory field in form
yad-form-font@GtkFontChooserButton@Font field in form
yad-form-color@GtkColorChooserButton@Color field in form
yad-form-label@GtkLabel@Label field in form
yad-form-scale@GtkScale@Scale widget in form
yad-form-separator@GtkSeparator@Separator in form
yad-form-text@GtkTextView@Multiline text field in form
yad-icons-full@GtkIconView@Icons widget for normal mode
yad-icons-compact@GtkTreeView@Icons widget for compact mode
yad-list-widget@GtkTreeView@List widget
yad-notebook-widget@GtkNotebook@Notebook widget
yad-paned-widget@GtkPaned@Horizontal or vertical pane widget
yad-progress-widget@GtkProgressBar@Progressbar widget
yad-scale-widget@GtkScale@Scale widget
yad-text-widget@GtkTextView@Text info widget
yad-timeout-indicator@GtkProgreeBar@Timeout indicator

.B yad.conf
YAD default settings. \fIyad.conf\fP placed in \fI$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\fP or \fI$HOME/.config\fP
directory. This file contain comments on every defaults and will be automatically
recreated on yad'd start if it doesn't exists.

Display a file selector with the title \fISelect a file to
remove\fP. The file selected is returned on standard output.
yad  \-\-title="Select a file to remove" \-\-file-selection
Display a text entry dialog with the title \fISelect Host\fP and the
text \fISelect the host you would like to flood-ping\fP. The entered
text is returned on standard output.
yad  \-\-title "Select Host" \-\-entry \-\-text "Select the host you would like to flood-ping"
Display a dialog, asking \fIMicrosoft Windows has been found! Would
you like to remove it?\fP. The return code will be 0 (true in shell)
if \fIYES\fP is selected, and 1 (false) if \fINO\fP is selected.
yad  \-\-image "dialog-question" \-\-title "Alert" \-\-button=gtk-yes:0 \-\-button=gtk-no:1 \-\-text "Microsoft Windows has been found! Would you like to remove it?"
Show the search results in a list dialog with the title \fISearch Results\fP
and the text \fIFinding all header files...\fP.
find . \-name '*.h' | yad \-\-list \-\-title "Search Results" \-\-text "Finding all header files.." \-\-column "Files"
Show an icon in the notification area
yad \-\-notification \-\-image=update.png \-\-text "System update necessary!" \-\-command "xterm \-e apt-get upgrade"
Display a weekly shopping list in a check list dialog with \fIApples\fP and \fIOranges\fP pre selected
yad \-\-list \-\-checklist \-\-column "Buy" \-\-column "Item" TRUE Apples TRUE Oranges FALSE Pears FALSE Toothpaste
Display a progress dialog while searching for all the postscript files in your home directory
find $HOME \-name '*.ps' | yad \-\-progress \-\-pulsate
Display a box with all of the installed desktop applications
yad \-\-icons \-\-read-dir=/usr/share/applications

There are some developers features providing with YAD.
\fIYAD icon browser\fP is a graphical tool for discover icons in current or user-specified GTK+ icon theme. Launch it as
yad-icon-browser [theme]
When using autoconf you may use special m4 macro \fIAM_PATH_YAD\fP for looking for yad and check it version. Usage of this macro is

\fBYad\fP was written by Victor Ananjevsky <ananasik@gmail.com>. Yad icon created by Bogdan Lisovich.

\fBgdialog\fP(1), \fBdialog\fP(1), \fBzenity\fP(1)