#! @ENV@ bash
# -*- mode: sh -*-
# YAD settings editor. This file is part of YAD
# YAD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# YAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# YAD. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Copyright (C) 2021-2023, Victor Ananjevsky <victor@sanana.kiev.ua>


res1=$(mktemp --tmpdir ys-tab1.XXXXXXXX)
res2=$(mktemp --tmpdir ys-tab2.XXXXXXXX)
trap "rm -f $res1 $res2" EXIT


# first tab (values at the end due to possible hyphens)
yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=1 --bool-fmt=t --quoted-output --separator=" " \
    --form --scroll --homogeneous \
    --text=$"Main YAD settings and default values\n\n" \
    --field=$"Width of dialog window::NUM" \
    --field=$"Height of dialog window::NUM" \
    --field=$"Border width around dialog::NUM" \
    --field=$"Show remaining time and percentage in timeout progress bar:CHK" \
    --field=$"Combo-box in entry dialog is always editable:CHK" \
    --field=$"Default terminal command:" \
    --field=$"Default open command:" \
    --field=$"Default date format:" \
    --field=$"Default URI color in text-info dialog::CLR" \
    --field=$"Maximum number of tabs in notebook dialog::NUM" \
    --field=$"Use large previews in file selection dialogs:CHK" \
    --field=$"Search entry width::NUM" \
    --field=$"Ignore unknown command-line options:CHK" \
    --field=$"Enable debug mode with information about deprecated features:CHK" \
    -- \
    "$(gsettings get yad.settings width)!-1..32767" \
    "$(gsettings get yad.settings height)!-1..32767" \
    $(gsettings get yad.settings border) \
    $(gsettings get yad.settings show-remain) \
    $(gsettings get yad.settings combo-always-editable) \
    "$(eval echo $(gsettings get yad.settings terminal))" \
    "$(eval echo $(gsettings get yad.settings open-command))" \
    "$(eval echo $(gsettings get yad.settings date-format))" \
    "$(eval echo $(gsettings get yad.settings uri-color))" \
    $(gsettings get yad.settings max-tab) \
    $(gsettings get yad.settings large-preview) \
    $(gsettings get yad.settings search-width) \
    $(gsettings get yad.settings ignore-unknown-options) \
    $(gsettings get yad.settings debug) > $res1 &

# get list for themes
eval SV_THEME=$(gsettings get yad.sourceview theme)
for t in $(yad-tools --show-themes); do
    [[ $t == $SV_THEME ]] && themes+="^$t!" || themes+="$t!"

# get list for home/end
eval HE==$(gsettings get yad.sourceview homend)
for b in never before after always; do
    [[ $b == $HE ]] && homend+="^$b!" || homend+="$b!"

# second tab
yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=2 --bool-fmt=t --quoted-output --separator=" " --form --scroll \
    --text=$"YAD settings for text editor\nThis settings only usefull when YAD built with GtkSourceView\n\n" \
    --field=$"Default theme for text-info dialog::CB" ${themes%?} \
    --field=$"Show line numbers:CHK" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview line-num) \
    --field=$"Hightlight current line:CHK" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview line-hl) \
    --field=$"Enable line marks mode:CHK" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview line-marks) \
    --field=$"Color of first type marks::CLR" "$(eval echo $(gsettings get yad.sourceview mark1-color))" \
    --field=$"Color of second type marks::CLR" "$(eval echo $(gsettings get yad.sourceview mark2-color))" \
    --field=$"Right margin position::NUM" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview right-margin) \
    --field=$"Highlight matching brackets:CHK" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview brackets) \
    --field=$"Use autoindentation:CHK" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview indent) \
    --field=$"Smart Home/End behavior::CB" ${homend%?} \
    --field=$"Use smart backspace:CHK" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview smart-bs) \
    --field=$"Tabulation width::NUM" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview tab-width) \
    --field=$"Indentation width::NUM" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview indent-width) \
    --field=$"Insert spaces instead of tabulation:CHK" $(gsettings get yad.sourceview spaces) > $res2 &

# main dialog
yad --title=$"YAD settings" --key=$KEY --width=600 --height=700 --image=preferences-other \
    --button=$"Load defaults!view-refresh:3" --button="yad-save:0" --button="yad-close:1" \
    --text=$"<span size='xx-large' weight='bold'>YAD settings editor</span>" --text-align=center \
    --notebook --stack --expand --tab=$"Main" --tab=$"Editor"

if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
    eval r1=($(< $res1))
    eval r2=($(< $res2))

    # Main settings
    gsettings set yad.settings width ${r1[0]}
    gsettings set yad.settings height ${r1[1]}
    gsettings set yad.settings border ${r1[2]}
    gsettings set yad.settings show-remain ${r1[3]}
    gsettings set yad.settings combo-always-editable ${r1[4]}
    gsettings set yad.settings terminal "${r1[5]}"
    gsettings set yad.settings open-command "${r1[6]}"
    gsettings set yad.settings date-format "${r1[7]}"
    gsettings set yad.settings uri-color ${r1[8]}
    gsettings set yad.settings max-tab ${r1[9]}
    gsettings set yad.settings large-preview ${r1[10]}
    gsettings set yad.settings search-width ${r1[11]}
    gsettings set yad.settings ignore-unknown-options ${r1[12]}
    gsettings set yad.settings debug ${r1[13]}

    # GtkSourceView settings
    gsettings set yad.sourceview theme "${r2[0]}"
    gsettings set yad.sourceview line-num ${r2[1]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview line-hl ${r2[2]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview line-marks ${r2[3]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview mark1-color ${r2[4]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview mark2-color ${r2[5]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview right-margin ${r2[6]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview brackets ${r2[7]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview indent ${r2[8]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview homend ${r2[9]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview smart-bs ${r2[10]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview tab-width ${r2[11]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview indent-width ${r2[12]}
    gsettings set yad.sourceview spaces ${r2[13]}
elif [[ $? -eq 3 ]]; then
    # Load default settings
    gsettings reset-recursively yad.settings
    gsettings reset-recursively yad.sourceview