Unverified Commit 0f954ce6 authored by Igor Blackman's avatar Igor Blackman Committed by GitHub

[Kapacitor] Add way to set kapacitor strategy type (#366)

* Add way to set kapacitor strategy type Signed-off-by: 's avatarIgor Valente Blackman <igor.blackman@gmail.com> * bump kapacitor version Signed-off-by: 's avatarIgor Valente Blackman <igor.blackman@gmail.com> * Leave only toYaml Signed-off-by: 's avatarIgor Valente Blackman <igor.blackman@gmail.com> * Update charts/kapacitor/templates/deployment.yaml Co-authored-by: 's avataralespour <42931850+alespour@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: 's avataralespour <42931850+alespour@users.noreply.github.com>
parent dd05e46f
apiVersion: v1
name: kapacitor
version: 1.4.0
version: 1.4.1
appVersion: 1.6.2
description: InfluxDB's native data processing engine. It can process both stream
and batch data from InfluxDB.
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ The following table lists configurable parameters, their descriptions, and their
| `image.repository` | image repository url | Kapacitor image | `kapacitor` |
| `image.tag` | Kapacitor image version | `1.5.2-alpine` |
| `image.pullPolicy` | Kapacitor image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` |
| `strategy` | Kapacitor deployment strategy config | |
| `service.type` | Kapacitor web service type | `ClusterIP` |
| `persistence.enabled` | Enable Kapacitor persistence using Persistent Volume Claims | `false` |
| `persistence.storageClass` | Kapacitor Persistent Volume Storage Class | `default` |
......@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ The following table lists configurable parameters, their descriptions, and their
| `rbac.namespaced` | Creates Role and Rolebinding instead of the default ClusterRole and ClusteRoleBindings for the Kapacitor instance | `false` |
| `serviceAccount.annotations` | ServiceAccount annotations | `{}` |
| `serviceAccount.create` | Create service account | `true` |
| `serviceAccount.name` | Service account name to use, when empty will be set to created account if `serviceAccount.create` is set else to `default` | `` |
| `serviceAccount.name` | Service account name to use, when empty will be set to created account if `serviceAccount.create` is set else to `default` | |
| `sidecar.image` | Sidecar image | `kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar:0.1.116` |
| `sidecar.imagePullPolicy` | Sidecar image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` |
| `sidecar.resources` | Sidecar resources | `{}` |
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ metadata:
app: {{ template "kapacitor.fullname" . }}
replicas: 1
{{- with .Values.strategy }}
{{ toYaml . | trim | indent 4 }}
{{- end }}
app: {{ template "kapacitor.fullname" . }}
......@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ image:
tag: "1.6.2-alpine"
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
## Deployment Strategy type
# strategy:
# type: Recreate
## Specify a service type, defaults to NodePort
## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/
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