hint='For performance reasons, some storage targets synchronize changes on an interval-based schedule, instead of on every change. Define at which interval should the synchronization occur for all storage targets.'
v-alert.mt-3.radius-7(v-if='status.length < 1', outline, :value='true', color='indigo') You don't have any active storage target.
v-tab-item(v-for='(tgt, n) in activeTargets', :key='tgt.key', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false')
v-tab-item(v-for='(tgt, n) in activeTargets', :key='tgt.key', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false')
v-card.pa-3(flat, tile)
v-card.pa-3(flat, tile)
@@ -125,22 +138,40 @@
@@ -125,22 +138,40 @@
.pb-3 Content is always pushed to the storage target, overwriting any existing content. This is safest choice for backup scenarios.
.pb-3 Content is always pushed to the storage target, overwriting any existing content. This is safest choice for backup scenarios.
strong Pull from target #[em.red--text.text--lighten-2(v-if='tgt.supportedModes.indexOf(`pull`) < 0') Unsupported]
strong Pull from target #[em.red--text.text--lighten-2(v-if='tgt.supportedModes.indexOf(`pull`) < 0') Unsupported]
.pb-3 Content is always pulled from the storage target, overwriting any local content which already exists. This choice is usually reserved for single-use content import. Caution with this option as any local content will always be overwritten!
.pb-3 Content is always pulled from the storage target, overwriting any local content which already exists. This choice is usually reserved for single-use content import. Caution with this option as any local content will always be overwritten!
v-subheader.pl-0 Sync Schedule
.body-1.ml-3 For performance reasons, this storage target synchronize changes on an interval-based schedule, instead of on every change. Define at which interval should the synchronization occur.
.caption.mt-3 The default is every #[strong 5 minutes].