<a href="https://github.com/Requarks/wiki"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Requarks/wiki/master/assets/favicons/favicon-96x96.png" alt="Wiki.js" title="Wiki.js" align="right" /> </a> # Wiki.js [](https://github.com/Requarks) [](https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/releases) [](https://github.com/requarks/wiki/blob/master/LICENSE) This npm package is an installer for Wiki.js. For information about Wiki.js, including detailed installation steps, read the following links: - [Official Website](https://wiki.requarks.io/) - [Installation Guide](https://wiki.requarks.io/get-started.html) - [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/Requarks/wiki) ### Install Wiki.js using npm 1. Create an empty folder where Wiki.js will run. 2. Launch a terminal / command prompt inside this newly created folder. 3. Run the command: `npm install wiki.js@latest` 4. Wait for the installation process to complete. This may take several minutes. 5. Edit the file `config.yml` located in the root of your folder and change the settings accordingly. 6. Run the command: `node wiki start` ### Install Wiki.js manually For a manual installation, read the [Installation Guide](https://wiki.requarks.io/get-started.html).