Commit 03f95197 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

include: Fix the PROCESSENTRY32 structure on 64-bit.

parent 935a406b
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ typedef struct tagPROCESSENTRY32
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD cntUsage;
DWORD th32ProcessID;
DWORD th32DefaultHeapID;
ULONG_PTR th32DefaultHeapID;
DWORD th32ModuleID;
DWORD cntThreads;
DWORD th32ParentProcessID;
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ typedef struct tagPROCESSENTRY32W
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD cntUsage;
DWORD th32ProcessID;
DWORD th32DefaultHeapID;
ULONG_PTR th32DefaultHeapID;
DWORD th32ModuleID;
DWORD cntThreads;
DWORD th32ParentProcessID;
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