Commit a88a6c80 authored by Jason Edmeades's avatar Jason Edmeades Committed by Alexandre Julliard

cmd.exe: Add basic support for && and (...) syntax.

parent 0871ab91
......@@ -267,4 +267,5 @@ Zadejte HELP <pkaz> pro podrobnj informace o nkterm z ve uvedench pk
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -291,4 +291,5 @@ obigen Befehle erhalten.\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -271,4 +271,5 @@ Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -288,4 +288,5 @@ Introduzca HELP <comando> para ms informacin sobre cualquiera de los comandos\
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -261,4 +261,5 @@ Entrez HELP <commande> pour plus d'informations sur les commandes ci-dessus\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -265,4 +265,5 @@ EXIT\t\tCMDI\n\n\
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -263,4 +263,5 @@ HELP <명령>을 치면 그 명령의 상세한 정보를 보여줌\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -264,4 +264,5 @@ type HELP <opdracht> voor meer informatie over bovengenoemde opdrachten\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -269,4 +269,5 @@ Skriv HELP <kommando> for mer informasjon om kommandoene ovenfor\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -266,4 +266,5 @@ Wpisz HELP <komenda> dla dokadniejszych informacji o komendzie\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -474,4 +474,5 @@ Digite HELP <comando> para mais informaes sobre alguns dos comandos acima\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -277,4 +277,5 @@ EXIT\t\t CMD\n\n\
......@@ -263,4 +263,5 @@ Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -265,4 +265,5 @@ Yukardaki komutlar hakknda daha fazla bilgi iin HELP <komut> girin\n"
WCMD_ANYKEY,"Press Return key to continue: "
WCMD_CONSTITLE,"Wine Command Prompt"
WCMD_VERSION,"CMD Version %s\n\n"
......@@ -105,15 +105,13 @@ void WCMD_batch (WCHAR *file, WCHAR *command, int called, WCHAR *startLabel, HAN
* the rest are handled by the main command processor.
while (context -> skip_rest == FALSE && WCMD_fgets (string, sizeof(string), h)) {
if (strlenW(string) == MAXSTRING -1) {
WCMD_output_asis( WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_TRUNCATEDLINE));
WCMD_output_asis( string);
WCMD_output_asis( newline);
if (string[0] != ':') { /* Skip over labels */
WCMD_process_command (string);
while (context -> skip_rest == FALSE) {
CMD_LIST *toExecute = NULL; /* Commands left to be executed */
if (WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(NULL, &toExecute, h) == NULL)
toExecute = NULL;
CloseHandle (h);
......@@ -92,6 +92,19 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_strdupW(WCHAR *input);
BOOL WCMD_ReadFile(const HANDLE hIn, WCHAR *intoBuf, const DWORD maxChars,
LPDWORD charsRead, const LPOVERLAPPED unused);
/* Data structure to hold commands to be processed */
typedef struct _CMD_LIST {
WCHAR *command; /* Command string to execute */
struct _CMD_LIST *nextcommand; /* Next command string to execute */
BOOL isAmphersand;/* Whether follows && */
int bracketDepth;/* How deep bracketing have we got to */
WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *initialcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readFrom);
void WCMD_process_commands(CMD_LIST *thisCmd);
void WCMD_free_commands(CMD_LIST *cmds);
/* Data structure to hold context when executing batch files */
typedef struct {
......@@ -100,6 +113,7 @@ typedef struct {
int shift_count[10]; /* Offset in terms of shifts for %0 - %9 */
void *prev_context; /* Pointer to the previous context block */
BOOL skip_rest; /* Skip the rest of the batch program and exit */
CMD_LIST *toExecute; /* Commands left to be executed */
/* Data structure to save setlocal and pushd information */
......@@ -223,7 +237,7 @@ extern WCHAR version_string[];
#define WCMD_ANYKEY 1031
#define WCMD_CONSTITLE 1032
#define WCMD_VERSION 1033
#define WCMD_MOREPROMPT 1034
/* msdn specified max for Win XP */
#define MAXSTRING 8192
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ int echo_mode = 1, verify_mode = 0, defaultColor = 7;
static int opt_c, opt_k, opt_s;
const WCHAR newline[] = {'\n','\0'};
static const WCHAR equalsW[] = {'=','\0'};
static const WCHAR closeBW[] = {')','\0'};
WCHAR anykey[100];
WCHAR version_string[100];
WCHAR quals[MAX_PATH], param1[MAX_PATH], param2[MAX_PATH];
......@@ -107,13 +108,13 @@ int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
WCHAR *cmd = NULL;
WCHAR string[1024];
WCHAR envvar[4];
DWORD count;
int opt_q;
int opt_t = 0;
static const WCHAR autoexec[] = {'\\','a','u','t','o','e','x','e','c','.',
char ansiVersion[100];
CMD_LIST *toExecute = NULL; /* Commands left to be executed */
/* Pre initialize some messages */
strcpy(ansiVersion, PACKAGE_VERSION);
......@@ -320,10 +321,13 @@ int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
* the currently allocated input and output handles. This allows
* us to pipe to and read from the command interpreter.
if (strchrW(cmd,'|') != NULL)
/* Parse the command string, without reading any more input */
WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(cmd, &toExecute, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
toExecute = NULL;
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd);
return errorlevel;
......@@ -411,7 +415,11 @@ int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
if (opt_k) {
/* Parse the command string, without reading any more input */
WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(cmd, &toExecute, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
toExecute = NULL;
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd);
......@@ -434,22 +442,18 @@ int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
WCMD_version ();
while (TRUE) {
/* Read until EOF (which for std input is never, but if redirect
in place, may occur */
WCMD_show_prompt ();
WCMD_ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), string,
sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR), &count, NULL);
if (count > 1) {
string[count-1] = '\0'; /* ReadFile output is not null-terminated! */
if (string[count-2] == '\r') string[count-2] = '\0'; /* Under Windoze we get CRLF! */
if (strlenW (string) != 0) {
if (strchrW(string,'|') != NULL) {
WCMD_pipe (string);
else {
WCMD_process_command (string);
if (WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(NULL, &toExecute,
toExecute = NULL;
return 0;
......@@ -1852,3 +1856,251 @@ BOOL WCMD_ReadFile(const HANDLE hIn, WCHAR *intoBuf, const DWORD maxChars,
return res;
* WCMD_DumpCommands
* Domps out the parsed command line to ensure syntax is correct
void WCMD_DumpCommands(CMD_LIST *commands) {
CMD_LIST *thisCmd = commands;
const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','p',' ','%','c',' ','%','2','.','2','d',' ',
'%','p',' ','%','s','\0'};
WINE_TRACE("Parsed line:\n");
while (thisCmd != NULL) {
sprintfW(buffer, fmt,
WINE_TRACE("%s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buffer));
thisCmd = thisCmd->nextcommand;
* WCMD_ReadAndParseLine
* Either uses supplied input or
* Reads a file from the handle, and then...
* Parse the text buffer, spliting into seperate commands
* - unquoted && strings split 2 commands but the 2nd is flagged as
* following an &&
* - ( as the first character just ups the bracket depth
* - unquoted ) when bracket depth > 0 terminates a bracket and
* adds a CMD_LIST structure with null command
* - Anything else gets put into the command string (including
* redirects)
WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readFrom) {
WCHAR *curPos;
BOOL inQuotes = FALSE;
int curLen = 0;
int curDepth = 0;
CMD_LIST *thisEntry = NULL;
CMD_LIST *lastEntry = NULL;
BOOL isAmphersand = FALSE;
static WCHAR *extraSpace = NULL; /* Deliberately never freed */
/* Allocate working space for a command read from keyboard, file etc */
if (!extraSpace)
extraSpace = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (MAXSTRING+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
/* If initial command read in, use that, otherwise get input from handle */
if (optionalcmd != NULL) {
strcpyW(extraSpace, optionalcmd);
} else if (readFrom == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
WINE_FIXME("No command nor handle supplied\n");
} else {
if (WCMD_fgets(extraSpace, MAXSTRING, readFrom) == NULL) return NULL;
curPos = extraSpace;
/* Handle truncated input - issue warning */
if (strlenW(extraSpace) == MAXSTRING -1) {
/* Start with an empty string */
curLen = 0;
/* Parse every character on the line being processed */
while (*curPos != 0x00) {
switch (*curPos) {
case '\t':/* drop through - ignore whitespace at the start of a command */
case ' ': if (curLen > 0)
curString[curLen++] = *curPos;
case '"': inQuotes = !inQuotes;
case '(': if (inQuotes || curLen > 0) {
curString[curLen++] = *curPos;
} else {
case '&': if (!inQuotes && *(curPos+1) == '&') {
curPos++; /* Skip other & */
/* Add an entry to the command list */
thisEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(CMD_LIST));
thisEntry->command = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
(curLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
memcpy(thisEntry->command, curString, curLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
thisEntry->command[curLen] = 0x00;
curLen = 0;
thisEntry->nextcommand = NULL;
thisEntry->isAmphersand = isAmphersand;
thisEntry->bracketDepth = curDepth;
if (lastEntry) {
lastEntry->nextcommand = thisEntry;
} else {
*output = thisEntry;
lastEntry = thisEntry;
isAmphersand = TRUE;
} else {
curString[curLen++] = *curPos;
case ')': if (!inQuotes && curDepth > 0) {
/* Add the current command if there is one */
if (curLen) {
thisEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(CMD_LIST));
thisEntry->command = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
(curLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
memcpy(thisEntry->command, curString, curLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
thisEntry->command[curLen] = 0x00;
curLen = 0;
thisEntry->nextcommand = NULL;
thisEntry->isAmphersand = isAmphersand;
thisEntry->bracketDepth = curDepth;
if (lastEntry) {
lastEntry->nextcommand = thisEntry;
} else {
*output = thisEntry;
lastEntry = thisEntry;
/* Add an empty entry to the command list */
thisEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(CMD_LIST));
thisEntry->command = NULL;
thisEntry->nextcommand = NULL;
thisEntry->isAmphersand = FALSE;
thisEntry->bracketDepth = curDepth;
if (lastEntry) {
lastEntry->nextcommand = thisEntry;
} else {
*output = thisEntry;
lastEntry = thisEntry;
} else {
curString[curLen++] = *curPos;
curString[curLen++] = *curPos;
/* If we have reached the end, add this command into the list */
if (*curPos == 0x00 && curLen > 0) {
/* Add an entry to the command list */
thisEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(CMD_LIST));
thisEntry->command = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
(curLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
memcpy(thisEntry->command, curString, curLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
thisEntry->command[curLen] = 0x00;
curLen = 0;
thisEntry->nextcommand = NULL;
thisEntry->isAmphersand = isAmphersand;
thisEntry->bracketDepth = curDepth;
if (lastEntry) {
lastEntry->nextcommand = thisEntry;
} else {
*output = thisEntry;
lastEntry = thisEntry;
/* If we have reached the end of the string, see if bracketing outstanding */
if (*curPos == 0x00 && curDepth > 0 && readFrom != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
isAmphersand = FALSE;
inQuotes = FALSE;
memset(extraSpace, 0x00, (MAXSTRING+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
/* Read more, skipping any blank lines */
while (*extraSpace == 0x00) {
if (!context) WCMD_output_asis( WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_MOREPROMPT));
if (WCMD_fgets(extraSpace, MAXSTRING, readFrom) == NULL) break;
curPos = extraSpace;
/* Dump out the parsed output */
return extraSpace;
* WCMD_process_commands
* Process all the commands read in so far
void WCMD_process_commands(CMD_LIST *thisCmd) {
/* Loop through the commands, processing them one by one */
while (thisCmd) {
/* Ignore the NULL entries a ')' inserts (Only 'if' cares
about them and it will be handled in there)
Also, skip over any batch labels (eg. :fred) */
if (thisCmd->command && thisCmd->command[0] != ':') {
WINE_TRACE("Executing command: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(thisCmd->command));
if (strchrW(thisCmd->command,'|') != NULL) {
WCMD_pipe (thisCmd->command);
} else {
WCMD_process_command (thisCmd->command);
thisCmd = thisCmd->nextcommand;
* WCMD_free_commands
* Frees the storage held for a parsed command line
* - This is not done in the process_commands, as eventually the current
* pointer will be modified within the commands, and hence a single free
* routine is simpler
void WCMD_free_commands(CMD_LIST *cmds) {
/* Loop through the commands, freeing them one by one */
while (cmds) {
CMD_LIST *thisCmd = cmds;
cmds = cmds->nextcommand;
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, thisCmd->command);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, thisCmd);
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