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Commit 47c44232 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm play: enable install chrome-remote-desktop

parent 03465257
......@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ DESCRIPTION='' # echo " Remote desktop support for google-chrome & chromium" &&
. $(dirname $0)/
echo "It is not finished yet. Just skipping."
exit 0
echo "Note: It is not tested yet."
#arch=$($DISTRVENDOR --distro-arch)
#pkgtype=$($DISTRVENDOR -p)
......@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ cleanup
subst '1iBuildRequires:rpm-build-python3' $SPEC
# install all requires packages before packing ($ rpmreqs chrome-remote-desktop | xargs echo)
epm install --skip-installed coreutils glib2 libcairo libdbus libdrm libexpat libgbm libgio libgtk+3 libnspr libnss libpango libX11 libxcb libXdamage libXext libXfixes libXrandr libXtst python3-base python3-module-psutil python3 rpm-build-python3 libutempter
epm install --skip-installed coreutils glib2 libcairo libdbus libdrm libexpat libgbm libgio libgtk+3 libnspr libnss libpango libX11 libxcb libXdamage libXext libXfixes libXrandr libXtst libutempter
epm install --skip-installed python3-base python3-module-psutil python3 rpm-build-python3
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