Commit 3132235c authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

just import winetricks-20200412.tar with rpmgs script

parent 4be37d23
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ The ```winetricks``` package should be used if it is available and up to date. T
* Fedora:
* FreeBSD:
* Gentoo:
* Homebrew (OSX):
* Homebrew (OSX):
* MacPorts (OSX):
* Slackbuilds (Slackware):
* Ubuntu:
......@@ -5,28 +5,28 @@ Vcs-Git:
Files: *
2007-2014 Dan Kegel <dank!>
2008-2017 Austin English <austinenglish!>
2010-2011 Phil Blankenship <phillip.e.blankenship!>
2010-2015 Shannon VanWagner <shannon.vanwagner!>
2010 Belhorma Bendebiche <amro256!>
2010 Eleazar Galano <eg.galano!>
2010 Travis Athougies <iammisc!>
2007-2014 Dan Kegel <>
2008-2019 Austin English <>
2010-2011 Phil Blankenship <>
2010-2015 Shannon VanWagner <>
2010 Belhorma Bendebiche <>
2010 Eleazar Galano <>
2010 Travis Athougies <>
2010 Andrew Nguyen
2010 Detlef Riekenberg
2010 Maarten Lankhorst
2010 Rico Schüller
2011 Scott Jackson <sjackson2!>
2011 Scott Jackson <>
2011 Trevor Johnson
2011 Franco Junio
2011 Craig Sanders
2011 Matthew Bauer <mjbauer95>
2011 Matthew Bauer <>
2011 Giuseppe Dia
2011 Łukasz Wojniłowicz
2011 Matthew Bozarth
2013-2017 Andrey Gusev <andrey.goosev!>
2013-2017 Hillwood Yang <hillwood!>
2013,2016 André Hentschel <nerv!>
2013-2017 Andrey Gusev <>
2013-2017 Hillwood Yang <>
2013,2016 André Hentschel <>
License: LGPL-2.1+
Files: src/winetricks.appdata.xml
......@@ -65,131 +65,5 @@ License: LGPL-2.1+
License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1 file.
License: CC0-1.0
Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal
Statement of Purpose
The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
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whatsoever and for any purposes, including without limitation commercial
purposes. These owners may contribute to the Commons to promote the
ideal of a free culture and the further production of creative, cultural
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elects to apply CC0 to the Work and publicly distribute the Work under
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1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
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Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not
limited to, the following:
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2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention
of, applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently,
irrevocably and unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of
Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights and associated claims and causes
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future claims and causes of action), in the Work (i) in all territories
worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration provided by applicable law or
treaty (including future time extensions), (iii) in any current or
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ineffectiveness shall not invalidate the remainder of the License, and
in such case Affirmer hereby affirms that he or she will not (i)
exercise any of his or her remaining Copyright and Related Rights in the
Work or (ii) assert any associated claims and causes of action with
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On Debian systems, the complete text of the Create Commons Universal license
version 1.0 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/CC0-1.0".
......@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ cmake CMake 2.8 (Kitware, 2013) [downloadable]
colorprofile Standard RGB color profile (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadable]
controlpad MS ActiveX Control Pad (Microsoft, 1997) [downloadable]
controlspy Control Spy 6 (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadable]
dotnet20sdk MS .NET 2.0 SDK (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
dxsdk_jun2010 MS DirectX SDK, June 2010 (developers only) (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dxsdk_nov2006 MS DirectX SDK, November 2006 (developers only) (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
emu8086 emu8086 (, 2015) [downloadable]
ev3 Lego Mindstorms EV3 Home Edition (Lego, 2014) [downloadable]
firefox Firefox 51.0 (Mozilla, 2017) [downloadable]
......@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ vc2005trial MS Visual C++ 2005 Trial (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadabl
vc2008express MS Visual C++ 2008 Express (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
vc2010express MS Visual C++ 2010 Express (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
vlc VLC media player 2.2.1 (VideoLAN, 2015) [downloadable]
vulkansdk Vulkan SDK (developers only) (LunarG, 2018) [downloadable]
winamp Winamp (Radionomy (AOL (Nullsoft)), 2013) [downloadable]
wme9 MS Windows Media Encoder 9 (broken in Wine) (Microsoft, 2002) [downloadable]
===== benchmarks =====
......@@ -121,7 +125,6 @@ d9vk021 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux
d9vk022 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.22) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
d9vk030 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.30) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
d9vk040 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.40.1) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
d9vk_master Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (master) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
d9vk Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (latest) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
dbghelp MS dbghelp (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
devenum MS devenum.dll from DirectX user redistributable (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
......@@ -143,7 +146,6 @@ dmusic32 MS dmusic32.dll from DirectX user redistributable (Micr
dmusic MS dmusic.dll from DirectX user redistributable (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dotnet11sp1 MS .NET 1.1 SP1 (Microsoft, 2004) [downloadable]
dotnet11 MS .NET 1.1 (Microsoft, 2003) [downloadable]
dotnet20sdk MS .NET 2.0 SDK (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
dotnet20sp1 MS .NET 2.0 SP1 (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
dotnet20sp2 MS .NET 2.0 SP2 (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
dotnet20 MS .NET 2.0 (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
......@@ -151,6 +153,7 @@ dotnet30sp1 MS .NET 3.0 SP1 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
dotnet30 MS .NET 3.0 (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
dotnet35sp1 MS .NET 3.5 SP1 (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
dotnet35 MS .NET 3.5 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
dotnet40_kb2468871 MS .NET 4.0 KB2468871 (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
dotnet40 MS .NET 4.0 (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
dotnet452 MS .NET 4.5.2 (Microsoft, 2012) [downloadable]
dotnet45 MS .NET 4.5 (Microsoft, 2012) [downloadable]
......@@ -169,8 +172,7 @@ dx8vb MS dx8vb.dll from DirectX 8.1 runtime (Microsoft, 2001)
dxdiagn_feb2010 DirectX Diagnostic Library (February 2010) (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dxdiagn DirectX Diagnostic Library (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
dxdiag DirectX Diagnostic Tool (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dxsdk_jun2010 MS DirectX SDK, June 2010 (developers only) (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dxsdk_nov2006 MS DirectX SDK, November 2006 (developers only) (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
dxtrans MS dxtrans.dll (Microsoft, 2002) [downloadable]
dxvk054 Vulkan-based D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.54) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk060 Vulkan-based D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.60) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk061 Vulkan-based D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.61) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
......@@ -211,7 +213,15 @@ dxvk143 Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Win
dxvk144 Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.4.4) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk145 Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.4.5) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk146 Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.4.6) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (latest) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk150 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk151 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.1) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk152 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.2) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk153 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.3) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk154 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.4) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk155 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.5) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk160 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.6) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk_master Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (master) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (latest) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
esent MS Extensible Storage Engine (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
faudio1901 FAudio (xaudio reimplementation, with xna support) builds for win32 (19.01) (Kron4ek, 2019) [downloadable]
faudio1902 FAudio (xaudio reimplementation, with xna support) builds for win32 (19.02) (Kron4ek, 2019) [downloadable]
......@@ -230,7 +240,7 @@ galliumnine04 Gallium Nine Standalone (v0.4) (Gallium Nine Team, 2019
galliumnine05 Gallium Nine Standalone (v0.5) (Gallium Nine Team, 2019) [downloadable]
galliumnine Gallium Nine Standalone (latest) (Gallium Nine Team, 2019) [downloadable]
gdiplus MS GDI+ (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
gdiplus_winxp MS GDI+ (Microsoft, 2004)
gdiplus_winxp MS GDI+ (Microsoft, 2009)
gfw MS Games For Windows Live (xlive.dll) (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
glidewrapper GlideWrapper (Rolf Neuberger, 2005) [downloadable]
glut The glut utility library for OpenGL (Mark J. Kilgard, 2001) [downloadable]
......@@ -268,7 +278,7 @@ msvcirt Visual C++ 6 SP4 msvcirt library; part of vcrun6 (Micro
msvcrt40 fixme (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
msxml3 MS XML Core Services 3.0 (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadable]
msxml4 MS XML Core Services 4.0 (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
msxml6 MS XML Core Services 6.0 sp1 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
msxml6 MS XML Core Services 6.0 sp2 (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
nuget NuGet Package manager (Outercurve Foundation, 2013) [downloadable]
ogg OpenCodecs 0.85: FLAC, Speex, Theora, Vorbis, WebM (Xiph.Org Foundation, 2011) [downloadable]
ole32 MS ole32 Module (ole32.dll) (Microsoft, 2004) [downloadable]
......@@ -312,11 +322,11 @@ vcrun2012 Visual C++ 2012 libraries (atl110,mfc110,mfc110u,msvcp1
vcrun2013 Visual C++ 2013 libraries (mfc120,mfc120u,msvcp120,msvcr120,vcomp120) (Microsoft, 2013) [downloadable]
vcrun2015 Visual C++ 2015 libraries (concrt140.dll,mfc140.dll,mfc140u.dll,mfcm140.dll,mfcm140u.dll,msvcp140.dll,vcamp140.dll,vccorlib140.dll,vcomp140.dll,vcruntime140.dll) (Microsoft, 2015) [downloadable]
vcrun2017 Visual C++ 2017 libraries (concrt140.dll,mfc140.dll,mfc140u.dll,mfcm140.dll,mfcm140u.dll,msvcp140.dll,vcamp140.dll,vccorlib140.dll,vcomp140.dll,vcruntime140.dll) (Microsoft, 2017) [downloadable]
vcrun2019 Visual C++ 2015-2019 libraries (concrt140.dll,mfc140.dll,mfc140u.dll,mfcm140.dll,mfcm140u.dll,msvcp140.dll,vcamp140.dll,vccorlib140.dll,vcomp140.dll,vcruntime140.dll) (Microsoft, 2019) [downloadable]
vcrun6sp6 Visual C++ 6 SP6 libraries (with fixes in ATL and MFC) (Microsoft, 2004) [downloadable]
vcrun6 Visual C++ 6 SP4 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcirt) (Microsoft, 2000) [downloadable]
vjrun20 MS Visual J# 2.0 SE libraries (requires dotnet20) (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
vulkanrt Vulkan Runtime (LunarG, 2018) [downloadable]
vulkansdk Vulkan SDK (developers only) (LunarG, 2018) [downloadable]
webio MS Windows Web I/O (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
windowscodecs MS Windows Imaging Component (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
winhttp MS Windows HTTP Services (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadable]
......@@ -324,6 +334,7 @@ wininet MS Windows Internet API (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable
wininet_win2k MS Windows Internet API (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
wmi Windows Management Instrumentation (aka WBEM) Core 1.5 (Microsoft, 2000) [downloadable]
wmp10 Windows Media Player 10 (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
wmp11 Windows Media Player 11 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
wmp9 Windows Media Player 9 (Microsoft, 2003) [downloadable]
wmv9vcm MS Windows Media Video 9 Video Compression Manager (Microsoft, 2013) [downloadable]
wsh57 MS Windows Script Host 5.7 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
......@@ -342,7 +353,7 @@ baekmuk Baekmuk Korean fonts (Wooderart Inc. /, 1999)
calibri MS Calibri font (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
cambria MS Cambria font (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
candara MS Candara font (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
cjkfonts All Chinese, Japanese, Korean fonts and aliases (various, ) [downloadable]
cjkfonts All Chinese, Japanese, Korean fonts and aliases (Various, ) [downloadable]
comicsans MS Comic Sans fonts (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
consolas MS Consolas console font (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
constantia MS Constantia font (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
......@@ -351,11 +362,11 @@ corefonts MS Arial, Courier, Times fonts (Microsoft, 2008) [downl
courier MS Courier fonts (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
droid Droid fonts (Ascender Corporation, 2009) [downloadable]
eufonts Updated fonts for Romanian and Bulgarian (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
fakechinese Creates aliases for Chinese fonts using WenQuanYi fonts (, 2009)
fakechinese Creates aliases for Chinese fonts using Source Han Sans fonts (Adobe, 2019)
fakejapanese_ipamona Creates aliases for Japanese fonts using IPAMona fonts (Jun Kobayashi, 2008)
fakejapanese Creates aliases for Japanese fonts using Takao fonts (Jun Kobayashi, 2010)
fakejapanese Creates aliases for Japanese fonts using Source Han Sans fonts (Adobe, 2019)
fakejapanese_vlgothic Creates aliases for Japanese Meiryo fonts using VLGothic fonts (Project Vine / Daisuke Suzuki, 2014)
fakekorean Creates aliases for Korean fonts using Baekmuk fonts (Wooderart Inc. /, 1999)
fakekorean Creates aliases for Korean fonts using Source Han Sans fonts (Adobe, 2019)
georgia MS Georgia fonts (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
impact MS Impact fonts (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
ipamona IPAMona Japanese fonts (Jun Kobayashi, 2008) [downloadable]
......@@ -364,6 +375,7 @@ lucida MS Lucida Console font (Microsoft, 1998) [downloadable]
meiryo MS Meiryo font (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
opensymbol OpenSymbol fonts (replacement for Wingdings) (, 2017) [downloadable]
pptfonts All MS PowerPoint Viewer fonts (various, ) [downloadable]
sourcehansans Source Han Sans fonts (Adobe, 2019) [downloadable]
tahoma MS Tahoma font (not part of corefonts) (Microsoft, 1999) [downloadable]
takao Takao Japanese fonts (Jun Kobayashi, 2010) [downloadable]
times MS Times fonts (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
......@@ -391,6 +403,7 @@ bttf101 Back to the Future Episode 1 (Telltale, 2011)
cim_demo Cities In Motion Demo (Paradox Interactive, 2010)
civ4_demo Civilization IV Demo (Firaxis Games, 2005)
civ5_demo_steam Civilization V Demo (Steam) (2K Games, 2010) [downloadable]
cnc3_demo Command & Conquer 3 Demo (EA, 2007) [downloadable]
cnc_redalert3_demo Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Demo (EA, 2008)
cod1 Call of Duty (Activision, 2003)
cod4mw_demo Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Activision, 2007)
......@@ -506,6 +519,9 @@ hosts Add empty C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\{hosts,servic
isolate_home Remove wineprefix links to /home/austin
macdriver=mac Enable the Mac native Quartz driver (default)
macdriver=x11 Disable the Mac native Quartz driver, use X11 instead
mackeyremap=both Enable mapping opt->alt and cmd->ctrl keys for the Mac native driver
mackeyremap=left Enable mapping of left opt->alt and cmd->ctrl keys for the Mac native driver
mackeyremap=none Do not remap keys for the Mac native driver (default)
mimeassoc=off Disable exporting MIME-type file associations to the native desktop
mimeassoc=on Enable exporting MIME-type file associations to the native desktop (default)
multisampling=disabled Disable Direct3D multisampling
......@@ -558,7 +574,8 @@ vsm=2 Set MaxShaderModelVS to 2
vsm=3 Set MaxShaderModelVS to 3
win10 Set Windows version to Windows 10
win2k3 Set Windows version to Windows 2003
win2k8 Set Windows version to Windows 2008 R2
win2k8r2 Set Windows version to Windows 2008 R2
win2k8 Set Windows version to Windows 2008
win2k Set Windows version to Windows 2000
win31 Set Windows version to Windows 3.1
win7 Set Windows version to Windows 7
......@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ cmake CMake 2.8 (Kitware, 2013) [downloadable]
colorprofile Standard RGB color profile (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadable]
controlpad MS ActiveX Control Pad (Microsoft, 1997) [downloadable]
controlspy Control Spy 6 (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadable]
dotnet20sdk MS .NET 2.0 SDK (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
dxsdk_jun2010 MS DirectX SDK, June 2010 (developers only) (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dxsdk_nov2006 MS DirectX SDK, November 2006 (developers only) (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
emu8086 emu8086 (, 2015) [downloadable]
ev3 Lego Mindstorms EV3 Home Edition (Lego, 2014) [downloadable]
firefox Firefox 51.0 (Mozilla, 2017) [downloadable]
......@@ -53,5 +56,6 @@ vc2005trial MS Visual C++ 2005 Trial (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadabl
vc2008express MS Visual C++ 2008 Express (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
vc2010express MS Visual C++ 2010 Express (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
vlc VLC media player 2.2.1 (VideoLAN, 2015) [downloadable]
vulkansdk Vulkan SDK (developers only) (LunarG, 2018) [downloadable]
winamp Winamp (Radionomy (AOL (Nullsoft)), 2013) [downloadable]
wme9 MS Windows Media Encoder 9 (broken in Wine) (Microsoft, 2002) [downloadable]
......@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ d9vk021 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux
d9vk022 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.22) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
d9vk030 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.30) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
d9vk040 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.40.1) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
d9vk_master Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (master) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
d9vk Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (latest) (Joshua Ashton, 2019) [downloadable]
dbghelp MS dbghelp (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
devenum MS devenum.dll from DirectX user redistributable (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
......@@ -75,7 +74,6 @@ dmusic32 MS dmusic32.dll from DirectX user redistributable (Micr
dmusic MS dmusic.dll from DirectX user redistributable (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dotnet11sp1 MS .NET 1.1 SP1 (Microsoft, 2004) [downloadable]
dotnet11 MS .NET 1.1 (Microsoft, 2003) [downloadable]
dotnet20sdk MS .NET 2.0 SDK (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
dotnet20sp1 MS .NET 2.0 SP1 (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
dotnet20sp2 MS .NET 2.0 SP2 (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
dotnet20 MS .NET 2.0 (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
......@@ -83,6 +81,7 @@ dotnet30sp1 MS .NET 3.0 SP1 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
dotnet30 MS .NET 3.0 (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
dotnet35sp1 MS .NET 3.5 SP1 (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
dotnet35 MS .NET 3.5 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
dotnet40_kb2468871 MS .NET 4.0 KB2468871 (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
dotnet40 MS .NET 4.0 (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
dotnet452 MS .NET 4.5.2 (Microsoft, 2012) [downloadable]
dotnet45 MS .NET 4.5 (Microsoft, 2012) [downloadable]
......@@ -101,8 +100,7 @@ dx8vb MS dx8vb.dll from DirectX 8.1 runtime (Microsoft, 2001)
dxdiagn_feb2010 DirectX Diagnostic Library (February 2010) (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dxdiagn DirectX Diagnostic Library (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
dxdiag DirectX Diagnostic Tool (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dxsdk_jun2010 MS DirectX SDK, June 2010 (developers only) (Microsoft, 2010) [downloadable]
dxsdk_nov2006 MS DirectX SDK, November 2006 (developers only) (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
dxtrans MS dxtrans.dll (Microsoft, 2002) [downloadable]
dxvk054 Vulkan-based D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.54) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk060 Vulkan-based D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.60) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk061 Vulkan-based D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (0.61) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
......@@ -143,7 +141,15 @@ dxvk143 Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Win
dxvk144 Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.4.4) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk145 Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.4.5) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk146 Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.4.6) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk Vulkan-based D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (latest) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk150 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk151 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.1) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk152 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.2) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk153 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.3) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk154 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.4) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk155 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.5.5) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk160 Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (1.6) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk_master Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (master) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
dxvk Vulkan-based D3D9/D3D10/D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine (latest) (Philip Rebohle, 2017) [downloadable]
esent MS Extensible Storage Engine (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
faudio1901 FAudio (xaudio reimplementation, with xna support) builds for win32 (19.01) (Kron4ek, 2019) [downloadable]
faudio1902 FAudio (xaudio reimplementation, with xna support) builds for win32 (19.02) (Kron4ek, 2019) [downloadable]
......@@ -162,7 +168,7 @@ galliumnine04 Gallium Nine Standalone (v0.4) (Gallium Nine Team, 2019
galliumnine05 Gallium Nine Standalone (v0.5) (Gallium Nine Team, 2019) [downloadable]
galliumnine Gallium Nine Standalone (latest) (Gallium Nine Team, 2019) [downloadable]
gdiplus MS GDI+ (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
gdiplus_winxp MS GDI+ (Microsoft, 2004)
gdiplus_winxp MS GDI+ (Microsoft, 2009)
gfw MS Games For Windows Live (xlive.dll) (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
glidewrapper GlideWrapper (Rolf Neuberger, 2005) [downloadable]
glut The glut utility library for OpenGL (Mark J. Kilgard, 2001) [downloadable]
......@@ -200,7 +206,7 @@ msvcirt Visual C++ 6 SP4 msvcirt library; part of vcrun6 (Micro
msvcrt40 fixme (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
msxml3 MS XML Core Services 3.0 (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadable]
msxml4 MS XML Core Services 4.0 (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
msxml6 MS XML Core Services 6.0 sp1 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
msxml6 MS XML Core Services 6.0 sp2 (Microsoft, 2009) [downloadable]
nuget NuGet Package manager (Outercurve Foundation, 2013) [downloadable]
ogg OpenCodecs 0.85: FLAC, Speex, Theora, Vorbis, WebM (Xiph.Org Foundation, 2011) [downloadable]
ole32 MS ole32 Module (ole32.dll) (Microsoft, 2004) [downloadable]
......@@ -244,11 +250,11 @@ vcrun2012 Visual C++ 2012 libraries (atl110,mfc110,mfc110u,msvcp1
vcrun2013 Visual C++ 2013 libraries (mfc120,mfc120u,msvcp120,msvcr120,vcomp120) (Microsoft, 2013) [downloadable]
vcrun2015 Visual C++ 2015 libraries (concrt140.dll,mfc140.dll,mfc140u.dll,mfcm140.dll,mfcm140u.dll,msvcp140.dll,vcamp140.dll,vccorlib140.dll,vcomp140.dll,vcruntime140.dll) (Microsoft, 2015) [downloadable]
vcrun2017 Visual C++ 2017 libraries (concrt140.dll,mfc140.dll,mfc140u.dll,mfcm140.dll,mfcm140u.dll,msvcp140.dll,vcamp140.dll,vccorlib140.dll,vcomp140.dll,vcruntime140.dll) (Microsoft, 2017) [downloadable]
vcrun2019 Visual C++ 2015-2019 libraries (concrt140.dll,mfc140.dll,mfc140u.dll,mfcm140.dll,mfcm140u.dll,msvcp140.dll,vcamp140.dll,vccorlib140.dll,vcomp140.dll,vcruntime140.dll) (Microsoft, 2019) [downloadable]
vcrun6sp6 Visual C++ 6 SP6 libraries (with fixes in ATL and MFC) (Microsoft, 2004) [downloadable]
vcrun6 Visual C++ 6 SP4 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcirt) (Microsoft, 2000) [downloadable]
vjrun20 MS Visual J# 2.0 SE libraries (requires dotnet20) (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
vulkanrt Vulkan Runtime (LunarG, 2018) [downloadable]
vulkansdk Vulkan SDK (developers only) (LunarG, 2018) [downloadable]
webio MS Windows Web I/O (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable]
windowscodecs MS Windows Imaging Component (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
winhttp MS Windows HTTP Services (Microsoft, 2005) [downloadable]
......@@ -256,6 +262,7 @@ wininet MS Windows Internet API (Microsoft, 2011) [downloadable
wininet_win2k MS Windows Internet API (Microsoft, 2008) [downloadable]
wmi Windows Management Instrumentation (aka WBEM) Core 1.5 (Microsoft, 2000) [downloadable]
wmp10 Windows Media Player 10 (Microsoft, 2006) [downloadable]
wmp11 Windows Media Player 11 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
wmp9 Windows Media Player 9 (Microsoft, 2003) [downloadable]
wmv9vcm MS Windows Media Video 9 Video Compression Manager (Microsoft, 2013) [downloadable]
wsh57 MS Windows Script Host 5.7 (Microsoft, 2007) [downloadable]
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ civ5_demo_steam
......@@ -90,7 +91,6 @@ d9vk021
......@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ dotnet30sp1
......@@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ dxdiagn
......@@ -183,6 +185,14 @@ dxvk143
......@@ -314,6 +324,7 @@ secur32
......@@ -351,6 +362,7 @@ vcrun2012
......@@ -371,6 +383,7 @@ wininet_win2k
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ bttf101 Back to the Future Episode 1 (Telltale, 2011)
cim_demo Cities In Motion Demo (Paradox Interactive, 2010)
civ4_demo Civilization IV Demo (Firaxis Games, 2005)
civ5_demo_steam Civilization V Demo (Steam) (2K Games, 2010) [downloadable]
cnc3_demo Command & Conquer 3 Demo (EA, 2007) [downloadable]
cnc_redalert3_demo Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Demo (EA, 2008)
cod1 Call of Duty (Activision, 2003)
cod4mw_demo Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Activision, 2007)
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ hosts Add empty C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\{hosts,servic
isolate_home Remove wineprefix links to /home/austin
macdriver=mac Enable the Mac native Quartz driver (default)
macdriver=x11 Disable the Mac native Quartz driver, use X11 instead
mackeyremap=both Enable mapping opt->alt and cmd->ctrl keys for the Mac native driver
mackeyremap=left Enable mapping of left opt->alt and cmd->ctrl keys for the Mac native driver
mackeyremap=none Do not remap keys for the Mac native driver (default)
mimeassoc=off Disable exporting MIME-type file associations to the native desktop
mimeassoc=on Enable exporting MIME-type file associations to the native desktop (default)
multisampling=disabled Disable Direct3D multisampling
......@@ -85,7 +88,8 @@ vsm=2 Set MaxShaderModelVS to 2
vsm=3 Set MaxShaderModelVS to 3
win10 Set Windows version to Windows 10
win2k3 Set Windows version to Windows 2003
win2k8 Set Windows version to Windows 2008 R2
win2k8r2 Set Windows version to Windows 2008 R2
win2k8 Set Windows version to Windows 2008
win2k Set Windows version to Windows 2000
win31 Set Windows version to Windows 3.1
win7 Set Windows version to Windows 7
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
.\" -*- nroff -*-
.TH WINETRICKS 1 "December 2019" "Winetricks 20191224" "Wine Package Manager"
.TH WINETRICKS 1 "April 2020" "Winetricks 20200412" "Wine Package Manager"
winetricks \- manage virtual Windows environments using Wine
......@@ -122,9 +122,6 @@ XVFB_BLACKLIST="$XVFB_DOTNET_BLACKLIST|adobeair|binkw32|dirac|directmusic|dxdiag
# Verbs known to update frequently
QUICKCHECK="flash steam"
......@@ -272,11 +269,14 @@ test_7zip()
# 7z
WINETRICKS_FORCE_WIN_7Z=1 test_command --verify comctl32ocx
# ar
WINETRICKS_FORCE_WIN_7Z=1 test_command --verify opensymbol
# rar
# FIXME: protectionid requires a manual download, and the only other user is avatar_demo
#WINETRICKS_FORCE_WIN_7Z=1 test_command --verify protectionid
# zip
WINETRICKS_FORCE_WIN_7Z=1 test_command --verify vb2run
......@@ -695,16 +695,73 @@ test_listing()
export WINE="$W_WINE"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
# Run all this under the WINE_PREFIXES directory
rm -rf "$WT_TEST_PREFIX"
testname="test1: WINEPREFIX set, no prefix="
if HOME="${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home" WINEPREFIX="${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/test1" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="mshtml,mscoree=disabled" winetricks -q good && test -d "${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/test1/drive_c"; then
pass "${testname} passed"
fail "${testname} failed"
rm -rf "$WT_TEST_PREFIX"
testname="test2: WINEPREFIX not set, prefix=test2"
if HOME="${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="mshtml,mscoree=disabled" winetricks -q prefix=test2 good && test -d "${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home/.local/share/wineprefixes/test2/drive_c"; then
pass "${testname} passed"
fail "${testname} failed"
# prefix= overrules WINEPREFIX:
rm -rf "$WT_TEST_PREFIX"
testname="test3: WINEPREFIX=test3, prefix=test3"
if HOME="${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="mshtml,mscoree=disabled" WINEPREFIX="${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/test3" winetricks -q prefix=test3 good && test -d "${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home/.local/share/wineprefixes/test3/drive_c"; then
pass "${testname} passed"
fail "${testname} failed"
# if both are invalid:
# Note: if prefix= is used, ~/.local/share/wineprefixes becomes the prefix. Not sure if that's good or bad, but for now just documenting the behavior:
rm -rf "$WT_TEST_PREFIX"
testname="test4: WINEPREFIX=/dev/null, prefix="
if HOME="${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="mshtml,mscoree=disabled" WINEPREFIX="/dev/null" winetricks -q prefix= good && test -d "${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home/.local/share/wineprefixes/drive_c"; then
pass "${testname} passed"
fail "${testname} failed"
# WINEPREFIX is invalid, prefix not used:
rm -rf "$WT_TEST_PREFIX"
testname="test5: WINEPREFIX=/dev/null, no prefix"
if ! HOME="${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="mshtml,mscoree=disabled" WINEPREFIX="/dev/null" winetricks -q good; then
pass "${testname} did not succeed (as expected)"
fail "${testname} worked, should have failed"
# if nothing is defined, ~/.wine should be used:
rm -rf "$WT_TEST_PREFIX"
testname="test6: WINEPREFIX not set, prefix not set"
if HOME="${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="mshtml,mscoree=disabled" winetricks -q good && test -d "${WT_TEST_PREFIX}/home/.wine/drive_c"; then
pass "${testname} passed"
fail "${testname} failed"
echo "warning: quick test takes up around 20GB"
# Test the frequent download-changes-checksum offenders first
export W_CACHE="$cache"
for a in $QUICKCHECK; do
# shellcheck disable=SC2115
rm -rf "$WINE_PREFIXES/$a"
test_app "$a"
# And test all the automatically-downloadable dlls
......@@ -714,6 +771,9 @@ test_quick()
# And listing verbs (with/without WINE available)
# WINEPREFIX/prefix= handling
test_full() {
......@@ -873,6 +933,7 @@ case "$1" in
full) check_deps && test_full ;;
# doesn't use time/cabextract, so not bothering to check deps for now:
listing) test_listing ;;
prefix) test_prefix ;;
quick) check_deps && test_quick ;;
w_compare_wine_version) check_deps && test_w_compare_wine_version ;;
xvfb-check) check_deps && XVFB=xvfb-run && export XVFB && test_xvfb ;;
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