Commit 981971c2 authored by Ivan A. Melnikov's avatar Ivan A. Melnikov Committed by Anton Midyukov

mipsel-bfk3: Fix 40-fstab script

This bug was introduced in c310a1e9 and was breaking bfk3 builds ever since.
parent 50673099
#!/bin/sh -efu #!/bin/sh -efu
sed '/[[:space:]]\/[[:space:]]/d' sed '/[[:space:]]\/[[:space:]]/d' /etc/fstab
printf "/dev/sda1\t/\t$GLOBAL_VM_FSTYPE\tdefault\t1 1\n" >> /etc/fstab printf "/dev/sda1\t/\t$GLOBAL_VM_FSTYPE\tdefaults\t1 1\n" >> /etc/fstab
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