Commit 364b34b6 authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Accept milliseconds as timeseries x - #89

parent 43233f9d
......@@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@
function parseDate(date) {
var parsedDate;
if (!date) { throw Error(date + " can not be parsed as d3.time with format " + __data_x_format + ". Maybe 'x' of this data is not defined. See data.x or data.xs option."); }
parsedDate = d3.time.format(__data_x_format).parse(date);
parsedDate = __data_x_format ? d3.time.format(__data_x_format).parse(date) : new Date(date);
if (!parsedDate) { throw Error("Failed to parse '" + date + "' with format " + __data_x_format); }
return parsedDate;
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