Commit 47e95ecf authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Refactor init of internal params

parent 6ea5dbc6
......@@ -441,33 +441,11 @@
// should be define in c3.zoom.js
c3_chart_internal_fn.initZoom = function () {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
$$.zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.on("zoomstart", function () {
$$.zoom.altDomain = d3.event.sourceEvent.altKey ? $$.x.orgDomain() : null;
.on("zoom", $$.redrawForZoom);
$$.zoom.scale = function (scale) {
return config[__axis_rotated] ? this.y(scale) : this.x(scale);
$$.zoom.orgScaleExtent = function () {
var extent = config[__zoom_extent] ? config[__zoom_extent] : [1, 10];
return [extent[0], Math.max($$.getMaxDataCount() / extent[1], extent[1])];
$$.zoom.updateScaleExtent = function () {
var ratio = diffDomain($$.x.orgDomain()) / diffDomain($$.orgXDomain),
extent = $$.orgScaleExtent();
$$.scaleExtent([extent[0] * ratio, extent[1] * ratio]);
return this;
c3_chart_internal_fn.init = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
if (config[__data_url]) {
$$.convertUrlToData(config[__data_url], config[__data_mimeType], config[__data_keys], $$.initWithData);
......@@ -485,9 +463,8 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.initWithData = function (data) {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
var main, legend, eventRect, i, binding = true;
c3_chart_internal_fn.initParams = function () {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3;
// MEMO: clipId needs to be unique because it conflicts when multiple charts exist
$$.clipId = "c3-" + (+new Date()) + '-clip',
......@@ -497,19 +474,14 @@
$$.clipPathForXAxis = $$.getClipPath($$.clipIdForXAxis),
$$.clipPathForYAxis = $$.getClipPath($$.clipIdForYAxis);
$$.isTimeSeries = (config[__axis_x_type] === 'timeseries');
$$.isCategorized = (config[__axis_x_type].indexOf('categor') >= 0);
$$.isCustomX = function () { return !$$.isTimeSeries && (config[__data_x] || notEmpty(config[__data_xs])); };
$$.dragStart = null;
$$.dragging = false;
$$.cancelClick = false;
$$.mouseover = false;
$$.transiting = false;
$$.defaultColorPattern = d3.scale.category10().range();
$$.color = $$.generateColor(config[__data_colors], notEmpty(config[__color_pattern]) ? config[__color_pattern] : $$.defaultColorPattern, config[__data_color]);
$$.levelColor = notEmpty(config[__color_threshold]) ? $$.generateLevelColor(config[__color_pattern], config[__color_threshold]) : null;
$$.color = $$.generateColor();
$$.levelColor = $$.generateLevelColor();
$$.dataTimeFormat = config[__data_x_localtime] ? d3.time.format : d3.time.format.utc;
$$.axisTimeFormat = config[__axis_x_localtime] ? d3.time.format : d3.time.format.utc;
......@@ -532,17 +504,6 @@
$$.y2Orient = config[__axis_rotated] ? (config[__axis_y2_inner] ? "bottom" : "top") : (config[__axis_y2_inner] ? "left" : "right");
$$.subXOrient = config[__axis_rotated] ? "left" : "bottom";
$$.translate = {
main : function () { return "translate(" + asHalfPixel($$.margin.left) + "," + asHalfPixel($$ + ")"; },
context : function () { return "translate(" + asHalfPixel($$.margin2.left) + "," + asHalfPixel($$ + ")"; },
legend : function () { return "translate(" + $$.margin3.left + "," + $$ + ")"; },
x : function () { return "translate(0," + (config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : $$.height) + ")"; },
y : function () { return "translate(0," + (config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.height : 0) + ")"; },
y2 : function () { return "translate(" + (config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : $$.width) + "," + (config[__axis_rotated] ? 1 : 0) + ")"; },
subx : function () { return "translate(0," + (config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : $$.height2) + ")"; },
arc: function () { return "translate(" + ($$.arcWidth / 2) + "," + ($$.arcHeight / 2) + ")"; }
$$.isLegendRight = config[__legend_position] === 'right';
$$.isLegendInset = config[__legend_position] === 'inset';
$$.isLegendTop = config[__legend_inset_anchor] === 'top-left' || config[__legend_inset_anchor] === 'top-right';
......@@ -560,15 +521,16 @@
$$.withoutFadeIn = {};
if (isFunction($$.initPie)) {
if (isFunction($$.initBrush)) {
} else {
$$.axes.subx = d3.selectAll([]);
if ($$.initZoom) { $$.initZoom(); }
$$.axes.subx = d3.selectAll([]); // needs when excluding subchart.js
c3_chart_internal_fn.initWithData = function (data) {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
var main, legend, eventRect, i, binding = true;
if (isFunction($$.initPie)) { $$.initPie(); }
if (isFunction($$.initBrush)) { $$.initBrush(); }
if (isFunction($$.initZoom)) { $$.initZoom(); }
$$.selectChart =[__bindto]);
if ($$.selectChart.empty()) {
......@@ -631,8 +593,8 @@
// Define regions
main = $$.main = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.translate.main);
legend = $$.legend = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.translate.legend);
main = $$.main = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('main'));
legend = $$.legend = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('legend'));
if (isFunction($$.initSubchart)) {
......@@ -734,7 +696,7 @@
$$.axes.x = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_axis] + ' ' + CLASS[_axisX])
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPathForXAxis)
.attr("transform", $$.translate.x)
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('x'))
.style("visibility", config[__axis_x_show] ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
.attr("class", CLASS[_axisXLabel])
......@@ -744,7 +706,7 @@
$$.axes.y = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_axis] + ' ' + CLASS[_axisY])
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPathForYAxis)
.attr("transform", $$.translate.y)
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y'))
.style("visibility", config[__axis_y_show] ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
.attr("class", CLASS[_axisYLabel])
......@@ -754,7 +716,7 @@
$$.axes.y2 = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_axis] + ' ' + CLASS[_axisY2])
// clip-path?
.attr("transform", $$.translate.y2)
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y2'))
.style("visibility", config[__axis_y2_show] ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
.attr("class", CLASS[_axisY2Label])
......@@ -777,7 +739,7 @@
// Show tooltip if needed
if (config[__tooltip_init_show]) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries && isString(config[__tooltip_init_x])) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries() && isString(config[__tooltip_init_x])) {
config[__tooltip_init_x] = $$.parseDate(config[__tooltip_init_x]);
for (i = 0; i < $$.data.targets[0].values.length; i++) {
if (($$.data.targets[0].values[i].x - config[__tooltip_init_x]) === 0) { break; }
......@@ -1017,7 +979,7 @@
// MEMO: needed for grids calculation
if ($$.isCategorized && targetsToShow.length === 0) {
if ($$.isCategorized() && targetsToShow.length === 0) {
$$.x.domain([0, $$.axes.x.selectAll('.tick').size()]);
......@@ -1117,7 +1079,7 @@
// this is used to flow
flushXGrid = function (withoutUpdate) {
xgridData = $$.generateGridData(config[__grid_x_type], $$.x);
tickOffset = $$.isCategorized ? $$.xAxis.tickOffset() : 0;
tickOffset = $$.isCategorized() ? $$.xAxis.tickOffset() : 0;
xgrid ='.' + CLASS[_xgrids]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_xgrid])
xgrid.enter().append('line').attr("class", CLASS[_xgrid]);
......@@ -1319,7 +1281,7 @@
.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_eventRect]).remove();
if (($$.isCustomX() || $$.isTimeSeries) && !$$.isCategorized) {
if (($$.isCustomX() || $$.isTimeSeries()) && !$$.isCategorized()) {
rectW = function (d) {
var prevX = $$.getPrevX(d.index), nextX = $$.getNextX(d.index), dx = $$.data.xs[][d.index],
w = ($$.x(nextX ? nextX : dx) - $$.x(prevX ? prevX : dx)) / 2;
......@@ -1440,7 +1402,7 @@
if ($$.data.targets[0].values.length !== 1) {
translateX = $$.x(orgDomain[0]) - $$.x(domain[0]);
} else {
if ($$.isTimeSeries) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries()) {
flowStart = $$.getValueOnIndex($$.data.targets[0].values, 0);
flowEnd = $$.getValueOnIndex($$.data.targets[0].values, $$.data.targets[0].values.length - 1);
translateX = $$.x(flowStart.x) - $$.x(flowEnd.x);
......@@ -1451,7 +1413,7 @@
} else if (options.flow.orgDataCount === 1 || flowStart.x === flowEnd.x) {
translateX = $$.x(orgDomain[0]) - $$.x(domain[0]);
} else {
if ($$.isTimeSeries) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries()) {
translateX = ($$.x(orgDomain[0]) - $$.x(domain[0]));
} else {
translateX = ($$.x(flowStart.x) - $$.x(flowEnd.x));
......@@ -1553,7 +1515,7 @@
if ($$.isCategorized && x.orgDomain()[0] === orgXDomain[0]) {
if ($$.isCategorized() && x.orgDomain()[0] === orgXDomain[0]) {
x.domain([orgXDomain[0] - 1e-10, x.orgDomain()[1]]);
......@@ -1807,10 +1769,46 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.isTimeSeries = function () {
return this.config[__axis_x_type] === 'timeseries';
c3_chart_internal_fn.isCategorized = function () {
return this.config[__axis_x_type].indexOf('categor') >= 0;
c3_chart_internal_fn.isCustomX = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
return !$$.isTimeSeries() && (config[__data_x] || notEmpty(config[__data_xs]));
c3_chart_internal_fn.getTranslate = function (target) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, x, y;
if (target === 'main') {
x = asHalfPixel($$.margin.left);
y = asHalfPixel($$;
} else if (target === 'context') {
x = asHalfPixel($$.margin2.left);
y = asHalfPixel($$;
} else if (target === 'legend') {
x = $$.margin3.left;
y = $$;
} else if (target === 'x') {
x = 0;
y = config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : $$.height;
} else if (target === 'y') {
x = 0;
y = config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.height : 0;
} else if (target === 'y2') {
x = config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : $$.width;
y = config[__axis_rotated] ? 1 : 0;
} else if (target === 'subx') {
x = 0;
y = config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : $$.height2;
} else if (target === 'arc') {
x = $$.arcWidth / 2;
y = $$.arcHeight / 2;
return "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")";
c3_chart_internal_fn.initialOpacity = function (d) {
return d.value !== null && this.withoutFadeIn[] ? 1 : 0;
......@@ -1826,7 +1824,7 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.xv = function (d) {
var $$ = this;
return Math.ceil($$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate(d.value) : d.value));
return Math.ceil($$.x($$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate(d.value) : d.value));
c3_chart_internal_fn.yv = function (d) {
var $$ = this,
......@@ -1860,15 +1858,15 @@
y2Axis = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisY2]);
if (withTransition) { y2Axis = y2Axis.transition(); }
(withTransition ? $$.main.transition() : $$.main).attr("transform", $$.translate.main);
xAxis.attr("transform", $$.translate.x);
yAxis.attr("transform", $$.translate.y);
y2Axis.attr("transform", $$.translate.y2);
$$'.' + CLASS[_chartArcs]).attr("transform", $$.translate.arc);
(withTransition ? $$.main.transition() : $$.main).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('main'));
xAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('x'));
yAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y'));
y2Axis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y2'));
$$'.' + CLASS[_chartArcs]).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('arc'));
c3_chart_internal_fn.transformLegend = function (withTransition) {
var $$ = this;
(withTransition ? $$.legend.transition() : $$.legend).attr("transform", $$.translate.legend);
(withTransition ? $$.legend.transition() : $$.legend).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('legend'));
c3_chart_internal_fn.transformAll = function (withTransition, transitions) {
var $$ = this;
......@@ -2058,7 +2056,7 @@
return $$.config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.height : $$.width;
maxDataCount = $$.getMaxDataCount();
ratio = ($$.hasType('bar') ? (maxDataCount - ($$.isCategorized ? 0.25 : 1)) / maxDataCount : 1);
ratio = ($$.hasType('bar') ? (maxDataCount - ($$.isCategorized() ? 0.25 : 1)) / maxDataCount : 1);
w = maxDataCount > 1 ? (base * ratio) / (maxDataCount - 1) : base;
return w < 1 ? 1 : w;
......@@ -2595,10 +2593,10 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateTargetX = function (rawX, id, index) {
var $$ = this, x;
if ($$.isTimeSeries) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries()) {
x = rawX ? $$.parseDate(rawX) : $$.parseDate($$.getXValue(id, index));
else if ($$.isCustomX() && !$$.isCategorized) {
else if ($$.isCustomX() && !$$.isCategorized()) {
x = isValue(rawX) ? +rawX : $$.getXValue(id, index);
else {
......@@ -2690,7 +2688,7 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.mapTargetsToUniqueXs = function (targets) {
var $$ = this;
var xs = $$.d3.set($$.d3.merge( (t) { return (v) { return v.x; }); }))).values();
return $$.isTimeSeries ? (x) { return new Date(x); }) : (x) { return +x; });
return $$.isTimeSeries() ? (x) { return new Date(x); }) : (x) { return +x; });
c3_chart_internal_fn.addHiddenTargetIds = function (targetIds) {
this.hiddenTargetIds = this.hiddenTargetIds.concat(targetIds);
......@@ -2873,7 +2871,7 @@
ids.forEach(function (id) {
var xKey = $$.getXKey(id);
if ($$.isCustomX() || $$.isTimeSeries) {
if ($$.isCustomX() || $$.isTimeSeries()) {
// if included in input data
if (xs.indexOf(xKey) >= 0) {
$$.data.xs[id] = (appendXs && $$.data.xs[id] ? $$.data.xs[id] : []).concat(
......@@ -2912,7 +2910,7 @@
values: (d, i) {
var xKey = $$.getXKey(id), rawX = d[xKey], x = $$.generateTargetX(rawX, id, i);
// use x as categories if custom x and categorized
if ($$.isCustomX() && $$.isCategorized && index === 0 && rawX) {
if ($$.isCustomX() && $$.isCategorized() && index === 0 && rawX) {
if (i === 0) { config[__axis_x_categories] = []; }
......@@ -3372,12 +3370,12 @@
if (isUndefined(_regions[i].start)) {
regions[i].start = d[0].x;
} else {
regions[i].start = $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate(_regions[i].start) : _regions[i].start;
regions[i].start = $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate(_regions[i].start) : _regions[i].start;
if (isUndefined(_regions[i].end)) {
regions[i].end = d[d.length - 1].x;
} else {
regions[i].end = $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate(_regions[i].end) : _regions[i].end;
regions[i].end = $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate(_regions[i].end) : _regions[i].end;
......@@ -3387,7 +3385,7 @@
yValue = config[__axis_rotated] ? function (d) { return x(d.x); } : function (d) { return y(d.value); };
// Define svg generator function for region
if ($$.isTimeSeries) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries()) {
sWithRegion = function (d0, d1, j, diff) {
var x0 = d0.x.getTime(), x_diff = d1.x - d0.x,
xv0 = new Date(x0 + x_diff * j),
......@@ -3409,7 +3407,7 @@
// Draw with region // TODO: Fix for horizotal charts
else {
xp = $$.getScale(d[i - 1].x, d[i].x, $$.isTimeSeries);
xp = $$.getScale(d[i - 1].x, d[i].x, $$.isTimeSeries());
yp = $$.getScale(d[i - 1].value, d[i].value);
dx = x(d[i].x) - x(d[i - 1].x);
......@@ -3635,8 +3633,12 @@
* c3.color.js
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateColor = function (colors, pattern, callback) {
var ids = [];
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateColor = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, d3 = $$.d3,
colors = config[__data_colors],
pattern = notEmpty(config[__color_pattern]) ? config[__color_pattern] : d3.scale.category10().range(),
callback = config[__data_color],
ids = [];
return function (d) {
var id = || d, color;
......@@ -3658,11 +3660,14 @@
return callback instanceof Function ? callback(color, d) : color;
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateLevelColor = function (colors, threshold) {
var asValue = threshold.unit === 'value',
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateLevelColor = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
colors = config[__color_pattern],
threshold = config[__color_threshold],
asValue = threshold.unit === 'value',
values = threshold.values && threshold.values.length ? threshold.values : [],
max = threshold.max || 100;
return function (value) {
return notEmpty(config[__color_threshold]) ? function (value) {
var i, v, color = colors[colors.length - 1];
for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
v = asValue ? value : (value * 100 / max);
......@@ -3672,7 +3677,7 @@
return color;
} : null;
......@@ -3684,10 +3689,10 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.getX = function (min, max, domain, offset) {
var $$ = this,
scale = $$.getScale(min, max, $$.isTimeSeries),
scale = $$.getScale(min, max, $$.isTimeSeries()),
_scale = domain ? scale.domain(domain) : scale, key;
// Define customized scale if categorized axis
if ($$.isCategorized) {
if ($$.isCategorized()) {
offset = offset || function () { return 0; };
scale = function (d, raw) {
var v = _scale(d) + offset(d);
......@@ -3707,7 +3712,7 @@
return _scale.domain();
// define custom domain() for categorized axis
if ($$.isCategorized) {
if ($$.isCategorized()) {
scale.domain = function (domain) {
if (!arguments.length) {
domain = this.orgDomain();
......@@ -3899,20 +3904,20 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.getXDomainMin = function (targets) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
return config[__axis_x_min] ?
($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(config[__axis_x_min]) : config[__axis_x_min]) :
($$.isTimeSeries() ? this.parseDate(config[__axis_x_min]) : config[__axis_x_min]) :
$$.d3.min(targets, function (t) { return $$.d3.min(t.values, function (v) { return v.x; }); });
c3_chart_internal_fn.getXDomainMax = function (targets) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
return config[__axis_x_max] ?
($$.isTimeSeries ? this.parseDate(config[__axis_x_max]) : config[__axis_x_max]) :
($$.isTimeSeries() ? this.parseDate(config[__axis_x_max]) : config[__axis_x_max]) :
$$.d3.max(targets, function (t) { return $$.d3.max(t.values, function (v) { return v.x; }); });
c3_chart_internal_fn.getXDomainPadding = function (targets) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
edgeX = this.getEdgeX(targets), diff = edgeX[1] - edgeX[0],
maxDataCount, padding, paddingLeft, paddingRight;
if ($$.isCategorized) {
if ($$.isCategorized()) {
padding = 0;
} else if ($$.hasType('bar', targets)) {
maxDataCount = $$.getMaxDataCount();
......@@ -3937,15 +3942,15 @@
padding = $$.getXDomainPadding(targets),
min = 0, max = 0;
// show center of x domain if min and max are the same
if ((firstX - lastX) === 0 && !$$.isCategorized) {
firstX = $$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(firstX.getTime() * 0.5) : -0.5;
lastX = $$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(lastX.getTime() * 1.5) : 0.5;
if ((firstX - lastX) === 0 && !$$.isCategorized()) {
firstX = $$.isTimeSeries() ? new Date(firstX.getTime() * 0.5) : -0.5;
lastX = $$.isTimeSeries() ? new Date(lastX.getTime() * 1.5) : 0.5;
if (firstX || firstX === 0) {
min = $$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(firstX.getTime() - padding.left) : firstX - padding.left;
min = $$.isTimeSeries() ? new Date(firstX.getTime() - padding.left) : firstX - padding.left;
if (lastX || lastX === 0) {
max = $$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(lastX.getTime() + padding.right) : lastX + padding.right;
max = $$.isTimeSeries() ? new Date(lastX.getTime() + padding.right) : lastX + padding.right;
return [min, max];
......@@ -3970,11 +3975,11 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.getXAxis = function (scale, orient, tickFormat, tickValues) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
axis = c3_axis($$.d3, $$.isCategorized).scale(scale).orient(orient);
axis = c3_axis($$.d3, $$.isCategorized()).scale(scale).orient(orient);
// Set tick
if ($$.isCategorized) {
if ($$.isCategorized()) {
if (isEmpty(config[__axis_x_tick_culling])) {
config[__axis_x_tick_culling] = false;
......@@ -3999,11 +4004,11 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.getXAxisTickFormat = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
format = $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.defaultAxisTimeFormat : $$.isCategorized ? $$.categoryName : function (v) { return v < 0 ? v.toFixed(0) : v; };
format = $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.defaultAxisTimeFormat : $$.isCategorized() ? $$.categoryName : function (v) { return v < 0 ? v.toFixed(0) : v; };
if (config[__axis_x_tick_format]) {
if (isFunction(config[__axis_x_tick_format])) {
format = config[__axis_x_tick_format];
} else if ($$.isTimeSeries) {
} else if ($$.isTimeSeries()) {
format = function (date) {
return date ? $$.axisTimeFormat(config[__axis_x_tick_format])(date) : "";
......@@ -4243,12 +4248,12 @@
tickValues = [start];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
tickValue = +start + interval * (i + 1);
tickValues.push($$.isTimeSeries ? new Date(tickValue) : tickValue);
tickValues.push($$.isTimeSeries() ? new Date(tickValue) : tickValue);
if (!$$.isTimeSeries) { tickValues = tickValues.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); }
if (!$$.isTimeSeries()) { tickValues = tickValues.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); }
return tickValues;
......@@ -4262,7 +4267,7 @@
if (d.axis === 'y' || d.axis === 'y2') {
xPos = config[__axis_rotated] ? ('start' in d ? yScale(d.start) : 0) : 0;
} else {
xPos = config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : ('start' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate(d.start) : d.start) : 0);
xPos = config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : ('start' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate(d.start) : d.start) : 0);
return xPos;
......@@ -4272,7 +4277,7 @@
if (d.axis === 'y' || d.axis === 'y2') {
yPos = config[__axis_rotated] ? 0 : ('end' in d ? yScale(d.end) : 0);
} else {
yPos = config[__axis_rotated] ? ('start' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate(d.start) : d.start) : 0) : 0;
yPos = config[__axis_rotated] ? ('start' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate(d.start) : d.start) : 0) : 0;
return yPos;
......@@ -4282,7 +4287,7 @@
if (d.axis === 'y' || d.axis === 'y2') {
end = config[__axis_rotated] ? ('end' in d ? yScale(d.end) : $$.width) : $$.width;
} else {
end = config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.width : ('end' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate(d.end) : d.end) : $$.width);
end = config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.width : ('end' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate(d.end) : d.end) : $$.width);
return end < start ? 0 : end - start;
......@@ -4292,7 +4297,7 @@
if (d.axis === 'y' || d.axis === 'y2') {
end = config[__axis_rotated] ? $$.height : ('start' in d ? yScale(d.start) : $$.height);
} else {
end = config[__axis_rotated] ? ('end' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate(d.end) : d.end) : $$.height) : $$.height;
end = config[__axis_rotated] ? ('end' in d ? $$.x($$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate(d.end) : d.end) : $$.height) : $$.height;
return end < start ? 0 : end - start;
......@@ -4521,7 +4526,7 @@
var $$ = this, arcs;
arcs = $$'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartArcs])
.attr("transform", $$.translate.arc);
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('arc'));
.attr('class', CLASS[_chartArcsTitle])
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
......@@ -4700,7 +4705,7 @@
c3_chart_internal_fn.initSubchart = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
context = $$.context = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.translate.context);
context = $$.context = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('context'));
if (!config[__subchart_show]) {'visibility', 'hidden');
......@@ -4731,7 +4736,7 @@
// Add Axis
$$.axes.subx = context.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_axisX])
.attr("transform", $$.translate.subx)
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('subx'))
.attr("clip-path", config[__axis_rotated] ? "" : $$.clipPathForXAxis);
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForSubchart = function (targets) {
......@@ -4857,14 +4862,35 @@
subXAxis = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisX]);
if (withTransition) { subXAxis = subXAxis.transition(); }
$$.context.attr("transform", $$.translate.context);
subXAxis.attr("transform", $$.translate.subx);
$$.context.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('context'));
subXAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('subx'));
* c3.zoom.js
c3_chart_internal_fn.initZoom = function () {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
$$.zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.on("zoomstart", function () {
$$.zoom.altDomain = d3.event.sourceEvent.altKey ? $$.x.orgDomain() : null;
.on("zoom", $$.redrawForZoom);
$$.zoom.scale = function (scale) {
return config[__axis_rotated] ? this.y(scale) : this.x(scale);
$$.zoom.orgScaleExtent = function () {
var extent = config[__zoom_extent] ? config[__zoom_extent] : [1, 10];
return [extent[0], Math.max($$.getMaxDataCount() / extent[1], extent[1])];
$$.zoom.updateScaleExtent = function () {
var ratio = diffDomain($$.x.orgDomain()) / diffDomain($$.orgXDomain),
extent = $$.orgScaleExtent();
$$.scaleExtent([extent[0] * ratio, extent[1] * ratio]);
return this;
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateZoom = function () {
var $$ = this, z = $$.config[__zoom_enabled] ? $$.zoom : function () {};
$$'.' + $$.CLASS[_zoomRect]).call(z);
......@@ -5582,7 +5608,7 @@
// update categories if exists
if ('categories' in args && $$.isCategorized) {
if ('categories' in args && $$.isCategorized()) {
config[__axis_x_categories] = args.categories;
// use cache if exists
......@@ -5643,7 +5669,7 @@
for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
targets[i].values[j].index = tail + j;
if (!$$.isTimeSeries) {
if (!$$.isTimeSeries()) {
targets[i].values[j].x = tail + j;
......@@ -5666,7 +5692,7 @@
index: tail + j,
x: $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.getOtherTargetX(tail + j) : tail + j,
x: $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.getOtherTargetX(tail + j) : tail + j,
value: null
......@@ -5682,13 +5708,13 @@
index: i,
x: $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.getOtherTargetX(i) : i,
x: $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.getOtherTargetX(i) : i,
value: null
t.values.forEach(function (v) {
v.index += tail;
if (!$$.isTimeSeries) {
if (!$$.isTimeSeries()) {
v.x += tail;
......@@ -5705,7 +5731,7 @@
// Update length to flow if needed
if (isDefined( {
length = 0;
to = $$.isTimeSeries ? $$.parseDate( :;
to = $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate( :;
baseTarget.values.forEach(function (v) {
if (v.x < to) { length++; }
......@@ -5715,7 +5741,7 @@
// If only one data, update the domain to flow from left edge of the chart
if (!orgDataCount) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries()) {
if (baseTarget.values.length > 1) {
diff = baseTarget.values[baseTarget.values.length - 1].x - baseValue.x;
} else {
......@@ -5727,7 +5753,7 @@
domain = [baseValue.x - diff, baseValue.x];
$$.updateXDomain(null, true, true, domain);
} else if (orgDataCount === 1) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries) {
if ($$.isTimeSeries()) {
diff = (baseTarget.values[baseTarget.values.length - 1].x - baseValue.x) / 2;
domain = [new Date(+baseValue.x - diff), new Date(+baseValue.x + diff)];
$$.updateXDomain(null, true, true, domain);
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