Commit 4b7aea96 authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Fix grid on smoothing - #204

parent aef3c573
......@@ -643,21 +643,24 @@
svgArcExpandedSub = getSvgArcExpanded(0.98);
function getX(min, max, domain, offset) {
var scale = ((isTimeSeries) ? d3.time.scale() : d3.scale.linear()).range([min, max]);
// Set function and values for c3
scale.orgDomain = function () { return scale.domain(); };
if (domain) { scale.domain(domain); }
if (isUndefined(offset)) { offset = function () { return 0; }; }
var scale = (isTimeSeries ? d3.time.scale() : d3.scale.linear()).range([min, max]),
_scale = domain ? scale.domain(domain) : scale, key;
// Define customized scale if categorized axis
if (isCategorized) {
var _scale = scale, key;
scale = function (d) { return _scale(d) + offset(d); };
for (key in _scale) {
scale[key] = _scale[key];
scale.orgDomain = function () {
return _scale.domain();
offset = offset || function () { return 0; };
scale = function (d) { return Math.ceil(_scale(d) + offset(d)); };
} else {
scale = function (d) { return Math.ceil(_scale(d)); };
// define functions
for (key in _scale) {
scale[key] = _scale[key];
scale.orgDomain = function () {
return _scale.domain();
// define custom domain() for categorized axis
if (isCategorized) {
scale.domain = function (domain) {
if (!arguments.length) {
domain = _scale.domain();
......@@ -693,7 +696,9 @@
if (isEmpty(__axis_x_tick_culling)) {
__axis_x_tick_culling = false;
} else {
// TODO: move this to c3_axis
axis.tickOffset = function () {
var edgeX = getEdgeX(, diff = x(edgeX[1]) - x(edgeX[0]),
base = diff ? diff : (__axis_rotated ? height : width);
......@@ -701,15 +706,10 @@
// Set categories
if (isCategorized) {
return axis;
function getYAxis(scale, orient, tickFormat, ticks) {
return d3.svg.axis().scale(scale).orient(orient).tickFormat(tickFormat).ticks(ticks).outerTickSize(0);
return c3_axis().scale(scale).orient(orient).tickFormat(tickFormat).ticks(ticks);
function getAxisId(id) {
return id in __data_axes ? __data_axes[id] : 'y';
......@@ -1833,6 +1833,20 @@
function hideXGridFocus() {'line.' + CLASS.xgridFocus).style("visibility", "hidden");
function generateGridData(type, scale) {
var gridData = [], xDomain, firstYear, lastYear, i;
if (type === 'year') {
xDomain = getXDomain();
firstYear = xDomain[0].getFullYear();
lastYear = xDomain[1].getFullYear();
for (i = firstYear; i <= lastYear; i++) {
gridData.push(new Date(i + '-01-01 00:00:00'));
} else {
gridData = scale.ticks(10);
return gridData;
//-- Circle --//
......@@ -2972,12 +2986,7 @@
function smoothLines(el, type) {
if (type === 'tick') {
var t = d3.transform(el.attr("transform")),
x = t.translate[0],
y = t.translate[1];
el.attr("transform", "translate(" + Math.ceil(x) + "," + Math.ceil(y) + ")");
} else if (type === 'grid') {
if (type === 'grid') {
el.each(function () {
var g =,
x1 = g.attr('x1'),
......@@ -2995,9 +3004,9 @@
function redraw(options) {
var xaxis, subxaxis, yaxis, y2axis, xgrid, xgridData, xgridLines, xgridLine, ygrid, ygridLines, ygridLine;
var xaxis, subxaxis, yaxis, y2axis, xgrid, xgridAttr, xgridData, xgridLines, xgridLine, ygrid, ygridLines, ygridLine;
var mainLine, mainArea, mainCircle, mainBar, mainArc, mainRegion, mainText, contextLine, contextBar, eventRect, eventRectUpdate;
var barIndices = getBarIndices(), maxDataCountTarget;
var barIndices = getBarIndices(), maxDataCountTarget, tickOffset;
var rectX, rectW;
var withY, withSubchart, withTransition, withTransitionForExit, withTransitionForAxis, withTransform, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain, withLegend;
var hideAxis = hasArcType(;
......@@ -3070,29 +3079,10 @@
y2.domain(getYDomain(targetsToShow, 'y2'));
// axes'end', function () {'.tick').each(function () {
smoothLines(, 'tick');
});'end', function () {'.tick').each(function () {
smoothLines(, 'tick');
});'end', function () {'.tick').each(function () {
smoothLines(, 'tick');
});'end', function () {'.tick').each(function () {
smoothLines(, 'tick');
// show/hide if manual culling needed
if (withUpdateXDomain && targetsToShow.length) {
......@@ -3114,6 +3104,8 @@
tickOffset = xAxis.tickOffset();
// rotate tick text if needed
if (!__axis_rotated && __axis_x_tick_rotate) {
rotateTickText(xaxis, transitions.axisX, __axis_x_tick_rotate);
......@@ -3140,25 +3132,22 @@
// grid'line.' + CLASS.xgridFocus).style("visibility", "hidden");
if (__grid_x_show) {
if (__grid_x_type === 'year') {
xgridData = [];
var xDomain = getXDomain();
var firstYear = xDomain[0].getFullYear();
var lastYear = xDomain[1].getFullYear();
for (var year = firstYear; year <= lastYear; year++) {
xgridData.push(new Date(year + '-01-01 00:00:00'));
} else {
xgridData = x.ticks(10);
xgridData = generateGridData(__grid_x_type, x);
xgridAttr = __axis_rotated ? {
'x1': 0,
'x2': Math.ceil(width),
'y1': function (d) { return x(d) - tickOffset; },
'y2': function (d) { return x(d) - tickOffset; }
} : {
'x1': function (d) { return x(d) + tickOffset; },
'x2': function (d) { return x(d) + tickOffset; },
'y1': Math.ceil(,
'y2': Math.ceil(height)
xgrid ='.' + CLASS.xgrids).selectAll('.' + CLASS.xgrid)
xgrid.enter().append('line').attr("class", CLASS.xgrid);
xgrid.attr("x1", __axis_rotated ? 0 : function (d) { return Math.ceil(x(d) - xAxis.tickOffset()); })
.attr("x2", __axis_rotated ? Math.ceil(width) : function (d) { return Math.ceil(x(d) - xAxis.tickOffset()); })
.attr("y1", __axis_rotated ? function (d) { return Math.ceil(x(d) - xAxis.tickOffset()); } : Math.ceil(
.attr("y2", __axis_rotated ? function (d) { return Math.ceil(x(d) - xAxis.tickOffset()); } : Math.ceil(height))
.style("opacity", function () { return ? 'y1' : 'x1') === (__axis_rotated ? height : 0) ? 0 : 1; });
......@@ -4475,28 +4464,35 @@
// TODO: module.exports
// Features:
// 1. category axis
// 2. ceil values of translate/x/y to int for half pixel antialiasing
function c3_axis(isCategory) {
var scale = d3.scale.linear(), orient = "bottom", innerTickSize = 6, outerTickSize = 6, tickPadding = 3, tickValues = null, tickFormat;
var scale = d3.scale.linear(), orient = "bottom", innerTickSize = 6, outerTickSize = 6, tickPadding = 3, tickValues = null, tickFormat, tickArguments;
var tickOffset = 0, tickTextNum = 10, tickCulling = true;
var tickOffset = 0, tickCulling = true;
var categories = [], tickCentered;
function axisX(selection, x) {
selection.attr("transform", function (d) {
return "translate(" + (x(d) + tickOffset) + ", 0)";
return "translate(" + Math.ceil(x(d) + tickOffset) + ", 0)";
function axisY(selection, y) {
selection.attr("transform", function (d) {
return "translate(0," + y(d) + ")";
return "translate(0," + Math.ceil(y(d)) + ")";
function scaleExtent(domain) {
var start = domain[0], stop = domain[domain.length - 1];
return start < stop ? [ start, stop ] : [ stop, start ];
function generateTicks(domain) {
var i, ticks = [];
function generateTicks(scale) {
var i, domain, ticks = [];
if (scale.ticks) {
return scale.ticks.apply(scale, tickArguments);
domain = scale.domain();
for (i = Math.ceil(domain[0]); i < domain[1]; i++) {
......@@ -4522,7 +4518,7 @@
var g =;
var scale0 = this.__chart__ || scale, scale1 = this.__chart__ = copyScale();
var ticks = tickValues ? tickValues : generateTicks(scale1.domain()),
var ticks = tickValues ? tickValues : generateTicks(scale1),
tick = g.selectAll(".tick").data(ticks, scale1),
tickEnter = tick.enter().insert("g", ".domain").attr("class", "tick").style("opacity", 1e-6),
tickExit = d3.transition(tick.exit()).style("opacity", 1e-6).remove(),
......@@ -4542,7 +4538,7 @@
textUpdate ="text");
if (isCategory) {
tickOffset = (scale1(1) - scale1(0)) / 2;
tickOffset = Math.ceil((scale1(1) - scale1(0)) / 2);
tickX = tickCentered ? 0 : tickOffset;
} else {
tickOffset = tickX = 0;
......@@ -4628,12 +4624,12 @@
tickCentered = isCentered;
return axis;
axis.tickOffset = function () {
axis.tickOffset = function () { // This will be overwritten when normal x axis
return tickOffset;
axis.ticks = function (n) {
if (!arguments.length) { return tickTextNum; }
tickTextNum = n;
axis.ticks = function() {
if (!arguments.length) return tickArguments;
tickArguments = arguments;
return axis;
axis.tickCulling = function (culling) {
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