Commit 6f306700 authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Fix config logic

parent bb9b763e
......@@ -78,9 +78,11 @@
function getConfig(keys, defaultValue) {
var target = config;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (! (keys[i] in target)) { return defaultValue; }
var i, target = config, isDefaultObject = typeof defaultValue === 'object';
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (!(keys[i] in target) || (i === keys.length - 1 && !isDefaultObject && typeof target[keys[i]] === 'object')) {
return defaultValue;
target = target[keys[i]];
return target;
......@@ -89,14 +91,14 @@
// bindto - id to bind the chart
var __bindto = getConfig(['bindto'], '#chart');
var __size_width = getConfig(['size', 'width'], null),
__size_height = getConfig(['size', 'height'], null);
var __size_width = getConfig(['size', 'width']),
__size_height = getConfig(['size', 'height']);
var __padding_left = getConfig(['padding', 'left'], null),
__padding_right = getConfig(['padding', 'right'], null);
var __padding_left = getConfig(['padding', 'left']),
__padding_right = getConfig(['padding', 'right']);
var __zoom_enabled = getConfig(['zoom', 'enabled'], false),
__zoom_extent = getConfig(['zoom', 'extent'], null),
__zoom_extent = getConfig(['zoom', 'extent']),
__zoom_privileged = getConfig(['zoom', 'privileged'], false);
var __onenter = getConfig(['onenter'], function () {}),
......@@ -107,17 +109,17 @@
// data - data configuration
checkConfig('data', 'data is required in config');
var __data_x = getConfig(['data', 'x'], null),
__data_xs = getConfig(['data', 'xs'], null),
var __data_x = getConfig(['data', 'x']),
__data_xs = getConfig(['data', 'xs']),
__data_x_format = getConfig(['data', 'x_format'], '%Y-%m-%d'),
__data_id_converter = getConfig(['data', 'id_converter'], function (id) { return id; }),
__data_names = getConfig(['data', 'names'], {}),
__data_groups = getConfig(['data', 'groups'], []),
__data_axes = getConfig(['data', 'axes'], {}),
__data_type = getConfig(['data', 'type'], null),
__data_type = getConfig(['data', 'type']),
__data_types = getConfig(['data', 'types'], {}),
__data_labels = getConfig(['data', 'labels'], {}),
__data_order = getConfig(['data', 'order'], null),
__data_order = getConfig(['data', 'order']),
__data_regions = getConfig(['data', 'regions'], {}),
__data_colors = getConfig(['data', 'colors'], {}),
__data_selection_enabled = getConfig(['data', 'selection', 'enabled'], false),
......@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@
__subchart_size_height = __subchart_show ? getConfig(['subchart', 'size', 'height'], 60) : 0;
// color
var __color_pattern = getConfig(['color', 'pattern'], null);
var __color_pattern = getConfig(['color', 'pattern']);
// legend
var __legend_show = getConfig(['legend', 'show'], true),
......@@ -148,40 +150,40 @@
__axis_x_type = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'type'], 'indexed'),
__axis_x_categories = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'categories'], []),
__axis_x_tick_centered = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'centered'], false),
__axis_x_tick_format = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'format'], null),
__axis_x_tick_format = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'format']),
__axis_x_tick_culling = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'culling'], __axis_x_type === 'categorized' ? false : true),
__axis_x_tick_count = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'count'], 10),
__axis_x_max = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'max'], null),
__axis_x_min = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'min'], null),
__axis_x_default = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'default'], null),
__axis_x_label = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'label'], null),
__axis_x_max = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'max']),
__axis_x_min = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'min']),
__axis_x_default = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'default']),
__axis_x_label = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'label'], {}),
__axis_y_show = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'show'], true),
__axis_y_max = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'max'], null),
__axis_y_min = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'min'], null),
__axis_y_center = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'center'], null),
__axis_y_label = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'label'], null),
__axis_y_max = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'max']),
__axis_y_min = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'min']),
__axis_y_center = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'center']),
__axis_y_label = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'label'], {}),
__axis_y_inner = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'inner'], false),
__axis_y_tick_format = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'tick', 'format'], null),
__axis_y_padding = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'padding'], null),
__axis_y_tick_format = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'tick', 'format']),
__axis_y_padding = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'padding']),
__axis_y_ticks = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'ticks'], 10),
__axis_y2_show = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'show'], false),
__axis_y2_max = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'max'], null),
__axis_y2_min = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'min'], null),
__axis_y2_center = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'center'], null),
__axis_y2_label = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'label'], null),
__axis_y2_max = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'max']),
__axis_y2_min = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'min']),
__axis_y2_center = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'center']),
__axis_y2_label = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'label']),
__axis_y2_inner = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'inner'], false),
__axis_y2_tick_format = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'tick', 'format'], null),
__axis_y2_padding = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'padding'], null),
__axis_y2_tick_format = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'tick', 'format']),
__axis_y2_padding = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'padding']),
__axis_y2_ticks = getConfig(['axis', 'y2', 'ticks'], 10);
// grid
var __grid_x_show = getConfig(['grid', 'x', 'show'], false),
__grid_x_type = getConfig(['grid', 'x', 'type'], 'tick'),
__grid_x_lines = getConfig(['grid', 'x', 'lines'], null),
__grid_x_lines = getConfig(['grid', 'x', 'lines']),
__grid_y_show = getConfig(['grid', 'y', 'show'], false),
// not used
// __grid_y_type = getConfig(['grid', 'y', 'type'], 'tick'),
__grid_y_lines = getConfig(['grid', 'y', 'lines'], null),
__grid_y_lines = getConfig(['grid', 'y', 'lines']),
__grid_y_ticks = getConfig(['grid', 'y', 'ticks'], 10);
// point - point of each data
......@@ -194,14 +196,14 @@
// pie
var __pie_label_show = getConfig(['pie', 'label', 'show'], true),
__pie_label_format = getConfig(['pie', 'label', 'format'], null),
__pie_label_format = getConfig(['pie', 'label', 'format']),
__pie_onclick = getConfig(['pie', 'onclick'], function () {}),
__pie_onmouseover = getConfig(['pie', 'onmouseover'], function () {}),
__pie_onmouseout = getConfig(['pie', 'onmouseout'], function () {});
// donut
var __donut_label_show = getConfig(['donut', 'label', 'show'], true),
__donut_label_format = getConfig(['donut', 'label', 'format'], null),
__donut_label_format = getConfig(['donut', 'label', 'format']),
__donut_title = getConfig(['donut', 'title'], ""),
__donut_onclick = getConfig(['donut', 'onclick'], function () {}),
__donut_onmouseover = getConfig(['donut', 'onmouseover'], function () {}),
......@@ -212,8 +214,8 @@
// tooltip - show when mouseover on each data
var __tooltip_show = getConfig(['tooltip', 'show'], true),
__tooltip_format_title = getConfig(['tooltip', 'format', 'title'], null),
__tooltip_format_value = getConfig(['tooltip', 'format', 'value'], null),
__tooltip_format_title = getConfig(['tooltip', 'format', 'title']),
__tooltip_format_value = getConfig(['tooltip', 'format', 'value']),
__tooltip_contents = getConfig(['tooltip', 'contents'], function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
var titleFormat = __tooltip_format_title ? __tooltip_format_title : defaultTitleFormat,
valueFormat = __tooltip_format_value ? __tooltip_format_value : defaultValueFormat,
......@@ -1773,7 +1775,7 @@
function generateColor(_colors, _pattern) {
var ids = [],
colors = _colors,
pattern = (_pattern !== null) ? _pattern : ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf']; //same as d3.scale.category10()
pattern = _pattern ? _pattern : ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf']; //same as d3.scale.category10()
return function (id) {
// if specified, choose that color
......@@ -2340,7 +2342,7 @@
// Set default extent if defined
if (__axis_x_default !== null) {
if (__axis_x_default) {
brush.extent(typeof __axis_x_default !== 'function' ? __axis_x_default : __axis_x_default(getXDomain()));
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