Commit f3ce633b authored by danelkhen's avatar danelkhen


parent 785eb254
///<reference path="http://localhost/cockpit/js/playground/utils.js"></script>
var chart;
var chart;
function refresh() {
if (suspendRefresh)
......@@ -26,43 +22,20 @@ function main() {
var xColumn = Array.generateNumbers(0, max);
var options = {
bindto: "#divChart",
//transition: { duration: 0 },
data: {
columns: [
type: "line",
x: "x"
zoom2: {
enabled: true,
//reducers: {
// col: "t=>Math.round(t.avg())".toLambda(),
// xColumns: "t=>t[0]".toLambda()
chart = c3ext.generate(options);
//var deltaY = 0;
//var leftRatio = 0;
//var el = $("#divChart");
//var timer = new Timer(doZoom);
//el.mousewheel(function (e) {
// deltaY += e.deltaY;
// leftRatio = (e.offsetX - 70) / (e.currentTarget.offsetWidth - 70);
// console.log({ "e.offsetX": e.offsetX, "e.currentTarget.offsetWidth": e.currentTarget.offsetWidth, leftRatio: leftRatio });
// timer.set(150);
// e.preventDefault();
// //if(e.deltaY>0)
// // chart.zoom2.zoomIn();
// //else if(e.deltaY<0)
// // chart.zoom2.zoomOut();
// //console.log(e.deltaX, e.deltaY, e.deltaFactor);
window.setInterval(refreshStatus, 1000);
function refreshStatus() {
......@@ -75,17 +48,6 @@ function main() {
$("#status").text(JSON.stringify(info, null, " "));
//function doZoom() {
// if (deltaY != 0) {
// var maxDelta = 10;
// var multiply = (maxDelta + deltaY) / maxDelta;
// //var factor = chart.zoom2.factor()*multiply;
// //factor= Math.ceil(factor*100) / 100;
// console.log({ deltaY: deltaY, multiply: multiply });
// chart.zoom2.zoomAndPanByRatio(multiply, leftRatio);//0.5);//leftRatio);
// deltaY = 0;
// }
......@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
<button onclick="chart.zoom2.reset()">reset</button>
<div id="divChart" style="height:300px"></div>
<p>Only 'columns' data format is supported for now.</p>
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