Commit 2367fc71 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Loop.cpp: drop ugly ifdef indentation

parent 6d8fe661
......@@ -3962,13 +3962,14 @@ void SetupDisplaySocket(int &addr_family, sockaddr *&addr,
delete [] display;
} else {
cerr << "Info" << ": Falling back to file system X11 socket "
<< "for accessing DISPLAY=:" << xPort << ".\n";
delete xServerAddrABSTRACT;
struct stat statInfo;
......@@ -4039,10 +4040,6 @@ void SetupDisplaySocket(int &addr_family, sockaddr *&addr,
addr = (sockaddr *) xServerAddrUNIX;
addr_length = sizeof(sockaddr_un);
#ifdef __linux__
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