Unverified Commit 4c7641a1 authored by Mihai Moldovan's avatar Mihai Moldovan

Merge branch 'sunweaver-pr/mese-quilt-without-quilt' into 3.6.x

Attributes GH PR #470: https://github.com/ArcticaProject/nx-libs/pull/470 Fixes: ArcticaProject/nx-libs#444 Fixes: ArcticaProject/nx-libs#457
parents 05450d0e 79fcce3e
......@@ -18,17 +18,84 @@
# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
d=. ; while [ ! -d "$d/nx-X11/extras" ] && [ "$(readlink -e "$d")" != "/" ]; do d="$d/.."; done
if [ -d "$d/nx-X11/extras" ] && [ -z "$QUILT_PATCHES" ]; then
# if in nx-libs tree with unset $QUILT_PATCHES
# only continue, if in nx-libs tree
if [ -d "$d/nx-X11/extras" ]; then
if which quilt 1>/dev/null; then
echo "$(basename $0): quilt utility found, so we use it..."
export QUILT_PATCHES="../Mesa.patches"
export QUILT_PATCH_OPTS="--reject-format=unified"
export QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index --color=auto"
export QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index"
export QUILT_COLORS="diff_hdr=1;32:diff_add=1;34:diff_rem=1;31:diff_hunk=1;33:diff_ctx=35:diff_cctx=33"
if ! [ -d "$d/nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches" ]; then mkdir "$d/nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches"; fi
mkdir -p "$d/nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches"
cd "$d/nx-X11/extras/Mesa/"
quilt "$@"
quilt "$@"
cd - 1> /dev/null
echo "$(basename $0): no quilt utility found, falling back to stupidly (un)applying our patches..."
# we are really stupid here, we only understand 'push -a' and 'pop -a'
# this should be sufficient for the build process...
cd "$d/nx-X11/extras/Mesa/"
cd - 1> /dev/null
# make sure all need dirs and files exist
mkdir -p ./Mesa.patches/
touch "../Mesa.patches/series"
# this file will be needed temporarily
touch "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches"
if [ "$CMDLINE_ARGS" = "push -a" ]; then
grep -E -v "^#.*" < "../Mesa.patches/series" | while read patchfile; do
if [ -n "$patchfile" ] && [ -r "../Mesa.patches/$patchfile" ] && ! grep -q "$patchfile" < "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches"; then
echo "Applying patch ../Mesa.patches/$patchfile"
patch -p1 < "../Mesa.patches/$patchfile"
echo "$patchfile" >> "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches"
elif [ "$CMDLINE_ARGS" = "pop -a" ]; then
tac "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches" | while read patchfile; do
if [ -n "$patchfile" ] && [ -r "../Mesa.patches/$patchfile" ]; then
echo "Removing patch ../Mesa.patches/$patchfile"
patch -R -p1 < "../Mesa.patches/$patchfile"
sed -e "/$patchfile/d" "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches" > "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches.tmp"
mv "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches.tmp" "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches"
echo "$(basename $0): Doing nothing! Cmdline options not understood: $CMDLINE_ARGS"
# remove the .applied-patches file, if empty again
if [ ! -s "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches" ]; then
rm -f "../Mesa.patches/.applied-patches"
cd - 1> /dev/null
Patch naming scheme for Mesa.patches:
For patch file names, use characters from this ASCII subset:
This precaution is esp. important, if you build nx-libs without having
the quilt utility available in the build environment. This is mostly true
for non-Debian-based systems.
Patch numbering scheme:
The patch naming scheme is about ordering patches by names and
categories. All patches shall be prefixed with a number:
0xxx: Mesa upstream backports
1xxx: Patches that might be interesting for Mesa upstream
2xxx: Distro specific patches (not applicable here, probably)
3xxx: Security / CVE fixes for Mesa (probably obtained from upstream)
4xxx: Patches that are needed to make Mesa work/build with/against nx-libs
5xxx: Patches that silence compiler warnings
The "series" file within the Mesa.patches directory defines the order of
patch application.
The patch names in the "series" file do not necessarily need to be in
alpha-numerical order. Patch application order is about code and
functionality, That is, patches in one category are allowed to depend
upon patches in another category, even if the subsequent digits are not
strictly ascending.
......@@ -20,6 +20,19 @@ BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: imake
# ideally we build with quilt (for mesa-quilt patch appliance script),
# it seems Fedora has it...
%if 0%{?fedora}
BuildRequires: quilt
# other distros sometimes do have quilt, sometimes don't, let's
# not differentiate here when it is available and when not. Rather
# rely on stupid patch application fallback mode in mesa-quilt...
%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?suse_version}
BuildRequires: patch
# suse_version 1315 is SLE-12
%if 0%{?suse_version} != 1315 && 0%{?suse_version} >= 1230
BuildRequires: gpg-offline
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