Unverified Commit 67599026 authored by Mike Gabriel's avatar Mike Gabriel

Merge branch 'uli42-pr/various3' into 3.6.x

parents 5a8f1e92 cf8797c3
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
#ifdef SVR4
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
#if defined(ISC) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__SCO__)
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__SCO__)
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
......@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ ProcXvQueryAdaptors(ClientPtr client)
xvAdaptorInfo ainfo;
xvQueryAdaptorsReply rep;
int totalSize, na, nf;
int nameSize;
XvAdaptorPtr pa;
XvFormatPtr pf;
WindowPtr pWin;
......@@ -450,12 +451,12 @@ ProcXvQueryAdaptors(ClientPtr client)
ainfo.base_id = pa->base_id;
ainfo.num_ports = pa->nPorts;
ainfo.type = pa->type;
ainfo.name_size = strlen(pa->name);
ainfo.name_size = nameSize = strlen(pa->name);
ainfo.num_formats = pa->nFormats;
_WriteAdaptorInfo(client, &ainfo);
WriteToClient(client, ainfo.name_size, pa->name);
WriteToClient(client, nameSize, pa->name);
nf = pa->nFormats;
pf = pa->pFormats;
......@@ -481,6 +482,7 @@ ProcXvQueryEncodings(ClientPtr client)
xvEncodingInfo einfo;
xvQueryEncodingsReply rep;
int totalSize;
int nameSize;
XvPortPtr pPort;
int ne;
XvEncodingPtr pe;
......@@ -525,13 +527,13 @@ ProcXvQueryEncodings(ClientPtr client)
while (ne--)
einfo.encoding = pe->id;
einfo.name_size = strlen(pe->name);
einfo.name_size = nameSize = strlen(pe->name);
einfo.width = pe->width;
einfo.height = pe->height;
einfo.rate.numerator = pe->rate.numerator;
einfo.rate.denominator = pe->rate.denominator;
_WriteEncodingInfo(client, &einfo);
WriteToClient(client, einfo.name_size, pe->name);
WriteToClient(client, nameSize, pe->name);
......@@ -1011,19 +1013,20 @@ ProcXvQueryPortAttributes(ClientPtr client)
rep.num_attributes = pPort->pAdaptor->nAttributes;
rep.text_size = 0;
for(i = 0, pAtt = pPort->pAdaptor->pAttributes;
i < rep.num_attributes; i++, pAtt++)
for(i = 0, pAtt = pPort->pAdaptor->pAttributes;
i < pPort->pAdaptor->nAttributes; i++, pAtt++)
rep.text_size += (strlen(pAtt->name) + 1 + 3) & ~3L;
rep.length = (rep.num_attributes * sz_xvAttributeInfo) + rep.text_size;
rep.length = (pPort->pAdaptor->nAttributes * sz_xvAttributeInfo)
+ rep.text_size;
rep.length >>= 2;
_WriteQueryPortAttributesReply(client, &rep);
for(i = 0, pAtt = pPort->pAdaptor->pAttributes;
i < rep.num_attributes; i++, pAtt++)
i < pPort->pAdaptor->nAttributes; i++, pAtt++)
size = strlen(pAtt->name) + 1; /* pass the NULL */
Info.flags = pAtt->flags;
......@@ -1233,6 +1236,7 @@ ProcXvQueryImageAttributes(ClientPtr client)
XvPortPtr pPort;
int *offsets;
int *pitches;
int planeLength;
......@@ -1272,7 +1276,7 @@ ProcXvQueryImageAttributes(ClientPtr client)
rep.type = X_Reply;
rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
rep.length = num_planes << 1;
rep.length = planeLength = num_planes << 1;
rep.num_planes = num_planes;
rep.width = width;
rep.height = height;
......@@ -1280,8 +1284,8 @@ ProcXvQueryImageAttributes(ClientPtr client)
_WriteQueryImageAttributesReply(client, &rep);
SwapLongs((CARD32*)offsets, rep.length);
WriteToClient(client, rep.length << 2, offsets);
SwapLongs((CARD32*)offsets, planeLength);
WriteToClient(client, planeLength << 2, offsets);
......@@ -1309,13 +1313,13 @@ ProcXvListImageFormats(ClientPtr client)
rep.type = X_Reply;
rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
rep.num_formats = pPort->pAdaptor->nImages;
rep.length = rep.num_formats * sz_xvImageFormatInfo >> 2;
rep.length = pPort->pAdaptor->nImages * sz_xvImageFormatInfo >> 2;
_WriteListImageFormatsReply(client, &rep);
pImage = pPort->pAdaptor->pImages;
for(i = 0; i < rep.num_formats; i++, pImage++) {
for(i = 0; i < pPort->pAdaptor->nImages; i++, pImage++) {
info.id = pImage->id;
info.type = pImage->type;
info.byte_order = pImage->byte_order;
......@@ -1642,7 +1646,7 @@ SWriteQueryExtensionReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryExtensionReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryExtensionReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -1656,7 +1660,7 @@ SWriteQueryAdaptorsReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryAdaptorsReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryAdaptorsReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -1670,7 +1674,7 @@ SWriteQueryEncodingsReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryEncodingsReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryEncodingsReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -1765,7 +1769,7 @@ SWriteGrabPortReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvGrabPortReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvGrabPortReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -1779,7 +1783,7 @@ SWriteGetPortAttributeReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvGetPortAttributeReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvGetPortAttributeReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -1794,7 +1798,7 @@ SWriteQueryBestSizeReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryBestSizeReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryBestSizeReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -1809,7 +1813,7 @@ SWriteQueryPortAttributesReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryPortAttributesReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryPortAttributesReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -1826,7 +1830,7 @@ SWriteQueryImageAttributesReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryImageAttributesReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvQueryImageAttributesReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -1841,7 +1845,7 @@ SWriteListImageFormatsReply(
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvListImageFormatsReply, &rep);
WriteToClient(client, sz_xvListImageFormatsReply, rep);
return Success;
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ NULL =
#include <Server.tmpl>
XPSRC = xpstubs.c
XPOBJ = xpstubs.o
#if !HasFfs
FFS_SRC = ffs.c
FFS_OBJ = ffs.o
LintLibraryTarget(dix,$(SRCS) $(XPSRC))
NormalLintTarget($(SRCS) $(XPSRC))
SpecialCObjectRule(globals,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(SITE_DEFINES) $(EXT_DEFINES))
......@@ -138,6 +133,4 @@ SpecialCObjectRule(pixmap,$(ICONFIGFILES),$(_NOOP_))
......@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include "swaprep.h"
#include "dixevents.h"
extern void XkbFreePrivates(DeviceIntPtr device);
AddInputDevice(DeviceProc deviceProc, Bool autoStart)
......@@ -391,7 +391,6 @@ Dispatch(void)
isItTimeToYield = FALSE;
requestingClient = client;
start_tick = SmartScheduleTime;
while (!isItTimeToYield)
......@@ -447,7 +446,6 @@ Dispatch(void)
client = clients[clientReady[nready]];
if (client)
client->smart_stop_tick = SmartScheduleTime;
requestingClient = NULL;
dispatchException &= ~DE_PRIORITYCHANGE;
......@@ -2178,34 +2178,27 @@ FontResolutionPtr
GetClientResolutions (int *num)
#endif /* HAS_XFONT2 */
if (requestingClient && requestingClient->fontResFunc != NULL &&
return (*requestingClient->fontResFunc)(requestingClient, num);
else {
static struct _FontResolution res;
ScreenPtr pScreen;
static struct _FontResolution res;
ScreenPtr pScreen;
pScreen = screenInfo.screens[0];
res.x_resolution = (pScreen->width * 25.4) / pScreen->mmWidth;
* XXX - we'll want this as long as bitmap instances are prevalent
so that we can match them from scalable fonts
if (res.x_resolution < 88)
res.x_resolution = 75;
res.x_resolution = 100;
res.y_resolution = (pScreen->height * 25.4) / pScreen->mmHeight;
if (res.y_resolution < 88)
res.y_resolution = 75;
res.y_resolution = 100;
res.point_size = 120;
*num = 1;
return &res;
pScreen = screenInfo.screens[0];
res.x_resolution = (pScreen->width * 25.4) / pScreen->mmWidth;
* XXX - we'll want this as long as bitmap instances are prevalent
so that we can match them from scalable fonts
if (res.x_resolution < 88)
res.x_resolution = 75;
res.x_resolution = 100;
res.y_resolution = (pScreen->height * 25.4) / pScreen->mmHeight;
if (res.y_resolution < 88)
res.y_resolution = 75;
res.y_resolution = 100;
res.point_size = 120;
*num = 1;
return &res;
#ifndef HAS_XFONT2
......@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ Bool loadableFonts = FALSE;
CursorPtr rootCursor;
Bool blackRoot=FALSE;
Bool whiteRoot=FALSE;
ClientPtr requestingClient; /* XXX this should be obsolete now, remove? */
TimeStamp currentTime;
TimeStamp lastDeviceEventTime;
......@@ -254,7 +254,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
SetInputCheck(&alwaysCheckForInput[0], &alwaysCheckForInput[1]);
screenInfo.arraySize = MAXSCREENS;
screenInfo.numScreens = 0;
screenInfo.numVideoScreens = -1;
......@@ -280,8 +279,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
if (screenInfo.numScreens < 1)
FatalError("no screens found");
if (screenInfo.numVideoScreens < 0)
screenInfo.numVideoScreens = screenInfo.numScreens;
InitExtensions(argc, argv);
if (!InitClientPrivates(serverClient))
FatalError("failed to allocate serverClient devprivates");
......@@ -253,11 +253,18 @@ ProcChangeProperty(ClientPtr client)
return client->noClientException;
#endif /* NXAGENT_SERVER */
Xorg_ChangeWindowProperty(WindowPtr pWin, Atom property, Atom type, int format,
int mode, unsigned long len, void * value,
Bool sendevent)
ChangeWindowProperty(WindowPtr pWin, Atom property, Atom type, int format,
int mode, unsigned long len, void * value,
Bool sendevent)
PropertyPtr pProp;
int sizeInBytes;
......@@ -367,7 +374,6 @@ ChangeWindowProperty(WindowPtr pWin, Atom property, Atom type, int format,
#endif /* NXAGENT_SERVER */
DeleteProperty(WindowPtr pWin, Atom propName)
Copyright 1996, 1998 The Open Group
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall
not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
from The Open Group.
#include <dix-config.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include <X11/fonts/font.h>
extern Bool XpClientIsBitmapClient(ClientPtr client);
extern Bool XpClientIsPrintClient(ClientPtr client, FontPathElementPtr fpe);
ClientPtr client)
return TRUE;
ClientPtr client,
FontPathElementPtr fpe)
return FALSE;
......@@ -75,26 +75,61 @@ Atom nxagentAtoms[NXAGENT_NUMBER_OF_ATOMS];
static char *nxagentAtomNames[NXAGENT_NUMBER_OF_ATOMS + 1] =
"NX_IDENTITY", /* 0 */
"WM_PROTOCOLS", /* 1 */
"WM_NX_READY", /* 3 */
"MCOPGLOBALS", /* 4 */
/* Unfortunately we cannot rename this to NX_SELTRANS_TO_AGENT
"NX_IDENTITY", /* 0 */
/* NX_IDENTITY was used in earlier nx versions to communicate
the version to NXwin. Got dropped between nxagent 1.5.0-45
and 1.5.0-112. */
"WM_PROTOCOLS", /* 1 */
/* standard ICCCM Atom */
/* standard ICCCM Atom */
"WM_NX_READY", /* 3 */
/* nxagent takes the ownership of the selection with this name
to signal the nxclient (or any other watching program)
it is ready. */
"MCOPGLOBALS", /* 4 */
/* used for artsd support. */
/* this is the name of a property on nxagent's window on the
real X server. This property is used for passing clipboard
content from clients of the real X server to nxagent's clients
Unfortunately we cannot rename this to NX_SELTRANS_TO_AGENT
because nomachine's nxclient is depending on this
selection */
"TARGETS", /* 6 */
"TEXT", /* 7 */
"NXDARWIN", /* 9 */
"TARGETS", /* 6 */
/* used to request a list of supported data formats from the
selection owner. Standard ICCCM Atom */
"TEXT", /* 7 */
/* one of the supported data formats for selections. Standard
ICCCM Atom */
/* this is used to set a property on nxagent's window if nxagent
is started with the fullscreen option set. Unsure, what this
is used for. */
"NXDARWIN", /* 9 */
/* this was an Atom in nxdarwin, nomachine's X server for MacOS. */
"CLIPBOARD", /* 10 */
/* Atom for the clipboard selection. PRIMARY is fixed in X11 but
CLIPBOARD is not. Standard ICCCM Atom. */
"TIMESTAMP", /* 11 */
/* used to request the time a selection has been owned. Standard
ICCCM Atom */
"UTF8_STRING", /* 12 */
/* one of the supported data formats for selections. Standard
ICCCM Atom */
"_NET_WM_STATE", /* 13 */
/* standard ICCCM Atom */
/* standard ICCCM Atom */
/* this is the name of a property on nxagent's window on the real
X server. This property is used for passing clipboard content
from nxagent's clients to clients on the real X server */
"COMPOUND_TEXT", /* 16 */
/* one of the supported data formats for selections. Standard
ICCCM Atom */
......@@ -561,11 +561,6 @@ static void nxagentSigchldHandler(int signal)
Display *nxagentInternalOpenDisplay(char *display)
struct sigaction oldAction;
struct sigaction newAction;
int result;
* Stop the smart schedule timer since it uses SIGALRM as we do.
......@@ -583,12 +578,17 @@ FIXME: Should print a warning if the user tries to let the agent
explanation for the error to the user.
newAction.sa_handler = nxagentRejectConnection;
struct sigaction newAction = {
.sa_handler = nxagentRejectConnection
newAction.sa_flags = 0;
int result;
struct sigaction oldAction;
while (((result = sigaction(SIGALRM, &newAction,
&oldAction)) == -1) && (errno == EINTR));
......@@ -754,6 +754,20 @@ static void nxagentDisplayFlushHandler(Display *display, int length)
* From the changelog for nx-X11-3.0.0-4:
* "Added the _NXDisplayErrorPredicate function in XlibInt.c. It is
* actually a pointer to a function called whenever Xlib is going to
* perform a network operation. If the function returns true, the
* call will be aborted and Xlib will return the control to the ap-
* plication. It is up to the application to set the XlibDisplayIO-
* Error flag after the _NXDisplayErrorPredicate returns true. The
* function can be used to activate additional checks, besides the
* normal failures detected by Xlib on the display socket. For exam-
* ple, the application can set the funciton to verify if an inter-
* rupt was received or if any other event occurred mandating the
+ end of the session."
static int nxagentDisplayErrorPredicate(Display *display, int error)
#ifdef TEST
......@@ -925,8 +939,6 @@ void nxagentInstallSignalHandlers(void)
struct sigaction newAction;
int result;
* By default nxcomp installs its signal handlers. We need to
* ensure that SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 are ignored if the NX transport
......@@ -939,6 +951,8 @@ void nxagentInstallSignalHandlers(void)
newAction.sa_flags = 0;
int result;
while (((result = sigaction(SIGUSR1, &newAction,
NULL)) == -1) && (errno == EINTR));
......@@ -1054,12 +1068,6 @@ void nxagentPostInstallSignalHandlers(void)
void nxagentResetSignalHandlers(void)
struct sigaction newAction;
int result;
memset(&newAction, 0, sizeof(newAction));
* Reset the signal handlers to a well known state.
......@@ -1074,10 +1082,13 @@ void nxagentResetSignalHandlers(void)
newAction.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
struct sigaction newAction = {
.sa_handler = SIG_DFL
int result;
while (((result = sigaction(SIGALRM, &newAction,
NULL)) == -1) && (errno == EINTR));
......@@ -1091,7 +1102,6 @@ void nxagentResetSignalHandlers(void)
void nxagentOpenDisplay(int argc, char *argv[])
......@@ -1100,12 +1110,9 @@ void nxagentOpenDisplay(int argc, char *argv[])
startTime = GetTimeInMillis();
fprintf(stderr, "Display: Opening the display on real X server with time [%d] ms.\n",
GetTimeInMillis() - startTime);
......@@ -1175,10 +1182,8 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
fprintf(stderr, "Display: Display on real X server opened with time [%d] ms.\n",
GetTimeInMillis() - startTime);
nxagentUseNXTrans =
......@@ -1397,10 +1402,8 @@ N/A
fprintf(stderr, "Display: Open of the display finished with time [%d] ms.\n",
GetTimeInMillis() - startTime);
if (nxagentOption(Persistent))
......@@ -1435,10 +1438,11 @@ void nxagentSetDefaultVisual(void)
XVisualInfo vi = {0};
XVisualInfo vi = {
.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual(DefaultVisual(nxagentDisplay,
vi.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual(DefaultVisual(nxagentDisplay,
nxagentDefaultVisualIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nxagentNumVisuals; i++)
......@@ -1453,14 +1457,13 @@ void nxagentSetDefaultVisual(void)
void nxagentInitVisuals(void)
long mask = VisualScreenMask;
XVisualInfo vi = {
.screen = DefaultScreen(nxagentDisplay),
.depth = DefaultDepth(nxagentDisplay, DefaultScreen(nxagentDisplay)),
.depth = DefaultDepth(nxagentDisplay, DefaultScreen(nxagentDisplay))
long mask = VisualScreenMask;
int viNumList;
XVisualInfo *viList = XGetVisualInfo(nxagentDisplay, mask, &vi, &viNumList);
nxagentVisuals = (XVisualInfo *) malloc(viNumList * sizeof(XVisualInfo));
nxagentNumVisuals = 0;
......@@ -1566,7 +1569,6 @@ XXX: Some X server doesn't list 1 among available depths...
if (nxagentDepths[j] == i)
depth = i;
......@@ -1744,7 +1746,6 @@ FIXME: Is this needed?
nxagentDisplay = NULL;
Bool nxagentMakeIcon(Display *display, Pixmap *nxIcon, Pixmap *nxMask)
char** agentIconData;
......@@ -1752,7 +1753,7 @@ Bool nxagentMakeIcon(Display *display, Pixmap *nxIcon, Pixmap *nxMask)
* selecting x2go icon when running as X2Go agent
if (nxagentX2go)
agentIconData = x2goagentIconData;
......@@ -1778,8 +1779,7 @@ Bool nxagentMakeIcon(Display *display, Pixmap *nxIcon, Pixmap *nxMask)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Xpm operation failed with error '%s'.\n", __func__,
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Xpm operation failed.\n", __func__);
return False;
......@@ -1911,14 +1911,15 @@ static int nxagentCheckForDefaultDepthCompatibility(void)
* Depending on the (reconnect) tolerance checks value, this
* function checks stricter or looser:
* - Strict means that the old and new default depth values must
* match exactly.
* - Safe or Risky means that the default depth values might
* differ, but the new default depth value must be at least as
* high as the former default depth value. This is recommended,
* because it allows clients with a higher default depth value
* to still connect, but not lose functionality.
* - Bypass means that all of these checks are essentially
* - "Strict" means that the old and new default depth values
* must match exactly.
* - "Safe" or "Risky" means that the default depth values might differ,
* but the new default depth value must be at least as
* high as the former default depth value. This is
* recommended, because it allows clients with a
* higher default depth value to still connect, but
* not lose functionality.
* - "Bypass" means that all of these checks are essentially
* deactivated. This is probably a very bad idea.
......@@ -1970,17 +1971,19 @@ static int nxagentCheckForDepthsCompatibility(void)
* Depending on the (reconnect) tolerance checks value, this
* function checks stricter or looser:
* - Strict means that the number of old and new depths must match
* exactly and every old depth value must be available in the
* new depth array.
* - Safe means that the number of depths might diverge, but all
* former depth must also be included in the new depth
* array. This is recommended, because it allows clients with
* more depths to still connect, but not lose functionality.
* - Risky means that the new depths array is allowed to be
* smaller than the old depths array, but at least one depth
* value must be included in both. This is potentially unsafe.
* - Bypass or higher means that all of these checks are
* - "Strict" means that the number of old and new depths must
* match exactly and every old depth value must be
* available in the new depth array.
* - "Safe" means that the number of depths might diverge,
* but all former depth must also be included in the
* new depth array. This is recommended, because
* it allows clients with more depths to still
* connect, but not lose functionality.
* - "Risky" means that the new depths array is allowed to be
* smaller than the old depths array, but at least
* one depth value must be included in both.
* This is potentially unsafe.
* - "Bypass" or higher means that all of these checks are
* essentially deactivated. This is a very bad idea.
......@@ -2021,12 +2024,12 @@ static int nxagentCheckForDepthsCompatibility(void)
* By now the tolerance is either:
* - Strict and both depth numbers match
* - Safe and:
* - "Strict" and both depth numbers match
* - "Safe" and:
* o the number of old and new depths matches exactly, or
* o the number of old depths is lower than the number
* of new depths
* - Risky
* - "Risky"
bool compatible = true;
......@@ -2122,19 +2125,21 @@ static int nxagentCheckForPixmapFormatsCompatibility(void)
* Depending on the (reconnect) tolerance checks value, this
* function checks stricter or looser:
* - Strict means that the number of internal and external pixmap
* formats must match exactly and every internal pixmap format
* must be available in the external pixmap format array.
* - Safe means that the number of pixmap formats might diverge,
* but all internal pixmap formats must also be included in the
* external pixmap formats array. This is recommended, because
* it allows clients with more pixmap formats to still connect,
* - "Strict" means that the number of internal and external
* pixmap formats must match exactly and every
* internal pixmap format must be available in the
* external pixmap format array.
* - "Safe" means that the number of pixmap formats might
* diverge, but all internal pixmap formats must
* also be included in the external pixmap formats
* array. This is recommended, because it allows
* clients with more pixmap formats to still connect,
* but not lose functionality.
* - Risky means that the internal pixmap formats array is allowed
* to be smaller than the external pixmap formats array, but at
* least one pixmap format must be included in both. This is
* potentially unsafe.
* - Bypass or higher means that all of these checks are
* - "Risky" means that the internal pixmap formats array is
* allowed to be smaller than the external pixmap
* formats array, but at least one pixmap format must
* be included in both. This is potentially unsafe.
* - "Bypass" or higher means that all of these checks are
* essentially deactivated. This is a very bad idea.
......@@ -2173,13 +2178,13 @@ static int nxagentCheckForPixmapFormatsCompatibility(void)
* By now the tolerance is either:
* - Strict
* - Safe and:
* - "Strict"
* - "Safe" and:
* o the number of internal and external pixmap formats
* matches exactly, or
* o the number of external pixmap formats is higher than
* the number of internal pixmap formats,
* - Risky
* - "Risky"
bool compatible = true;
......@@ -2250,6 +2255,9 @@ static int nxagentInitAndCheckVisuals(int flexibility)
/* FIXME: does this also need work? */
bool matched;
bool compatible = true;
long viMask = VisualScreenMask;
XVisualInfo viTemplate = {
.screen = DefaultScreen(nxagentDisplay),
......@@ -2260,8 +2268,6 @@ static int nxagentInitAndCheckVisuals(int flexibility)
XVisualInfo *newVisuals = malloc(sizeof(XVisualInfo) * nxagentNumVisuals);
bool compatible = true;
for (int i = 0; i < nxagentNumVisuals; i++)
bool matched = false;
......@@ -2473,7 +2479,7 @@ Bool nxagentReconnectDisplay(void *p0)
nxagentNumDefaultColormaps = nxagentNumVisuals;
nxagentDefaultColormaps = (Colormap *) realloc(nxagentDefaultColormaps,
nxagentNumDefaultColormaps * sizeof(Colormap));
nxagentNumDefaultColormaps * sizeof(Colormap));
if (nxagentDefaultColormaps == NULL)
......@@ -2603,7 +2609,7 @@ Bool nxagentReconnectDisplay(void *p0)
useXpmIcon = nxagentMakeIcon(nxagentDisplay, &nxagentIconPixmap, &nxagentIconShape);
* All went fine. We can continue handling our clients.
* Everything went fine. We can continue handling our clients.
reconnectDisplayState = EVERYTHING_DONE;
......@@ -114,10 +114,11 @@ int nxagentErrorHandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *event)
return 0;
/* copied from XlibInt.c */
/* extension stuff roughly commented out */
/* FIXME: why? What's wrong with printing extension stuff?
We could drop this in favour of _XprintDefaultError then! */
/* copied from XlibInt.c:_XprintDefaultError
* We cannot use the whole function because it requires XlibInt
* internals. And we cannot call _XPrintDefaultError because it
* is not exported.
static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
Display *dpy;
XErrorEvent *event;
......@@ -126,11 +127,11 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
char mesg[BUFSIZ];
char number[32];
char *mtype = "XlibMessage";
const char *mtype = "XlibMessage";
register _XExtension *ext = (_XExtension *)NULL;
_XExtension *bext = (_XExtension *)NULL;
XGetErrorText(dpy, event->error_code, buffer, BUFSIZ);
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "XError", "X Error", mesg, BUFSIZ);
(void) fprintf(fp, "%s: %s\n ", mesg, buffer);
......@@ -141,14 +142,16 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
snprintf(number, sizeof(number), "%d", event->request_code);
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, "XRequest", number, "", buffer, BUFSIZ);
} else {
/* for (ext = dpy->ext_procs;
for (ext = dpy->ext_procs;
ext && (ext->codes.major_opcode != event->request_code);
ext = ext->next)
if (ext)
if (ext) {
strncpy(buffer, ext->name, BUFSIZ);
buffer[BUFSIZ - 1] = '\0';
} else
buffer[0] = '\0';
(void) fprintf(fp, " (%s)\n", buffer);
......@@ -157,19 +160,19 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
mesg, BUFSIZ);
fputs(" ", fp);
(void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->minor_code);
if (ext) {
snprintf(mesg, sizeof(mesg), "%s.%d", ext->name, event->minor_code);
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, "XRequest", mesg, "", buffer, BUFSIZ);
(void) fprintf(fp, " (%s)", buffer);
fputs("\n", fp);
if (event->error_code >= 128) {
/* kludge, try to find the extension that caused it */
buffer[0] = '\0';
for (ext = dpy->ext_procs; ext; ext = ext->next) {
if (ext->error_string)
(*ext->error_string)(dpy, event->error_code, &ext->codes,
......@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s.%d", bext->name,
event->error_code - bext->codes.first_error);
strcpy(buffer, "Value");
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, buffer, "", mesg, BUFSIZ);
if (mesg[0]) {
......@@ -196,12 +199,12 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
fputs("\n", fp);
/* let extensions try to print the values */
for (ext = dpy->ext_procs; ext; ext = ext->next) {
if (ext->error_values)
(*ext->error_values)(dpy, event, fp);
} else if ((event->error_code == BadWindow) ||
(event->error_code == BadPixmap) ||
(event->error_code == BadCursor) ||
......@@ -229,10 +232,12 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
mesg, BUFSIZ);
fputs(" ", fp);
(void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->serial);
/* XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "CurrentSerial", "Current Serial #%d",
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "CurrentSerial", "Current Serial #%d",
mesg, BUFSIZ);
fputs("\n ", fp);
(void) fprintf(fp, mesg, dpy->request); */
(void) fprintf(fp, mesg, (unsigned long long)(X_DPY_GET_REQUEST(dpy)));
fputs("\n", fp);
if (event->error_code == BadImplementation) return 0;
return 1;
......@@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
if (nxagentOption(AllScreens) == 0 && nxagentOption(Fullscreen) == 1)
nxagentSwitchFullscreen(pScreen, 0);
nxagentSwitchFullscreen(pScreen, False);
......@@ -2578,11 +2578,6 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
*result = doNothing;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ClientMessage event window [%ld] with type [%ld] format [%d].\n",
__func__, X -> xclient.window, X -> xclient.message_type, X -> xclient.format);
* If window is 0, message_type is 0 and format is 32 then we assume
* event is coming from proxy.
......@@ -2592,11 +2587,25 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
X -> xclient.message_type == 0 &&
X -> xclient.format == 32)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "%s: got nxproxy event\n", __func__);
return 1;
#ifdef TEST
char * name = XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, X -> xclient.message_type);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent: ClientMessage event window [0x%lx] with "
"message_type [%ld][%s] format [%d] type [%d] source_indication [%ld][%s] timestamp [%ld] "
"curwin [0x%lx].\n", X -> xclient.window, X -> xclient.message_type, name,
X -> xclient.format, X -> xclient.type, X -> xclient.data.l[0],
X -> xclient.data.l[0] == 1 ? "'application'" : X -> xclient.data.l[0] == 1 ? "'pager'" : "'none (old spec)'",
X -> xclient.data.l[1], X -> xclient.data.l[2]);
if (nxagentOption(Rootless))
Atom message_type = nxagentRemoteToLocalAtom(X -> xclient.message_type);
......@@ -2611,11 +2620,20 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
WindowPtr pWin = nxagentWindowPtr(X -> xclient.window);
if (pWin == NULL)
* If some window on the real X server sends a
* _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW ClientMessage to indicate the active
* window that window will be one not belonging to nxagent so
* this situation is perfectly legal. For all other situations
* we print a warning.
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Invalid window in ClientMessage.\n");
if (message_type != MakeAtom("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", strlen("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW"), False))
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Invalid window in ClientMessage xclient.window [0x%lx].\n", X->xclient.window);
return 0;
......@@ -469,9 +469,6 @@ Bool nxagentRealizeFont(ScreenPtr pScreen, FontPtr pFont)
FontSetPrivate(pFont, nxagentFontPrivateIndex, NULL);
#endif /* HAS_XFONT2 */
if (requestingClient && XpClientIsPrintClient(requestingClient, NULL))
return True;
name_atom = MakeAtom("FONT", 4, True);
value_atom = 0L;
......@@ -726,8 +726,6 @@ void nxagentShadowBlockHandler(void * data, struct timeval **timeout, void * mas
#ifndef __CYGWIN32__
if (nxagentReadEvents(nxagentDisplay) > 0 ||
nxagentReadEvents(nxagentShadowDisplay) > 0)
......@@ -745,19 +743,6 @@ void nxagentShadowBlockHandler(void * data, struct timeval **timeout, void * mas
if (nxagentReadEvents(nxagentDisplay) > 0)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowBlockHandler: Reading X events queued.\n");
changed = 0;
NXShadowGetScreenSize(&width_, &height_);
......@@ -800,26 +785,6 @@ FIXME: Must queue multiple writes and handle the events by resembling
*timeout = &zero;
#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
if (nxagentOption(SleepTime) > 0) {
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowBlockHandler: sleeping for %d milliseconds for slowdown.\n",
usleep(nxagentOption(SleepTime) * 1000);
#ifdef TEST
else if (0 == nxagentOption(SleepTime)) {
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowBlockHandler: not sleeping for slowdown.\n");
(*timeout) -> tv_sec = 0;
(*timeout) -> tv_usec = 50 * 1000;
if (changed == 0)
(*timeout) -> tv_sec = 0;
......@@ -831,8 +796,6 @@ FIXME: Must queue multiple writes and handle the events by resembling
(*timeout) -> tv_usec = 0;
#ifdef BLOCKS
......@@ -857,7 +820,6 @@ void nxagentShadowWakeupHandler(void * data, int count, void * mask)
if (!SmartScheduleSignalEnable)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowWakeupHandler: Resetting the dispatch state after wakeup.\n");
......@@ -866,7 +828,6 @@ void nxagentShadowWakeupHandler(void * data, int count, void * mask)
nxagentDispatch.in = nxagentBytesIn;
nxagentDispatch.out = nxagentBytesOut;
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ extern void nxagentBitOrderInvert(unsigned char *, int);
extern void nxagentTwoByteSwap(unsigned char *, register int);
extern void nxagentFourByteSwap(register unsigned char *, register int);
extern ClientPtr nxagentRequestingClient;
* Store the last visual used to unpack the images for the given
* client.
......@@ -140,9 +141,7 @@ static char *nxagentImageCopy(XImage *source, XImage *destination);
* expensive than a copy.
#define nxagentNeedCache(image, method) \
((method) != PACK_BITMAP_16M_COLORS)
#define nxagentNeedCache(image, method) ((method) != PACK_BITMAP_16M_COLORS)
* With the bitmap encoding, if the image is 32 bits-per-pixel the 4th
......@@ -276,6 +275,7 @@ int nxagentImagePad(int width, int format, int leftPad, int depth)
else if (format == XYPixmap)
line = BitmapBytePad(width + leftPad);
/* FIXME: shouldn't we multiply by depth here like in nxagentImageLength? */
else if (format == ZPixmap)
......@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ void nxagentPutSubImage(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int depth,
FIXME: Should use an unpack resource here.
client = requestingClient;
client = nxagentRequestingClient;
if (client == NULL)
......@@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ FIXME: Should use an unpack resource here.
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPutSubImage: Display image order is [%d] bitmap order is [%d].\n",
ImageByteOrder(nxagentDisplay), nxagentBitmapBitOrder(nxagentDisplay));
ImageByteOrder(nxagentDisplay), BitmapBitOrder(nxagentDisplay));
......@@ -1559,7 +1559,6 @@ int nxagentScaleImage(int x, int y, unsigned xRatio, unsigned yRatio,
XImage **pImage, int *scaledx, int *scaledy)
XImage *image = *pImage;
if (image == NULL)
return 0;
......@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ SRCS = \
Composite.c \
Pixels.c \
stubs.c \
xpstubs.c \
miinitext.c \
......@@ -116,7 +115,6 @@ OBJS = \
Composite.o \
Pixels.o \
stubs.o \
xpstubs.o \
miinitext.o \
......@@ -264,7 +262,6 @@ DEFINES = \
all:: $(OBJS)
SpecialCObjectRule(miinitext,$(ICONFIGFILES), $(_NOOP_))
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ extern int nxagentDoFullGeneration;
extern int nxagentBackingStore;
extern int nxagentSaveUnder;
extern int nxagentX2go;
extern int nxagentX2go;
void checkX2goAgent(void);
extern ServerGrabInfoRec nxagentGrabServerInfo;
......@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ XkbError:
if (nxagentKeyboard[i] == '\0' || nxagentKeyboard[i + 1] == '\0' || i == 0)
ErrorF("Warning: Wrong keyboard type: %s.\n", nxagentKeyboard);
ErrorF("Warning: Wrong keyboard type: '%s'.\n", nxagentKeyboard);
goto XkbError;
......@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@ static void nxagentWriteKeyboardDir(void)
if (keyboard_file_path)
* special case: if rules is NULL create a directory insteas of
* special case: if rules is NULL create a directory instead of
* a file. This is the defined method to disable x2gosetkeyboard.
if (mkdir(keyboard_file_path, 0555) < 0)
......@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ void nxagentDumpKeystrokes(void)
int maxlen = 0;
for (int i = 0; nxagentSpecialKeystrokeNames[i]; i++)
maxlen = min(maxlen, strlen(nxagentSpecialKeystrokeNames[i]));
maxlen = max(maxlen, strlen(nxagentSpecialKeystrokeNames[i]));
fprintf(stderr, "Currently known keystrokes:\n");
......@@ -200,6 +200,12 @@ extern int nxagentMaxSelections;
extern int nxOpenFont(ClientPtr, XID, Mask, unsigned, char*);
* This used to be a dix variable used only by XPRINT, so xorg dropped it.
ClientPtr nxagentRequestingClient;
......@@ -245,6 +251,7 @@ Dispatch(void)
nClients = 0;
* The agent initialization was successfully
* completed. We can now handle our clients.
......@@ -269,10 +276,12 @@ Dispatch(void)
#endif /* NXAGENT_SERVER */
clientReady = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * MaxClients);
if (!clientReady)
#ifdef WATCH
fprintf(stderr, "Dispatch: Watchpoint 12.\n");
......@@ -303,6 +312,7 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
if (!(dispatchException & DE_TERMINATE))
dispatchException = 0;
#endif /* NXAGENT_SERVER */
while (!dispatchException)
......@@ -312,6 +322,7 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
* Ensure we remove the splash after the timeout.
* Initializing clientReady[0] to -1 will tell
......@@ -351,9 +362,11 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
#ifdef BLOCKS
fprintf(stderr, "[End dispatch]\n");
#endif /* NXAGENT_SERVER */
nready = WaitForSomething(clientReady);
#ifdef BLOCKS
fprintf(stderr, "[Begin dispatch]\n");
......@@ -378,6 +391,7 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
nxagentClients = nClients;
#endif /* NXAGENT_SERVER */
if (nready)
......@@ -405,7 +419,9 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
isItTimeToYield = FALSE;
requestingClient = client;
nxagentRequestingClient = client;
start_tick = SmartScheduleTime;
while (!isItTimeToYield)
......@@ -423,10 +439,15 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
/* now, finally, deal with client requests */
/* Update currentTime so request time checks, such as for input
* device grabs, are calculated correctly */
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "******Dispatch: Reading request from client [%d].\n",
#endif /* NXAGENT_SERVER */
result = ReadRequestFromClient(client);
if (result <= 0)
......@@ -435,8 +456,8 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
#ifdef TEST
......@@ -463,10 +484,9 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
if (result > (maxBigRequestSize << 2))
result = BadLength;
result = (* client->requestVector[MAJOROP])(client);
#ifdef TEST
if (MAJOROP > 127)
......@@ -492,11 +512,8 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
nxagentDispatchHandler(client, client->req_len << 2, 0);
result = (* client->requestVector[MAJOROP])(client);
if (!SmartScheduleSignalEnable)
SmartScheduleTime = GetTimeInMillis();
......@@ -519,13 +536,17 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
client = clients[clientReady[nready]];
if (client)
client->smart_stop_tick = SmartScheduleTime;
requestingClient = NULL;
nxagentRequestingClient = NULL;
dispatchException &= ~DE_PRIORITYCHANGE;
ddxBeforeReset ();
/* FIXME: maybe move the code up to the KillAllClients() call to ddxBeforeReset? */
if ((dispatchException & DE_RESET) &&
(serverGeneration > nxagentMaxAllowedResets))
......@@ -559,6 +580,7 @@ Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio
#endif /* NXAGENT_SERVER */
......@@ -580,7 +602,9 @@ ProcReparentWindow(register ClientPtr client)
if (!pWin)
pParent = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->parent, client,
......@@ -807,7 +831,7 @@ ProcCloseFont(register ClientPtr client)
pFont = (FontPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_FONT,
if (pFont != (FontPtr)NULL)
if ( pFont != (FontPtr)NULL) /* id was valid */
......@@ -1140,6 +1164,8 @@ CloseDownClient(register ClientPtr client)
/* FIXME: Instead of having a own function use the provided Callback
mechanism */
InitClientPrivates(ClientPtr client)
......@@ -215,7 +215,9 @@ AllocatePicture (ScreenPtr pScreen)
ppriv->ptr = (void *)NULL;
nxagentPicturePriv(pPicture) -> picture = 0;
return pPicture;
......@@ -245,13 +247,14 @@ CreatePicture (Picture pid,
pPicture->format = pFormat->format | (pDrawable->bitsPerPixel << 24);
if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP)
* Let picture always point to the virtual pixmap.
* For sure this is not the best way to deal with
* the virtual frame-buffer.
pPicture->pDrawable = nxagentVirtualDrawable(pDrawable);
pPicture->pNext = 0;
......@@ -215,16 +215,9 @@ ChangeWindowProperty(WindowPtr pWin, Atom property, Atom type, int format,
int mode, unsigned long len, void * value,
Bool sendevent)
PropertyPtr pProp;
int sizeInBytes;
int totalSize;
void * data;
int copySize;
sizeInBytes = format>>3;
totalSize = len * sizeInBytes;
copySize = nxagentOption(CopyBufferSize);
int sizeInBytes = format>>3;
int totalSize = len * sizeInBytes;
int copySize = nxagentOption(CopyBufferSize);
if (copySize != COPY_UNLIMITED && property == clientCutProperty)
......@@ -236,105 +229,7 @@ ChangeWindowProperty(WindowPtr pWin, Atom property, Atom type, int format,
/* first see if property already exists */
pProp = wUserProps (pWin);
while (pProp)
if (pProp->propertyName == property)
pProp = pProp->next;
if (!pProp) /* just add to list */
if (!pWin->optional && !MakeWindowOptional (pWin))
pProp = (PropertyPtr)malloc(sizeof(PropertyRec));
if (!pProp)
data = (void *)malloc(totalSize);
if (!data && len)
pProp->propertyName = property;
pProp->type = type;
pProp->format = format;
pProp->data = data;
if (len)
memmove((char *)data, (char *)value, totalSize);
pProp->size = len;
pProp->next = pWin->optional->userProps;
pWin->optional->userProps = pProp;
/* To append or prepend to a property the request format and type
must match those of the already defined property. The
existing format and type are irrelevant when using the mode
"PropModeReplace" since they will be written over. */
if ((format != pProp->format) && (mode != PropModeReplace))
if ((pProp->type != type) && (mode != PropModeReplace))
if (mode == PropModeReplace)
if (totalSize != pProp->size * (pProp->format >> 3))
data = (void *)realloc(pProp->data, totalSize);
if (!data && len)
pProp->data = data;
if (len)
memmove((char *)pProp->data, (char *)value, totalSize);
pProp->size = len;
pProp->type = type;
pProp->format = format;
else if (len == 0)
/* do nothing */
else if (mode == PropModeAppend)
data = (void *)realloc(pProp->data,
sizeInBytes * (len + pProp->size));
if (!data)
pProp->data = data;
memmove(&((char *)data)[pProp->size * sizeInBytes],
(char *)value,
pProp->size += len;
else if (mode == PropModePrepend)
data = (void *)malloc(sizeInBytes * (len + pProp->size));
if (!data)
memmove(&((char *)data)[totalSize], (char *)pProp->data,
(int)(pProp->size * sizeInBytes));
memmove((char *)data, (char *)value, totalSize);
pProp->data = data;
pProp->size += len;
if (sendevent)
xEvent event;
memset(&event, 0, sizeof(xEvent));
event.u.u.type = PropertyNotify;
event.u.property.window = pWin->drawable.id;
event.u.property.state = PropertyNewValue;
event.u.property.atom = pProp->propertyName;
event.u.property.time = currentTime.milliseconds;
DeliverEvents(pWin, &event, 1, (WindowPtr)NULL);
return Xorg_ChangeWindowProperty(pWin, property, type, format, mode, len, value, sendevent);
......@@ -107,16 +107,8 @@ void nxagentInitOptions(void)
nxagentOptions.ViewportXSpan = 0;
nxagentOptions.ViewportYSpan = 0;
#ifndef __CYGWIN32__
nxagentOptions.DesktopResize = 1;
nxagentOptions.DesktopResize = 0;
nxagentOptions.Ratio = DONT_SCALE;
nxagentOptions.XRatio = DONT_SCALE;
nxagentOptions.YRatio = DONT_SCALE;
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void nxagentChangePointerControl(DeviceIntPtr pDev, PtrCtrl *ctrl)
if (nxagentOption(DeviceControl) == True)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangePointerControl: WARNING! Propagating changes to pointer settings.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Propagating changes to pointer settings.\n", __func__);
XChangePointerControl(nxagentDisplay, True, True,
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void nxagentChangePointerControl(DeviceIntPtr pDev, PtrCtrl *ctrl)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangePointerControl: WARNING! Not propagating changes to pointer settings.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Not propagating changes to pointer settings.\n", __func__);
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ int nxagentPointerProc(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int onoff)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPointerProc: Called for [DEVICE_INIT].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called for [DEVICE_INIT].\n", __func__);
if (NXDisplayError(nxagentDisplay) == 1)
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ int nxagentPointerProc(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int onoff)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPointerProc: Called for [DEVICE_ON].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called for [DEVICE_ON].\n", __func__);
if (NXDisplayError(nxagentDisplay) == 1)
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ int nxagentPointerProc(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int onoff)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPointerProc: Called for [DEVICE_OFF].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called for [DEVICE_OFF].\n", __func__);
if (NXDisplayError(nxagentDisplay) == 1)
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ int nxagentPointerProc(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int onoff)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPointerProc: Called for [DEVICE_CLOSE].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called for [DEVICE_CLOSE].\n", __func__);
......@@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ void nxagentInitPointerMap(void)
unsigned char pointerMap[MAXBUTTONS];
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentInitPointerMap: Going to retrieve the "
"pointer map from remote display.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to retrieve the "
"pointer map from remote display.\n", __func__);
int numButtons = XGetPointerMapping(nxagentDisplay, pointerMap, MAXBUTTONS);
* Computing revers pointer map.
* Computing reverse pointer map.
for (int i = 1; i <= numButtons; i++)
......@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ Bool nxagentReconnectSession(void)
/* Re-read keystrokes definitions in case the keystrokes file has
changed while being supended */
changed while being suspended */
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void nxagentRootlessRestack(unsigned long children[], unsigned int nchildren)
if (!toplevel)
/* FIXME: Is this too much and we and simply return here? */
/* FIXME: Is this too much and we should simply return here? */
FatalError("nxagentRootlessRestack: malloc() failed.");
......@@ -454,8 +454,6 @@ Window nxagentCreateIconWindow(void)
XSizeHints* sizeHints = XAllocSizeHints();
XWMHints* wmHints = XAllocWMHints();;
if (sizeHints)
sizeHints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize;
......@@ -463,27 +461,23 @@ Window nxagentCreateIconWindow(void)
sizeHints->min_height = sizeHints->max_height = 1;
XWMHints* wmHints = XAllocWMHints();;
if (wmHints)
wmHints->flags = IconPixmapHint | IconMaskHint;
wmHints->flags = StateHint | IconPixmapHint;
wmHints->initial_state = IconicState;
wmHints->icon_pixmap = nxagentIconPixmap;
if (useXpmIcon)
wmHints->flags |= IconMaskHint;
wmHints->icon_mask = nxagentIconShape;
wmHints->flags = IconPixmapHint | IconMaskHint;
wmHints->flags = StateHint | IconPixmapHint;
char *window_name = nxagentWindowName;
Xutf8SetWMProperties(nxagentDisplay, w,
window_name, window_name,
NULL , 0 , sizeHints, wmHints, NULL);
nxagentWindowName, nxagentWindowName,
NULL , 0 , sizeHints, wmHints, NULL);
......@@ -1901,10 +1895,8 @@ N/A
XSelectInput(nxagentDisplay, nxagentFullscreenWindow, mask);
XSizeHints* sizeHints;
XWMHints* wmHints;
if ((sizeHints = XAllocSizeHints()))
XSizeHints* sizeHints = XAllocSizeHints();
if (sizeHints)
sizeHints->flags = PPosition | PMinSize | PMaxSize;
sizeHints->x = nxagentOption(X) + POSITION_OFFSET;
......@@ -1932,18 +1924,16 @@ N/A
sizeHints->flags |= USSize;
if ((wmHints = XAllocWMHints()))
XWMHints* wmHints = XAllocWMHints();
if (wmHints)
wmHints->flags = IconPixmapHint;
wmHints->icon_pixmap = nxagentIconPixmap;
if (useXpmIcon)
wmHints->flags |= IconMaskHint;
wmHints->icon_mask = nxagentIconShape;
wmHints->flags = IconPixmapHint | IconMaskHint;
wmHints->flags = IconPixmapHint;
......@@ -2192,19 +2182,17 @@ Bool nxagentCloseScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen)
static void nxagentSetRootClip (ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool enable)
WindowPtr pWin = pScreen->root;
WindowPtr pChild;
Bool WasViewable = (Bool)(pWin->viewable);
Bool anyMarked = FALSE;
RegionPtr pOldClip = NULL, bsExposed;
RegionPtr pOldClip = NULL;
Bool dosave = FALSE;
WindowPtr pLayerWin;
BoxRec box;
if (WasViewable)
for (pChild = pWin->firstChild; pChild; pChild = pChild->nextSib)
for (WindowPtr pChild = pWin->firstChild; pChild; pChild = pChild->nextSib)
(void) (*pScreen->MarkOverlappedWindows)(pChild,
......@@ -2216,9 +2204,7 @@ static void nxagentSetRootClip (ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool enable)
if (HasBorder (pWin))
RegionPtr borderVisible;
borderVisible = RegionCreate(NullBox, 1);
RegionPtr borderVisible = RegionCreate(NullBox, 1);
&pWin->borderClip, &pWin->winSize);
pWin->valdata->before.borderVisible = borderVisible;
......@@ -2229,15 +2215,12 @@ static void nxagentSetRootClip (ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool enable)
* Use REGION_BREAK to avoid optimizations in ValidateTree
* that assume the root borderClip can't change well, normally
* that assume the root borderClip can't change. Well, normally
* it doesn't...)
if (enable)
box.x1 = 0;
box.y1 = 0;
box.x2 = pScreen->width;
box.y2 = pScreen->height;
BoxRec box = {.x1 = 0, .y1 = 0, .x2 = pScreen->width, .y2 = pScreen->height};
RegionInit(&pWin->winSize, &box, 1);
RegionInit(&pWin->borderSize, &box, 1);
if (WasViewable)
......@@ -2290,14 +2273,14 @@ static void nxagentSetRootClip (ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool enable)
if (!WasViewable)
pOldClip = &pWin->clipList; /* a convenient empty region */
bsExposed = (*pScreen->TranslateBackingStore)
RegionPtr bsExposed = (*pScreen->TranslateBackingStore)
(pWin, 0, 0, pOldClip,
pWin->drawable.x, pWin->drawable.y);
if (WasViewable)
if (bsExposed)
RegionPtr valExposed = NullRegion;
RegionPtr valExposed = NullRegion;
if (pWin->valdata)
valExposed = &pWin->valdata->after.exposed;
......@@ -2326,15 +2309,6 @@ static void nxagentSetRootClip (ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool enable)
Bool nxagentResizeScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, int width, int height,
int mmWidth, int mmHeight)
BoxRec box;
PixmapPtr pPixmap;
char *fbBits;
int oldWidth;
int oldHeight;
int oldMmWidth;
int oldMmHeight;
#ifdef TEST
nxagentPrintAgentGeometry("Before Resize Screen", "nxagentResizeScreen:");
......@@ -2343,10 +2317,10 @@ Bool nxagentResizeScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, int width, int height,
* Change screen properties.
oldWidth = pScreen -> width;
oldHeight = pScreen -> height;
oldMmWidth = pScreen -> mmWidth;
oldMmHeight = pScreen -> mmHeight;
int oldWidth = pScreen -> width;
int oldHeight = pScreen -> height;
int oldMmWidth = pScreen -> mmWidth;
int oldMmHeight = pScreen -> mmHeight;
pScreen -> width = width;
pScreen -> height = height;
......@@ -2396,10 +2370,11 @@ Bool nxagentResizeScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, int width, int height,
pScreen -> mmWidth = mmWidth;
pScreen -> mmHeight = mmHeight;
pPixmap = fbGetScreenPixmap(pScreen);
PixmapPtr pPixmap = fbGetScreenPixmap(pScreen);
if ((fbBits = realloc(pPixmap -> devPrivate.ptr, PixmapBytePad(width, pScreen->rootDepth) *
height * BitsPerPixel(pScreen->rootDepth) / 8)) == NULL)
char *fbBits = realloc(pPixmap -> devPrivate.ptr, PixmapBytePad(width, pScreen->rootDepth) *
height * BitsPerPixel(pScreen->rootDepth) / 8);
if (fbBits == NULL)
pScreen -> width = oldWidth;
pScreen -> height = oldHeight;
......@@ -2466,10 +2441,7 @@ FIXME: We should try to restore the previously
* Set properties for the agent root window.
box.x1 = 0;
box.y1 = 0;
box.x2 = width;
box.y2 = height;
BoxRec box = {.x1 = 0, .y1 = 0, .x2 = width, .y2 = height};
pScreen->root -> drawable.width = width;
pScreen->root -> drawable.height = height;
......@@ -2511,9 +2483,6 @@ nxagentResizeScreenError:
void nxagentShadowSetRatio(float floatXRatio, float floatYRatio)
int intXRatio;
int intYRatio;
if (floatXRatio == 0)
floatXRatio = 1.0;
......@@ -2524,8 +2493,8 @@ void nxagentShadowSetRatio(float floatXRatio, float floatYRatio)
floatYRatio = 1.0;
intXRatio = floatXRatio * (1 << PRECISION);
intYRatio = floatYRatio * (1 << PRECISION);
int intXRatio = floatXRatio * (1 << PRECISION);
int intYRatio = floatYRatio * (1 << PRECISION);
nxagentChangeOption(FloatXRatio, floatXRatio);
nxagentChangeOption(FloatYRatio, floatYRatio);
......@@ -2563,16 +2532,6 @@ void nxagentShadowSetWindowOptions(void)
int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
char *layout = NULL;
XlibGC gc;
XGCValues value;
#ifndef __CYGWIN32__
Atom nxagentShadowAtom;
int fd;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "Info: Init shadow session. nxagentDisplayName [%s] "
......@@ -2603,8 +2562,6 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
#if !defined (__CYGWIN32__) && !defined (WIN32)
if (nxagentShadowUid != -1)
......@@ -2615,8 +2572,6 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
if (NXShadowCreate(nxagentDisplay, layout, nxagentShadowDisplayName,
(void *) &nxagentShadowDisplay) != 1)
......@@ -2629,18 +2584,14 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
* The shadow nxagent sets the _NX_SHADOW
* property on the master X server root
* window in order to notify its presence.
* The shadow nxagent sets the _NX_SHADOW property on the master X
* server root window in order to notify its presence.
#ifndef __CYGWIN__
nxagentShadowAtom = XInternAtom(nxagentShadowDisplay, "_NX_SHADOW", False);
XlibAtom nxagentShadowAtom = XInternAtom(nxagentShadowDisplay, "_NX_SHADOW", False);
XChangeProperty(nxagentShadowDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(nxagentShadowDisplay),
nxagentShadowAtom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, NULL, 0);
if (NXShadowAddUpdaterDisplay(nxagentDisplay, &nxagentShadowWidth,
&nxagentShadowHeight, &nxagentMasterDepth) == 0)
......@@ -2653,8 +2604,6 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
return -1;
#ifndef __CYGWIN32__
if (nxagentOption(Fullscreen) == 1)
nxagentShadowSetRatio(WidthOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(nxagentDisplay)) * 1.0 / nxagentShadowWidth,
......@@ -2686,36 +2635,12 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
switch (DefaultVisualOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(nxagentShadowDisplay)) -> class)
case StaticGray:
className = "StaticGray";
case StaticColor:
className = "StaticColor";
case PseudoColor:
className = "PseudoColor";
case DirectColor:
className = "DirectColor";
case GrayScale:
className = "GrayScale";
className = "";
case StaticGray: { className = "StaticGray"; break; }
case StaticColor: { className = "StaticColor"; break; }
case PseudoColor: { className = "PseudoColor"; break; }
case DirectColor: { className = "DirectColor"; break; }
case GrayScale: { className = "GrayScale"; break; }
default: { className = ""; break; }
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowInit: PANIC! Cannot shadow the display. "
......@@ -2727,8 +2652,6 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
return -1;
nxagentShadowDepth = pScreen -> rootDepth;
switch (nxagentMasterDepth)
......@@ -2813,19 +2736,13 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
nxagentBppShadow = 1;
#if !defined(__CYGWIN__)
imageByteOrder = nxagentShadowDisplay -> byte_order;
fd = XConnectionNumber(nxagentShadowDisplay);
nxagentShadowXConnectionNumber = fd;
nxagentShadowXConnectionNumber = XConnectionNumber(nxagentShadowDisplay);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowInit: Adding the X connection [%d] "
"to the device set.\n", fd);
"to the device set.\n", nxagentShadowXConnectionNumber);
SetNotifyFd(nxagentShadowXConnectionNumber, nxagentNotifyConnection, X_NOTIFY_READ, NULL);
......@@ -2855,13 +2772,15 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
* Clean up the main window.
value.foreground = 0x00000000;
value.background = 0x00000000;
value.plane_mask = 0xffffffff;
value.fill_style = FillSolid;
XGCValues value = {
.foreground = 0x00000000,
.background = 0x00000000,
.plane_mask = 0xffffffff,
.fill_style = FillSolid,
gc = XCreateGC(nxagentDisplay, nxagentPixmap(nxagentShadowPixmapPtr), GCBackground |
GCForeground | GCFillStyle | GCPlaneMask, &value);
XlibGC gc = XCreateGC(nxagentDisplay, nxagentPixmap(nxagentShadowPixmapPtr), GCBackground |
GCForeground | GCFillStyle | GCPlaneMask, &value);
XFillRectangle(nxagentDisplay, nxagentPixmap(nxagentShadowPixmapPtr), gc, 0, 0,
nxagentShadowWidth, nxagentShadowHeight);
......@@ -2875,12 +2794,6 @@ int nxagentShadowInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin)
int nxagentShadowCreateMainWindow(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin, int width, int height)
XWindowChanges changes;
Mask mask,maskb;
XID values[4], *vlist;
int error;
XID xid;
nxagentShadowWidth = width;
nxagentShadowHeight = height;
......@@ -2926,9 +2839,9 @@ int nxagentShadowCreateMainWindow(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin, int width,
XFreePixmap(nxagentDisplay, nxagentPixmap(nxagentVirtualPixmap(nxagentShadowPixmapPtr)));
xid = XCreatePixmap(nxagentDisplay, nxagentDefaultWindows[0],
nxagentScale(nxagentShadowWidth, nxagentOption(XRatio)),
nxagentScale(nxagentShadowHeight, nxagentOption(YRatio)), nxagentShadowDepth);
XID xid = XCreatePixmap(nxagentDisplay, nxagentDefaultWindows[0],
nxagentScale(nxagentShadowWidth, nxagentOption(XRatio)),
nxagentScale(nxagentShadowHeight, nxagentOption(YRatio)), nxagentShadowDepth);
nxagentPixmap(nxagentVirtualPixmap(nxagentShadowPixmapPtr)) = xid;
......@@ -2957,24 +2870,27 @@ int nxagentShadowCreateMainWindow(ScreenPtr pScreen, WindowPtr pWin, int width,
mask = CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask | CWCursor;
Mask mask = CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask | CWCursor;
Mask maskb = nxagentGetDefaultEventMask() | ResizeRedirectMask | ExposureMask;
maskb = nxagentGetDefaultEventMask();
maskb |= ResizeRedirectMask | ExposureMask;
vlist = values;
XID values[4];
XID *vlist = values;
*vlist++ = (XID)nxagentShadowPixmapPtr -> drawable.id;
*vlist++ = (XID)maskb;
*vlist = (XID)None;
int error;
nxagentShadowWindowPtr = CreateWindow(accessWindowID, pWin, 0, 0, nxagentShadowWidth,
nxagentShadowHeight, 0, InputOutput, mask, (XID *)values,
nxagentShadowDepth, serverClient, CopyFromParent, &error);
mask = CWWidth | CWHeight;
changes.width = nxagentScale(nxagentShadowWidth, nxagentOption(XRatio));
changes.height = nxagentScale(nxagentShadowHeight, nxagentOption(YRatio));
XWindowChanges changes = {
.width = nxagentScale(nxagentShadowWidth, nxagentOption(XRatio)),
.height = nxagentScale(nxagentShadowHeight, nxagentOption(YRatio))
XConfigureWindow(nxagentDisplay, nxagentWindow(nxagentShadowWindowPtr), mask, &changes);
......@@ -3038,51 +2954,33 @@ int nxagentShadowPoll(PixmapPtr nxagentShadowPixmapPtr, GCPtr nxagentShadowGCPtr
unsigned char nxagentShadowDepth, int nxagentShadowWidth,
int nxagentShadowHeight, char *nxagentShadowBuffer, int *changed, int *suspended)
int x, y, y2, n, c, line;
int result;
long numRects;
unsigned int width, height, length;
char *tBuffer = NULL;
char *iBuffer, *ptBox;
BoxRec *pBox;
RegionRec updateRegion;
RegionRec tempRegion;
BoxRec box;
int overlap;
#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
if (NXShadowCaptureCursor(nxagentWindow(nxagentShadowWindowPtr),
nxagentShadowWindowPtr -> drawable.pScreen -> visuals) == -1)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowPoll: Failed to capture cursor.\n");
result = NXShadowHasChanged(nxagentUserInput, NULL, suspended);
int result = NXShadowHasChanged(nxagentUserInput, NULL, suspended);
*changed = result;
if (result == 1)
char *tBuffer = NULL;
char *iBuffer, *ptBox;
long numRects;
NXShadowExportChanges(&numRects, &ptBox);
pBox = (BoxRec *)ptBox;
BoxRec *pBox = (BoxRec *)ptBox;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowPoll: nRects[%ld], pBox[%p] depth[%d].\n", numRects, (void *) pBox, nxagentShadowDepth);
for (n = 0; n < numRects; n++)
for (int n = 0; n < numRects; n++)
* The BoxRec struct defined in the Xserver has a different
......@@ -3090,11 +2988,11 @@ int nxagentShadowPoll(PixmapPtr nxagentShadowPixmapPtr, GCPtr nxagentShadowGCPtr
* the second and third field are inverted.
x = pBox[n].x1;
y = pBox[n].x2;
y2 = pBox[n].y2;
width = pBox[n].y1 - pBox[n].x1;/* y1 = x2 */
height = y2 - pBox[n].x2; /* x2 = y1 */
int x = pBox[n].x1;
int y = pBox[n].x2;
int y2 = pBox[n].y2;
unsigned int width = pBox[n].y1 - pBox[n].x1;/* y1 = x2 */
unsigned int height = y2 - pBox[n].x2; /* x2 = y1 */
if((x + width) > nxagentShadowWidth || (y + height) > nxagentShadowHeight)
......@@ -3105,13 +3003,13 @@ int nxagentShadowPoll(PixmapPtr nxagentShadowPixmapPtr, GCPtr nxagentShadowGCPtr
line = PixmapBytePad(width, nxagentMasterDepth);
int line = PixmapBytePad(width, nxagentMasterDepth);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentShadowPoll: Rectangle Number[%d] - x[%d]y[%d]W[%u]H[%u].\n", n+1, x, y, width, height);
length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, ZPixmap, 0, nxagentMasterDepth);
unsigned int length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, ZPixmap, 0, nxagentMasterDepth);
......@@ -3128,7 +3026,7 @@ int nxagentShadowPoll(PixmapPtr nxagentShadowPixmapPtr, GCPtr nxagentShadowGCPtr
iBuffer = tBuffer;
for (c = 0; c + y < y2; c++)
for (int c = 0; c + y < y2; c++)
memcpy(tBuffer, nxagentShadowBuffer + x * nxagentBppMaster +
(y + c) * nxagentShadowWidth * nxagentBppMaster, line);
......@@ -3139,25 +3037,15 @@ int nxagentShadowPoll(PixmapPtr nxagentShadowPixmapPtr, GCPtr nxagentShadowGCPtr
tBuffer = iBuffer;
#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
if (nxagentBppMaster == 2)
NXShadowCorrectColor(length, tBuffer);
if (nxagentCheckDepth == 1)
nxagentShadowAdaptDepth(width, height, line, &tBuffer);
fbPutImage(nxagentVirtualDrawable((DrawablePtr)nxagentShadowPixmapPtr), nxagentShadowGCPtr,
nxagentShadowDepth, x, y, width, height, 0, ZPixmap, tBuffer);
box.x1 = x;
box.x2 = x + width;
box.y1 = y;
box.y2 = y + height;
BoxRec box = {.x1 = x, .x2 = x + width, .y1 = y, .y2 = y + height};
RegionInit(&tempRegion, &box, 1);
......@@ -3165,6 +3053,7 @@ int nxagentShadowPoll(PixmapPtr nxagentShadowPixmapPtr, GCPtr nxagentShadowGCPtr
int overlap;
RegionValidate(&updateRegion, &overlap);
RegionUnion(&nxagentShadowUpdateRegion, &nxagentShadowUpdateRegion, &updateRegion);
......@@ -3398,43 +3287,40 @@ unsigned char fromHexNibble(char c)
void nxagentPropagateArtsdProperties(ScreenPtr pScreen, char *port)
Window rootWin;
XlibAtom atomReturnType;
XlibAtom propAtom;
int iReturnFormat;
unsigned long ulReturnItems;
unsigned long ulReturnBytesLeft;
unsigned char *pszReturnData = NULL;
int iReturn;
char tchar[] = " ";
FIXME: The port information is not used at the moment and produces a
warning on recent gcc versions. Do we need such information
to run the audio forawrding?
to run the audio forwarding?
char *chport;
char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
rootWin = DefaultRootWindow(nxagentDisplay);
propAtom = nxagentAtoms[4]; /* MCOPGLOBALS */
Window rootWin = DefaultRootWindow(nxagentDisplay);
XlibAtom propAtom = nxagentAtoms[4]; /* MCOPGLOBALS */
XlibAtom atomReturnType;
int iReturnFormat;
unsigned long ulReturnItems;
unsigned long ulReturnBytesLeft;
unsigned char *pszReturnData = NULL;
* Get at most 64KB of data.
iReturn = XGetWindowProperty(nxagentDisplay,
65536 / 4,
int iReturn = XGetWindowProperty(nxagentDisplay,
65536 / 4,
if (iReturn == Success && atomReturnType != None &&
ulReturnItems > 0 && pszReturnData != NULL)
......@@ -3462,72 +3348,69 @@ FIXME: The port information is not used at the moment and produces a
int i, in;
for (i = 0, in = 0; pszReturnData[i] != '\0'; i++)
local_buf[in] = pszReturnData[i];
if(pszReturnData[i] == ':')
while(pszReturnData[i] != '\n')
unsigned char h;
unsigned char l;
h = fromHexNibble(pszReturnData[i]);
unsigned char h = fromHexNibble(pszReturnData[i]);
if(pszReturnData[i]=='\0') continue;
l = fromHexNibble(pszReturnData[i]);
if (pszReturnData[i] == '\0')
unsigned char l = fromHexNibble(pszReturnData[i]);
if(h >= 16 || l >= 16) continue;
* FIXME: The array tchar[] was used uninitialized.
* It's not clear to me the original purpose of the
* piece of code using it. To be removed in future
* versions.
* FIXME: The array tchar[] was used uninitialized. It's
* not clear to me the original purpose of the piece of
* code using it. To be removed in future versions.
tchar[0] = tchar[1];
tchar[1] = tchar[2];
tchar[2] = tchar[3];
tchar[3] = (h << 4) + l;
tchar[4] ='\0';
if (strncmp(tchar, "tcp:", 4) == 0)
local_buf[in - 7] = '1';
local_buf[in - 6] = strlen(port) + 47;
local_buf[in] = pszReturnData[i - 2];
local_buf[in] = pszReturnData[i - 1];
/* "localhost:" */
in += 20;
FIXME: The port information is not used at the moment and produces a
warning on recent gcc versions. Do we need such information
to run the audio forawrding?
chport = &port[0];
while(*chport != '\0')
local_buf[in]=hex[(*chport >> 4) & 0xf];
local_buf[in] = hex[(*chport >> 4) & 0xf];
local_buf[in]=hex[*chport & 0xf];
local_buf[in] = hex[*chport & 0xf];
in += 2;
while(pszReturnData[i] != '\n')
......@@ -3535,20 +3418,20 @@ FIXME: The port information is not used at the moment and produces a
local_buf[in] = pszReturnData[i - 2];
local_buf[in] = pszReturnData[i - 1];
local_buf[in] = pszReturnData[i];
local_buf[in] = 0;
if (strlen(local_buf))
......@@ -3623,9 +3506,6 @@ Bool intersect(int ax1, int ay1, unsigned int aw, unsigned int ah,
int bx1, int by1, unsigned int bw, unsigned int bh,
int *x, int *y, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h)
int tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, ix, iy;
unsigned int iw, ih;
int ax2 = ax1 + aw;
int ay2 = ay1 + ah;
int bx2 = bx1 + bw;
......@@ -3643,15 +3523,15 @@ Bool intersect(int ax1, int ay1, unsigned int aw, unsigned int ah,
return FALSE;
tx1 = max(ax1, bx1);
ty1 = max(ay1, by1);
tx2 = min(ax2, bx2);
ty2 = min(ay2, by2);
int tx1 = max(ax1, bx1);
int ty1 = max(ay1, by1);
int tx2 = min(ax2, bx2);
int ty2 = min(ay2, by2);
ix = tx1 - ax1;
iy = ty1 - ay1;
iw = tx2 - tx1;
ih = ty2 - ty1;
int ix = tx1 - ax1;
int iy = ty1 - ay1;
unsigned int iw = tx2 - tx1;
unsigned int ih = ty2 - ty1;
/* check if the resulting rectangle is feasible */
if (iw <= 0 || ih <= 0) {
......@@ -3691,34 +3571,31 @@ Bool intersect_bb(int ax1, int ay1, unsigned int aw, unsigned int ah,
Bool result = intersect(ax1, ay1, aw, ah, bx1, by1, bw, bh, x, y, w, h);
if (result == TRUE) {
if (result == TRUE)
* ###### The X-Coordinate ######
/* check if outside-left of bounding box */
if (bx1 == bbx1 && ax1 < bbx1) {
if (bx1 == bbx1 && ax1 < bbx1)
*w += bbx1 - ax1;
*x = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "intersect_bb: session box is outside-left of the bounding box - width gets adapted to [%d]\n", *w);
/* check if outside-right of bounding box */
if (bx1 + bw == bbx2 && ax1 + aw > bbx2) {
if (bx1 + bw == bbx2 && ax1 + aw > bbx2)
*w += ax1 + aw - bbx2;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "intersect_bb: session box is outside-right of the bounding box - width gets adapted to [%d]\n", *w);
......@@ -3726,34 +3603,31 @@ Bool intersect_bb(int ax1, int ay1, unsigned int aw, unsigned int ah,
/* check if outside-above of bounding box */
if (by1 == bby1 && ay1 < bby1) {
if (by1 == bby1 && ay1 < bby1)
*h += bby1 - ay1;
*y = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "intersect_bb: session box is outside-above of the bounding box - height gets adapted to [%d]\n", *h);
/* check if outside-below of bounding box */
if (by1 + bh == bby2 && ay1 + ah > bby2) {
if (by1 + bh == bby2 && ay1 + ah > bby2)
*h += ay1 + ah - bby2;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "intersect_bb: session box is outside-below of the bounding box - height gets adapted to [%d]\n", *h);
return result;
RRModePtr nxagentRRCustomMode = NULL;
RRModePtr nxagentRRCustomMode = NULL;
This is basically the code that was used on screen resize before
......@@ -3763,38 +3637,36 @@ RRModePtr nxagentRRCustomMode = NULL;
void nxagentAdjustCustomMode(ScreenPtr pScreen)
rrScrPrivPtr pScrPriv = rrGetScrPriv(pScreen);
RROutputPtr output;
if (pScrPriv)
output = RRFirstOutput(pScreen);
RROutputPtr output = RRFirstOutput(pScreen);
if (output && output -> crtc)
RRCrtcPtr crtc;
char name[100];
xRRModeInfo modeInfo;
const int refresh = 60;
int width = nxagentOption(Width);
int height = nxagentOption(Height);
crtc = output -> crtc;
RRCrtcPtr crtc = output -> crtc;
for (int c = 0; c < pScrPriv -> numCrtcs; c++)
RRCrtcSet(pScrPriv -> crtcs[c], NULL, 0, 0, RR_Rotate_0, 0, NULL);
memset(&modeInfo, '\0', sizeof(modeInfo));
char name[100];
sprintf(name, "%dx%d", width, height);
modeInfo.width = width;
modeInfo.height = height;
modeInfo.hTotal = width;
modeInfo.vTotal = height;
modeInfo.dotClock = ((CARD32) width * (CARD32) height *
(CARD32) refresh);
modeInfo.nameLength = strlen(name);
xRRModeInfo modeInfo = {
.width = width,
.height = height,
.hTotal = width,
.vTotal = height,
.dotClock = ((CARD32) width * (CARD32) height *
(CARD32) refresh),
.nameLength = strlen(name)
if (nxagentRRCustomMode != NULL)
......@@ -3936,19 +3808,13 @@ void nxagentDropOutput(RROutputPtr o)
int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
rrScrPrivPtr pScrPriv;
RROutputPtr output;
xRRModeInfo modeInfo;
char name[100];
int refresh = 60;
int width = nxagentOption(Width);
int height = nxagentOption(Height);
int width = nxagentOption(Width);
int height = nxagentOption(Height);
pScrPriv = rrGetScrPriv(pScreen);
rrScrPrivPtr pScrPriv = rrGetScrPriv(pScreen);
if (pScrPriv)
int i;
int number = 0;
XineramaScreenInfo *screeninfo = XineramaQueryScreens(nxagentDisplay, &number);
......@@ -3957,7 +3823,7 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama: XineramaQueryScreens() returned [%d] screens:\n", number);
for (int i=0; i < number; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama: screen_number [%d] x_org [%d] y_org [%d] width [%d] height [%d]\n", screeninfo[i].screen_number, screeninfo[i].x_org, screeninfo[i].y_org, screeninfo[i].width, screeninfo[i].height);
......@@ -4002,15 +3868,13 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama: numCrtcs [%d], numOutputs [%d]\n", pScrPriv->numCrtcs, pScrPriv->numOutputs);
Bool rrgetinfo;
* Convert old RANDR 1.0 data (if any) to current structure. This
* is needed once at the first run of this function. If we don't
* do this here it will be done implicitly later and add mode(s) to
* our crtc(s)!
rrgetinfo = RRGetInfo(pScreen, FALSE);
Bool rrgetinfo = RRGetInfo(pScreen, FALSE);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama: RRGetInfo returned [%d]\n", rrgetinfo);
......@@ -4025,7 +3889,7 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
bbx2 = bby2 = 0;
bbx1 = bby1 = INT_MAX;
for (i = 0; i < number; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
bbx2 = max(bbx2, screeninfo[i].x_org + screeninfo[i].width);
bby2 = max(bby2, screeninfo[i].y_org + screeninfo[i].height);
......@@ -4070,7 +3934,7 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
/* set gamma. Currently the only reason for doing this is
preventing the xrandr command from complaining about missing
gamma. */
for (i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numCrtcs; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numCrtcs; i++)
if (pScrPriv->crtcs[i]->gammaSize == 0)
......@@ -4082,19 +3946,22 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
/* delete superfluous non-NX outputs */
for (i = pScrPriv->numOutputs - 1; i >= 0; i--)
for (int i = pScrPriv->numOutputs - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (strncmp(pScrPriv->outputs[i]->name, "NX", 2))
/* at this stage only NX outputs are left - we delete the superfluous ones */
for (i = pScrPriv->numOutputs - 1; i >= number; i--)
for (int i = pScrPriv->numOutputs - 1; i >= number; i--)
/* add and init outputs */
for (i = 0; i < number; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
RROutputPtr output;
if (i >= pScrPriv->numOutputs)
char name[100];
sprintf(name, "NX%d", i+1);
output = RROutputCreate(pScreen, name, strlen(name), NULL);
/* will be done later
......@@ -4120,10 +3987,8 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
RROutputSetPhysicalSize(output, 0, 0);
for (i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numOutputs; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numOutputs; i++)
Bool disable_output = FALSE;
RRModePtr mymode = NULL, prevmode = NULL;
int new_x = 0;
int new_y = 0;
unsigned int new_w = 0;
......@@ -4131,22 +3996,22 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
/* if there's no intersection disconnect the output */
disable_output = !intersect(nxagentOption(X), nxagentOption(Y),
width, height,
screeninfo[i].x_org, screeninfo[i].y_org,
screeninfo[i].width, screeninfo[i].height,
&new_x, &new_y, &new_w, &new_h);
Bool disable_output = !intersect(nxagentOption(X), nxagentOption(Y),
width, height,
screeninfo[i].x_org, screeninfo[i].y_org,
screeninfo[i].width, screeninfo[i].height,
&new_x, &new_y, &new_w, &new_h);
disable_output = !intersect_bb(nxagentOption(X), nxagentOption(Y),
width, height,
screeninfo[i].x_org, screeninfo[i].y_org,
screeninfo[i].width, screeninfo[i].height,
bbx1, bby1, bbx2, bby2,
&new_x, &new_y, &new_w, &new_h);
Bool disable_output = !intersect_bb(nxagentOption(X), nxagentOption(Y),
width, height,
screeninfo[i].x_org, screeninfo[i].y_org,
screeninfo[i].width, screeninfo[i].height,
bbx1, bby1, bbx2, bby2,
&new_x, &new_y, &new_w, &new_h);
/* save previous mode */
prevmode = pScrPriv->crtcs[i]->mode;
RRModePtr prevmode = pScrPriv->crtcs[i]->mode;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (prevmode)
......@@ -4197,22 +4062,25 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
RROutputSetConnection(pScrPriv->outputs[i], RR_Connected);
memset(&modeInfo, '\0', sizeof(modeInfo));
/* avoid collisions with pre-existing default modes by using a
separate namespace. If we'd simply use XxY we could not
distinguish between pre-existing modes which should stay
and our own modes that should be removed after use. */
char name[100];
sprintf(name, "%s%dx%d", QUOTE(NXAGENT_RANDR_MODE_PREFIX), new_w, new_h);
modeInfo.width = new_w;
modeInfo.height = new_h;
modeInfo.hTotal = new_w;
modeInfo.vTotal = new_h;
modeInfo.dotClock = ((CARD32) new_w * (CARD32) new_h * (CARD32) refresh);
modeInfo.nameLength = strlen(name);
const int refresh = 60;
xRRModeInfo modeInfo = {
.width = new_w,
.height = new_h,
.hTotal = new_w,
.vTotal = new_h,
.dotClock = ((CARD32) new_w * (CARD32) new_h * (CARD32) refresh),
.nameLength = strlen(name)
mymode = RRModeGet(&modeInfo, name);
RRModePtr mymode = RRModeGet(&modeInfo, name);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (mymode)
......@@ -4310,8 +4178,6 @@ int nxagentAdjustRandRXinerama(ScreenPtr pScreen)
void nxagentSaveAreas(PixmapPtr pPixmap, RegionPtr prgnSave, int xorg, int yorg, WindowPtr pWin)
XGCValues values = {0};
miBSWindowPtr pBackingStore = (miBSWindowPtr) pWin -> backStorage;
PixmapPtr pVirtualPixmap = nxagentVirtualPixmap(pPixmap);
......@@ -4323,7 +4189,7 @@ void nxagentSaveAreas(PixmapPtr pPixmap, RegionPtr prgnSave, int xorg, int yorg,
fbCopyWindowProc(&pWin -> drawable, &pVirtualPixmap -> drawable, 0, RegionRects(prgnSave),
RegionNumRects(prgnSave), xorg, yorg, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0);
values.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
XGCValues values = {.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors};
XlibGC gc = XCreateGC(nxagentDisplay, nxagentWindow(screenInfo.screens[0]->root), GCSubwindowMode, &values);
......@@ -4417,8 +4283,6 @@ void nxagentSaveAreas(PixmapPtr pPixmap, RegionPtr prgnSave, int xorg, int yorg,
void nxagentRestoreAreas(PixmapPtr pPixmap, RegionPtr prgnRestore, int xorg,
int yorg, WindowPtr pWin)
XGCValues values = {0};
* Limit the area to restore to the
* root window size.
......@@ -4434,7 +4298,7 @@ void nxagentRestoreAreas(PixmapPtr pPixmap, RegionPtr prgnRestore, int xorg,
fbCopyWindowProc(&pVirtualPixmap -> drawable, &pWin -> drawable, 0, RegionRects(prgnRestore),
RegionNumRects(prgnRestore), -xorg, -yorg, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0);
values.subwindow_mode = ClipByChildren;
XGCValues values = {.subwindow_mode = ClipByChildren};
XlibGC gc = XCreateGC(nxagentDisplay, nxagentWindow(screenInfo.screens[0]->root), GCSubwindowMode, &values);
......@@ -4597,9 +4461,9 @@ void nxagentSetWMNormalHints(int screen, int width, int height)
void nxagentSetWMNormalHintsMaxsize(ScreenPtr pScreen, int maxwidth, int maxheight)
XSizeHints* sizeHints;
XSizeHints* sizeHints = XAllocSizeHints();
if ((sizeHints = XAllocSizeHints()))
if (sizeHints)
sizeHints->flags = PMaxSize;
sizeHints->max_width = maxwidth;
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ Bool nxagentCreateWindow(WindowPtr pWin)
if (nxagentReportPrivateWindowIds)
fprintf (stderr, "NXAGENT_WINDOW_ID: PRIVATE_WINDOW,WID:[0x%x]\n", nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->window);
fprintf(stderr, "NXAGENT_WINDOW_ID: PRIVATE_WINDOW,WID:[0x%x],INT:[0x%x]\n", nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->window, pWin->drawable.id);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateWindow: Created new window with id [0x%x].\n",
......@@ -1228,8 +1228,8 @@ void nxagentMoveViewport(ScreenPtr pScreen, int hShift, int vShift)
* This will update the window on the real X server by calling
* XConfigureWindow()/XMapWindow()/XLowerWindow()/XRaiseWindow()
* mask definesthe values that need to be updated, see e.g
* XConfigureWindow()/XMapWindow()/XLowerWindow()/XRaiseWindow().
* mask defines the values that need to be updated, see e.g.
* man XConfigureWindow.
* In addition to the bit flags known to Xorg it uses these
......@@ -1281,35 +1281,30 @@ void nxagentConfigureWindow(WindowPtr pWin, unsigned int mask)
if (mask & CWX)
valuemask |= CWX;
values.x = nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->x = pWin->origin.x - wBorderWidth(pWin);
if (mask & CWY)
valuemask |= CWY;
values.y = nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->y = pWin->origin.y - wBorderWidth(pWin);
if (mask & CWWidth)
valuemask |= CWWidth;
values.width = nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->width = pWin->drawable.width;
if (mask & CWHeight)
valuemask |= CWHeight;
values.height = nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->height = pWin->drawable.height;
if (mask & CWBorderWidth)
valuemask |= CWBorderWidth;
values.border_width = nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->borderWidth =
......@@ -3037,7 +3032,7 @@ static void nxagentReconnectWindow(void * param0, XID param1, void * data_buffer
if (nxagentReportPrivateWindowIds)
fprintf (stderr, "NXAGENT_WINDOW_ID: PRIVATE_WINDOW,WID:[0x%x]\n", nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->window);
fprintf(stderr, "NXAGENT_WINDOW_ID: PRIVATE_WINDOW,WID:[0x%x],INT:[0x%x]\n", nxagentWindowPriv(pWin)->window, pWin->drawable.id);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectWindow: Created new window with id [0x%x].\n",
......@@ -3447,10 +3442,7 @@ void nxagentSetTopLevelEventMask(WindowPtr pWin)
void nxagentFlushConfigureWindow(void)
ConfiguredWindowStruct *index;
XWindowChanges changes;
index = nxagentConfiguredWindowList;
ConfiguredWindowStruct *index = nxagentConfiguredWindowList;
while (index)
......@@ -3493,8 +3485,10 @@ void nxagentFlushConfigureWindow(void)
if (nxagentExposeQueue.exposures[i].synchronize == 1)
changes.x = nxagentExposeQueue.exposures[i].serial;
changes.y = -2;
XWindowChanges changes = {
.x = nxagentExposeQueue.exposures[i].serial,
.y = -2
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFlushConfigureWindow: Sending synch ConfigureWindow for "
......@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ typedef struct _Client *ClientPtr; /* also in misc.h */
typedef struct _WorkQueue *WorkQueuePtr;
extern ClientPtr requestingClient;
extern ClientPtr *clients;
extern ClientPtr serverClient;
extern int currentMaxClients;
......@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ typedef struct _ScreenInfo {
int arraySize;
int numScreens;
ScreenPtr screens[MAXSCREENS];
int numVideoScreens;
int unused;
} ScreenInfo;
extern ScreenInfo screenInfo;
#include "xkbstr.h"
#include "inputstr.h"
extern char *_NXGetXkbBasePath(const char *path);
extern char *_NXGetXkbCompPath(const char *path);
typedef struct _XkbInterest {
DeviceIntPtr dev;
ClientPtr client;
......@@ -253,6 +248,7 @@ typedef struct
extern void XkbFreePrivates(DeviceIntPtr);
......@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ implied warranty.
#include "pixmapstr.h"
#include <X11/fonts/fontstruct.h>
#include "dixfontstr.h"
#include "dixstruct.h" /* For requestingClient */
#include "mi.h"
#include "mibstorest.h"
......@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ miLineProjectingCap (pDrawable, pGC, pixel, spanData, face, isLeft, xorg, yorg,
int xorgi = 0, yorgi = 0;
int lw;
PolyEdgeRec lefts[2], rights[2];
PolyEdgeRec lefts[4], rights[4];
int lefty, righty, topy, bottomy;
PolyEdgePtr left, right;
PolyEdgePtr top, bottom;
......@@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ miWideSegment (
PolyEdgePtr top, bottom;
int lefty, righty, topy, bottomy;
int signdx;
PolyEdgeRec lefts[2], rights[2];
PolyEdgeRec lefts[4], rights[4];
LineFacePtr tface;
int lw = pGC->lineWidth;
......@@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ miWideDashSegment (
PolyVertexRec vertices[4];
PolyVertexRec saveRight, saveBottom;
PolySlopeRec slopes[4];
PolyEdgeRec left[2], right[2];
PolyEdgeRec left[4], right[4];
LineFaceRec lcapFace, rcapFace;
int nleft, nright;
int h;
......@@ -82,9 +82,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <dix-config.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <nx-X11/Xwinsock.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xos.h> /* for strings, fcntl, time */
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
......@@ -105,22 +102,9 @@ static unsigned long startTimeInMillis;
#ifdef WIN32
/* Error codes from windows sockets differ from fileio error codes */
#undef EINTR
#undef EINVAL
#undef EBADF
/* Windows select does not set errno. Use GetErrno as wrapper for
WSAGetLastError */
#define GetErrno WSAGetLastError
/* This is just a fallback to errno to hide the differences between unix and
Windows in the code */
#define GetErrno() errno
/* modifications by raphael */
......@@ -484,30 +468,12 @@ WaitForSomething(int *pClientsReady)
if (XFD_ANYSET (&clientsReadable))
#ifdef WIN32
/* Windows keyboard and mouse events are added to the input queue
in Block- and WakupHandlers. There is no device to check if
data is ready. So check here if new input is available */
#if defined(NX_TRANS_SOCKET)
if (*checkForInput[0] != *checkForInput[1])
#if defined(NX_TRANS_SOCKET) && defined(NX_TRANS_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr, "WaitForSomething: Returning 0 because of (*checkForInput[0] != *checkForInput[1]).\n");
return 0;
if (*checkForInput[0] != *checkForInput[1])
return 0;
nready = 0;
if (XFD_ANYSET (&clientsReadable))
#ifndef WIN32
for (i=0; i<howmany(XFD_SETSIZE, NFDBITS); i++)
while (clientsReadable.fds_bits[i])
......@@ -517,23 +483,9 @@ WaitForSomething(int *pClientsReady)
curclient = ffs (clientsReadable.fds_bits[i]) - 1;
client_index = /* raphael: modified */
ConnectionTranslation[curclient + (i * (sizeof(fd_mask) * 8))];
fd_set savedClientsReadable;
XFD_COPYSET(&clientsReadable, &savedClientsReadable);
for (i = 0; i < XFD_SETCOUNT(&savedClientsReadable); i++)
int client_priority, client_index;
curclient = XFD_FD(&savedClientsReadable, i);
client_index = GetConnectionTranslation(curclient);
pClientsReady[nready++] = client_index;
#ifndef WIN32
clientsReadable.fds_bits[i] &= ~(((fd_mask)1L) << curclient);
FD_CLR(curclient, &clientsReadable);
#if defined(NX_TRANS_SOCKET) && defined(NX_TRANS_DEBUG)
......@@ -58,9 +58,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <dix-config.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <nx-X11/Xwinsock.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
......@@ -75,14 +72,13 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include "site.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#if defined(TCPCONN) || defined(ISC) || defined(__SCO__)
#if defined(TCPCONN)
#include <netinet/in.h>
#endif /* TCPCONN || ISC || __SCO__ */
#endif /* TCPCONN */
# include <ucred.h>
......@@ -91,15 +87,11 @@ SOFTWARE.
# endif
#if defined(SVR4) || (defined(SYSV) && defined(i386)) || defined(__GNU__)
#if defined(SVR4) || (defined(SYSV) && defined(__i386__)) || defined(__GNU__)
# include <sys/utsname.h>
#if defined(SYSV) && defined(i386)
#if defined(SYSV) && defined(__i386__)
# include <sys/stream.h>
# ifdef ISC
# include <sys/stropts.h>
# include <sys/sioctl.h>
# endif /* ISC */
#ifdef __GNU__
......@@ -145,7 +137,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
/* #endif */
#endif /* WIN32 */
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#include <sys/param.h>
......@@ -158,10 +149,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#ifdef __SCO__
/* The system defined value is wrong. MAXPATHLEN is set in sco5.cf. */
#undef PATH_MAX
#include <nx-X11/Xos_r.h>
......@@ -282,7 +269,7 @@ AccessUsingXdmcp (void)
#if ((defined(SVR4) && !defined(SCO325) && !defined(sun) && !defined(NCR)) || defined(ISC)) && defined(SIOCGIFCONF) && !defined(USE_SIOCGLIFCONF)
#if ((defined(SVR4) && !defined(SCO325) && !defined(sun) && !defined(NCR))) && defined(SIOCGIFCONF) && !defined(USE_SIOCGLIFCONF)
/* Deal with different SIOCGIFCONF ioctl semantics on these OSs */
......@@ -299,17 +286,6 @@ ifioctl (int fd, int cmd, char *arg)
ioc.ic_len = ((struct ifconf *) arg)->ifc_len;
ioc.ic_dp = ((struct ifconf *) arg)->ifc_buf;
#ifdef ISC
/* SIOCGIFCONF is somewhat brain damaged on ISC. The argument
* buffer must contain the ifconf structure as header. Ifc_req
* is also not a pointer but a one element array of ifreq
* structures. On return this array is extended by enough
* ifreq fields to hold all interfaces. The return buffer length
* is placed in the buffer header.
((struct ifconf *) ioc.ic_dp)->ifc_len =
ioc.ic_len - sizeof(struct ifconf);
......@@ -321,19 +297,11 @@ ifioctl (int fd, int cmd, char *arg)
#ifdef SVR4
((struct ifconf *) arg)->ifc_len = ioc.ic_len;
#ifdef ISC
((struct ifconf *) arg)->ifc_len =
((struct ifconf *)ioc.ic_dp)->ifc_len;
((struct ifconf *) arg)->ifc_buf =
(caddr_t)((struct ifconf *)ioc.ic_dp)->ifc_req;
#else /* Case sun, SCO325 NCR and others */
#define ifioctl ioctl
#endif /* ((SVR4 && !sun !SCO325 !NCR) || ISC) && SIOCGIFCONF */
#endif /* ((SVR4 && !sun !SCO325 !NCR)) && SIOCGIFCONF */
* DefineSelf (fd):
......@@ -501,13 +469,7 @@ DefineSelf (int fd)
int family;
register HOST *host;
#ifndef WIN32
struct utsname name;
struct {
char nodename[512];
} name;
register struct hostent *hp;
......@@ -531,11 +493,7 @@ DefineSelf (int fd)
* uname() lets me access to the whole string (it smashes release, you
* see), whereas gethostname() kindly truncates it for me.
#ifndef WIN32
gethostname(name.nodename, sizeof(name.nodename));
hp = _XGethostbyname(name.nodename, hparams);
if (hp != NULL)
......@@ -723,11 +681,7 @@ DefineSelf (int fd)
ifc.ifc_buf = bufptr;
#ifdef ISC
#define IFC_IFC_REQ (struct ifreq *) ifc.ifc_buf
#define IFC_IFC_REQ ifc.ifc_req
#endif /* ISC */
#define IFC_IFC_LEN ifc.ifc_len
#define IFR_IFR_ADDR ifr->ifr_addr
#define IFR_IFR_NAME ifr->ifr_name
......@@ -1723,10 +1677,6 @@ ConvertAddr (
return FamilyLocal;
#if defined(TCPCONN)
case AF_INET:
#ifdef WIN32
if (16777343 == *(long*)&((struct sockaddr_in *) saddr)->sin_addr)
return FamilyLocal;
*len = sizeof (struct in_addr);
*addr = (void *) &(((struct sockaddr_in *) saddr)->sin_addr);
return FamilyInternet;
......@@ -71,9 +71,6 @@ from The Open Group.
# include <nx-X11/extensions/security.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <nx-X11/Xw32defs.h>
struct protocol {
unsigned short name_length;
......@@ -65,9 +65,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <dix-config.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <nx-X11/Xwinsock.h>
#include <nx-X11/X.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xproto.h>
#define XSERV_t
......@@ -81,7 +78,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/socket.h>
#if defined(TCPCONN)
......@@ -104,7 +100,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <sys/uio.h>
#endif /* WIN32 */
#include "misc.h"
#include "osdep.h"
#include <nx-X11/Xpoll.h>
......@@ -155,98 +150,7 @@ int GrabInProgress = 0;
static void
QueueNewConnections(int curconn, int ready, void *data);
#if !defined(WIN32)
int *ConnectionTranslation = NULL;
* On NT fds are not between 0 and MAXSOCKS, they are unrelated, and there is
* not even a known maximum value, so use something quite arbitrary for now.
* Do storage is a hash table of size 256. Collisions are handled in a linked
* list.
#define MAXSOCKS 500
#define MAXSELECT 500
#define MAXFD 500
struct _ct_node {
struct _ct_node *next;
int key;
int value;
struct _ct_node *ct_head[256];
void InitConnectionTranslation(void)
bzero(ct_head, sizeof(ct_head));
int GetConnectionTranslation(int conn)
struct _ct_node *node = ct_head[conn & 0xff];
while (node != NULL)
if (node->key == conn)
return node->value;
node = node->next;
return 0;
void SetConnectionTranslation(int conn, int client)
struct _ct_node **node = ct_head + (conn & 0xff);
if (client == 0) /* remove entry */
while (*node != NULL)
if ((*node)->key == conn)
struct _ct_node *temp = *node;
*node = (*node)->next;
node = &((*node)->next);
} else
while (*node != NULL)
if ((*node)->key == conn)
(*node)->value = client;
node = &((*node)->next);
*node = (struct _ct_node*)malloc(sizeof(struct _ct_node));
(*node)->next = NULL;
(*node)->key = conn;
(*node)->value = client;
void ClearConnectionTranslation(void)
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
struct _ct_node *node = ct_head[i];
while (node != NULL)
struct _ct_node *temp = node;
node = node->next;
XtransConnInfo *ListenTransConns = NULL;
int *ListenTransFds = NULL;
......@@ -318,11 +222,7 @@ InitConnectionLimits(void)
ErrorF("InitConnectionLimits: MaxClients = %d\n", MaxClients);
#if !defined(WIN32)
ConnectionTranslation = (int *)xnfalloc(sizeof(int)*(lastfdesc + 1));
......@@ -341,7 +241,6 @@ InitConnectionLimits(void)
static void
#if !defined(WIN32)
OsSigHandlerPtr handler;
handler = OsSignal (SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN);
if ( handler == SIG_IGN)
......@@ -357,13 +256,11 @@ InitParentProcess(void)
ParentProcess = GetPPID (ParentProcess);
#endif /* __UNIXOS2__ */
#if !defined(WIN32)
if (displayfd >= 0) {
if (displayfd == STDERR_FILENO)
......@@ -385,7 +282,6 @@ NotifyParentProcess(void)
kill (ParentProcess, SIGUSR1);
static Bool
......@@ -416,11 +312,7 @@ CreateWellKnownSockets(void)
#if !defined(WIN32)
for (i=0; i<MaxClients; i++) ConnectionTranslation[i] = 0;
/* display is initialized to "0" by main(). It is then set to the display
* number if specified on the command line. */
......@@ -473,10 +365,8 @@ CreateWellKnownSockets(void)
if (ListenTransCount == 0 && !NoListenAll)
FatalError ("Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already running");
#if !defined(WIN32)
OsSignal (SIGHUP, AutoResetServer);
OsSignal (SIGINT, GiveUp);
OsSignal (SIGTERM, GiveUp);
......@@ -802,11 +692,7 @@ AllocNewConnection (XtransConnInfo trans_conn, int fd, CARD32 conn_time)
ClientPtr client;
if (
#ifndef WIN32
fd >= lastfdesc
XFD_SETCOUNT(&AllClients) >= MaxClients
return NullClient;
oc = (OsCommPtr)malloc(sizeof(OsCommRec));
......@@ -825,11 +711,7 @@ AllocNewConnection (XtransConnInfo trans_conn, int fd, CARD32 conn_time)
client->local = ComputeLocalClient(client);
#if !defined(WIN32)
ConnectionTranslation[fd] = client->index;
SetConnectionTranslation(fd, client->index);
if (GrabInProgress)
FD_SET(fd, &SavedAllClients);
......@@ -893,11 +775,7 @@ EstablishNewConnections(ClientPtr clientUnused, void * closure)
if (newconn < lastfdesc) {
int clientid;
#if !defined(WIN32)
clientid = ConnectionTranslation[newconn];
clientid = GetConnectionTranslation(newconn);
if (clientid && (client = clients[clientid]))
......@@ -990,11 +868,7 @@ CloseDownFileDescriptor(OsCommPtr oc)
#ifndef WIN32
ConnectionTranslation[connection] = 0;
SetConnectionTranslation(connection, 0);
FD_CLR(connection, &AllSockets);
FD_CLR(connection, &AllClients);
FD_CLR(connection, &ClientsWithInput);
......@@ -1023,22 +897,16 @@ CloseDownFileDescriptor(OsCommPtr oc)
#ifndef WIN32
fd_mask mask;
fd_set tmask;
int curclient, curoff;
int i;
struct timeval notime;
int r;
#ifdef WIN32
fd_set savedAllClients;
notime.tv_sec = 0;
notime.tv_usec = 0;
#ifndef WIN32
for (i=0; i<howmany(XFD_SETSIZE, NFDBITS); i++)
mask = AllClients.fds_bits[i];
......@@ -1054,18 +922,6 @@ CheckConnections(void)
mask &= ~((fd_mask)1 << curoff);
XFD_COPYSET(&AllClients, &savedAllClients);
for (i = 0; i < XFD_SETCOUNT(&savedAllClients); i++)
curclient = XFD_FD(&savedAllClients, i);
FD_SET(curclient, &tmask);
r = Select (curclient + 1, &tmask, NULL, NULL, &notime);
if (r < 0)
......@@ -60,9 +60,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#if 0
#ifdef WIN32
#include <nx-X11/Xwinsock.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define XSERV_t
......@@ -70,9 +67,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <nx-X11/Xtrans/Xtrans.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xmd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if !defined(WIN32)
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <nx-X11/X.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xproto.h>
#include "os.h"
......@@ -88,7 +83,6 @@ CallbackListPtr FlushCallback;
/* check for both EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK, because some supposedly POSIX
* systems are broken and return EWOULDBLOCK when they should return EAGAIN
#ifndef WIN32
#if defined(EAGAIN) && defined(EWOULDBLOCK)
#define ETEST(err) (err == EAGAIN || err == EWOULDBLOCK)
......@@ -98,9 +92,6 @@ CallbackListPtr FlushCallback;
#define ETEST(err) (err == EWOULDBLOCK)
#else /* WIN32 The socket errorcodes differ from the normal errors*/
#define ETEST(err) (err == EAGAIN || err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
Bool CriticalOutputPending;
int timesThisConnection = 0;
......@@ -358,7 +349,7 @@ ReadRequestFromClient(ClientPtr client)
if ((result < 0) && ETEST(errno))
#if defined(SVR4) && defined(i386) && !defined(sun)
#if defined(SVR4) && defined(__i386__) && !defined(sun)
if (0)
......@@ -777,9 +768,6 @@ FlushAllOutput(void)
OsCommPtr oc;
register ClientPtr client;
Bool newoutput = NewOutputPending;
#if defined(WIN32)
fd_set newOutputPending;
if (!newoutput)
......@@ -792,7 +780,6 @@ FlushAllOutput(void)
CriticalOutputPending = FALSE;
NewOutputPending = FALSE;
#ifndef WIN32
for (base = 0; base < howmany(XFD_SETSIZE, NFDBITS); base++)
mask = OutputPending.fds_bits[ base ];
......@@ -817,28 +804,6 @@ FlushAllOutput(void)
(void)FlushClient(client, oc, (char *)NULL, 0);
#else /* WIN32 */
for (base = 0; base < XFD_SETCOUNT(&OutputPending); base++)
index = XFD_FD(&OutputPending, base);
if ((index = GetConnectionTranslation(index)) == 0)
client = clients[index];
if (client->clientGone)
oc = (OsCommPtr)client->osPrivate;
if (
FD_ISSET(oc->fd, &ClientsWithInput))
FD_SET(oc->fd, &newOutputPending); /* set the bit again */
NewOutputPending = TRUE;
(void)FlushClient(client, oc, (char *)NULL, 0);
XFD_COPYSET(&newOutputPending, &OutputPending);
#endif /* WIN32 */
......@@ -117,10 +117,6 @@ OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
#include "site.h"
#include "opaque.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#include <process.h>
#define getpid(x) _getpid(x)
......@@ -268,9 +264,7 @@ LogInit(const char *fname, const char *backup)
if (saveBuffer && bufferSize > 0) {
fwrite(saveBuffer, bufferPos, 1, logFile);
#ifndef WIN32
......@@ -398,10 +392,8 @@ LogVWrite(int verb, const char *f, va_list args)
fwrite(tmpBuffer, len, 1, logFile);
if (logFlush) {
#ifndef WIN32
if (logSync)
} else if (needBuffer) {
......@@ -730,11 +722,9 @@ ErrorF(const char * f, ...)
#ifdef SYSV
#if !defined(ISC) || defined(ISC202) || defined(ISC22)
#if defined(NEED_STRERROR) && !defined(strerror)
extern char *sys_errlist[];
......@@ -69,11 +69,6 @@ SOFTWARE.
#else /* X_NOT_POSIX */
#ifdef WIN32
#define _POSIX_
#include <limits.h>
#undef _POSIX_
#endif /* X_NOT_POSIX */
#ifndef OPEN_MAX
......@@ -85,11 +80,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
#if defined(NOFILE) && !defined(NOFILES_MAX)
#if !defined(WIN32)
#define OPEN_MAX 256
......@@ -213,13 +204,7 @@ extern fd_set ClientsWriteBlocked;
extern fd_set OutputPending;
extern fd_set IgnoredClientsWithInput;
#ifndef WIN32
extern int *ConnectionTranslation;
extern int GetConnectionTranslation(int conn);
extern void SetConnectionTranslation(int conn, int client);
extern void ClearConnectionTranslation();
extern Bool NewOutputPending;
extern Bool AnyWritesPending;
......@@ -234,9 +219,6 @@ extern OsCommPtr AvailableInput;
extern WorkQueuePtr workQueue;
/* added by raphael */
#ifdef WIN32
typedef long int fd_mask;
#define ffs mffs
extern int mffs(fd_mask);
......@@ -65,11 +65,8 @@ SOFTWARE.
#if defined(__SCO__)
#include <sys/wait.h>
#if !defined(SYSV) && !defined(WIN32)
#if !defined(SYSV)
#include <sys/resource.h>
......@@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ OsInit(void)
#if !defined(__SCO__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__UNIXWARE__)
#if !defined(__CYGWIN__)
......@@ -134,7 +131,7 @@ OsInit(void)
dup2 (fileno (err), 2);
fclose (err);
#if defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#if defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
static char buf[BUFSIZ];
setvbuf (stderr, buf, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
......@@ -148,7 +145,7 @@ OsInit(void)
if (getpgrp () == 0)
setpgid (0, 0);
#if !defined(SYSV) && !defined(WIN32)
#if !defined(SYSV)
if (getpgrp (0) == 0)
setpgrp (0, getpid ());
......@@ -83,9 +83,6 @@ OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
#include <signal.h>
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
#include <nx-X11/Xwinsock.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "misc.h"
......@@ -115,10 +112,8 @@ OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/wait.h>
#if !defined(SYSV) && !defined(WIN32)
#if !defined(SYSV)
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <time.h>
......@@ -132,9 +127,7 @@ OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc() */
#if defined(TCPCONN)
# ifndef WIN32
# include <netdb.h>
# endif
#include "opaque.h"
......@@ -910,7 +903,7 @@ ProcessCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
else if ( strcmp ( argv[i], "-nolock") == 0)
#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
#if !defined(__CYGWIN__)
if (getuid() != 0)
ErrorF("Warning: the -nolock option can only be used by root\n");
......@@ -1230,7 +1223,7 @@ ExpandCommandLine(int *pargc, char ***pargv)
int i;
#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
#if !defined(__CYGWIN__)
if (getuid() != geteuid())
......@@ -1566,7 +1559,6 @@ OsReleaseSignals (void)
#if !defined(WIN32)
* "safer" versions of system(3), popen(3) and pclose(3) which give up
* all privs before running a command.
......@@ -1948,7 +1940,6 @@ Fclose(void * iop)
#endif /* !WIN32 */
......@@ -1981,11 +1972,7 @@ Fclose(void * iop)
/* Check args and env only if running setuid (euid == 0 && euid != uid) ? */
#ifndef CHECK_EUID
#ifndef WIN32
#define CHECK_EUID 1
#define CHECK_EUID 0
......@@ -2232,52 +2219,3 @@ CheckUserAuthorization(void)
#ifdef __SCO__
#include <fcntl.h>
static void
lockit (int fd, short what)
struct flock lck;
lck.l_whence = 0;
lck.l_start = 0;
lck.l_len = 1;
lck.l_type = what;
(void)fcntl (fd, F_SETLKW, &lck);
/* SCO OpenServer 5 lacks pread/pwrite. Emulate them. */
pread (int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes, off_t offset)
off_t saved;
ssize_t ret;
lockit (fd, F_RDLCK);
saved = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET);
ret = read (fd, buf, nbytes);
lseek (fd, saved, SEEK_SET);
lockit (fd, F_UNLCK);
return ret;
pwrite (int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, off_t offset)
off_t saved;
ssize_t ret;
lockit (fd, F_WRLCK);
saved = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET);
ret = write (fd, buf, nbytes);
lseek (fd, saved, SEEK_SET);
lockit (fd, F_UNLCK);
return ret;
#endif /* __SCO__ */
......@@ -17,22 +17,13 @@
#include <dix-config.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <nx-X11/Xwinsock.h>
#define XSERV_t
#include <nx-X11/Xtrans/Xtrans.h>
#include <nx-X11/Xos.h>
#if !defined(WIN32)
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
......@@ -1507,9 +1498,6 @@ get_addr_by_name(
_Xgethostbynameparams hparams;
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(TCPCONN)
if (!(hep = _XGethostbyname(namestr, hparams)))
FatalError("Xserver: %s unknown host: %s\n", argtype, namestr);
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ XkbSetExtension(DeviceIntPtr device, ProcessInputProc proc)
XkbFreePrivates(DeviceIntPtr device)
if (device &&
if (device &&
device->devPrivates &&
device->nPrivates > 0 &&
xkbDevicePrivateIndex != -1 &&
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