Commit 679e1118 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Init.c Use dpmsstubs.c instead of an own copy

Derived from commit 978f3b496b9951ee8120a0efcc5cd12503e26770 Author: Roland Mainz <> Date: Sat Mar 5 21:38:29 2005 +0000 xc/programs/Xserver/Imakefile xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xnest/Imakefile // attachment #2020 ( Cleanup Xnest usage of the DPMS dummy stub functions from dpmsstubs.c instead of using it's own copy of these functions. Fixes ArcticaProject/nx-libs#901
parent 8558e321
......@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ XF86BIGFOBJS = xf86bigfont.o
PNRXINCLUDES = -I../mi -I../render
#if BuildDPMS
DPMSSRCS = dpms.c
DPMSOBJS = dpms.o
DPMSSRCS = dpms.c dpmsstubs.c
DPMSOBJS = dpms.o dpmsstubs.o
SRCS = shape.c $(SHMSRCS) xcmisc.c\
......@@ -98,15 +98,6 @@ extern int (*ProcVector[256])(ClientPtr);
extern int fbGCPrivateIndex;
#ifdef DPMSExtension
* Stubs for the DPMS extension.
void DPMSSet(int level);
int DPMSGet(int *level);
Bool DPMSSupported(void);
* Our error logging function.
......@@ -625,19 +616,3 @@ static void nxagentGrabServerCallback(CallbackListPtr *callbacks, void *data,
nxagentGrabServerInfo.client = grab->client;
nxagentGrabServerInfo.grabstate = grab->grabstate;
#ifdef DPMSExtension
void DPMSSet(int level)
int DPMSGet(int *level)
return -1;
Bool DPMSSupported(void)
return 0;
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