Contributions by Daniel Stone have been licensed under MIT~X11.
Files: nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches_6.4.2/*
Files: nx-X11/extras/Mesa.patches/*
Copyright: 2017, Mike Gabriel <>*/
2017, Mihai Moldovan <>
2017, Ulrich Sibiller <>
@@ -3003,11 +3011,6 @@ Copyright: 2011-2016, Mike Gabriel <>
2015-2016, Mihai Moldovan <>
License: GPL-2 or GPL-2+ or GPL-3+ or Expat or Expat~NoAdvert or MIT~OpenGroup or MIT~X11 or MIT~Tektronix or MIT~Tektronix~3-clause or MIT~OldStyle or MIT~Adobe or MIT~VeryOldStyle~UniOfCalifornia or MIT~VeryOldStyle~NCD or MIT~ISC or SGI-1.1 or GLX-1.0 or Zlib or XFree86 or BSD-1-clause
Files: nx-libs.spec
Copyright: 2011-2017, Mike Gabriel <>
2015-2017, Mihai Moldovan <>
License: GPL-2 or GPL-2+ or GPL-3+ or Expat or Expat~NoAdvert or MIT~OpenGroup or MIT~X11 or MIT~Tektronix or MIT~Tektronix~3-clause or MIT~OldStyle or MIT~Adobe or MIT~VeryOldStyle~UniOfCalifornia or MIT~VeryOldStyle~NCD or MIT~ISC or SGI-1.1 or GLX-1.0 or Zlib or XFree86 or BSD-1-clause
License: GPL-2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free