Commit 8dbfc1e4 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Event.c: use __func__ in fprintf

parent d501d48c
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ void ProcessInputEvents(void)
if (nxagentDebugInput == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "ProcessInputEvents: Processing input.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Processing input.\n", __func__);
......@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ void nxagentRemoteWindowsTree(Window window, int level)
if (!XQueryTree(nxagentDisplay, window, &rootWin, &parentWin, &childList,
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRemoteWindowsTree - XQueryTree failed.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s - XQueryTree failed.\n", __func__);
......@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ void nxagentInternalWindowsTree(WindowPtr pWin, int indent)
void nxagentSwitchResizeMode(ScreenPtr pScreen)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSwitchResizeMode called.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called.\n", __func__);
int desktopResize = nxagentOption(DesktopResize);
......@@ -842,8 +842,8 @@ void nxagentDispatchEvents(PredicateFuncPtr predicate)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new events with "
"predicate [%p].\n", *(void **)&predicate);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new events with predicate [%p].\n", __func__,
*(void **)&predicate);
if (nxagentRemoteExposeRegion == NULL)
......@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ void nxagentDispatchEvents(PredicateFuncPtr predicate)
if (nxagentPendingEvents(nxagentDisplay) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: PANIC! No event needs to be dispatched.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! No event needs to be dispatched.\n", __func__);
......@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ void nxagentDispatchEvents(PredicateFuncPtr predicate)
nxagentAnyEventPredicate, NULL) == 1)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new event type [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new event type [%d].\n", __func__,
......@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ void nxagentDispatchEvents(PredicateFuncPtr predicate)
case SelectionClear:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new SelectionClear event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new SelectionClear event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ void nxagentDispatchEvents(PredicateFuncPtr predicate)
case SelectionRequest:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new SelectionRequest event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new SelectionRequest event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ void nxagentDispatchEvents(PredicateFuncPtr predicate)
case SelectionNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new SelectionNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new SelectionNotify event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -927,8 +927,7 @@ void nxagentDispatchEvents(PredicateFuncPtr predicate)
case PropertyNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: PropertyNotify on "
"prop %d[%s] window %lx state %d\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: PropertyNotify on prop %d[%s] window %lx state %d\n", __func__,
(int)X.xproperty.atom, validateString(XGetAtomName(nxagentDisplay, X.xproperty.atom)),
X.xproperty.window, X.xproperty.state);
......@@ -942,7 +941,7 @@ void nxagentDispatchEvents(PredicateFuncPtr predicate)
enum HandleEventResult result;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new KeyPress event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new KeyPress event.\n", __func__);
nxagentInputEvent = 1;
......@@ -1131,7 +1130,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new KeyRelease event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new KeyRelease event.\n", __func__);
nxagentInputEvent = 1;
......@@ -1211,7 +1210,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
if (nxagentDebugInput == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new ButtonPress event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new ButtonPress event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -1276,7 +1275,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
if (nxagentDebugInput == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Adding ButtonPress event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Adding ButtonPress event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -1310,7 +1309,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
if (nxagentDebugInput == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new ButtonRelease event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new ButtonRelease event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -1350,7 +1349,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
if (nxagentDebugInput == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Adding ButtonRelease event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Adding ButtonRelease event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -1384,16 +1383,16 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
ScreenPtr pScreen = nxagentScreen(X.xmotion.window);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new MotionNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new MotionNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentDebugInput == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Handling motion notify window [%ld] root [%ld] child [%ld].\n",
X.xmotion.window, X.xmotion.root, X.xmotion.subwindow);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Handling motion notify window [%ld] root [%ld] child [%ld].\n",
__func__, X.xmotion.window, X.xmotion.root, X.xmotion.subwindow);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Pointer at [%d][%d] relative root [%d][%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Pointer at [%d][%d] relative root [%d][%d].\n", __func__,
X.xmotion.x, X.xmotion.y, X.xmotion.x_root, X.xmotion.y_root);
......@@ -1445,7 +1444,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
if (nxagentDebugInput == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Adding motion event [%d, %d] to the queue.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Adding motion event [%d, %d] to the queue.\n", __func__,
x.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX, x.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY);
......@@ -1650,7 +1649,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case KeymapNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new KeymapNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new KeymapNotify event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -1660,7 +1659,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
WindowPtr pWin;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new EnterNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new EnterNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentOption(Rootless))
......@@ -1682,7 +1681,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: nxagentLastEnteredTopLevelWindow [%p].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: nxagentLastEnteredTopLevelWindow [%p].\n", __func__,
(void *)nxagentLastEnteredTopLevelWindow);
......@@ -1700,7 +1699,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: pWin -> drawable.x [%d] pWin -> drawable.y [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: pWin -> drawable.x [%d] pWin -> drawable.y [%d].\n", __func__,
pWin -> drawable.x, pWin -> drawable.y);
......@@ -1768,7 +1767,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case LeaveNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new LeaveNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new LeaveNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentOption(Rootless) && X.xcrossing.mode == NotifyNormal &&
......@@ -1804,7 +1803,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case DestroyNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new DestroyNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new DestroyNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentParentWindow != (Window) 0 &&
......@@ -1820,7 +1819,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
enum HandleEventResult result;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new ClientMessage event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new ClientMessage event.\n", __func__);
nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(&X, &result);
......@@ -1835,7 +1834,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case VisibilityNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new VisibilityNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new VisibilityNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (X.xvisibility.window != nxagentDefaultWindows[0])
......@@ -1862,7 +1861,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Suppressing visibility notify on window [%lx].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Suppressing visibility notify on window [%lx].\n", __func__,
......@@ -1870,7 +1869,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Visibility notify state is [%d] with previous [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Visibility notify state is [%d] with previous [%d].\n", __func__,
X.xvisibility.state, nxagentVisibility);
......@@ -1881,10 +1880,10 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case Expose:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new Expose event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new Expose event.\n", __func__);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: WARNING! Received Expose event "
"for drawable [%lx] geometry [%d, %d, %d, %d] count [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Received Expose event for drawable [%lx]"
" geometry [%d, %d, %d, %d] count [%d].\n", __func__,
X.xexpose.window, X.xexpose.x, X.xexpose.y, X.xexpose.width,
X.xexpose.height, X.xexpose.count);
......@@ -1896,10 +1895,10 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case GraphicsExpose:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new GraphicsExpose event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new GraphicsExpose event.\n", __func__);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: WARNING! Received GraphicsExpose event "
"for drawable [%lx] geometry [%d, %d, %d, %d] count [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Received GraphicsExpose event "
"for drawable [%lx] geometry [%d, %d, %d, %d] count [%d].\n", __func__,
X.xgraphicsexpose.drawable, X.xgraphicsexpose.x, X.xgraphicsexpose.y,
X.xgraphicsexpose.width, X.xgraphicsexpose.height,
......@@ -1912,10 +1911,8 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case NoExpose:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new NoExpose event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: WARNING! Received NoExpose event for "
"drawable [%lx].\n", X.xnoexpose.drawable);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new NoExpose event.\n", __func__);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Received NoExpose event for drawable [%lx].\n", __func__, X.xnoexpose.drawable);
......@@ -1923,7 +1920,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case CirculateNotify:
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new CirculateNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new CirculateNotify event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -1952,7 +1949,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case ConfigureNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new ConfigureNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new ConfigureNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentConfiguredSynchroWindow == X.xconfigure.window)
......@@ -1962,14 +1959,13 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
#ifdef WARNING
if (nxagentVerbose == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Requested ConfigureNotify changes didn't take place.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Requested ConfigureNotify changes didn't take place.\n", __func__);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Received ConfigureNotify and going to call "
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Received ConfigureNotify and going to call nxagentSynchronizeExpose.\n", __func__);
......@@ -1984,7 +1980,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case GravityNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new GravityNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new GravityNotify event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -1992,7 +1988,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case ReparentNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new ReparentNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new ReparentNotify event.\n", __func__);
......@@ -2002,7 +1998,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case UnmapNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new UnmapNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new UnmapNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentOption(Rootless) == 1)
......@@ -2033,7 +2029,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
case MapNotify:
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Going to handle new MapNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle new MapNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentOption(Rootless) == 1)
......@@ -2094,7 +2090,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
XMappingEvent *mappingEvent = (XMappingEvent *) &X;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: WARNING! Going to handle new MappingNotify event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Going to handle new MappingNotify event.\n", __func__);
if (mappingEvent -> request == MappingPointer)
......@@ -2113,8 +2109,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
if (nxagentHandleXkbKeyboardStateEvent(&X) == 0 && nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify(&X) == 0)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: WARNING! Unhandled event code [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Unhandled event code [%d].\n", __func__, X.type);
......@@ -2225,7 +2220,7 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Output pending flag is [%d] critical [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Output pending flag is [%d] critical [%d].\n", __func__,
NewOutputPending, CriticalOutputPending);
......@@ -2242,19 +2237,17 @@ FIXME: Don't enqueue the KeyRelease event if the key was not already
if (NewOutputPending == 1)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: Flushed the processed events to clients.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Flushed the processed events to clients.\n", __func__);
#ifdef TEST
if (nxagentPendingEvents(nxagentDisplay) > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDispatchEvents: WARNING! More events need to be dispatched.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! More events need to be dispatched.\n", __func__);
#ifdef BLOCKS
......@@ -2327,7 +2320,7 @@ int nxagentHandlePropertyNotify(XEvent *X)
if (nxagentOption(Rootless) && !nxagentNotifyMatchChangeProperty((XPropertyEvent *) X))
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandlePropertyNotify: Property %ld on window %lx.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Property %ld on window %lx.\n", __func__,
X -> xproperty.atom, X -> xproperty.window);
......@@ -2338,7 +2331,7 @@ int nxagentHandlePropertyNotify(XEvent *X)
if (resource == -1)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandlePropertyNotify: WARNING! Asynchronous get property queue is full.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Asynchronous get property queue is full.\n", __func__);
return 0;
......@@ -2354,7 +2347,7 @@ int nxagentHandlePropertyNotify(XEvent *X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandlePropertyNotify: Failed to look up remote window property.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to look up remote window property.\n", __func__);
......@@ -2367,10 +2360,8 @@ int nxagentHandleExposeEvent(XEvent *X)
StaticResizedWindowStruct *resizedWinPtr = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleExposeEvent: Checking remote expose events.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleExposeEvent: Looking for window id [%ld].\n",
X -> xexpose.window);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Checking remote expose events.\n", __func__);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Looking for window id [%ld].\n", __func__, X -> xexpose.window);
Window window = X -> xexpose.window;
......@@ -2391,8 +2382,7 @@ FIXME: This can be maybe optimized by consuming the
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleExposeEvent: Adding event for window id [%ld].\n",
X -> xexpose.window);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Adding event for window id [%ld].\n", __func__, X -> xexpose.window);
box.x1 = pWin -> drawable.x + wBorderWidth(pWin) + X -> xexpose.x;
......@@ -2435,8 +2425,7 @@ FIXME: This can be maybe optimized by consuming the
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleExposeEvent: Sending events for window id [%ld].\n",
X -> xexpose.window);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Sending events for window id [%ld].\n", __func__, X -> xexpose.window);
......@@ -2463,7 +2452,7 @@ FIXME: This can be maybe optimized by consuming the
nxagentExposeQueue.exposures[index].remoteRegion, &sum);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleExposeEvent: Added region for window [%u] to position [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Added region for window [%u] to position [%d].\n", __func__,
nxagentWindow(pWin), index);
......@@ -2513,7 +2502,7 @@ int nxagentHandleGraphicsExposeEvent(XEvent *X)
if (pStoringPixmapRec == NULL)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleGraphicsExposeEvent: WARNING! Storing pixmap not found.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Storing pixmap not found.\n", __func__);
return 1;
......@@ -2524,7 +2513,7 @@ int nxagentHandleGraphicsExposeEvent(XEvent *X)
if (pBSwindow == NULL)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleGraphicsExposeEvent: WARNING! Back storage not found.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Back storage not found.\n", __func__);
return 1;
......@@ -2549,8 +2538,8 @@ int nxagentHandleGraphicsExposeEvent(XEvent *X)
if (drawableType == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleGraphicsExposeEvent: Handling GraphicsExpose event on pixmap with id"
" [%lu].\n", X -> xgraphicsexpose.drawable);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Handling GraphicsExpose event on pixmap with id [%lu].\n",
__func__, X -> xgraphicsexpose.drawable);
......@@ -2590,9 +2579,8 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
*result = doNothing;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent: ClientMessage event window [%ld] with "
"type [%ld] format [%d].\n", X -> xclient.window, X -> xclient.message_type,
X -> xclient.format);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ClientMessage event window [%ld] with type [%ld] format [%d].\n",
__func__, X -> xclient.window, X -> xclient.message_type, X -> xclient.format);
......@@ -2616,7 +2604,7 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
if (!ValidAtom(message_type))
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent: WARNING Invalid type in client message.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING Invalid type in client message.\n", __func__);
return 0;
......@@ -2646,8 +2634,7 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
if (!ValidAtom(x.u.clientMessage.u.l.longs0))
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent: WARNING Invalid value in client message "
"of type WM_PROTOCOLS.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING Invalid value in client message of type WM_PROTOCOLS.\n", __func__);
return 0;
......@@ -2655,8 +2642,8 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent: Sent client message of type WM_PROTOCOLS "
"and value [%s].\n", validateString(NameForAtom(x.u.clientMessage.u.l.longs0)));
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Sent client message of type WM_PROTOCOLS and value [%s].\n", __func__,
......@@ -2665,7 +2652,7 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent: Ignored message type %ld [%s].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Ignored message type %ld [%s].\n", __func__,
(long int) message_type, validateString(NameForAtom(message_type)));
......@@ -2689,7 +2676,7 @@ int nxagentHandleClientMessageEvent(XEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "Events: WM_DELETE_WINDOW arrived Atom = %u.\n", wmAtom);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WM_DELETE_WINDOW arrived Atom = %u.\n", __func__, wmAtom);
if (X -> xclient.window == nxagentIconWindow)
......@@ -2827,7 +2814,7 @@ int nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify(XEvent *X)
if (nxagentXFixesInfo.Initialized == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify: XFixes not initialized - doing nothing.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: XFixes not initialized - doing nothing.\n", __func__);
return 0;
......@@ -2835,13 +2822,13 @@ int nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify(XEvent *X)
if (xfixesEvent -> type != (nxagentXFixesInfo.EventBase + XFixesSelectionNotify))
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify: event type is [%d] - doing nothing.\n", xfixesEvent->type);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: event type is [%d] - doing nothing.\n", __func__, xfixesEvent->type);
return 0;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify: Handling event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Handling event.\n", __func__);
Atom local = nxagentRemoteToLocalAtom(xfixesEvent -> xfixesselection.selection);
......@@ -2854,14 +2841,14 @@ int nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify(XEvent *X)
if (CurrentSelections[i].client != 0)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify: Do nothing.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Do nothing.\n", __func__);
return 1;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify: Calling callbacks for %d [%s] selection.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Calling callbacks for %d [%s] selection.\n", __func__,
CurrentSelections[i].selection, NameForAtom(CurrentSelections[i].selection));
......@@ -2873,7 +2860,7 @@ int nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify(XEvent *X)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Event selection owner [0x%x]\n", __func__, xfixesEvent->xfixesselection.owner);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Event selection [%s]\n", __func__, NameForAtom(nxagentRemoteToLocalAtom(xfixesEvent->xfixesselection.selection)));
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify: Subtype ");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Subtype ", __func__);
switch (xfixesEvent -> xfixesselection.subtype)
......@@ -2924,13 +2911,11 @@ int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X)
if (X ->[0] == NXNoSplitNotify)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: PANIC! NXNoSplitNotify received "
"with client [%d].\n", client);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! NXNoSplitNotify received with client [%d].\n", __func__, client);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: PANIC! NXStartSplitNotify received "
"with client [%d].\n", client);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! NXStartSplitNotify received with client [%d].\n", __func__, client);
......@@ -2951,8 +2936,8 @@ int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X)
int position = (int) X ->[3];
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: NXCommitSplitNotify received with "
"client [%d] request [%d] and position [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: NXCommitSplitNotify received with client [%d]"
" request [%d] and position [%d].\n", __func__,
client, request, position);
......@@ -2970,8 +2955,7 @@ int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X)
int client = (int) X ->[1];
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: NXEndSplitNotify received with "
"client [%d].\n", client);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: NXEndSplitNotify received with client [%d].\n", __func__, client);
......@@ -2985,7 +2969,7 @@ int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: NXEmptySplitNotify received.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: NXEmptySplitNotify received.\n", __func__);
......@@ -2997,8 +2981,7 @@ int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X)
#ifdef TEST
int resource = (int) X ->[1];
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: NXCollectPropertyNotify received with resource [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: NXCollectPropertyNotify received with resource [%d].\n", __func__, resource);
......@@ -3010,8 +2993,7 @@ int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X)
int resource = (int) X ->[1];
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: NXCollectGrabPointerNotify received with resource [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: NXCollectGrabPointerNotify received with resource [%d].\n", __func__, resource);
......@@ -3027,8 +3009,7 @@ int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: NXCollectInputFocusNotify received with resource [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: NXCollectInputFocusNotify received with resource [%d].\n", __func__, resource);
......@@ -3042,7 +3023,7 @@ int nxagentHandleProxyEvent(XEvent *X)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleProxyEvent: WARNING! Not a recognized ClientMessage proxy event [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Not a recognized ClientMessage proxy event [%d].\n", __func__,
(int) X ->[0]);
......@@ -3093,7 +3074,7 @@ int nxagentCheckWindowConfiguration(XConfigureEvent* X)
if (geometryChanged)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckWindowConfiguration: Configure frame. No restack.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Configure frame. No restack.\n", __func__);
return 1;
......@@ -3101,13 +3082,12 @@ int nxagentCheckWindowConfiguration(XConfigureEvent* X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckWindowConfiguration: Before restacking top level window [%p]\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Before restacking top level window [%p]\n", __func__,
(void *) nxagentWindowPtr(X -> window));
for (WindowPtr pSib = screenInfo.screens[0]->root -> firstChild; pSib; pSib = pSib -> nextSib)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckWindowConfiguration: Top level window: [%p].\n",
(void *) pSib);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Top level window: [%p].\n", __func__, (void *) pSib);
......@@ -3122,15 +3102,14 @@ int nxagentCheckWindowConfiguration(XConfigureEvent* X)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckWindowConfiguration: WARNING! Failed QueryTree request.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Failed QueryTree request.\n", __func__);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckWindowConfiguration: Trees match: %s\n",
nxagentRootlessTreesMatch() ? "Yes" : "No");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trees match: %s\n", __func__, nxagentRootlessTreesMatch() ? "Yes" : "No");
return 1;
......@@ -3148,14 +3127,14 @@ int nxagentHandleConfigureNotify(XEvent* X)
WindowPtr pWinEvent = nxagentWindowPtr(X -> xconfigure.event);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleConfigureNotify: Generating window is [%p][%ld] target [%p][%ld].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Generating window is [%p][%ld] target [%p][%ld].\n", __func__,
(void *) pWinEvent, X -> xconfigure.event, (void *) pWinWindow, X -> xconfigure.window);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleConfigureNotify: New configuration for window [%p][%ld] is [%d][%d][%d][%d] "
"send_event [%i].\n", (void *) pWinWindow, X -> xconfigure.window,
fprintf(stderr, "%s: New configuration for window [%p][%ld] is [%d][%d][%d][%d] send_event [%i].\n",
__func__, (void *) pWinWindow, X -> xconfigure.window,
X -> xconfigure.x, X -> xconfigure.y, X -> xconfigure.width,
X -> xconfigure.height, X -> xconfigure.send_event);
......@@ -3221,7 +3200,7 @@ int nxagentHandleConfigureNotify(XEvent* X)
if (nxagentOption(ClientOs) == ClientOsWinnt)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleConfigureNotify: Apply workaround for NXWin.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Apply workaround for NXWin.\n", __func__);
sendEventAnyway = 1;
......@@ -3410,7 +3389,7 @@ int nxagentHandleConfigureNotify(XEvent* X)
if (doRandR)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr,"nxagentHandleConfigureNotify: Width %d Height %d.\n",
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Width %d Height %d.\n", __func__,
nxagentOption(Width), nxagentOption(Height));
......@@ -3426,7 +3405,8 @@ int nxagentHandleConfigureNotify(XEvent* X)
if ( (X -> xconfigure.window == DefaultRootWindow(nxagentDisplay)) || nxagentFullscreenWindow )
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleConfigureNotify: remote root window has changed: %d,%d %dx%d\n", X -> xconfigure.x, X -> xconfigure.y, X -> xconfigure.width, X -> xconfigure.height);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: remote root window has changed: %d,%d %dx%d\n", __func__,
X -> xconfigure.x, X -> xconfigure.y, X -> xconfigure.width, X -> xconfigure.height);
nxagentChangeOption(RootX, X -> xconfigure.x);
......@@ -3448,7 +3428,7 @@ int nxagentHandleConfigureNotify(XEvent* X)
int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: Going to handle a new reparent event.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to handle a new reparent event.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentOption(Rootless))
......@@ -3461,7 +3441,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
WindowPtr pParent = nxagentWindowPtr(X -> xreparent.parent);
WindowPtr pEvent = nxagentWindowPtr(X -> xreparent.event);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: event %p[%lx] window %p[%lx] parent %p[%lx] at (%d, %d)\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: event %p[%lx] window %p[%lx] parent %p[%lx] at (%d, %d)\n", __func__,
(void*)pEvent, X -> xreparent.event, (void*)pWin, X -> xreparent.window,
(void*)pParent, X -> xreparent.parent, X -> xreparent.x, X -> xreparent.y);
......@@ -3494,7 +3474,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
if (!result)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: WARNING! Failed QueryTree request.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Failed QueryTree request.\n", __func__);
......@@ -3508,9 +3488,8 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
nxagentRootlessAddTopLevelWindow(pWin, w);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: new top level window [%ld].\n", w);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: reparented window [%ld].\n",
X -> xreparent.window);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: new top level window [%ld].\n", __func__, w);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: reparented window [%ld].\n", __func__, X -> xreparent.window);
result = XQueryTree(nxagentDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(nxagentDisplay),
......@@ -3523,7 +3502,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: WARNING! Failed QueryTree request.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Failed QueryTree request.\n", __func__);
......@@ -3532,8 +3511,8 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: Window at [%p] has been reparented to [%ld]"
" top level parent [%ld].\n", (void *) pWin, X -> xreparent.parent, w);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Window at [%p] has been reparented to [%ld] top level parent [%ld].\n",
__func__, (void *) pWin, X -> xreparent.parent, w);
......@@ -3554,8 +3533,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
&attributes) == 0))
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: WARNING! "
"XGetWindowAttributes failed.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! XGetWindowAttributes failed.\n", __func__);
return 1;
......@@ -3605,8 +3583,7 @@ int nxagentHandleReparentNotify(XEvent* X)
if (XGetWindowAttributes(nxagentDisplay, w, &attributes) == 0)
#ifdef WARNING
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleReparentNotify: WARNING! "
"XGetWindowAttributes failed for parent window.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! XGetWindowAttributes failed for parent window.\n", __func__);
return 1;
......@@ -3752,7 +3729,7 @@ int nxagentWaitForResource(GetResourceFuncPtr pGetResource, PredicateFuncPtr pPr
void nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard(XEvent *X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard: Grabbing pointer and keyboard with event at [%p].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Grabbing pointer and keyboard with event at [%p].\n", __func__,
(void *) X);
......@@ -3768,7 +3745,7 @@ void nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard(XEvent *X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard: Going to grab the keyboard in context [B1].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to grab the keyboard in context [B1].\n", __func__);
int result = XGrabKeyboard(nxagentDisplay,
......@@ -3799,7 +3776,7 @@ void nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard(XEvent *X)
isItTimeToYield = 1;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard: Going to grab the pointer in context [B2].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to grab the pointer in context [B2].\n", __func__);
int resource = nxagentWaitForResource(NXGetCollectGrabPointerResource,
......@@ -3820,7 +3797,7 @@ void nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard(XEvent *X)
if (X != NULL)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentGrabPointerAndKeyboard: Going to force focus in context [B4].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to force focus in context [B4].\n", __func__);
XSetInputFocus(nxagentDisplay, nxagentFullscreenWindow,
......@@ -3833,7 +3810,7 @@ void nxagentUngrabPointerAndKeyboard(XEvent *X)
unsigned long now;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentUngrabPointerAndKeyboard: Ungrabbing pointer and keyboard with event at [%p].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Ungrabbing pointer and keyboard with event at [%p].\n", __func__,
(void *) X);
......@@ -3847,13 +3824,13 @@ void nxagentUngrabPointerAndKeyboard(XEvent *X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentUngrabPointerAndKeyboard: Going to ungrab the keyboard in context [B5].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to ungrab the keyboard in context [B5].\n", __func__);
XUngrabKeyboard(nxagentDisplay, now);
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentUngrabPointerAndKeyboard: Going to ungrab the pointer in context [B6].\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to ungrab the pointer in context [B6].\n", __func__);
XUngrabPointer(nxagentDisplay, now);
......@@ -3902,8 +3879,7 @@ void nxagentHandleCollectGrabPointerEvent(int resource)
if (NXGetCollectedGrabPointer(nxagentDisplay, resource, &status) == 0)
#ifdef PANIC
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleCollectGrabPointerEvent: PANIC! Failed to get GrabPointer "
"reply for resource [%d].\n", resource);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! Failed to get GrabPointer reply for resource [%d].\n", __func__, resource);
......@@ -3915,7 +3891,7 @@ void nxagentHandleCollectPropertyEvent(XEvent *X)
if (X ->[2] == False)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf (stderr, "nxagentHandleCollectPropertyEvent: Failed to get reply data for client [%d].\n",
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Failed to get reply data for client [%d].\n", __func__,
......@@ -3953,7 +3929,7 @@ void nxagentHandleCollectPropertyEvent(XEvent *X)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf (stderr, "nxagentHandleCollectPropertyEvent: Failed to get reply data for client [%d].\n",
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Failed to get reply data for client [%d].\n", __func__,
......@@ -3969,7 +3945,7 @@ void nxagentSynchronizeExpose(void)
if (nxagentExposeQueue.length <= 0)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSynchronizeExpose: PANIC! Called with nxagentExposeQueue.length [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! Called with nxagentExposeQueue.length [%d].\n", __func__,
......@@ -4003,8 +3979,8 @@ void nxagentSynchronizeExpose(void)
((pWin -> eventMask|wOtherEventMasks(pWin)) & ExposureMask))
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentSynchronizeExpose: Going to call miWindowExposures"
" for window [%d] - rects [%d].\n", nxagentWindow(pWin),
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to call miWindowExposures for window [%d] - rects [%d].\n",
__func__, nxagentWindow(pWin),
......@@ -4061,13 +4037,11 @@ void nxagentRemoveDuplicatedKeys(XEvent *X)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRemoveDuplicatedKeys: Trying to read more events "
"from the X server.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trying to read more events from the X server.\n", __func__);
if (nxagentReadEvents(nxagentDisplay) > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRemoveDuplicatedKeys: Successfully read more events "
"from the X server.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Successfully read more events from the X server.\n", __func__);
......@@ -4144,7 +4118,7 @@ void nxagentInitRemoteExposeRegion(void)
if (nxagentRemoteExposeRegion == NULL)
#ifdef PANIC
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentInitRemoteExposeRegion: PANIC! Failed to create expose region.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! Failed to create expose region.\n", __func__);
......@@ -4155,7 +4129,7 @@ void nxagentForwardRemoteExpose(void)
if (RegionNotEmpty(nxagentRemoteExposeRegion))
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentForwardRemoteExpose: Going to forward events.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Going to forward events.\n", __func__);
TraverseTree(screenInfo.screens[0]->root, nxagentClipAndSendExpose, (void *)nxagentRemoteExposeRegion);
......@@ -4189,7 +4163,7 @@ int nxagentClipAndSendExpose(WindowPtr pWin, void * ptr)
RegionPtr remoteExposeRgn = (RegionRec *) ptr;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentClipAndSendExpose: Called.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called.\n", __func__);
if (pWin -> drawable.class != InputOnly)
......@@ -4199,12 +4173,12 @@ int nxagentClipAndSendExpose(WindowPtr pWin, void * ptr)
#ifdef DEBUG
BoxRec box = *RegionExtents(remoteExposeRgn);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentClipAndSendExpose: Root expose extents: [%d] [%d] [%d] [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Root expose extents: [%d] [%d] [%d] [%d].\n", __func__,
box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2);
box = *RegionExtents(&pWin -> clipList);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentClipAndSendExpose: Clip list extents for window at [%p]: [%d] [%d] [%d] [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Clip list extents for window at [%p]: [%d] [%d] [%d] [%d].\n", __func__,
(void *)pWin, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2);
......@@ -4213,7 +4187,7 @@ int nxagentClipAndSendExpose(WindowPtr pWin, void * ptr)
if (RegionNotEmpty(exposeRgn))
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentClipAndSendExpose: Forwarding expose to window at [%p] pWin.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Forwarding expose to window at [%p] pWin.\n", __func__,
(void *)pWin);
......@@ -4233,7 +4207,7 @@ int nxagentClipAndSendExpose(WindowPtr pWin, void * ptr)
if (RegionNotEmpty(remoteExposeRgn))
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentClipAndSendExpose: Region not empty. Walk children.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Region not empty. Walk children.\n", __func__);
......@@ -4241,7 +4215,7 @@ int nxagentClipAndSendExpose(WindowPtr pWin, void * ptr)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentClipAndSendExpose: Region empty. Stop walking.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Region empty. Stop walking.\n", __func__);
......@@ -4296,7 +4270,7 @@ int nxagentUserInput(void *p)
nxagentKeyDown > 0))
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentUserInput: Buttons [%d] Keys [%d].\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Buttons [%d] Keys [%d].\n", __func__,
inputInfo.pointer -> button -> buttonsDown, nxagentKeyDown);
......@@ -4312,7 +4286,7 @@ int nxagentHandleRRScreenChangeNotify(XEvent *X)
XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent *Xr = (XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent *) X;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentHandleRRScreenChangeNotify called.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called.\n", __func__);
nxagentResizeScreen(screenInfo.screens[DefaultScreen(nxagentDisplay)], Xr -> width, Xr -> height,
......@@ -4339,7 +4313,7 @@ int nxagentPendingEvents(Display *dpy)
if (_XGetIOError(dpy) != 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPendingEvents: Returning error with display down.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Returning error with display down.\n", __func__);
return -1;
......@@ -4347,7 +4321,7 @@ int nxagentPendingEvents(Display *dpy)
else if (XQLength(dpy) > 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPendingEvents: Returning true with [%d] events queued.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Returning true with [%d] events queued.\n", __func__,
......@@ -4362,7 +4336,7 @@ int nxagentPendingEvents(Display *dpy)
if (readable > 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPendingEvents: Returning true with [%d] bytes readable.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Returning true with [%d] bytes readable.\n", __func__,
......@@ -4370,7 +4344,7 @@ int nxagentPendingEvents(Display *dpy)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPendingEvents: Returning false with [%d] bytes readable.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Returning false with [%d] bytes readable.\n", __func__,
......@@ -4378,7 +4352,7 @@ int nxagentPendingEvents(Display *dpy)
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentPendingEvents: WARNING! Error detected on the X display.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING! Error detected on the X display.\n", __func__);
......@@ -4394,7 +4368,7 @@ int nxagentPendingEvents(Display *dpy)
int nxagentWaitEvents(Display *dpy, useconds_t msec)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentWaitEvents called.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Called.\n", __func__);
NXFlushDisplay(dpy, NXFlushLink);
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