Commit 95ce6b74 authored by Reinhard Tartler's avatar Reinhard Tartler

Imported nxcomp-3.3.0-3.tar.gz

Summary: Imported nxcomp-3.3.0-3.tar.gz Keywords: Imported nxcomp-3.3.0-3.tar.gz into Git repository
parent 920705cf
- Removed a condition in ClientChannel that caused a loss in event
sequence numbers.
- Updated VERSION.
- Opened the 3.3.0 branch based on nxcomp-3.2.0-7.
- Solved a compilation problem on GCC 4.3.
......@@ -4539,6 +4539,24 @@ int ClientChannel::handleWrite(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int length
lastSequence_ = serverSequence_;
FIXME: This block was added, otherwise we have a loss
of the nxagent events.
#ifdef DEBUG
*logofs << "handleWrite: Updating last event's sequence "
<< lastSequence_ << " to X server's sequence number "
<< serverSequence_ << " for FD#" << fd_
<< ".\n" << logofs_flush;
lastSequence_ = serverSequence_;
FIXME: This causes the loss of the nxagent events.
// Check if by producing events at client side we
......@@ -4571,6 +4589,7 @@ int ClientChannel::handleWrite(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int length
<< logofs_flush;
// Check if remote side used fast encoding.
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