Commit d2ac4ce3 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Atoms.c: describe atoms usage

parent bf9b70d7
......@@ -76,24 +76,57 @@ Atom nxagentAtoms[NXAGENT_NUMBER_OF_ATOMS];
static char *nxagentAtomNames[NXAGENT_NUMBER_OF_ATOMS + 1] =
"NX_IDENTITY", /* 0 */
/* NX_IDENTITY was used in earlier nx versions to communicate
the version to NXwin. Got dropped between nxagent 1.5.0-45
and 1.5.0-112. */
"WM_PROTOCOLS", /* 1 */
/* standard ICCCM Atom */
/* standard ICCCM Atom */
"WM_NX_READY", /* 3 */
/* nxagent takes the ownership of the selection with this name
to signal the nxclient (or any other watching program)
it is ready. */
"MCOPGLOBALS", /* 4 */
/* used for artsd support. */
/* Unfortunately we cannot rename this to NX_SELTRANS_TO_AGENT
/* this is the name of a property on nxagent's window on the
real X server. This property is used for passing clipboard
content from clients of the real X server to nxagent's clients
Unfortunately we cannot rename this to NX_SELTRANS_TO_AGENT
because nomachine's nxclient is depending on this
selection */
"TARGETS", /* 6 */
/* used to request a list of supported data formats from the
selection owner. Standard ICCCM Atom */
"TEXT", /* 7 */
/* one of the supported data formats for selections. Standard
ICCCM Atom */
/* this is used to set a property on nxagent's window if nxagent
is started with the fullscreen option set. Unsure, what this
is used for. */
"NXDARWIN", /* 9 */
/* this was an Atom in nxdarwin, nomachine's X server for MacOS. */
"CLIPBOARD", /* 10 */
/* Atom for the clipboard selection. PRIMARY is fixed in X11 but
CLIPBOARD is not. Standard ICCCM Atom. */
"TIMESTAMP", /* 11 */
/* used to request the time a selection has been owned. Standard
ICCCM Atom */
"UTF8_STRING", /* 12 */
/* one of the supported data formats for selections. Standard
ICCCM Atom */
"_NET_WM_STATE", /* 13 */
/* standard ICCCM Atom */
/* standard ICCCM Atom */
/* this is the name of a property on nxagent's window on the real
X server. This property is used for passing clipboard content
from nxagent's clients to clients on the real X server */
"COMPOUND_TEXT", /* 16 */
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