Commit e1f46f91 authored by Mike Gabriel's avatar Mike Gabriel

explicitly name all source version from upstream used for initial package release.

parent d57ff775
......@@ -47,6 +47,13 @@ nx-libs (2:3.5.0-0~x2go2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
nx-libs (2:3.5.0-0~x2go1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial release.
- nxcomp (3.5.0-2)
- nxcompext (3.5.0-1)
- nxcompshad (3.5.0-2)
- nx-X11 (3.5.0-2)
- nxagent (3.5.0-5)
- nxauth (3.5.0-1)
- nxproxy (3.5.0-1)
* Use NX adapted LD_LIBRARY_PATH in debian/rules.
* Add quilt as build dependency.
* Add main Makefile via patch: 001_add-main-makefile.patch.
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