Commit f706d774 authored by Salvador Fandino's avatar Salvador Fandino Committed by Mike Gabriel

remove now unused function ParseListenOption

parent c92a102b
......@@ -524,14 +524,6 @@ static int ParseHostOption(const char *opt, char *host, int &port);
static int ParseFontPath(char *path);
// Determine the interface where to listen for
// the remote proxy connection or the local
// forwarder.
static int ParseListenOption(int &interface);
// Translate a pack method id in a literal.
......@@ -13476,18 +13468,6 @@ ParseFontPathError:
return -1;
int ParseListenOption(int &address)
if (loopbackBind || (control->ProxyMode == proxy_server)) {
address = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
address = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
return 1;
int OpenLogFile(char *name, ostream *&stream)
if (name == NULL || *name == '\0')
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