Commit f855b3b6 authored by Vadim Troshchinskiy's avatar Vadim Troshchinskiy Committed by Mihai Moldovan

Fix whitespace and line splitting issues reported by ionic

parent 1cf6aa8f
......@@ -661,10 +661,11 @@ static void handleCheckSessionInLoop();
static void handleCheckBitrateInLoop();
static void handleCheckSelectInLoop(int &setFDs, fd_set &readSet,
fd_set &writeSet, T_timestamp selectTs);static void handleCheckResultInLoop(int &resultFDs, int &errorFDs, int &setFDs, fd_set &readSet,
fd_set &writeSet, T_timestamp selectTs);
static void handleCheckResultInLoop(int &resultFDs, int &errorFDs, int &setFDs, fd_set &readSet,
fd_set &writeSet, struct timeval &selectTs,
struct timeval &startTs);
static void handleCheckStateInLoop(int &setFDs);
static void handleCheckStateInLoop(int &setFDs);
static void handleCheckSessionInConnect();
static inline void handleSetReadInLoop(fd_set &readSet, int &setFDs, struct timeval &selectTs);
......@@ -2529,7 +2530,8 @@ int NXTransAlert(int code, int local)
if (logofs == NULL)
logofs = &cerr; }
logofs = &cerr;
nxdbg << "NXTransAlert: Can't request an alert without "
<< "a valid NX transport.\n" << std::flush;
......@@ -3186,7 +3188,9 @@ int SetupProxyConnection()
nxinfo << "Loop: listenSocket is "<< ( listenSocket.enabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled") << ". "
<< "The socket URI is '"<< ( socketUri != NULL ? socketUri : "<unset>") << "'.\n" << std::flush;
free(socketUri); socketUri = NULL;
socketUri = NULL;
if (connectSocket.getSpec(&socketUri))
......@@ -13019,11 +13023,13 @@ void PrintProcessInfo()
if (*errorsFileName != '\0')
cerr << "Info" << ": Using errors file '" << errorsFileName << "'.\n"; }
cerr << "Info" << ": Using errors file '" << errorsFileName << "'.\n";
if (*statsFileName != '\0')
cerr << "Info" << ": Using stats file '" << statsFileName << "'.\n"; }
cerr << "Info" << ": Using stats file '" << statsFileName << "'.\n";
......@@ -13942,7 +13948,10 @@ static void handleCheckBitrateInLoop()
static void handleCheckStateInLoop(int &setFDs)
int fdLength; int fdPending; int fdSplits;
int fdLength;
int fdPending;
int fdSplits;
for (int j = 0; j < setFDs; j++)
if (j != proxyFD)
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