Commit f92e1a5a authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Screen.c: Fix fullscreen (onescreen) at startup

Fixes ArcticaProject/nx-libs#991
parent 770f468c
......@@ -322,6 +322,12 @@ Bool nxagentIsParentOf(Display *d, XlibWindow possible_parent, XlibWindow candid
void nxagentMinimizeFromFullScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen)
if (nxagentOption(Fullscreen) && !nxagentOption(AllScreens))
nxagentSwitchFullscreen(pScreen, False);
XUnmapWindow(nxagentDisplay, nxagentFullscreenWindow);
XIconifyWindow(nxagentDisplay, nxagentIconWindow,
......@@ -337,6 +343,12 @@ void nxagentMinimizeFromFullScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen)
void nxagentMaximizeToFullScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen)
if (nxagentOption(Fullscreen) && !nxagentOption(AllScreens))
nxagentSwitchFullscreen(pScreen, True);
XUnmapWindow(nxagentDisplay, nxagentIconWindow);
......@@ -992,8 +1004,25 @@ Bool nxagentOpenScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, int argc, char *argv[])
nxagentChangeOption(X, 0);
nxagentChangeOption(Y, 0);
* Fullscreen will use the window manager on the remote X
* server. We need to size the window appropriately because the
* window manager stores the size and restores it when fullscreen
* mode is left. In AllScreens mode the window manager is
* instructed to not draw any window decorations. Here we need the
* full width to cover the whole screen.
if (nxagentOption(AllScreens))
nxagentChangeOption(Width, w);
nxagentChangeOption(Height, h);
nxagentChangeOption(Width, w * 3 / 4);
nxagentChangeOption(Height, h * 3 / 4);
/* first time screen initialization or resize during reconnect */
if (!nxagentReconnectTrap || nxagentResizeDesktopAtStartup)
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