nx-libs (2: UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Use ,,$(MAKE) -C'' in main Makefile for calling Makefiles in subdirectories,
    make build stanza work for nx-libs-full and nx-libs-lite.

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Tue, 07 Feb 2012 13:48:19 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Add patch: 006_nxcomp_libpng15.full+lite.patch, fix build against
    libpng 1.5.x.
  * Reintroduce patch: 008_nxcomp_sa_restorer.full+lite.patch, now in a
    version found on etersoft.ru, fixes build on ia64 architecture.

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Tue, 07 Feb 2012 13:43:50 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mike Gabriel ]
  * Providing pending patches in source tree.

  [ Oleksandr Shneyder ]
  * Update patch: 202_nx-x11_enable-xinerama.full.patch, disable Xinerama
    extension if NX_XINERAMA_CONF not exists.

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Wed, 01 Feb 2012 14:39:57 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Reorganize patch names, to reflect patch inclusion into lite+full or
    full-only ,,NX (redistributed)'' tarball.
  * Update patch: 001_add-main-makefile.full+lite.patch, only build, install,
    clean etc. NX subprojects if the folder exists.
  * Package x2goagent is an ,,all'' package, not ,,any''.
  * Add folder /debian/patches-pending-evaluation with two newly discovered
    patches from git.etersoft.ru (AltLinux packaging repository for NX).
  * Fix patch: 109_nxagent_locale-utf8-compound-text.patch, fix crashes
    reported from Stefan Baur. Thanks for reporting and testing!!!

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Sun, 22 Jan 2012 23:36:19 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Drop patch: 011_nxcomp_sa-restorer.patch.

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Mon, 16 Jan 2012 11:28:14 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Add patch: 202_nx-x11_enable-xinerama.patch.
  * Fix lintian issue: missing-separator-between-items for x2goagent package.
    Drop dependency on libnx-x11 as we already depend on nxagent and fix
    description synopsis of x2goagent package.
  * Add patch header/copyright to: 202_nx-x11_enable-xinerama.patch.
  * Silence lintian on debian-revision-should-not-be-zero. As this is no Debian
    packaging repository, but ,,NX (redistributed)'', we will always release
    with rev no. set to ,,0''.
  * Install libXinerama into libnx-x11 package. Header files into

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Fri, 13 Jan 2012 13:21:41 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix wrapper script patches for nxagent, x2goagent, nxauth, nxproxy.

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Fri, 13 Jan 2012 00:37:21 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Update/fix patch: 999_nxagent_unbrand-nxagent-brand-x2goagent.patch.

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Thu, 12 Jan 2012 23:04:37 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Rename nxagent-unbrand patch, so that is the last patch to be applied
  * Drop NX agent unbrand patch from FreeNX.
  * Add X2Go agent / NX agent flavouring via patch system:
    - 200_nxagent_check-binary-x2go-flavour.patch
    - 201_nxagent_set-x2go-icon-if-x2goagent-flavour.patch
    - 300_nxagent_set-wm-class.patch
    - 999_nxagent_unbrand-nxagent-brand-x2goagent.patch
  * Add patch: 023_add-x2goagent-wrapper.patch.
  * Add patch: 209_x2goagent-add-man-page.patch.
  * Add binary package: x2goagent, includes man page
    patch: 209_x2goagent-add-man-page.patch
  * Modify patch: 101_nxagent_set-rgb-path.patch, add path to RGB file
    if NX (redistributed) is installed via tarball under /usr/local.
  * Provide patches that are tarball / distro aware. Either NX (redistributed)
    has been installed to /usr/local/lib/nx via tarball or it has been
    packaged for a distribution and is installed to /usr/lib/nx. Other
    installation paths are currently not supported.
  * Fix RGB color pallette (gray X2GO logo to be more accurate) for agent
    splash screen.

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Thu, 12 Jan 2012 13:04:03 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Re-add binary wrapper scripts to the patch system as we
    want to provide them in the tarball.
  * Update folder name where applied patches end up in the tarball

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Tue, 10 Jan 2012 14:38:52 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * Increment version to stay in sync with client-only branch.

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Tue, 10 Jan 2012 12:05:46 +0100

nx-libs (2: unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release of nxagent (3.5.0-7).
  * Add lintian-overrides for every package. Override lintian warning:
    possible-new-upstream-release-without-new-version as there will
    be new upstream releases of NX subprojects that will not require
    a version increment of the Debian package.
  * Add individual watch files for NX components in this source package.
  * Change naming scheme of patch files.
  * Add man page for nxagent. Fix lintian warning: binary-without-manpage.
  * Add FreeNX patches for nxagent (some with other names compared to FreeNX):
    - 101_nxagent_set-rgb-path.patch
    - 102_xserver-xext_set-securitypolicy-path.patch
    - 103_nxagent_set-X0-config-path.patch
    - 104_nxagent_enable_debug.patch
    - 105_nxagent_export-remote-keyboard-config.patch
    - 106_nxagent_utf8-copy-clipboard.patch
    - 107_nxagent_clipboard-compound-text+small-bed-sheets.patch
    - 108_nxagent_wine-close-delay.patch
    - 109_nxagent_locale-utf8-compound-text.patch
    - 200_nxagent_unbrand-agent.patch
  * Adapt path names in FreeNX patches to meet requirements for source tree of
    this package.
  * Rework FreeNX patches to be applicable to latest NX sources.
  * Install nxagent.xpm icon to /usr/share/pixmaps.
  * Rename patch: 008_nxproxy_add-nx-proxy-wrapper.patch to
  * Add patch from FreeNX patchset:
  * Disable patch: 104_nxagent_enable_debug.patch for now as it let's the build
  * Add patch: 017_nx-x11_update-autotools-helper-files.patch.
  * Add README.source file, fixes lintian warning:
  * Add lintian-override: outdated-autotools-helper-file to
    source.lintian-overrides as we patch-update the outdated helper files before
    building binaries.
  * Add patch: 018_nx-x11_update-libtool-ltmain-script.patch. Silence lintian
    warning ancient-libtool via lintian override as we patch in a new version
    of ltmain.sh by this patch.
  * Update patch: 017_nx-x11_update-autotools-helper-files.patch. Add lintian
    override to source.lintian-overrides: ancient-autotools-helper-file as we
    handle autotools helper file updates via patch system.
  * Add upstream CHANGELOG files to all .deb packages of this source package.
  * Override lintian warnings
    - libnx-x11: postinst-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
    - libnx-x11: postrm-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
    as they relate to a bug in debhelper (call of ldconfig although we did not
    touch any directory controlled by /etc/ld.so.conf, amongst others
    see BTS issue #205142).
  * Make sure upstream changelog file names are in lower case.
  * Disable patch: 006_remove-configure-files.patch, remove configure
    files from within /debian/rules.
  * Add patch: 019_nx-x11_expat-build-against-system-libxmltok.patch, fixes
    lintian error: embedded-library: expat. Build-depend on libxmltok1-dev.
  * Fix LD_LIBRARY_PATH export in wrapper scripts/patches.
  * X2Go Packaging Team becomes maintainer, Mike Gabriel + Reinhard Tartler
    become uploaders.
  * Make `breaks-without-version' lintian overrides needless.
  * Break/replace nxlibs and nxlibs-dev (packages provided by
    freenx-team on Launchpad).
  * Set homepage of NoMachine upstream site (using http://www.nomachine.com/sources.php).
  * Packaging Vcs has been relocated to Alioth.
  * Add more upstream source information to README.source.
  * Remove *-dbg packages from /debian/control file.
  * Make package descriptions in /debian/control more explanatory.
  * Remove patch 006_remove-configure-files.patch. Implemented via
  * Remove patches and put as executable scripts into /debian/bin/
    - 005_add-nxagent-wrapper.patch.
    - 008_add-nxproxy-wrapper.patch.
    - 011_add-nxauth-wrapper.patch.
  * Remove patch: 104_nxagent_enable_debug.patch, as it breaks package build.
  * Add patch headers to all patch files, report most patches upstream. Waiting for
    feedback and quotable URLs from NoMachine.
  * Transfer patch: 009_nxproxy_add-man-page.patch into man page file
    in /debian/man.
  * Add patch: 011_nxcomp_sa-restorer.patch.
  * Add/insert patch: 005_nxcomp_gcc43.patch.
  * Fix line hunks: 011_nxcomp_sa-restorer.patch.
  * Call dh_clean again. This got lost somewhere on the way.
  * Remove branding from descriptions in control file.
  * Add patch: 000_add-NX-redistribution-README.patch.
  * Add patches: 009_add-nxagent-man-page.patch, 009_add-nxproxy-man-page.patch.
    Reintroduce man page creation via patch system, so that all man pages
    find their way into the NX-redistribution tarball created from this source

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Tue, 10 Jan 2012 11:39:17 +0100

nx-libs (2:3.5.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release.
    - nxcomp (3.5.0-2)
    - nxcompext (3.5.0-1)
    - nxcompshad (3.5.0-2)
    - nx-X11 (3.5.0-2)
    - nxagent (3.5.0-5)
    - nxauth (3.5.0-1)
    - nxproxy (3.5.0-1)
  * Use NX adapted LD_LIBRARY_PATH in debian/rules.
  * Add quilt as build dependency.
  * Add main Makefile via patch: 001_add-main-makefile.patch.
  * Add patch: 002_nxcompshad-build-against-nx-x11-only.patch.
  * Add patch: 003_nxcompshad-gcc43.patch.
  * Add patch: 004_nx-x11-fix-nxcompshad-build.patch.
  * Add patch: 005_add-nxagent-wrapper.patch.
  * Fix for lintian issue: missing-build-dependency quilt (>= 0.46-7~).
  * Fix for lintian issue: extended-description-line-too-long (nxagent).
  * Disabling build of *-dbg packages for now...
  * Add patch: 006_remove-configure-files.patch.
  * Add patch: 007_nxcompshad-clean-gch-files.patch.
  * Remove unknown option --with from dh_auto_clean.
  * Add autoconf as build dependency.
  * Add patch: 008_add-nxproxy-wrapper.patch. Build nxproxy package.
  * Add patch: 009_nxproxy-add-man-page.patch.
  * Add nxproxy man page to nxproxy package.
  * Fix of nxproxy build in main Makefile (modifies
  * Add patch: 010_nxauth-fix-binary-name-in-man-page.patch.
  * Add patch: 011_add-nxauth-wrapper.patch.
  * Build nxauth package.
  * Add lintian overrides for libxcomp*: breaks-without-version.
  * Add patches: 012, 013, 014 - Makefile uninstall stanza patches for
    nxcomp, nxcompext, nxcompshad.
  * Add patch: 015_nxproxy-makefile-uninstall.patch.
  * Add install/uninstall stanza to main Makefile (via patch
  * Add patch 016_nx-x11-install.patch, to allow installation of nx-X11 from
    Makefile (via make install).

 -- Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>  Wed, 28 Dec 2011 19:05:48 +0100