/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011 NoMachine (http://www.nomachine.com)          */
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oleksandr Shneyder <o.shneyder@phoca-gmbh.de>  */
/* Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>*/
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de>                */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ulrich Sibiller <uli42@gmx.de>                 */
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Qindel Group (http://www.qindel.com)           */
/*                                                                        */
/* NXAGENT, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software    */
/* are copyright of the aforementioned persons and companies.             */
/*                                                                        */
/* Redistribution and use of the present software is allowed according    */
/* to terms specified in the file LICENSE which comes in the source       */
/* distribution.                                                          */
/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* NOTE: This software has received contributions from various other      */
/* contributors, only the core maintainers and supporters are listed as   */
/* copyright holders. Please contact us, if you feel you should be listed */
/* as copyright holder, as well.                                          */
/*                                                                        */


Copyright 1993 by Davor Matic

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation.  Davor Matic makes no representations about
the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as
is" without express or implied warranty.


#include "X.h"
#include "Xproto.h"
#include "gcstruct.h"
#include "windowstr.h"
#include "pixmapstr.h"
#include "scrnintstr.h"
#include "dixstruct.h"
#include <X11/fonts/fontstruct.h>
#include "mistruct.h"
#include "region.h"

#include "Agent.h"

#include "Display.h"
#include "GCs.h"
#include "GCOps.h"
#include "Image.h"
#include "Drawable.h"
#include "Pixmaps.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "Colormap.h"
#include "Trap.h"
#include "Screen.h"
#include "Pixels.h"
#include "Utils.h"

#include "../../fb/fb.h"


 * Set here the required log level.

#define PANIC
#define WARNING
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG

int nxagentGCPrivateIndex;

nxagentGraphicContextsPtr nxagentGraphicContexts;
int nxagentGraphicContextsSize;

void nxagentDisconnectGraphicContexts(void);
GCPtr nxagentCreateGraphicContext(int depth);

static void nxagentReconnectGC(void*, XID, void*);
static void nxagentReconnectClip(GCPtr, int, void *, int);
static int  nxagentCompareRegions(RegionPtr, RegionPtr);

struct nxagentGCRec
  GCPtr pGC;
  XlibGC gc;
  struct nxagentGCRec *next;

static struct
  struct nxagentGCRec *first;
  struct nxagentGCRec *last;
  int size;
} nxagentGCList = { NULL, NULL, 0 };

static struct nxagentGCRec *nxagentGetFirstGC(void);

static void nxagentRestoreGCList(void);

static GCFuncs nxagentFuncs =

static GCOps nxagentOps =

Bool nxagentCreateGC(GCPtr pGC)
  pGC->clientClipType = CT_NONE;
  pGC->clientClip = NULL;

  pGC->funcs = &nxagentFuncs;
  pGC->ops = &nxagentOps;

  pGC->miTranslate = 1;

  if (pGC -> stipple && !nxagentPixmapIsVirtual(pGC -> stipple))
    #ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateGC: GC at [%p] got real stipple at [%p] switched to virtual.\n",
                (void*)pGC, (void*)pGC -> stipple);

    pGC -> stipple = nxagentVirtualPixmap(pGC -> stipple);

   * We create the GC based on the default drawables. The proxy knows
   * this and optimizes the encoding of the create GC message to
   * include the id of the drawable in the checksum.

  nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->gc = XCreateGC(nxagentDisplay,
                                     0L, NULL);

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateGC: GC [%p]\n", (void *) pGC);

  FbGCPrivPtr pPriv = (pGC)->devPrivates[fbGCPrivateIndex].ptr;

  fbGetRotatedPixmap(pGC) = 0;
  fbGetExpose(pGC) = 1;
  fbGetFreeCompClip(pGC) = 0;
  fbGetCompositeClip(pGC) = 0;

  pPriv->bpp = BitsPerPixel (pGC->depth);

   * Init to default GC values.

  memset(&(nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> lastServerValues), 0, sizeof(XGCValues));
  nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> lastServerValues.background = 1;
  nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> lastServerValues.plane_mask = ~0;
  nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> lastServerValues.graphics_exposures = 1;
  nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> lastServerValues.dashes = 4;

  nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> nClipRects = 0;
  nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> mid = FakeClientID(serverClient -> index);
  nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> pPixmap = NULL;

  AddResource(nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> mid, RT_NX_GC, (void *) pGC);

  return True;

void nxagentValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDrawable)
  DrawablePtr pVirtual = (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) ?
                          nxagentVirtualDrawable(pDrawable) :

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateGC: Going to validate GC at [%p] for drawable at [%p] with changes [%lx].\n",
              (void *) pGC, (void *) pDrawable, changes);

  pGC->lastWinOrg.x = pDrawable->x;
  pGC->lastWinOrg.y = pDrawable->y;

  if (!pGC -> tileIsPixel && !nxagentPixmapIsVirtual(pGC -> tile.pixmap))
    pGC -> tile.pixmap = nxagentVirtualPixmap(pGC -> tile.pixmap); 

  PixmapPtr lastTile = pGC -> tile.pixmap;

  PixmapPtr lastStipple = pGC->stipple;
  if (lastStipple)
    pGC->stipple = nxagentVirtualPixmap(pGC->stipple);

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateGC: Drawable at [%p] has type [%s] virtual [%p] bits per pixel [%d].\n",
              (void *) pDrawable, (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) ? "PIXMAP" : "WINDOW",
                  (void *) pVirtual, pVirtual -> bitsPerPixel);

  if (pVirtual -> bitsPerPixel == 0)
     * Don't enter fbValidateGC() with 0 bpp or agent will block in a
     * endless loop.

    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateGC: WARNING! Virtual drawable at [%p] has invalid bits per pixel.\n",
                (void *) pVirtual);

    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateGC: WARNING! While validating GC at [%p] for drawable at [%p] with changes [%lx].\n",
                (void *) pGC, (void *) pDrawable, changes);

    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateGC: WARNING! Bad drawable at [%p] has type [%s] virtual [%p] bits per pixel [%d].\n",
                (void *) pDrawable, (pDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) ? "PIXMAP" : "WINDOW",
                    (void *) pVirtual, pVirtual -> bitsPerPixel);
    fbValidateGC(pGC, changes, pVirtual);

  if (pGC->tile.pixmap != lastTile)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateGC: WARNING! Transforming pixmap at [%p] virtual at [%p] "
                "in virtual pixmap.\n", (void *) nxagentPixmapPriv(pGC -> tile.pixmap) -> pRealPixmap,
                    (void *) nxagentPixmapPriv(pGC -> tile.pixmap) -> pRealPixmap);

    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentValidateGC: GC [%p] new tile [%p] from fb set as virtual\n",
                (void *) pGC, (void *) pGC->tile.pixmap);

    nxagentPixmapIsVirtual(pGC->tile.pixmap) = True;
    nxagentRealPixmap(pGC->tile.pixmap) = nxagentRealPixmap(lastTile);

    if (nxagentRealPixmap(lastTile))
      nxagentPixmapPriv(nxagentRealPixmap(lastTile))->pVirtualPixmap = pGC->tile.pixmap;

  pGC->stipple = lastStipple;

#define CHECKGCVAL(cmask, member, val) do {if (mask & cmask) { values.member = (val); changeFlag += nxagentTestGC(values.member, member); } } while (0)

void nxagentChangeGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long mask)
  #ifdef TEST
  static int nDiscarded;

  XGCValues values = {0};
  int changeFlag = 0;

  CHECKGCVAL(GCFunction, function, pGC->alu);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCPlaneMask, plane_mask, pGC->planemask);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCForeground, foreground, nxagentPixel(pGC->fgPixel));
  CHECKGCVAL(GCBackground, background, nxagentPixel(pGC->bgPixel));
  CHECKGCVAL(GCLineWidth, line_width, pGC->lineWidth);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCLineStyle, line_style, pGC->lineStyle);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCCapStyle, cap_style, pGC->capStyle);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCJoinStyle, join_style, pGC->joinStyle);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCFillStyle, fill_style, pGC->fillStyle);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCFillRule, fill_rule, pGC->fillRule);

  if (mask & GCTile)
    if (pGC->tileIsPixel)
      mask &= ~GCTile;
      if (nxagentDrawableStatus((DrawablePtr) pGC -> tile.pixmap) == NotSynchronized &&
              nxagentGCTrap == 0)
         * If the tile is corrupted and is not too large, it can be
         * synchronized immediately. In the other cases, the tile is
         * cleared with a solid color to become usable. This approach
         * should solve the high delay on slow links waiting for a
         * background tile to be synchronized.

        if (nxagentOption(DeferLevel) >= 2 &&
               (pGC -> tile.pixmap -> drawable.width > 240 ||
                    pGC -> tile.pixmap -> drawable.height > 240))
          #ifdef TEST
          fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeGC: WARNING! Going to fill with solid color the corrupted tile at [%p] "
                      "for GC at [%p] with size [%dx%d].\n", (void *) pGC -> tile.pixmap, (void *)pGC,
                          ((DrawablePtr) pGC -> tile.pixmap) -> width, ((DrawablePtr) pGC -> tile.pixmap) -> height);

          nxagentFillRemoteRegion((DrawablePtr) pGC -> tile.pixmap, nxagentCorruptedRegion((DrawablePtr) pGC -> tile.pixmap));
          #ifdef TEST
          fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeGC: WARNING! Synchronizing GC at [%p] due the tile at [%p] with size [%dx%d].\n",
                      (void *)pGC, (void *)pGC -> tile.pixmap, ((DrawablePtr) pGC -> tile.pixmap) -> width,
                          ((DrawablePtr) pGC -> tile.pixmap) -> height);

          nxagentSynchronizeDrawable((DrawablePtr) pGC -> tile.pixmap, DO_WAIT, NEVER_BREAK, NULL);

      values.tile = nxagentPixmap(pGC->tile.pixmap);

      pGC->tile.pixmap = nxagentVirtualPixmap(pGC->tile.pixmap);

      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeGC: New tile on GC [%p] tile is [%p]\n",
                  (void *) pGC, (void *) pGC->tile.pixmap);

      changeFlag += nxagentTestGC(values.tile, tile);

  if (mask & GCStipple)
    if (nxagentDrawableStatus((DrawablePtr) pGC -> stipple) == NotSynchronized &&
            nxagentGCTrap == 0)
      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeGC: WARNING! Synchronizing GC at [%p] due the stipple at [%p].\n",
                  (void *)pGC, (void *)pGC -> stipple);

      nxagentSynchronizeDrawable((DrawablePtr) pGC -> stipple, DO_WAIT, NEVER_BREAK, NULL);

    values.stipple = nxagentPixmap(pGC->stipple);

    pGC->stipple = nxagentVirtualPixmap(pGC->stipple);

    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeGC: New stipple on GC [%p] stipple is [%p]\n",
                (void *) pGC, (void *) pGC->stipple);

    changeFlag += nxagentTestGC(values.stipple, stipple);

  CHECKGCVAL(GCTileStipXOrigin, ts_x_origin, pGC->patOrg.x);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCTileStipYOrigin, ts_y_origin, pGC->patOrg.y);

  if (mask & GCFont)
    if (!nxagentFontStruct(pGC -> font))
      mask &= ~GCFont;
      values.font = nxagentFont(pGC->font);
      changeFlag += nxagentTestGC(values.font, font);

  CHECKGCVAL(GCSubwindowMode, subwindow_mode, pGC->subWindowMode);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCGraphicsExposures, graphics_exposures, pGC->graphicsExposures);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCClipXOrigin, clip_x_origin, pGC->clipOrg.x);
  CHECKGCVAL(GCClipYOrigin, clip_y_origin, pGC->clipOrg.y);

  if (mask & GCClipMask)
     * This is handled in the change clip.

    mask &= ~GCClipMask;

  CHECKGCVAL(GCDashOffset, dash_offset, pGC->dashOffset);

  if (mask & GCDashList)
    mask &= ~GCDashList;

    if (nxagentGCTrap == 0)
      XSetDashes(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                     pGC->dashOffset, (char *)pGC->dash, pGC->numInDashList);

  CHECKGCVAL(GCArcMode, arc_mode, pGC->arcMode);

  if (nxagentGCTrap == 1)
    #ifdef TEST
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeGC: Skipping change of GC at [%p] on the real X server.\n",
                (void *) pGC);


  if (mask && changeFlag)
    XChangeGC(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), mask, &values);
  #ifdef TEST
  else if (mask)
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeGC: Discarded [%d] Mask [%lu]\n", ++nDiscarded, mask);

void nxagentCopyGC(GCPtr pGCSrc, unsigned long mask, GCPtr pGCDst)
  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCopyGC: Copying the GC with source at [%p] destination "
              "at [%p] mask [%lu].\n", (void *)pGCSrc, (void *)pGCDst, mask);

   * The MI function doesn't do anything.
   * miCopyGC(pGCSrc, mask, pGCDst);

  XCopyGC(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGCSrc), mask, nxagentGC(pGCDst));

   * Copy the private foreground field of the GC if GCForeground is
   * set.


void nxagentDestroyGC(GCPtr pGC)
  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyGC: GC at [%p].\n", (void *) pGC);

  if (nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> mid != 0)
    FreeResource(nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> mid, RT_NONE);

  XFreeGC(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC));


void nxagentChangeClip(GCPtr pGC, int type, void * pValue, int nRects)
  int clipsMatch = 0;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeClip: Going to change clip on GC [%p]\n",
              (void *) pGC);

  switch (type)
    case CT_NONE:
      clipsMatch = (pGC -> clientClipType == None);
    case CT_REGION:
      clipsMatch = nxagentCompareRegions(pGC -> clientClip, (RegionPtr) pValue);
    case CT_UNSORTED:
    case CT_YSORTED:
    case CT_YXSORTED:
    case CT_YXBANDED:
      RegionPtr pReg = RegionFromRects(nRects, (xRectangle *)pValue, type);
      clipsMatch = nxagentCompareRegions(pGC -> clientClip, pReg);
      clipsMatch = 0;


  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentChangeClip: Type [%d] regions clipsMatch [%d].\n",
              type, clipsMatch);

  switch (type)
    case CT_NONE:
      if (clipsMatch == 0 && nxagentGCTrap == 0)
        XSetClipMask(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), None);
    case CT_REGION:
      if (clipsMatch == 0 && nxagentGCTrap == 0)
        XRectangle *pRects;
        nRects = RegionNumRects((RegionPtr)pValue);
        int size = nRects * sizeof(*pRects);
        pRects = (XRectangle *) malloc(size);
        BoxPtr pBox = RegionRects((RegionPtr)pValue);

        for (int i = nRects; i-- > 0;)
          pRects[i].x = pBox[i].x1;
          pRects[i].y = pBox[i].y1;
          pRects[i].width = pBox[i].x2 - pBox[i].x1;
          pRects[i].height = pBox[i].y2 - pBox[i].y1;

        XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), pGC -> clipOrg.x, pGC -> clipOrg.y,
                               pRects, nRects, Unsorted);
    case CT_PIXMAP:
      if (nxagentGCTrap == 0)
        XSetClipMask(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),

      pGC->clientClip = (void *) (*pGC->pScreen->BitmapToRegion)((PixmapPtr) pValue);

      nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->pPixmap = (PixmapPtr)pValue;

      pValue = pGC->clientClip;

      type = CT_REGION;

    case CT_UNSORTED:
      if (clipsMatch == 0 && nxagentGCTrap == 0)
        XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                               pGC->clipOrg.x, pGC->clipOrg.y,
                                   (XRectangle *)pValue, nRects, Unsorted);
    case CT_YSORTED:
      if (clipsMatch == 0 && nxagentGCTrap == 0)
        XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                           pGC->clipOrg.x, pGC->clipOrg.y,
                           (XRectangle *)pValue, nRects, YSorted);
    case CT_YXSORTED:
      if (clipsMatch == 0 && nxagentGCTrap == 0)
        XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                           pGC->clipOrg.x, pGC->clipOrg.y,
                           (XRectangle *)pValue, nRects, YXSorted);
    case CT_YXBANDED:
      if (clipsMatch == 0 && nxagentGCTrap == 0)
        XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                         pGC->clipOrg.x, pGC->clipOrg.y,
                         (XRectangle *)pValue, nRects, YXBanded);

    case CT_UNSORTED:
    case CT_YSORTED:
    case CT_YXSORTED:
    case CT_YXBANDED:
       * Other parts of the server can only deal with CT_NONE,
       * CT_PIXMAP and CT_REGION client clips.

      pGC->clientClip = (void *) RegionFromRects(nRects,
                                                  (xRectangle *)pValue, type);

      pValue = pGC->clientClip;

      type = CT_REGION;


  pGC->clientClipType = type;
  pGC->clientClip = pValue;

  nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->nClipRects = nRects;

void nxagentDestroyClip(GCPtr pGC)

  if (pGC->clientClipType == CT_PIXMAP)
    (*pGC->pScreen->DestroyPixmap)((PixmapPtr) (pGC->clientClip));


  if (nxagentGCTrap == 0)
    XSetClipMask(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), None);

  pGC->clientClipType = CT_NONE;
  pGC->clientClip = NULL;

  nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->nClipRects = 0;

void nxagentDestroyClipHelper(GCPtr pGC)
  switch (pGC->clientClipType)
    case CT_NONE:
    case CT_REGION:
    case CT_PIXMAP:

  if (nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->pPixmap != NULL)
    nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->pPixmap = NULL;

void nxagentCopyClip(GCPtr pGCDst, GCPtr pGCSrc)
  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCopyClip: Going to copy clip from GC [%p] to GC [%p]\n",
              (void *) pGCDst, (void *) pGCSrc);

  switch (pGCSrc->clientClipType)
    case CT_REGION:
      if (nxagentGCPriv(pGCSrc)->pPixmap == NULL)
        RegionPtr pRgn = RegionCreate(NULL, 1);
        RegionCopy(pRgn, pGCSrc->clientClip);
        nxagentChangeClip(pGCDst, CT_REGION, pRgn, 0);

        nxagentChangeClip(pGCDst, CT_PIXMAP, nxagentGCPriv(pGCSrc)->pPixmap, 0);
    case CT_PIXMAP:

      #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCopyClip: WARNING! Not incrementing counter for virtual pixmap at [%p].\n",
                  (void *) nxagentVirtualPixmap((PixmapPtr) pGCSrc->clientClip));

      ((PixmapPtr) pGCSrc->clientClip)->refcnt++;

      nxagentChangeClip(pGCDst, CT_PIXMAP, pGCSrc->clientClip, 0);

    case CT_NONE:

static struct nxagentGCRec *nxagentGetFirstGC()
  struct nxagentGCRec *tmp = nxagentGCList.first;

  if (nxagentGCList.size)
    nxagentGCList.first = nxagentGCList.first -> next;

    if (nxagentGCList.size == 0)
      nxagentGCList.last = NULL;

  return tmp;

static void nxagentFreeGCRec(struct nxagentGCRec *t)
  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeGCRec: Freeing record at %p GC freed at %p.\n",
              (void *) t, (void *) t -> gc);

  SAFE_free(t -> gc);

static void nxagentRestoreGCRec(struct nxagentGCRec *t)
  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRestoreGCRec: Freeing record at %p GC freed at %p.\n",
              (void*)t, (void*)t -> gc);

  SAFE_free(nxagentGC(t -> pGC));

  nxagentGC(t -> pGC) = t -> gc;


static void nxagentAddGCToList(GCPtr pGC)
  struct nxagentGCRec *tempGC = malloc(sizeof(struct nxagentGCRec));

  if (tempGC == NULL)
    FatalError("nxagentAddGCToList: malloc failed.");

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentAddGCToList: Adding GC %p to list at memory %p list size is %d.\n",
              (void *) pGC, (void *) tempGC, nxagentGCList.size);

  tempGC -> pGC = pGC;
  tempGC -> gc = nxagentGC(pGC);
  tempGC -> next = NULL;

  if (nxagentGCList.size == 0 || nxagentGCList.first == NULL || nxagentGCList.last == NULL)
    nxagentGCList.first = tempGC;
    nxagentGCList.last -> next = tempGC;

  nxagentGCList.last = tempGC;

void nxagentFreeGCList(void)
  struct nxagentGCRec *tempGC;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeGCList: List size is %d first elt at %p last elt at %p.\n",
              nxagentGCList.size, (void*)nxagentGCList.first, (void*)nxagentGCList.last);

  while ((tempGC = nxagentGetFirstGC()))

static void nxagentRestoreGCList(void)
  struct nxagentGCRec *tempGC;

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentRestoreGCList: List size is %d first elt at %p last elt at %p.\n",
              nxagentGCList.size, (void*)nxagentGCList.first, (void*)nxagentGCList.last);

  while ((tempGC = nxagentGetFirstGC()))

int nxagentDestroyNewGCResourceType(void * p, XID id)
   * Address of the destructor is set in Init.c.

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDestroyNewGCResourceType: Destroying mirror id [%u] for GC at [%p].\n",
              nxagentGCPriv((GCPtr) p) -> mid, (void *) p);

  nxagentGCPriv((GCPtr) p) -> mid = None;

  return 1;

#define SETGCVAL(mask, member, val) valuemask |= mask; values.member = (val)

static void nxagentReconnectGC(void *param0, XID param1, void * param2)
  GCPtr pGC = (GCPtr) param0;
  Bool *pBool = (Bool*)param2;

  if (pGC == NULL || !*pBool)

  if (nxagentGC(pGC))
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectGC: GCRec %p doesn't have a valid pointer to GC data.\n", (void*)pGC);

  #ifdef DEBUG 
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectGC: GC at [%p].\n", (void *) pGC);

  XGCValues values = {0};
  unsigned long valuemask = 0;
  SETGCVAL(GCFunction, function, pGC->alu);
  SETGCVAL(GCPlaneMask, plane_mask, pGC->planemask);
  SETGCVAL(GCForeground, foreground, nxagentPixel(pGC->fgPixel));
  SETGCVAL(GCBackground, background, nxagentPixel(pGC->bgPixel));
  SETGCVAL(GCLineWidth, line_width, pGC->lineWidth);
  SETGCVAL(GCLineStyle, line_style, pGC->lineStyle);
  SETGCVAL(GCCapStyle, cap_style, pGC->capStyle);
  SETGCVAL(GCJoinStyle, join_style, pGC->joinStyle);
  SETGCVAL(GCFillStyle, fill_style, pGC->fillStyle);
  SETGCVAL(GCFillRule, fill_rule, pGC->fillRule);

  if (!pGC -> tileIsPixel && (pGC -> tile.pixmap != NULL))
    if (nxagentPixmapIsVirtual(pGC -> tile.pixmap))
      SETGCVAL(GCTile, tile, nxagentPixmap(nxagentRealPixmap(pGC -> tile.pixmap)));
      SETGCVAL(GCTile, tile, nxagentPixmap(pGC -> tile.pixmap));

  if (pGC->stipple != NULL)
    if (nxagentPixmapIsVirtual(pGC -> stipple))
      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectGC: Reconnecting virtual stipple [%p] for GC [%p].\n",
                  (void *) pGC -> stipple, (void *) pGC);

      if (nxagentPixmap(nxagentRealPixmap(pGC -> stipple)) == 0)
        nxagentReconnectPixmap(nxagentRealPixmap(pGC -> stipple), 0, pBool);

      SETGCVAL(GCStipple, stipple, nxagentPixmap(nxagentRealPixmap(pGC -> stipple)));
      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectGC: Reconnecting stipple [%p] for GC [%p].\n",
                  (void *) pGC -> stipple, (void *) pGC);

      if (nxagentPixmap(pGC -> stipple) == 0)
        nxagentReconnectPixmap(pGC -> stipple, 0, pBool);

      SETGCVAL(GCStipple, stipple, nxagentPixmap(pGC->stipple));

  SETGCVAL(GCTileStipXOrigin, ts_x_origin, pGC->patOrg.x);
  SETGCVAL(GCTileStipYOrigin, ts_y_origin, pGC->patOrg.y);

  if (pGC->font != NULL)
    SETGCVAL(GCFont, font, nxagentFont(pGC->font));

  SETGCVAL(GCSubwindowMode, subwindow_mode, pGC->subWindowMode);
  SETGCVAL(GCGraphicsExposures, graphics_exposures, pGC->graphicsExposures);
  SETGCVAL(GCClipXOrigin, clip_x_origin, pGC->clipOrg.x);
  SETGCVAL(GCClipYOrigin, clip_y_origin, pGC->clipOrg.y);
  valuemask |= GCClipMask;  /* FIXME: where's the ClipMask pixmap?? */
  SETGCVAL(GCDashOffset, dash_offset, pGC->dashOffset);

  if (pGC->dash != NULL)
    SETGCVAL(GCDashList, dashes, *pGC->dash);

  SETGCVAL(GCArcMode, arc_mode, pGC->arcMode);

  if ((nxagentGC(pGC) = XCreateGC(nxagentDisplay,
                                  valuemask, &values)) == NULL)
    *pBool = False;

                       pGC -> clientClipType,
                       pGC -> clientClip, nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> nClipRects);

  #ifdef DEBUG
  XSync(nxagentDisplay, 0);

Bool nxagentReconnectAllGCs(void *p0)
  Bool GCSuccess = True;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllGCs\n");

   * The resource type RT_NX_GC is created on the server client only,
   * so we can avoid to loop through all the clients.

  FindClientResourcesByType(clients[serverClient -> index], RT_NX_GC, nxagentReconnectGC, &GCSuccess);

  for (int cid = 0; (cid < MAXCLIENTS) && GCSuccess; cid++)
    if (clients[cid])
      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllGCs: Going to reconnect GC of client [%d].\n", cid);

      FindClientResourcesByType(clients[cid], RT_GC, nxagentReconnectGC, &GCSuccess);

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectAllGCs: GCs reconnection completed.\n");

  return GCSuccess;

void nxagentDisconnectGC(void * p0, XID x1, void * p2)
  GCPtr pGC = (GCPtr) p0;
  Bool* pBool = (Bool*) p2;

  if (!*pBool || !pGC)
    if (!pGC) 
      #ifdef WARNING
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectGC: WARNING! pGC is NULL.\n");

  if (pGC -> stipple)
    PixmapPtr pMap = pGC -> stipple;
    nxagentDisconnectPixmap(nxagentRealPixmap(pMap), 0, pBool);

Bool nxagentDisconnectAllGCs(void)
  Bool success = True;

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllGCs\n");

   * The resource type RT_NX_GC is created on the server client only,
   * so we can avoid to loop through all the clients.

  FindClientResourcesByType(clients[serverClient -> index], RT_NX_GC,
                                (FindResType) nxagentDisconnectGC, &success);

  for (int cid = 0; (cid < MAXCLIENTS) && success; cid++)
    if (clients[cid])
      #ifdef TEST
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllGCs: Going to disconnect GC of client [%d].\n", cid);

      FindClientResourcesByType(clients[cid], RT_GC,
                                    (FindResType) nxagentDisconnectGC, &success);

  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDisconnectAllGCs: GCs disconnection completed.\n");



  return success;

static void nxagentReconnectClip(GCPtr pGC, int type, void * pValue, int nRects)
  #ifdef TEST
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectClip: going to change clip on GC [%p]\n",
              (void *) pGC);

  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentReconnectClip: Type is [%s].\n", (type == CT_NONE) ?
              "CT_NONE" : (type == CT_REGION) ? "CT_REGION" : (type == CT_PIXMAP) ?
                  "CT_REGION" : "UNKNOWN");

    case CT_NONE:
      XSetClipMask(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), None);
    case CT_REGION:
      if (nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->pPixmap == NULL)
        nRects = RegionNumRects((RegionPtr)pValue);
        int size = nRects * sizeof(XRectangle *);
        XRectangle *pRects = (XRectangle *) malloc(size);
        BoxPtr pBox = RegionRects((RegionPtr)pValue);
        for (int i = nRects; i-- > 0;) {
          pRects[i].x = pBox[i].x1;
          pRects[i].y = pBox[i].y1;
          pRects[i].width = pBox[i].x2 - pBox[i].x1;
          pRects[i].height = pBox[i].y2 - pBox[i].y1;

         * Originally, the clip origin area were 0,0 but it didn't
         * work with kedit and family, because it got the clip mask of
         * the pixmap all traslated.

        XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), pGC -> clipOrg.x, pGC -> clipOrg.y,
                           pRects, nRects, Unsorted);
        XSetClipMask(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),

        XSetClipOrigin(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), pGC -> clipOrg.x, pGC -> clipOrg.y);
    case CT_PIXMAP:
      XSetClipMask(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),

      XSetClipOrigin(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), pGC -> clipOrg.x, pGC -> clipOrg.y);

      pGC->clientClip = (void *) (*pGC->pScreen->BitmapToRegion)((PixmapPtr) pValue);

      nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->pPixmap = (PixmapPtr)pValue;

      pValue = pGC->clientClip;

      type = CT_REGION;

    case CT_UNSORTED:
      XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                         pGC->clipOrg.x, pGC->clipOrg.y,
                         (XRectangle *)pValue, nRects, Unsorted);
    case CT_YSORTED:
      XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                         pGC->clipOrg.x, pGC->clipOrg.y,
                         (XRectangle *)pValue, nRects, YSorted);
    case CT_YXSORTED:
      XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                         pGC->clipOrg.x, pGC->clipOrg.y,
                         (XRectangle *)pValue, nRects, YXSorted);
    case CT_YXBANDED:
      XSetClipRectangles(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC),
                         pGC->clipOrg.x, pGC->clipOrg.y,
                         (XRectangle *)pValue, nRects, YXBanded);


    case CT_UNSORTED:
    case CT_YSORTED:
    case CT_YXSORTED:
    case CT_YXBANDED:

       * other parts of server can only deal with CT_NONE, CT_PIXMAP
       * and CT_REGION client clips.

      pGC->clientClip = (void *) RegionFromRects(nRects,
                                                  (xRectangle *)pValue, type);
      pValue = pGC->clientClip;
      type = CT_REGION;


  pGC->clientClipType = type;
  pGC->clientClip = pValue;

 nxagentGCPriv(pGC)->nClipRects = nRects;

static int nxagentCompareRegions(RegionPtr r1, RegionPtr r2)
  *  It returns 1 if regions are equal, 0 otherwise

  if (r1 == NULL && r2 == NULL)
    return 1;

  if ((r1 == NULL) || (r2 == NULL))
    return 0;

  if (RegionNumRects(r1) !=  RegionNumRects(r2))
    return 0;
  else if (RegionNumRects(r1) == 0)
    return 1;
  else if ((*RegionExtents(r1)).x1 !=  (*RegionExtents(r2)).x1) return 0;
  else if ((*RegionExtents(r1)).x2 !=  (*RegionExtents(r2)).x2) return 0;
  else if ((*RegionExtents(r1)).y1 !=  (*RegionExtents(r2)).y1) return 0;
  else if ((*RegionExtents(r1)).y2 !=  (*RegionExtents(r2)).y2) return 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < RegionNumRects(r1); i++)
      if (RegionRects(r1)[i].x1 !=  RegionRects(r2)[i].x1) return 0;
      else if (RegionRects(r1)[i].x2 !=  RegionRects(r2)[i].x2) return 0;
      else if (RegionRects(r1)[i].y1 !=  RegionRects(r2)[i].y1) return 0;
      else if (RegionRects(r1)[i].y2 !=  RegionRects(r2)[i].y2) return 0;
  return 1;

 * This function have to be called in the place of GetScratchGC if the
 * GC will be used to perform operations also on the remote X Server.
 * This is why we call the XChangeGC at the end of the function.
GCPtr nxagentGetScratchGC(unsigned depth, ScreenPtr pScreen)
   * The GC trap is temporarily disabled in order to allow the remote
   * clipmask reset requested by GetScratchGC().

  int nxagentSaveGCTrap = nxagentGCTrap;

  nxagentGCTrap = False;

  GCPtr pGC = GetScratchGC(depth, pScreen);

  nxagentGCTrap = nxagentSaveGCTrap;

  if (pGC == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentGetScratchGC: Failed to retrieve the scratch GC.\n");

    return NULL;

  unsigned long valuemask = 0;
  XGCValues values = {0};
  SETGCVAL(GCFunction, function, pGC -> alu);
  SETGCVAL(GCPlaneMask, plane_mask, pGC -> planemask);
  SETGCVAL(GCForeground, foreground, nxagentPixel(pGC -> fgPixel));
  SETGCVAL(GCBackground, background, nxagentPixel(pGC -> bgPixel));
  SETGCVAL(GCLineWidth, line_width, pGC -> lineWidth);
  SETGCVAL(GCLineStyle, line_style, pGC -> lineStyle);
  SETGCVAL(GCCapStyle, cap_style, pGC -> capStyle);
  SETGCVAL(GCJoinStyle, join_style, pGC -> joinStyle);
  SETGCVAL(GCFillStyle, fill_style, pGC -> fillStyle);
  SETGCVAL(GCFillRule, fill_rule, pGC -> fillRule);
  SETGCVAL(GCArcMode, arc_mode, pGC -> arcMode);
  SETGCVAL(GCTileStipXOrigin, ts_x_origin, pGC -> patOrg.x);
  SETGCVAL(GCTileStipYOrigin, ts_y_origin, pGC -> patOrg.y);
  SETGCVAL(GCSubwindowMode, subwindow_mode, pGC -> subWindowMode);
  SETGCVAL(GCGraphicsExposures, graphics_exposures, pGC -> graphicsExposures);
  SETGCVAL(GCClipXOrigin, clip_x_origin, pGC -> clipOrg.x);
  SETGCVAL(GCClipYOrigin, clip_y_origin, pGC -> clipOrg.y);

  /* The GCClipMask is set to none inside the GetScratchGC() function. */

  /* FIXME: What about GCDashOffset? */

  XChangeGC(nxagentDisplay, nxagentGC(pGC), valuemask, &values);

  memset(&(nxagentGCPriv(pGC) -> lastServerValues), 0, sizeof(XGCValues));

  return pGC;

 * This function is only a wrapper for FreeScratchGC.
void nxagentFreeScratchGC(GCPtr pGC)
  if (pGC == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentFreeScratchGC: WARNING! pGC is NULL.\n");



 * The GCs belonging to this list are used only in the synchronization
 * put images, to be sure they preserve the default values and to
 * avoid XChangeGC() requests.

GCPtr nxagentGetGraphicContext(DrawablePtr pDrawable)
  for (int i = 0; i < nxagentGraphicContextsSize; i++)
    if (pDrawable -> depth == nxagentGraphicContexts[i].depth)
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "nxagentGetGraphicContext: Found a valid GC at [%p] for depth [%d].\n",
                  (void *) nxagentGraphicContexts[i].pGC, pDrawable -> depth);

       * Reconnect the GC if needed.

      if (nxagentGraphicContexts[i].dirty == 1)
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "nxagentGetGraphicContext: Going to reconnect the GC.\n");

        int result = 1;

        nxagentReconnectGC(nxagentGraphicContexts[i].pGC, (XID) 0, &result);

        if (result == 0)
          #ifdef WARNING
          fprintf(stderr, "nxagentGetGraphicContext: WARNING! Failed to reconnect the GC.\n");

          return NULL;

        nxagentGraphicContexts[i].dirty = 0;

      return nxagentGraphicContexts[i].pGC;

  return nxagentCreateGraphicContext(pDrawable -> depth);

GCPtr nxagentCreateGraphicContext(int depth)
   * We have not found a GC, so we have to spread the list and add a
   * new GC.

  nxagentGraphicContextsPtr nxagentGCs = realloc(nxagentGraphicContexts, (nxagentGraphicContextsSize + 1) * sizeof(nxagentGraphicContextsRec));
  if (nxagentGCs == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateGraphicContext: Cannot allocate memory for a GC.\n");

    return NULL;

  nxagentGraphicContexts = nxagentGCs;

  GCPtr pGC = CreateScratchGC(nxagentDefaultScreen, depth);

  if (pGC == NULL)
    #ifdef WARNING
    fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateGraphicContext: Failed to create a GC for depth [%d].\n",

    return NULL;

   * Color used in nxagentFillRemoteRegion().

  XID attributes[2];

  attributes[0] = 0xc1c1c1;

  if (depth == 15 || depth == 16)

   * The IncludeInferiors property is useful to solve problems when
   * synchronizing windows covered by an invisible child.

  attributes[1] = IncludeInferiors;

  ChangeGC(pGC, GCForeground | GCSubwindowMode, attributes);

  nxagentGraphicContexts[nxagentGraphicContextsSize].pGC   = pGC;
  nxagentGraphicContexts[nxagentGraphicContextsSize].depth = depth;
  nxagentGraphicContexts[nxagentGraphicContextsSize].dirty = 0;


  #ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCreateGraphicContext: GC [%p] for depth [%d] added to the list of size [%d].\n",
              (void *) pGC, depth, nxagentGraphicContextsSize);

  return pGC;

 * This initialization is called in the InitOutput() function
 * immediately after opening the screen, which is used to create the
 * GCs.

void nxagentAllocateGraphicContexts(void)
  int *depths = nxagentDepths;

  for (int i = 0; i < nxagentNumDepths; i++)

void nxagentDisconnectGraphicContexts(void)
  for (int i = 0; i < nxagentGraphicContextsSize; i++)
    nxagentGraphicContexts[i].dirty = 1;
