/**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2001, 2010 NoMachine, http://www.nomachine.com/. */ /* */ /* NXCOMP, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software */ /* are copyright of NoMachine. Redistribution and use of the present */ /* software is allowed according to terms specified in the file LICENSE */ /* which comes in the source distribution. */ /* */ /* Check http://www.nomachine.com/licensing.html for applicability. */ /* */ /* NX and NoMachine are trademarks of Medialogic S.p.A. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef Proxy_H #define Proxy_H #include <sys/types.h> #ifdef _AIX #include <sys/select.h> #endif #include "Misc.h" #include "Timestamp.h" #include "List.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "Transport.h" #include "EncodeBuffer.h" #include "ProxyReadBuffer.h" #include "ChannelEndPoint.h" // // Forward declaration as we // need a pointer. // class Agent; // // Set the verbosity level. // #define PANIC #define WARNING #undef TEST #undef DEBUG // // Log the important tracepoints related // to writing packets to the peer proxy. // #undef FLUSH // // Codes used for control messages in // proxy-to-proxy protocol. // // The following codes are currently // unused. // // code_alert_reply, // code_reset_request, // code_reset_reply, // code_load_reply, // code_save_reply, // code_shutdown_reply, // code_configuration_request, // code_configuration_reply. // // These are for compatibility with // old versions. // // code_sync_request, // code_sync_reply, // // The code_new_aux_connection should not // be used anymore. Auxiliary X connections // are treated as normal X channels since // version 1.5.0. // typedef enum { code_new_x_connection, code_new_cups_connection, code_new_aux_connection, code_new_smb_connection, code_new_media_connection, code_switch_connection, code_drop_connection, code_finish_connection, code_begin_congestion, code_end_congestion, code_alert_request, code_alert_reply, code_reset_request, code_reset_reply, code_load_request, code_load_reply, code_save_request, code_save_reply, code_shutdown_request, code_shutdown_reply, code_control_token_request, code_control_token_reply, code_configuration_request, code_configuration_reply, code_statistics_request, code_statistics_reply, code_new_http_connection, code_sync_request, code_sync_reply, code_new_font_connection, code_new_slave_connection, code_finish_listeners, code_split_token_request, code_split_token_reply, code_data_token_request, code_data_token_reply, code_last_tag } T_proxy_code; typedef enum { operation_in_negotiation, operation_in_messages, operation_in_configuration, operation_in_statistics, operation_last_tag } T_proxy_operation; typedef enum { frame_ping, frame_data, } T_frame_type; typedef enum { token_control, token_split, token_data } T_token_type; typedef enum { load_if_any, load_if_first } T_load_type; class Proxy { public: // // Maximum number of supported channels. // static const int CONNECTIONS_LIMIT = 256; // // Numboer of token types. // static const int TOKEN_TYPES = 3; // // Lenght of buffer we use to add our // control messages plus the length of // the data frame. // static const int CONTROL_CODES_LENGTH = ENCODE_BUFFER_PREFIX_SIZE - 5; static const int CONTROL_CODES_THRESHOLD = CONTROL_CODES_LENGTH - 9; Proxy(int fd); virtual ~Proxy(); // // Inform the proxy that the negotiation phase is // completed and that it can start handling binary // messages. // int setOperational(); int getOperational() { return (operation_ != operation_in_negotiation); } int setReadDescriptors(fd_set *fdSet, int &fdMax, T_timestamp &tsMax); int setWriteDescriptors(fd_set *fdSet, int &fdMax, T_timestamp &tsMax); // // Perform the operation on the proxy // link or its own channels. // int handleRead(int &resultFds, fd_set &fdSet); int handleFlush(int &resultFds, fd_set &fdSet); int handleRead(); int handleRead(int fd, const char *data = NULL, int size = 0); int handleEvents(); int handleFlush(); int handleFlush(int fd); int handlePing(); int handleFinish(); int handleShutdown(); int handleStatistics(int type, ostream *statofs); int handleAlert(int alert); int handleRotate() { activeChannels_.rotate(); return 1; } int handleChannelConfiguration(); int handleSocketConfiguration(); int handleLinkConfiguration(); int handleCacheConfiguration(); // // These must be called just after initialization to // tell to the proxy where the network connections // have to be forwarded. // virtual void handleDisplayConfiguration(const char *xServerDisplay, int xServerAddrFamily, sockaddr * xServerAddr, unsigned int xServerAddrLength) = 0; virtual void handlePortConfiguration(ChannelEndPoint &cupsServerPort, ChannelEndPoint &smbServerPort, ChannelEndPoint &mediaServerPort, ChannelEndPoint &httpServerPort, const char *fontServerPort) = 0; // // Create new tunneled channels. // virtual int handleNewConnection(T_channel_type type, int clientFd) = 0; virtual int handleNewConnectionFromProxy(T_channel_type type, int channelId) = 0; virtual int handleNewAgentConnection(Agent *agent) = 0; virtual int handleNewXConnection(int clientFd) = 0; virtual int handleNewXConnectionFromProxy(int channelId) = 0; int handleNewGenericConnection(int clientFd, T_channel_type type, const char *label); int handleNewGenericConnectionFromProxy(int channelId, T_channel_type type, ChannelEndPoint &endpoint, const char *label); int handleNewGenericConnectionFromProxyUnix(int channelId, T_channel_type type, const char *path, const char *label); int handleNewGenericConnectionFromProxyTCP(int channelId, T_channel_type type, const char *hostname, long port, const char *label); int handleNewSlaveConnection(int clientFd); int handleNewSlaveConnectionFromProxy(int channelId); // // Force closure of channels. // int handleCloseConnection(int clientFd); int handleCloseAllXConnections(); int handleCloseAllListeners(); // // Called when the loop has replaced // or closed a previous alert. // void handleResetAlert(); // // Handle the persistent cache. // virtual int handleLoad(T_load_type type) = 0; virtual int handleSave() = 0; protected: // // Timeout related data: // // flush // split // motion // // Timeouts in milliseconds after which the // proxy will have to perform the operation. // // readTs, writeTs // // Timestamp of last packet received or sent // to remote proxy. Used to detect lost con- // nection. // // loopTs // // Timestamp of last loop completed by the // proxy // // pingTs // // Timestamp of last ping request sent to the // remote peer. // // alertTs // // Timestamp of last 'no data received' alert // dialog shown to the user. // // loadTs // // Were message stores populated from data on // disk. // // splitTs // motionTs // // Timestamps of the last operation of this // kind handled by the proxy. // typedef struct { int split; int motion; T_timestamp readTs; T_timestamp writeTs; T_timestamp loopTs; T_timestamp pingTs; T_timestamp alertTs; T_timestamp loadTs; T_timestamp splitTs; T_timestamp motionTs; } T_proxy_timeouts; // // Bytes accumulated so far while waiting // to send the next token, number of tokens // remaining for each token type and other // token related information. // typedef struct { int size; int limit; int bytes; int remaining; T_proxy_code request; T_proxy_code reply; T_token_type type; } T_proxy_token; int handlePostConnectionFromProxy(int channelId, int serverFd, T_channel_type type, const char *label); int handleDrain(); int handleFrame(T_frame_type type); int handleFinish(int channelId); int handleDrop(int channelId); int handleFinishFromProxy(int channelId); int handleDropFromProxy(int channelId); int handleStatisticsFromProxy(int type); int handleStatisticsFromProxy(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int length); int handleNegotiation(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int length); int handleNegotiationFromProxy(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int length); int handleToken(T_frame_type type); int handleTokenFromProxy(T_proxy_token &token, int count); int handleTokenReplyFromProxy(T_proxy_token &token, int count); int handleSyncFromProxy(int channelId); int handleSwitch(int channelId); int handleControl(T_proxy_code code, int data = -1); int handleControlFromProxy(const unsigned char *message); // // Interleave reads of the X server // events while writing data to the // remote proxy. // virtual int handleAsyncEvents() = 0; // // Timer related functions. // protected: void setTimer(int value) { SetTimer(value); } void resetTimer() { ResetTimer(); timer_ = 0; } public: void handleTimer() { timer_ = 1; } int getTimer() { return timer_; } // // Can the channel consume data and the // proxy produce more output? // int canRead(int fd) const { return (isTimeToRead() == 1 && isTimeToRead(getChannel(fd)) == 1); } // // Can the proxy read more data from its // peer? // int canRead() const { return (transport_ -> readable() != 0); } int canFlush() const { return (encodeBuffer_.getLength() + controlLength_ + transport_ -> length() + transport_ -> flushable() > 0); } int needFlush(int channelId) const { return (outputChannel_ == channelId && encodeBuffer_.getLength() > 0); } int needFlush() const { return (encodeBuffer_.getLength() > 0); } int shouldFlush() const { if ((int) ((encodeBuffer_.getLength() + controlLength_) / statistics -> getStreamRatio()) >= control -> TokenSize) { #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) || defined(FLUSH) *logofs << "Proxy: FLUSH! Requesting a flush with " << (encodeBuffer_.getLength() + controlLength_) << " bytes and stream ratio " << (double) statistics -> getStreamRatio() << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif return 1; } #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) || defined(FLUSH) *logofs << "Proxy: Not requesting a flush with " << (encodeBuffer_.getLength() + controlLength_) << " bytes and stream ratio " << (double) statistics -> getStreamRatio() << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif return 0; } int needDrain() const { return (congestion_ == 1 || transport_ -> length() > control -> TransportProxyBufferThreshold); } int getFd() const { return fd_; } int getFlushable(int fd) const { if (fd == fd_) { return (encodeBuffer_.getLength() + controlLength_ + transport_ -> flushable()); } return 0; } int getSplitSize() { return (clientStore_ != NULL ? clientStore_ -> getSplitTotalSize() : 0); } int getSplitStorageSize() { return (clientStore_ != NULL ? clientStore_ -> getSplitTotalStorageSize() : 0); } // // Returns the number of active channels // that currently managed by this proxy. // int getChannels(T_channel_type type = channel_none); // // If descriptor corresponds to a valid // channel, returns the type of traffic // carried by it. // T_channel_type getType(int fd); // // Given a channel type, returns the // literal name. // const char *getTypeName(T_channel_type type); // // Get a convenient name for 'localhost'. // const char *getComputerName(); // // Set if we have initiated the shutdown // procedure and if the shutdown request // has been received from the remote. // int getFinish() const { return finish_; } int getShutdown() const { return shutdown_; } // // Interfaces to the transport buffers. // int getLength(int fd) const { if (fd == fd_) { return transport_ -> length(); } int channelId = getChannel(fd); if (channelId < 0 || channels_[channelId] == NULL) { return 0; } return transports_[channelId] -> length(); } int getPending(int fd) const { if (fd == fd_) { return transport_ -> pending(); } int channelId = getChannel(fd); if (channelId < 0 || channels_[channelId] == NULL) { return 0; } return transports_[channelId] -> pending(); } // // Check if the proxy or the given channel // has data in the buffer because of a // blocking write. // int getBlocked(int fd) const { if (fd == fd_) { return transport_ -> blocked(); } int channelId = getChannel(fd); if (channelId < 0 || channels_[channelId] == NULL) { return 0; } return transports_[channelId] -> blocked(); } // // Check if the proxy or the given channel has // data to read. // int getReadable(int fd) const { if (fd == fd_) { return transport_ -> readable(); } int channelId = getChannel(fd); if (channelId < 0 || channels_[channelId] == NULL) { return 0; } return transports_[channelId] -> readable(); } // // Return a vale between 0 and 9 in the case // of the proxy descriptor. // int getCongestion(int fd) const { if (fd == fd_) { return (agent_ != nothing && congestions_[agent_] == 1 ? 9 : (int) statistics -> getCongestionInFrame()); } int channelId = getChannel(fd); if (channelId < 0 || channels_[channelId] == NULL) { return 0; } return channels_[channelId] -> getCongestion(); } // // Let the statistics class get info // from the message stores. // const ClientStore * const getClientStore() const { return clientStore_; } const ServerStore * const getServerStore() const { return serverStore_; } // // These can be called asynchronously by // channels during their read or write // loop. // int handleAsyncRead(int fd) { return handleRead(fd); } int handleAsyncCongestion(int fd) { int channelId = getChannel(fd); return handleControl(code_begin_congestion, channelId); } int handleAsyncDecongestion(int fd) { int channelId = getChannel(fd); return handleControl(code_end_congestion, channelId); } int handleAsyncSplit(int fd, Split *split) { return channels_[getChannel(fd)] -> handleSplitEvent(encodeBuffer_, split); } int handleAsyncPriority() { if (control -> FlushPriority == 1) { return handleFlush(); } return 0; } int canAsyncFlush() const { return shouldFlush(); } int handleAsyncFlush() { return handleFlush(); } int handleAsyncSwitch(int fd) { return handleSwitch(getChannel(fd)); } int handleAsyncKeeperCallback() { KeeperCallback(); return 1; } // // Internal interfaces used to verify the // availability of channels and the proxy // link. // protected: int isTimeToRead() const { if (congestion_ == 0 && transport_ -> blocked() == 0) { return 1; } else { #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) *logofs << "Proxy: Can't read from channels " << "with congestion " << congestion_ << " and blocked " << transport_ -> blocked() << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif return 0; } } int isTimeToRead(int channelId) const { if (channelId >= 0 && channelId < CONNECTIONS_LIMIT && channels_[channelId] != NULL && congestions_[channelId] == 0) { if (channels_[channelId] -> getType() == channel_x11 || tokens_[token_data].remaining > 0 || channels_[channelId] -> getFinish() == 1) { return 1; } #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) *logofs << "Proxy: Can't read from generic " << "descriptor FD#" << getFd(channelId) << " channel ID#" << channelId << " with " << tokens_[token_data].remaining << " data tokens remaining.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif return 0; } #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) if (channelId < 0 || channelId >= CONNECTIONS_LIMIT || channels_[channelId] == NULL) { *logofs << "Proxy: WARNING! No valid channel for ID#" << channelId << ".\n" << logofs_flush; } else if (channels_[channelId] -> getFinish()) { *logofs << "Proxy: Can't read from finishing " << "descriptor FD#" << getFd(channelId) << " channel ID#" << channelId << ".\n" << logofs_flush; } else if (congestions_[channelId] == 1) { *logofs << "Proxy: Can't read from congested " << "descriptor FD#" << getFd(channelId) << " channel ID#" << channelId << ".\n" << logofs_flush; } #endif return 0; } // // Handle the flush and split timeouts. // All these functions should round up // to the value of the latency timeout // to save a further loop. // protected: int isTimeToSplit() const { if (isTimestamp(timeouts_.splitTs) && getTimeToNextSplit() <= control -> LatencyTimeout) { if (tokens_[token_split].remaining > 0) { return 1; } #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) *logofs << "Proxy: WARNING! Can't encode splits " << "with " << tokens_[token_split].remaining << " split tokens remaining.\n" << logofs_flush; #endif } return 0; } int isTimeToMotion() const { return (isTimestamp(timeouts_.motionTs) && getTimeToNextMotion() <= control -> LatencyTimeout); } int getTimeToNextSplit() const { #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) || defined(FLUSH) if (isTimestamp(timeouts_.splitTs) == 0) { #ifdef PANIC *logofs << "Proxy: PANIC! No split timeout was set " << "for proxy FD#" << fd_ << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif cerr << "Error" << ": No split timeout was set " << "for proxy FD#" << fd_ << ".\n"; HandleCleanup(); } #endif int diffTs = timeouts_.split - diffTimestamp(timeouts_.splitTs, getTimestamp()); return (diffTs > 0 ? diffTs : 0); } int getTimeToNextMotion() const { #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO) || defined(FLUSH) if (isTimestamp(timeouts_.motionTs) == 0) { #ifdef PANIC *logofs << "Proxy: PANIC! No motion timeout was set " << "for proxy FD#" << fd_ << ".\n" << logofs_flush; #endif cerr << "Error" << ": No motion timeout was set " << "for proxy FD#" << fd_ << ".\n"; HandleCleanup(); } #endif int diffTs = timeouts_.motion - diffTimestamp(timeouts_.motionTs, getTimestamp()); return (diffTs > 0 ? diffTs : 0); } protected: // // Implement persistence of cache on disk. // virtual int handleLoadFromProxy() = 0; virtual int handleSaveFromProxy() = 0; int handleLoadStores(); int handleSaveStores(); char *handleSaveAllStores(const char *savePath, bool & isTooSmall) const; virtual int handleSaveAllStores(ostream *cachefs, md5_state_t *md5StateStream, md5_state_t *md5StateClient) const = 0; int handleSaveVersion(unsigned char *buffer, int &major, int &minor, int &patch) const; void handleFailOnSave(const char *fullName, const char *failContext) const; const char *handleLoadAllStores(const char *loadPath, const char *loadName) const; virtual int handleLoadAllStores(istream *cachefs, md5_state_t *md5StateStream) const = 0; int handleLoadVersion(const unsigned char *buffer, int &major, int &minor, int &patch) const; void handleFailOnLoad(const char *fullName, const char *failContext) const; // // Prepare for a new persistent cache. // int handleResetPersistentCache(); // // Reset the stores in the case of a // failure loading the cache. // int handleResetStores(); // // Reset the transport buffer and the // other counters. // void handleResetFlush(); // // Utility functions used to map file // descriptors to channel ids. // protected: int allocateChannelMap(int fd); int checkChannelMap(int channelId); int assignChannelMap(int channelId, int fd); void cleanupChannelMap(int channelId); virtual int checkLocalChannelMap(int channelId) = 0; int addControlCodes(T_proxy_code code, int data); int addTokenCodes(T_proxy_token &token); int getFd(int channelId) const { if (channelId >= 0 && channelId < CONNECTIONS_LIMIT) { return fdMap_[channelId]; } return -1; } int getChannel(int fd) const { if (fd >= 0 && fd < CONNECTIONS_LIMIT) { return channelMap_[fd]; } return -1; } protected: void setSplitTimeout(int channelId); void setMotionTimeout(int channelId); void increaseChannels(int channelId); void decreaseChannels(int channelId); int allocateTransport(int channelFd, int channelId); int deallocateTransport(int channelId); // // The proxy has its own transport. // ProxyTransport *transport_; // // The static compressor is shared among // channels and all the message stores. // StaticCompressor *compressor_; // // Map NX specific opcodes. // OpcodeStore *opcodeStore_; // // Stores are shared between channels. // ClientStore *clientStore_; ServerStore *serverStore_; // // Client and server caches are shared // between channels. // ClientCache *clientCache_; ServerCache *serverCache_; // // The proxy's file descriptor. // int fd_; // // Channels currently selected for I/O // operations. // int inputChannel_; int outputChannel_; // // List of active channels. // List activeChannels_; // // Used to read data sent from peer proxy. // ProxyReadBuffer readBuffer_; // // Used to send data to peer proxy. // EncodeBuffer encodeBuffer_; // // Control messages' array. // int controlLength_; unsigned char controlCodes_[CONTROL_CODES_LENGTH]; // // Table of channel classes taking // care of open X connections. // Channel *channels_[CONNECTIONS_LIMIT]; // // Table of open sockets. // Transport *transports_[CONNECTIONS_LIMIT]; // // Timeout related data. // T_proxy_timeouts timeouts_; // // Proxy can be decoding messages, // handling a link reconfiguration, // or decoding statistics. // int operation_; // // True if we are currently draining // the proxy link. // int draining_; // // Force flush because of prioritized // control messages to send. // int priority_; // // Set if we have initiated the close // down procedure. // int finish_; // // Remote peer requested the shutdown. // int shutdown_; // // We are in the middle of a network // congestion in the path to remote // proxy. // int congestion_; // // Channels at the remote end that // are not consuming their data. // int congestions_[CONNECTIONS_LIMIT]; // // Is the timer expired? // int timer_; // // Did the proxy request an alert? // int alert_; // // The channel id of the agent. // int agent_; // // Token related data. // T_proxy_token tokens_[TOKEN_TYPES]; // // Pointer to stream descriptor where // proxy is producing statistics. // ostream *currentStatistics_; private: // // Map channel ids to file descriptors. // int channelMap_[CONNECTIONS_LIMIT]; int fdMap_[CONNECTIONS_LIMIT]; }; #endif /* Proxy_H */