Commit 0742929e authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 121747: Stops every script before it does anything else if Bugzilla…

Fix for bug 121747: Stops every script before it does anything else if Bugzilla is currently shut down. Also adds global template instantiation code to Patch by Myk Melez <>. r=gerv,kiko
parent b5aa3e4f
......@@ -52,6 +52,25 @@ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
require '';
# If Bugzilla is shut down, do not go any further, just display a message
# to the user about the downtime. (do)editparams.cgi is exempted from
# this message, of course, since it needs to be available in order for
# the administrator to open Bugzilla back up.
if (Param("shutdownhtml") && $0 !~ m:[\\/](do)?editparams.cgi$:) {
# The shut down message we are going to display to the user.
$::vars->{'title'} = "Bugzilla is Down";
$::vars->{'h1'} = "Bugzilla is Down";
$::vars->{'message'} = Param("shutdownhtml");
# Return the appropriate HTTP response headers.
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
# Generate and return an HTML message about the downtime.
$::template->process("global/message.html.tmpl", $::vars)
|| DisplayError("Template process failed: " . $::template->error());
sub GeneratePersonInput {
my ($field, $required, $def_value, $extraJavaScript) = (@_);
$extraJavaScript ||= "";
......@@ -1110,16 +1129,6 @@ sub PutHeader {
$extra = "";
$jscript ||= "";
# If we are shutdown, we want a very basic page to give that
# information. Also, the page title should indicate that
# we are down.
if (Param('shutdownhtml')) {
$title = "Bugzilla is Down";
$h1 = "Bugzilla is currently down";
$h2 = "";
$extra = "";
$jscript = "";
print qq|
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
......@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ sub globals_pl_sillyness {
$zz = @main::prodmaxvotes;
$zz = $main::superusergroupset;
$zz = $main::userid;
$zz = $main::template;
$zz = $main::vars;
......@@ -1549,4 +1551,94 @@ sub trim {
return $str;
# Global Templatization Code
# Use the template toolkit ( to generate
# the user interface using templates in the "template/" subdirectory.
use Template;
# Create the global template object that processes templates and specify
# configuration parameters that apply to all templates processed in this script.
$::template = Template->new(
# Colon-separated list of directories containing templates.
INCLUDE_PATH => "template/custom:template/default" ,
# Allow templates to be specified with relative paths.
# Remove white-space before template directives (PRE_CHOMP) and at the
# beginning and end of templates and template blocks (TRIM) for better
# looking, more compact content. Use the plus sign at the beginning
# of directives to maintain white space (i.e. [%+ DIRECTIVE %]).
PRE_CHOMP => 1 ,
TRIM => 1 ,
# Functions for processing text within templates in various ways.
# Render text in strike-through style.
strike => sub { return "<strike>" . $_[0] . "</strike>" } ,
} ,
# Use the Toolkit Template's Stash module to add utility pseudo-methods
# to template variables.
use Template::Stash;
# Add "contains***" methods to list variables that search for one or more
# items in a list and return boolean values representing whether or not
# one/all/any item(s) were found.
$Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ contains } =
sub {
my ($list, $item) = @_;
return grep($_ eq $item, @$list);
$Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ containsany } =
sub {
my ($list, $items) = @_;
foreach my $item (@$items) {
return 1 if grep($_ eq $item, @$list);
return 0;
# Add a "substr" method to the Template Toolkit's "scalar" object
# that returns a substring of a string.
$Template::Stash::SCALAR_OPS->{ substr } =
sub {
my ($scalar, $offset, $length) = @_;
return substr($scalar, $offset, $length);
# Add a "truncate" method to the Template Toolkit's "scalar" object
# that truncates a string to a certain length.
$Template::Stash::SCALAR_OPS->{ truncate } =
sub {
my ($string, $length, $ellipsis) = @_;
$ellipsis ||= "";
return $string if !$length || length($string) <= $length;
my $strlen = $length - length($ellipsis);
my $newstr = substr($string, 0, $strlen) . $ellipsis;
return $newstr;
# Define the global variables and functions that will be passed to the UI
# template. Additional values may be added to this hash before templates
# are processed.
$::vars =
# Function for retrieving global parameters.
'Param' => \&Param ,
# Function for processing global parameters that contain references
# to other global parameters.
'PerformSubsts' => \&PerformSubsts ,
......@@ -41,11 +41,8 @@
[% END %]
[% IF message %]
[% IF message %]
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1"><tr><td>
<font color="green">[% message %]</font>
[% END %]
[% Param('shutdownhtml') %]
[% END %]
[% DEFAULT title = "Bugzilla Message" %]
[% INCLUDE global/header title=title %]
[%# The "header" template automatically displays the contents of a "message"
variable if it finds one, so it is not necessary to display the message
here. %]
[%# Display a URL if the calling script has included one. %]
[% IF url && link %]
<a href="[% url %]">[% link %]</a>
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE global/footer %]
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