Commit 08c354cb authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 578904: Fully generate the FROM clause inside of an accessor

r=mkanat, a=mkanat (module owner)
parent 08fd93d5
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ use Bugzilla::Keyword;
use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Format;
use Date::Parse;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use List::MoreUtils qw(all part uniq);
use Storable qw(dclone);
......@@ -657,8 +657,80 @@ sub _sql_order_by {
# Internal Accessors: FROM #
# JOIN statements for the SELECT and ORDER BY columns. This should not be called
# Until the moment it is needed, because _select_columns might be
sub _column_join {
my ($self, $field) = @_;
my $join_info = COLUMN_JOINS->{$field};
if ($join_info) {
# Don't allow callers to modify the constant.
$join_info = dclone($join_info);
else {
if ($self->_multi_select_fields->{$field}) {
$join_info = { table => "bug_$field" };
if ($join_info and !$join_info->{as}) {
$join_info = dclone($join_info);
$join_info->{as} = "map_$field";
return $join_info ? $join_info : ();
# Sometimes we join the same table more than once. In this case, we
# want to AND all the various critiera that were used in both joins.
sub _combine_joins {
my ($self, $joins) = @_;
my @result;
while(my $join = shift @$joins) {
my $name = $join->{as};
my ($others_like_me, $the_rest) = part { $_->{as} eq $name ? 0 : 1 }
if ($others_like_me) {
my $from = $join->{from};
my $to = $join->{to};
# Sanity check to make sure that we have the same from and to
# for all the same-named joins.
if ($from) {
all { $_->{from} eq $from } @$others_like_me
or die "Not all same-named joins have identical 'from': "
. Dumper($join, $others_like_me);
if ($to) {
all { $_->{to} eq $to } @$others_like_me
or die "Not all same-named joins have identical 'to': "
. Dumper($join, $others_like_me);
# We don't need to call uniq here--translate_join will do that
# for us.
my @conditions = map { @{ $_->{extra} || [] } }
($join, @$others_like_me);
$join->{extra} = \@conditions;
$joins = $the_rest;
push(@result, $join);
return @result;
# Takes all the "then_to" items and just puts them as the next item in
# the array. Right now this only does one level of "then_to", but we
# could re-write this to handle then_to recursively if we need more levels.
sub _extract_then_to {
my ($self, $joins) = @_;
my @result;
foreach my $join (@$joins) {
push(@result, $join);
if (my $then_to = $join->{then_to}) {
push(@result, $then_to);
return @result;
# JOIN statements for the SELECT and ORDER BY columns. This should not be
# called until the moment it is needed, because _select_columns might be
# modified by the charts.
sub _select_order_joins {
my ($self) = @_;
......@@ -670,13 +742,86 @@ sub _select_order_joins {
foreach my $field ($self->_input_order_columns) {
my $join_info = $self->_special_order->{$field}->{join};
if ($join_info) {
my @join_sql = $self->_translate_join($join_info, $field);
push(@joins, @join_sql);
# Don't let callers modify SPECIAL_ORDER.
$join_info = dclone($join_info);
if (!$join_info->{as}) {
$join_info->{as} = "map_$field";
push(@joins, $join_info);
return @joins;
# These are the joins that are *always* in the FROM clause.
sub _standard_joins {
my ($self) = @_;
my $user = $self->{'user'};
my @joins;
my $security_join = {
table => 'bug_group_map',
as => 'security_map',
push(@joins, $security_join);
if ($user->id) {
$security_join->{extra} =
["NOT (" . $user->groups_in_sql('security_map.group_id') . ")"];
my $security_cc_join = {
table => 'cc',
as => 'security_cc',
extra => ['security_cc.who = ' . $user->id],
push(@joins, $security_cc_join);
return @joins;
sub _sql_from {
my ($self, $joins_input) = @_;
my @joins = ($self->_standard_joins, $self->_select_order_joins,
@joins = $self->_extract_then_to(\@joins);
@joins = $self->_combine_joins(\@joins);
my @join_sql = map { $self->_translate_join($_) } @joins;
return "bugs\n" . join("\n", @join_sql);
sub _translate_join {
my ($self, $join_info) = @_;
die "join with no table: " . Dumper($join_info) if !$join_info->{table};
die "join with no 'as': " . Dumper($join_info) if !$join_info->{as};
my $from_table = "bugs";
my $from = $join_info->{from} || "bug_id";
if ($from =~ /^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/) {
($from_table, $from) = ($1, $2);
my $table = $join_info->{table};
my $name = $join_info->{as};
my $to = $join_info->{to} || "bug_id";
my $join = $join_info->{join} || 'LEFT';
my @extra = @{ $join_info->{extra} || [] };
$name =~ s/\./_/g;
# If a term contains ORs, we need to put parens around the condition.
# This is a pretty weak test, but it's actually OK to put parens
# around too many things.
@extra = map { $_ =~ /\bOR\b/i ? "($_)" : $_ } @extra;
my $extra_condition = join(' AND ', uniq @extra);
if ($extra_condition) {
$extra_condition = " AND $extra_condition";
my @join_sql = "$join JOIN $table AS $name"
. " ON $from_table.$from = $name.$to$extra_condition";
return @join_sql;
# Internal Accessors: GROUP BY #
......@@ -1117,18 +1262,6 @@ sub _handle_chart {
# Helpers for Internal Accessors #
sub _column_join {
my ($self, $field) = @_;
my $join_info = COLUMN_JOINS->{$field};
if (!$join_info) {
if ($self->_multi_select_fields->{$field}) {
return $self->_translate_join({ table => "bug_$field" }, $field);
return ();
return $self->_translate_join($join_info, $field);
sub _valid_values {
my ($input, $valid, $extra_value) = @_;
my @result;
......@@ -1143,43 +1276,6 @@ sub _valid_values {
return @result;
sub _translate_join {
my ($self, $join_info, $field) = @_;
die "join with no table: " . Dumper($join_info, $field)
if !$join_info->{table};
die "join with no name: " . Dumper($join_info, $field)
if (!$join_info->{as} and !$field);
my $from_table = "bugs";
my $from = $join_info->{from} || "bug_id";
if ($from =~ /^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/) {
($from_table, $from) = ($1, $2);
my $to = $join_info->{to} || "bug_id";
my $join = $join_info->{join} || 'LEFT';
my $table = $join_info->{table};
my @extra = @{ $join_info->{extra} || [] };
my $name = $join_info->{as} || "map_$field";
$name =~ s/\./_/g;
# If a term contains ORs, we need to put parens around the condition.
# This is a pretty weak test, but it's actually OK to put parens
# around too many things.
@extra = map { $_ =~ /\bOR\b/i ? "($_)" : $_ } @extra;
my $extra_condition = join(' AND ', uniq @extra);
if ($extra_condition) {
$extra_condition = " AND $extra_condition";
my @join_sql = "$join JOIN $table AS $name"
. " ON $from_table.$from = $name.$to$extra_condition";
if (my $then_to = $join_info->{then_to}) {
push(@join_sql, $self->_translate_join($then_to));
return @join_sql;
sub _translate_order_by_column {
my ($self, $order_by_item) = @_;
......@@ -1311,52 +1407,18 @@ sub init {
my ($joins, $having, $where_terms) = $self->_charts_to_conditions();
my %suppseen = ("bugs" => 1);
my $suppstring = "bugs";
my @supplist = (" ");
my @join_sql = map { $self->_translate_join($_) } @$joins;
foreach my $str ($self->_select_order_joins, @join_sql) {
if ($str =~ /^(LEFT|INNER|RIGHT)\s+JOIN/i) {
$str =~ /^(.*?)\s+ON\s+(.*)$/i;
my ($leftside, $rightside) = ($1, $2);
if (defined $suppseen{$leftside}) {
$supplist[$suppseen{$leftside}] .= " AND ($rightside)";
} else {
$suppseen{$leftside} = scalar @supplist;
push @supplist, " $leftside ON ($rightside)";
} else {
# Do not accept implicit joins using comma operator
# as they are not DB agnostic
$suppstring .= join('', @supplist);
my $query = "SELECT " . join(', ', $self->_sql_select) .
" FROM $suppstring" .
" LEFT JOIN bug_group_map " .
" ON bug_group_map.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ";
"\n FROM " . $self->_sql_from($joins);
if ($user->id) {
if (scalar @{ $user->groups }) {
$query .= " AND bug_group_map.group_id NOT IN ("
. $user->groups_as_string . ") ";
$query .= " LEFT JOIN cc ON cc.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND cc.who = " . $user->id;
push(@$where_terms, 'bugs.creation_ts IS NOT NULL');
my $security_term = '(bug_group_map.group_id IS NULL';
my $security_term = '(security_map.group_id IS NULL';
if ($user->id) {
my $userid = $user->id;
$security_term .= <<END;
OR (bugs.reporter_accessible = 1 AND bugs.reporter = $userid)
OR (bugs.cclist_accessible = 1 AND cc.who IS NOT NULL)
OR (bugs.cclist_accessible = 1 AND security_cc.who IS NOT NULL)
OR bugs.assigned_to = $userid
if (Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'}) {
......@@ -1367,7 +1429,7 @@ END
$security_term .= ")";
push(@$where_terms, $security_term);
$query .= ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', @$where_terms) . ' '
$query .= "\n WHERE " . join(' AND ', @$where_terms) . ' '
. $dbh->sql_group_by($self->_sql_group_by);
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