Commit 09763eb1 authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 90468: Bugzilla does not log out automatically when closing

the session. Patch by (Toms Baugis), with minor cleanups by me. r=kiko, a=myk.
parent 3aeef053
......@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ sub login {
$userid, $ipaddr);
my $logincookie = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
# Remember cookie only if admin has told so
# or admin didn't forbid it and user told to remember.
if ((Param('rememberlogin') eq 'on') ||
((Param('rememberlogin') ne 'off') &&
($cgi->param('Bugzilla_remember') eq 'on'))) {
$cgi->send_cookie(-name => 'Bugzilla_login',
-value => $userid,
-expires => 'Fri, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT');
......@@ -79,10 +84,20 @@ sub login {
-value => $logincookie,
-expires => 'Fri, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT');
else {
$cgi->send_cookie(-name => 'Bugzilla_login',
-value => $userid);
$cgi->send_cookie(-name => 'Bugzilla_logincookie',
-value => $logincookie);
# compat code. The cookie value is used for logouts, and that
# isn't generic yet.
$::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_logincookie'} = $logincookie;
} elsif ($authres == AUTH_NODATA) {
elsif ($authres == AUTH_NODATA) {
# No data from the form, so try to login via cookies
$username = $cgi->cookie("Bugzilla_login");
$passwd = $cgi->cookie("Bugzilla_logincookie");
......@@ -456,6 +456,24 @@ sub find_languages {
name => 'rememberlogin',
desc => 'Controls management of session cookies
<li>on - Session cookies never expire (the user has to login only
once per browser).</li>
<li>off - Session cookies last until the users session ends (the user
will have to login in each new browser session).</li>
<li>defaulton/defaultoff - Default behavior as described
above, but user can choose whether bugzilla will remember his
login or not.</li>
type => 's',
choices => ['on', 'defaulton', 'defaultoff', 'off'],
default => 'on',
checker => \&check_multi
name => 'mostfreqthreshold',
desc => 'The minimum number of duplicates a bug needs to show up on the ' .
'<a href="duplicates.cgi">most frequently reported bugs page</a>. ' .
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <>
# Toms Baugis <>
......@@ -53,6 +54,20 @@
<input type="password" size="35" name="Bugzilla_password">
[% IF Param('rememberlogin') == 'defaulton' ||
Param('rememberlogin') == 'defaultoff' %]
<input type="checkbox" name="Bugzilla_remember" value="on"
[% "checked" IF Param('rememberlogin') == "defaulton" %]>
Remember my Login
[% END %]
[% IF Param('loginnetmask') < 32 %]
<td align="right">
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