Commit 1c03d215 authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 237176: allows power users to display relevance values as a column…

Fix for bug 237176: allows power users to display relevance values as a column in the search results for a fulltext search r=justdave a=justdave
parent 9efdf77d
......@@ -429,12 +429,9 @@ sub init {
# The term to use in the WHERE clause.
$term = $term1;
# In order to sort by relevance, we SELECT the relevance value
# and give it an alias so we can add it to the SORT BY clause
# when we build that clause in buglist.cgi. We also flag the
# query in Bugzilla with the "sorted_by_relevance" flag
# so buglist.cgi knows to sort by relevance instead of anything
# else the user selected.
# In order to sort by relevance (in case the user requests it),
# we SELECT the relevance value and give it an alias so we can
# add it to the SORT BY clause when we build it in buglist.cgi.
# Note: MySQL calculates relevance for each comment separately,
# so we need to do some additional calculations to get an overall
......@@ -446,8 +443,19 @@ sub init {
# Note: We should be calculating the average relevance of all
# comments for a bug, not just matching comments, but that's hard
# (see
push(@fields, "(SUM($term1)/COUNT($term1) + $term2) AS relevance");
$self->{'sorted_by_relevance'} = 1;
my $select_term =
"(SUM($term1)/COUNT($term1) + $term2) AS relevance";
# Users can specify to display the relevance field, in which case
# it'll show up in the list of fields being selected, and we need
# to replace that occurrence with our select term. Otherwise
# we can just add the term to the list of fields being selected.
if (grep($_ eq "relevance", @fields)) {
@fields = map($_ eq "relevance" ? $select_term : $_ , @fields);
else {
push(@fields, $select_term);
"^long_?desc," => sub {
my $table = "longdescs_$chartid";
......@@ -151,6 +151,19 @@ if ($::buffer =~ /&cmd-/) {
# Figure out whether or not the user is doing a fulltext search. If not,
# we'll remove the relevance column from the lists of columns to display
# and order by, since relevance only exists when doing a fulltext search.
my $fulltext = 0;
if ($::FORM{'content'}) { $fulltext = 1 }
my @charts = map(/^field(\d-\d-\d)$/ ? $1 : (), keys %::FORM);
foreach my $chart (@charts) {
if ($::FORM{"field$chart"} eq 'content' && $::FORM{"value$chart"}) {
$fulltext = 1;
# Utilities
......@@ -437,6 +450,9 @@ DefineColumn("estimated_time" , "bugs.estimated_time" , "Estimated Hou
DefineColumn("remaining_time" , "bugs.remaining_time" , "Remaining Hours" );
DefineColumn("actual_time" , "(SUM(ldtime.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id)) AS actual_time", "Actual Hours");
DefineColumn("percentage_complete","(100*((SUM(ldtime.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id))/((SUM(ldtime.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id))+bugs.remaining_time))) AS percentage_complete", "% Complete");
DefineColumn("relevance" , "relevance" , "Relevance" );
# Display Column Determination
......@@ -503,6 +519,12 @@ if (!UserInGroup(Param("timetrackinggroup"))) {
@displaycolumns = grep($_ ne 'percentage_complete', @displaycolumns);
# Remove the relevance column if the user is not doing a fulltext search.
if (grep('relevance', @displaycolumns) && !$fulltext) {
@displaycolumns = grep($_ ne 'relevance', @displaycolumns);
# Select Column Determination
......@@ -559,18 +581,38 @@ if ($::COOKIE{'LASTORDER'} && (!$order || $order =~ /^reuse/i)) {
my $db_order = ""; # Modified version of $order for use with SQL query
if ($order) {
# Convert the value of the "order" form field into a list of columns
# by which to sort the results.
ORDER: for ($order) {
/\./ && do {
/^Bug Number$/ && do {
$order = "bugs.bug_id";
last ORDER;
/^Importance$/ && do {
$order = "bugs.priority, bugs.bug_severity";
last ORDER;
/^Assignee$/ && do {
$order = "map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_status, bugs.priority, bugs.bug_id";
last ORDER;
/^Last Changed$/ && do {
$order = "bugs.delta_ts, bugs.bug_status, bugs.priority, map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_id";
last ORDER;
do {
my @order;
my @columnnames = map($columns->{lc($_)}->{'name'}, keys(%$columns));
# A custom list of columns. Make sure each column is valid.
foreach my $fragment (split(/,/, $order)) {
$fragment = trim($fragment);
# Accept an order fragment matching a column name, with
# asc|desc optionally following (to specify the direction)
if (!grep($fragment =~ /^\Q$_\E(\s+(asc|desc))?$/, @columnnames)) {
if (grep($fragment =~ /^\Q$_\E(\s+(asc|desc))?$/, @columnnames)) {
next if $fragment =~ /\brelevance\b/ && !$fulltext;
push(@order, $fragment);
else {
my $vars = { fragment => $fragment };
if ($order_from_cookie) {
$cgi->send_cookie(-name => 'LASTORDER',
......@@ -582,31 +624,19 @@ if ($order) {
$order = join(",", @order);
# Now that we have checked that all columns in the order are valid,
# detaint the order string.
last ORDER;
/Number/ && do {
$order = "bugs.bug_id";
last ORDER;
/Import/ && do {
$order = "bugs.priority, bugs.bug_severity";
last ORDER;
/Assign/ && do {
$order = "map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_status, bugs.priority, bugs.bug_id";
last ORDER;
/Changed/ && do {
$order = "bugs.delta_ts, bugs.bug_status, bugs.priority, map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_id";
last ORDER;
else {
$order = "bugs.bug_status, bugs.priority, map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_id";
foreach my $fragment (split(/,/, $order)) {
foreach my $fragment (split(/,/, $order)) {
$fragment = trim($fragment);
if (!grep($fragment =~ /^\Q$_\E(\s+(asc|desc))?$/, @selectnames)) {
# Add order columns to selectnames
......@@ -615,24 +645,22 @@ if ($order) {
$fragment =~ tr/a-zA-Z\.0-9\-_//cd;
push @selectnames, $fragment;
$db_order = $order; # Copy $order into $db_order for use with SQL query
# If we are sorting by votes, sort in descending order if no explicit
# sort order was given
$db_order =~ s/bugs.votes\s*(,|$)/bugs.votes desc$1/i;
$db_order = $order; # Copy $order into $db_order for use with SQL query
# the 'actual_time' field is defined as an aggregate function, but
# for order we just need the column name 'actual_time'
my $aggregate_search = quotemeta($columns->{'actual_time'}->{'name'});
$db_order =~ s/$aggregate_search/actual_time/g;
# If we are sorting by votes, sort in descending order if no explicit
# sort order was given
$db_order =~ s/bugs.votes\s*(,|$)/bugs.votes desc$1/i;
# the 'percentage_complete' field is defined as an aggregate too
$aggregate_search = quotemeta($columns->{'percentage_complete'}->{'name'});
$db_order =~ s/$aggregate_search/percentage_complete/g;
# the 'actual_time' field is defined as an aggregate function, but
# for order we just need the column name 'actual_time'
my $aggregate_search = quotemeta($columns->{'actual_time'}->{'name'});
$db_order =~ s/$aggregate_search/actual_time/g;
# the 'percentage_complete' field is defined as an aggregate too
$aggregate_search = quotemeta($columns->{'percentage_complete'}->{'name'});
$db_order =~ s/$aggregate_search/percentage_complete/g;
# Generate the basic SQL query that will be used to generate the bug list.
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@selectnames,
......@@ -646,17 +674,12 @@ if ($db_order =~ /bugs.target_milestone/) {
$query =~ s/\sWHERE\s/ LEFT JOIN milestones ms_order ON ms_order.value = bugs.target_milestone AND ms_order.product_id = bugs.product_id WHERE /;
# Even more disgusting hack: if we are doing a full text search,
# order by relevance instead of anything else, and limit to 200 results.
if ($search->{'sorted_by_relevance'}) {
$db_order = $order = "relevance DESC LIMIT 200";
$vars->{'sorted_by_relevance'} = 1;
$query .= " ORDER BY $db_order " if ($order);
if ($fulltext) {
$query .= " LIMIT 200";
# Query Execution
......@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ function PutDescription() {
<form action="buglist.cgi" method="get" target="somebugs">
<input type="hidden" name="format" value="simple">
<input type="hidden" name="order" value="relevance desc">
<input type="hidden" name="bug_status" value="__open__">
<input type="hidden" name="product" value="[% product FILTER html %]">
<input type="text" name="content" size="40">
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ for "crash secure SSL flash".
<form method="get" action="buglist.cgi">
<input type="hidden" name="query_format" value="specific">
<input type="hidden" name="order" value="relevance desc">
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