Commit 1cd9dcaf authored by's avatar

Bug 256019 - The documentation was unclear regarding what to do if the…

Bug 256019 - The documentation was unclear regarding what to do if the administrator gets logged out while "shutdownhtml" is active. Patch by Shane H. W. Travis <> r=jake
parent c39b822c
...@@ -16,301 +16,244 @@ ...@@ -16,301 +16,244 @@
<primary>checklist</primary> <primary>checklist</primary>
</indexterm> </indexterm>
<variablelist> <procedure>
<varlistentry> <step>
<term> <para>
maintainer <command>maintainer</command>:
<listitem> The maintainer parameter is the email address of the person
<para> responsible for maintaining this Bugzilla installation.
The maintainer parameter is the email address of the person The address need not be that of a valid Bugzilla account.
responsible for maintaining this Bugzilla installation. </para>
The address need not be that of a valid Bugzilla account. </step>
<varlistentry> <step>
<term> <para>
urlbase <command>urlbase</command>:
This parameter defines the fully qualified domain name and web
server path to your Bugzilla installation.
<para> This parameter defines the fully qualified domain name and web
For example, if your Bugzilla query page is server path to your Bugzilla installation.
<filename></filename>, </para>
set your <quote>urlbase</quote>
to <filename></filename>.
<varlistentry> <para>
<term> For example, if your Bugzilla query page is
makeproductgroups <filename></filename>,
</term> set your <quote>urlbase</quote>
<listitem> to <filename></filename>.
<para> </para>
This dictates whether or not to automatically create groups </step>
when new products are created.
<varlistentry> <step>
<term> <para>
useentrygroupdefault <command>makeproductgroups</command>:
Bugzilla products can have a group associated with them, so that
certain users can only see bugs in certain products. When this
parameter is set to <quote>on</quote>, this
causes the initial group controls on newly created products
to place all newly-created bugs in the group
having the same name as the product immediately.
After a product is initially created, the group controls
can be further adjusted without interference by
this mechanism.
<varlistentry> This dictates whether or not to automatically create groups
<term> when new products are created.
maildeliverymethod </para>
</term> </step>
This is used to specify how email is sent, or if it is sent at
all. There are several options included for different MTAs,
along with two additional options that disable email sending.
"testfile" does not send mail, but instead saves it in
<filename>data/mailer.testfile</filename> for later review.
"none" disables email sending entirely.
<varlistentry> <step>
<term> <para>
shadowdb <command>useentrygroupdefault</command>:
<listitem> Bugzilla products can have a group associated with them, so that
<para> certain users can only see bugs in certain products. When this
You run into an interesting problem when Bugzilla reaches a parameter is set to <quote>on</quote>, this
high level of continuous activity. MySQL supports only table-level causes the initial group controls on newly created products
write locking. What this means is that if someone needs to make a to place all newly-created bugs in the group
change to a bug, they will lock the entire table until the operation having the same name as the product immediately.
is complete. Locking for write also blocks reads until the write is After a product is initially created, the group controls
complete. Note that more recent versions of mysql support row level can be further adjusted without interference by
locking using different table types. These types are slower than the this mechanism.
standard type, and Bugzilla does not yet take advantage of features </para>
such as transactions which would justify this speed decrease. The </step>
Bugzilla team are, however, happy to hear about any experiences with
row level locking and Bugzilla.
<para> <step>
The <quote>shadowdb</quote> parameter was designed to get around <para>
this limitation. While only a single user is allowed to write to <command>shadowdb</command>:
a table at a time, reads can continue unimpeded on a read-only
shadow copy of the database. Although your database size will You run into an interesting problem when Bugzilla reaches a
double, a shadow database can cause an enormous performance high level of continuous activity. MySQL supports only table-level
improvement when implemented on extremely high-traffic Bugzilla write locking. What this means is that if someone needs to make a
databases. change to a bug, they will lock the entire table until the operation
</para> is complete. Locking for write also blocks reads until the write is
complete. Note that more recent versions of mysql support row level
locking using different table types. These types are slower than the
standard type, and Bugzilla does not yet take advantage of features
such as transactions which would justify this speed decrease. The
Bugzilla team are, however, happy to hear about any experiences with
row level locking and Bugzilla.
The <quote>shadowdb</quote> parameter was designed to get around
this limitation. While only a single user is allowed to write to
a table at a time, reads can continue unimpeded on a read-only
shadow copy of the database. Although your database size will
double, a shadow database can cause an enormous performance
improvement when implemented on extremely high-traffic Bugzilla
<para> <para>
As a guide, on reasonably old hardware, began needing As a guide, on reasonably old hardware, began needing
<quote>shadowdb</quote> when they reached around 40,000 Bugzilla <quote>shadowdb</quote> when they reached around 40,000 Bugzilla
users with several hundred Bugzilla bug changes and comments per day. users with several hundred Bugzilla bug changes and comments per day.
</para> </para>
<para> <para>
The value of the parameter defines the name of the shadow bug The value of the parameter defines the name of the shadow bug
database. You will need to set the host and port settings from database. You will need to set the host and port settings from
the params page, and set up replication in your database server the params page, and set up replication in your database server
so that updates reach this readonly mirror. Consult your database so that updates reach this readonly mirror. Consult your database
documentation for more detail. documentation for more detail.
</para> </para>
</listitem> </step>
<varlistentry> <step>
<term> <para>
shutdownhtml <command>shutdownhtml</command>:
If you need to shut down Bugzilla to perform administration, enter
some descriptive text (with embedded HTML codes, if you'd like)
into this box. Anyone who tries to use Bugzilla (including admins)
will receive a page displaying this text. Users can neither log in
nor log out while shutdownhtml is enabled.
<note> If you need to shut down Bugzilla to perform administration, enter
<para> some descriptive text (with embedded HTML codes, if you'd like)
Although regular log-in capability is disabled while 'shutdownhtml' into this box. Anyone who tries to use Bugzilla (including admins)
is enabled, safeguards are in place to protect the unfortunate will receive a page displaying this text. Users can neither log in
admin who loses connection to Bugzilla. Should this happen to you, nor log out while shutdownhtml is enabled.
go directly to the <filename>editparams.cgi</filename> (by typing </para>
the URL in manually, if necessary). Doing this will prompt you to
log in, and your name/password will be accepted here (but nowhere
<varlistentry> <note>
<para> <para>
Every time a user creates an account, the text of this parameter Although regular log-in capability is disabled while 'shutdownhtml'
(with substitutions) is sent to the new user along with their is enabled, safeguards are in place to protect the unfortunate
password message. admin who loses connection to Bugzilla. Should this happen to you,
go directly to the <filename>editparams.cgi</filename> (by typing
the URL in manually, if necessary). Doing this will prompt you to
log in, and your name/password will be accepted here (but nowhere
</para> </para>
<para> <step>
Add any text you wish to the "passwordmail" parameter box. For <para>
instance, many people choose to use this box to give a quick <command>passwordmail</command>:
training blurb about how to use Bugzilla at your site.
<varlistentry> Every time a user creates an account, the text of this parameter
<term> (with substitutions) is sent to the new user along with their
movebugs password message.
</term> </para>
This option is an undocumented feature to allow moving bugs
between separate Bugzilla installations. You will need to understand
the source code in order to use this feature. Please consult
<filename></filename> in your Bugzilla source tree for
further documentation, such as it is.
<varlistentry> <para>
<term> Add any text you wish to the "passwordmail" parameter box. For
useqacontact instance, many people choose to use this box to give a quick
</term> training blurb about how to use Bugzilla at your site.
<listitem> </para>
<para> </step>
This allows you to define an email address for each component,
in addition to that of the default assignee, who will be sent
carbon copies of incoming bugs.
This defines whether you wish to have a free-form, overwritable field
associated with each bug. The advantage of the Status Whiteboard is
that it can be deleted or modified with ease, and provides an
easily-searchable field for indexing some bugs that have some trait
in common.
<varlistentry> <step>
<term> <para>
whinedays <command>movebugs</command>:
Set this to the number of days you want to let bugs go
in the NEW or REOPENED state before notifying people they have
untouched new bugs. If you do not plan to use this feature, simply
do not set up the whining cron job described in the installation
instructions, or set this value to "0" (never whine).
<varlistentry> This option is an undocumented feature to allow moving bugs
<term> between separate Bugzilla installations. You will need to understand
commenton* the source code in order to use this feature. Please consult
</term> <filename></filename> in your Bugzilla source tree for
<listitem> further documentation, such as it is.
<para> </para>
All these fields allow you to dictate what changes can pass </step>
without comment, and which must have a comment from the
person who changed them. Often, administrators will allow
users to add themselves to the CC list, accept bugs, or
change the Status Whiteboard without adding a comment as to
their reasons for the change, yet require that most other
changes come with an explanation.
<para> <step>
Set the "commenton" options according to your site policy. It <para>
is a wise idea to require comments when users resolve, reassign, or <command>useqacontact</command>:
reopen bugs at the very least.
<note> This allows you to define an email address for each component,
<para> in addition to that of the default owner, who will be sent
It is generally far better to require a developer comment carbon copies of incoming bugs.
when resolving bugs than not. Few things are more annoying to bug </para>
database users than having a developer mark a bug "fixed" without </step>
any comment as to what the fix was (or even that it was truly
<varlistentry> <step>
<term> <para>
supportwatchers <command>usestatuswhiteboard</command>:
<listitem> This defines whether you wish to have a free-form, overwritable field
<para> associated with each bug. The advantage of the Status Whiteboard is
Turning on this option allows users to ask to receive copies that it can be deleted or modified with ease, and provides an
of bug mail sent to another user. Watching a user with easily-searchable field for indexing some bugs that have some trait
different group permissions is not a way to 'get around' the in common.
system; copied emails are still subject to the normal groupset </para>
permissions of a bug, and <quote>watchers</quote> will only be </step>
copied on emails from bugs they would normally be allowed to view.
<varlistentry> Set this to the number of days you want to let bugs go
<term> in the NEW or REOPENED state before notifying people they have
noresolveonopenblockers untouched new bugs. If you do not plan to use this feature, simply
</term> do not set up the whining cron job described in the installation
<listitem> instructions, or set this value to "0" (never whine).
All these fields allow you to dictate what changes can pass
without comment, and which must have a comment from the
person who changed them. Often, administrators will allow
users to add themselves to the CC list, accept bugs, or
change the Status Whiteboard without adding a comment as to
their reasons for the change, yet require that most other
changes come with an explanation.
Set the "commenton" options according to your site policy. It
is a wise idea to require comments when users resolve, reassign, or
reopen bugs at the very least.
<para> <para>
This option will prevent users from resolving bugs as FIXED if It is generally far better to require a developer comment
they have unresolved dependencies. Only the FIXED resolution when resolving bugs than not. Few things are more annoying to bug
is affected. Users will be still able to resolve bugs to database users than having a developer mark a bug "fixed" without
resolutions other than FIXED if they have unresolved dependent any comment as to what the fix was (or even that it was truly
bugs. fixed!)
</para> </para>
</listitem> </note>
</varlistentry> </step>
Turning on this option allows users to ask to receive copies
of bug mail sent to another user. Watching a user with
different group permissions is not a way to 'get around' the
system; copied emails are still subject to the normal groupset
permissions of a bug, and <quote>watchers</quote> will only be
copied on emails from bugs they would normally be allowed to view.
This option will prevent users from resolving bugs as FIXED if
they have unresolved dependencies. Only the FIXED resolution
is affected. Users will be still able to resolve bugs to
resolutions other than FIXED if they have unresolved dependent
</section> </section>
<section id="useradmin"> <section id="useradmin">
...@@ -536,46 +479,6 @@ ...@@ -536,46 +479,6 @@
</listitem> </listitem>
</itemizedlist> </itemizedlist>
</section> </section>
<section id="impersonatingusers">
<title>Impersonating Users</title>
There may be times when an administrator would like to do something as
another user. The <command>sudo</command> feature may be used to do
To use the sudo feature, you must be in the
<emphasis>bz_sudoers</emphasis> group. By default, all
administrators are in this group.</para>
If you have access to this feature, you may start a session by
going to the Edit Users page, Searching for a user and clicking on
their login. You should see a link below their login name titled
"Impersonate this user". Click on the link. This will take you
to a page where you will see a description of the feature and
instructions for using it. After reading the text, simply
enter the login of the user you would like to impersonate, provide
a short message explaining why you are doing this, and press the
As long as you are using this feature, everything you do will be done
as if you were logged in as the user you are impersonating.</para>
The user you are impersonating will not be told about what you are
doing. If you do anything that results in mail being sent, that
mail will appear to be from the user you are impersonating. You
should be extremely careful while using this feature.</para>
</section> </section>
</section> </section>
...@@ -636,12 +539,12 @@ ...@@ -636,12 +539,12 @@
company.</para> company.</para>
<para> <para>
Each component has a default assignee and (if you turned it on in the parameters), Each component has a owner and (if you turned it on in the parameters),
a QA Contact. The default assignee should be the primary person who fixes bugs in a QA Contact. The owner should be the primary person who fixes bugs in
that component. The QA Contact should be the person who will ensure that component. The QA Contact should be the person who will ensure
these bugs are completely fixed. The Assignee, QA Contact, and Reporter these bugs are completely fixed. The Owner, QA Contact, and Reporter
will get email when new bugs are created in this Component and when will get email when new bugs are created in this Component and when
these bugs change. Default Assignee and Default QA Contact fields only these bugs change. Default Owner and Default QA Contact fields only
dictate the dictate the
<emphasis>default assignments</emphasis>; <emphasis>default assignments</emphasis>;
these can be changed on bug submission, or at any later point in these can be changed on bug submission, or at any later point in
...@@ -661,9 +564,9 @@ ...@@ -661,9 +564,9 @@
<listitem> <listitem>
<para>Fill out the "Component" field, a short "Description", <para>Fill out the "Component" field, a short "Description",
the "Default Assignee" and "Default QA Contact" (if enabled.) the "Initial Owner" and "Initial QA Contact" (if enabled.)
The Component and Description fields may contain HTML; The Component and Description fields may contain HTML;
the "Default Assignee" field must be a login name the "Initial Owner" field must be a login name
already existing in the database. already existing in the database.
</para> </para>
</listitem> </listitem>
...@@ -728,7 +631,7 @@ ...@@ -728,7 +631,7 @@
<listitem> <listitem>
<para>Enter the name of the Milestone in the "Milestone" field. You <para>Enter the name of the Milestone in the "Milestone" field. You
can optionally set the "sortkey", which is a positive or negative can optionally set the "sortkey", which is a positive or negative
number (-32768 to 32767) that defines where in the list this particular number (-255 to 255) that defines where in the list this particular
milestone appears. This is because milestones often do not milestone appears. This is because milestones often do not
occur in alphanumeric order For example, "Future" might be occur in alphanumeric order For example, "Future" might be
after "Release 1.2". Select "Add".</para> after "Release 1.2". Select "Add".</para>
...@@ -930,7 +833,7 @@ ...@@ -930,7 +833,7 @@
</para> </para>
<para> <para>
Only users with the ability to edit the bug may Only users with the ability to edit the bug may
set flags on bugs. This includes the assignee, reporter, and set flags on bugs. This includes the owner, reporter, and
any user with the <computeroutput>editbugs</computeroutput> any user with the <computeroutput>editbugs</computeroutput>
permission. permission.
</para> </para>
...@@ -958,7 +861,7 @@ ...@@ -958,7 +861,7 @@
<para> <para>
When you click on the <quote>Create a Flag Type for...</quote> When you click on the <quote>Create a Flag Type for...</quote>
link, you will be presented with a form. Here is what the fields in link, you will be presented with a form. Here is what the felds in
the form mean: the form mean:
</para> </para>
...@@ -975,7 +878,7 @@ ...@@ -975,7 +878,7 @@
<title>Description</title> <title>Description</title>
<para> <para>
This describes the flag in more detail. At present, this doesn't This describes the flag in more detail. At present, this doesn't
show up anywhere helpful; ideally, it would be nice to have whos up anywhere helpful; ideally, it would be nice to have
it show up as a tooltip. This field it show up as a tooltip. This field
can be as long as you like, and can contain any character you want. can be as long as you like, and can contain any character you want.
</para> </para>
...@@ -1410,7 +1313,7 @@ ...@@ -1410,7 +1313,7 @@
</orderedlist> </orderedlist>
<para>These controls are often described in this order, so a <para>These controls are often described in this order, so a
product that requires a user to be a member of group "foo" product that requires a user to be a member of group "foo"
to enter a bug and then requires that the bug stay restricted to enter a bug and then requires that the bug stay resticted
to group "foo" at all times and that only members of group "foo" to group "foo" at all times and that only members of group "foo"
can edit the bug even if they otherwise could see the bug would can edit the bug even if they otherwise could see the bug would
have its controls summarized by...</para> have its controls summarized by...</para>
...@@ -1492,333 +1395,204 @@ Support: ENTRY, DEFAULT/MANDATORY, CANEDIT ...@@ -1492,333 +1395,204 @@ Support: ENTRY, DEFAULT/MANDATORY, CANEDIT
<section id="upgrading"> <section id="upgrading">
<title>Upgrading to New Releases</title> <title>Upgrading to New Releases</title>
<para> <warning>
Upgrading Bugzilla is something we all want to do from time to time, <para>Upgrading is a one-way process. You should backup your database
be it to get new features or pick up the latest security fix. How easy and current Bugzilla directory before attempting the upgrade. If you wish
it is to update depends on a few factors: to revert to the old Bugzilla version for any reason, you will have to
restore from these backups.
<para>Upgrading Bugzilla is something we all want to do from time to time,
be it to get new features or pick up the latest security fix. How easy
it is to update depends on a few factors.
</para> </para>
<itemizedlist> <itemizedlist>
<listitem> <listitem>
<para> <para>If the new version is a revision or a new point release</para>
If the new version is a revision or a new point release
</listitem> </listitem>
<listitem> <listitem>
<para> <para>How many, if any, local changes have been made</para>
How many local changes (if any) have been made
</listitem> </listitem>
</itemizedlist> </itemizedlist>
<section id="upgrading-version-defns"> <para>There are also three different methods to upgrade your installation.
<title>Version Definitions</title> </para>
Bugzilla displays the version you are using at the top of most
pages you load. It will look something like '2.16.7' or '2.18rc3'
or '2.19.1+'. The first number in this series is the Major Version.
This does not change very often (that is to say, almost never);
Bugzilla was 1.x.x when it was first created, and went to 2.x.x
when it was re-written in perl in Sept 1998. If/When the major version
is changed to 3.x.x, it will signify a significant structural change
and will be accompanied by much fanfare and many instructions on
how to upgrade, including a revision to this page. :)
The second number in the version is called the 'minor number', and
a release that changes the minor number is called a 'point release'.
An even number in this position (2.14, 2.16, 2.18, 2.20, etc.)
represents a stable version, while an odd number (2.17, 2.19, etc.)
represents a development version. In the past, stable point releases
were feature-based, coming when certain enhancements had been
completed, or the Bugzilla development team felt that enough
progress had been made overall. As of version 2.18, however,
Bugzilla has moved to a time-based release schedule; current plans
are to create a stable point release every 6 months or so after
2.18 is deployed.
The third number in the Bugzilla version represents a bugfix version.
Bugfix Revisions are normally released only to address security
vulnerabilities; in the future, it is likely that the Bugzilla
development team will back-port bugfixes in a new point release to
the old point release for a limited period. Once enough of these
bugfixes have accumulated (or a new security vulnerability is
identified and closed), a bugfix release will be made. As an
example, 2.16.6 was a bugfix release, and improved on 2.16.5.
When reading version numbers, everything separated by a point ('.')
should be read as a single number. It is <emphasis>not</emphasis>
the same as decimal. 2.14 is newer than 2.8 because minor version
14 is greater than minor version 8. 2.24.11 would be newer than
2.24.9 (because bugfix 11 is greater than bugfix 9. This is
confusing to some people who aren't used to dealing with software.
<section id="upgrading-methods"> <orderedlist>
<title>Upgrading - Methods and Procedure</title> <listitem>
<para> <para>Using CVS (<xref linkend="upgrade-cvs"/>)</para>
There are three different ways to upgrade your installation. </listitem>
</para> <listitem>
<para>Downloading a new tarball (<xref linkend="upgrade-tarball"/>)</para>
<para>Applying the relevant patches (<xref linkend="upgrade-patches"/>)</para>
<orderedlist> <para>Which options are available to you may depend on how large a jump
<listitem> you are making and/or your network configuration.
<para> </para>
Using CVS (<xref linkend="upgrade-cvs"/>)
Downloading a new tarball (<xref linkend="upgrade-tarball"/>)
Applying the relevant patches (<xref linkend="upgrade-patches"/>)
<para> <para>Revisions are normally released to fix security vulnerabilities
Each of these options has its own pros and cons; the one that's and are distinguished by an increase in the third number. For example,
right for you depends on how long it has been since you last when 2.16.6 was released, it was a revision to 2.16.5.
installed, the degree to which you have customized your installation, </para>
and/or your network configuration. (Some discussion of the various
methods of updating compared with degree and methods of local
customization can be found in <xref linkend="template-method"/>.)
<para> <para>Point releases are normally released when the Bugzilla team feels
The larger the jump you are trying to make, the more difficult it that there has been a significant amount of progress made between the
is going to be to upgrade if you have made local customizations. last point release and the current time. These are often proceeded by a
Upgrading from 2.18 to 2.18.1 should be fairly painless even if stabilization period and release candidates, however the use of
you are heavily customized, but going from 2.14 to 2.18 is going development versions or release candidates is beyond the scope of this
to mean a fair bit of work re-writing your local changes to use document. Point releases can be distinguished by an increase in the
the new files, logic, templates, etc. If you have done no local second number, or minor version. For example, 2.18.0 is a newer point
changes at all, however, then upgrading should be approximately release than 2.16.5.
the same amount of work regardless of how long it has been since </para>
your version was released.
<warning> <para>The examples in this section are written as if you were updating
<para> to version 2.18.1. The procedures are the same regardless if you are
Upgrading is a one-way process. You should backup your database updating to a new point release or a new revision. However, the chance
and current Bugzilla directory before attempting the upgrade. If of running into trouble increases when upgrading to a new point release,
you wish to revert to the old Bugzilla version for any reason, you escpecially if you've made local changes.
will have to restore from these backups. </para>
<para> <para>These examples also assume that your Bugzilla installation is at
The examples in the following sections are written as though the <filename>/var/www/html/bugzilla</filename>. If that is not the case,
user were updating to version 2.18.1, but the procedures are the simply substitute the proper paths where appropriate.
same regardless of whether one is updating to a new point release </para>
or simply trying to obtain a new bugfix release. Also, in the
examples the user's Bugzilla installation is found at
<filename>/var/www/html/bugzilla</filename>. If that is not the
same as the location of your Bugzilla installation, simply
substitute the proper paths where appropriate.
<section id="upgrade-cvs"> <example id="upgrade-cvs">
<title>Upgrading using CVS</title> <title>Upgrading using CVS</title>
<para> <para>Every release of Bugzilla, whether it is a revision or a point
Every release of Bugzilla, whether it is a point release or a bugfix, release, is tagged in CVS. Also, every tarball we have distributed
is tagged in CVS. Also, every tarball that has been distributed since since version 2.12 has been primed for using CVS. This does, however,
version 2.12 has been created in such a way that it can be used with require that you are able to access on port
CVS once it is unpacked. Doing so, however, requires that you are able 2401.
to access on port 2401, which may not be an
option or a possibility for some users, especially those behind a
highly restrictive firewall.
<tip> <tip>
<para> <para>If you can do this, updating using CVS is probably the most
If you can, updating using CVS is probably the most painless painless method, especially if you have a lot of local changes.
method, especially if you have a lot of local changes.
</para> </para>
</tip> </tip>
<para> <programlisting>
The following shows the sequence of commands needed to update a
Bugzilla installation via CVS, and a typical series of results.
bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html/bugzilla</command> bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html/bugzilla</command>
bash$ <command>cvs login</command> bash$ <command>cvs login</command>
Logging in to Logging in to
CVS password: <emphasis>('anonymous', or just leave it blank)</emphasis> CVS password: <command>anonymous</command>
bash$ <command>cvs -q update -r BUGZILLA-2_18_1 -dP</command> bash$ <command>cvs -q update -r BUGZILLA-2_18_1 -dP</command>
P docs/rel_notes.txt P docs/rel_notes.txt
P template/en/default/list/quips.html.tmpl P template/en/default/list/quips.html.tmpl
<emphasis>(etc.)</emphasis> </programlisting>
<caution> <caution>
<para> <para>If a line in the output from <command>cvs update</command>
If a line in the output from <command>cvs update</command> begins begins with a <computeroutput>C</computeroutput> that represents a
with a <computeroutput>C</computeroutput>, then that represents a file with local changes that CVS was unable to properly merge. You
file with local changes that CVS was unable to properly merge. You need to resolve these conflicts manually before Bugzilla (or at
need to resolve these conflicts manually before Bugzilla (or at least the portion using that file) will be usable.
least the portion using that file) will be usable.
</para> </para>
</caution> </caution>
<section id="upgrade-tarball"> <note>
<title>Upgrading using the tarball</title> <para>You also need to run <command>./</command>
before your Bugzilla upgrade will be complete.
<para> <example id="upgrade-tarball">
If you are unable (or unwilling) to use CVS, another option that's <title>Upgrading using the tarball</title>
always available is to obtain the latest tarball from the <ulink
url="">Download Page</ulink> and
create a new Bugzilla installation from that.
<para> <para>If you are unable or unwilling to use CVS, another option that's
This sequence of commands shows how to get the tarball from the always available is to download the latest tarball. This is the most
command-line; it is also possible to download it from the site difficult option to use, especially if you have local changes.
directly in a web browser. If you go that route, save the file </para>
to the <filename class="directory">/var/www/html</filename>
directory (or its equivalent, if you use something else) and
omit the first three lines of the example.
<programlisting> <programlisting>
bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html</command> bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html</command>
bash$ <command>wget</command> bash$ <command>wget</command>
<emphasis>(Output omitted)</emphasis> <emphasis>Output omitted</emphasis>
bash$ <command>tar xzvf bugzilla-2.18.1.tar.gz</command> bash$ <command>tar xzvf bugzilla-2.18.1.tar.gz</command>
bugzilla-2.18.1/ bugzilla-2.18.1/
bugzilla-2.18.1/.cvsignore bugzilla-2.18.1/.cvsignore
bugzilla-2.18.1/1x1.gif bugzilla-2.18.1/1x1.gif
<emphasis>(Output truncated)</emphasis> <emphasis>Output truncated</emphasis>
bash$ <command>cd bugzilla-2.18.1</command> bash$ <command>cd bugzilla-2.18.1</command>
bash$ <command>cp ../bugzilla/localconfig* .</command> bash$ <command>cp ../bugzilla/localconfig* .</command>
bash$ <command>cp -r ../bugzilla/data .</command> bash$ <command>cp -r ../bugzilla/data .</command>
bash$ <command>cd ..</command> bash$ <command>cd ..</command>
bash$ <command>mv bugzilla bugzilla.old</command> bash$ <command>mv bugzilla bugzilla.old</command>
bash$ <command>mv bugzilla-2.18.1 bugzilla</command> bash$ <command>mv bugzilla-2.18.1 bugzilla</command>
</programlisting> bash$ <command>cd bugzilla</command>
bash$ <command>./</command>
<emphasis>Output omitted</emphasis>
<warning> <warning>
<para> <para>The <command>cp</command> commands both end with periods which
The <command>cp</command> commands both end with periods which is a very important detail, it tells the shell that the destination
is a very important detail, it tells the shell that the destination directory is the current working directory. Also, the period at the
directory is the current working directory. beginning of the <command>./</command> is important and
can not be omitted.
</para> </para>
</warning> </warning>
<para> <note>
This upgrade method will give you a clean install of Bugzilla with the <para>You will now have to reapply any changes you have made to your
same version as the tarball. That's fine if you don't have any local local installation manually.
customizations that you want to maintain, but if you do then you will </para>
need to reapply them by hand to the appropriate files. </note>
</para> </para>
It's worth noting that since 2.12, the Bugzilla tarballs come <example id="upgrade-patches">
CVS-ready, so if you decide at a later date that you'd rather use <title>Upgrading using patches</title>
CVS as an upgrade method, your code will already be set up for it.
</para> <para>The Bugzilla team will normally make a patch file available for
</section> revisions to go from the most recent revision to the new one. You could
also read the release notes and grab the patches attached to the
<section id="upgrade-patches"> mentioned bug, but it is safer to use the released patch file as
<title>Upgrading using patches</title> sometimes patches get changed before they get checked in.
It is also theoretically possible to
<para> scour the fixed bug list and pick and choose which patches to apply
If you are doing a bugfix upgrade -- that is, one where only the from a point release, but this is not recommended either as what you'll
last number of the revision changes, such as from 2.16.6 to 2.16.7 end up with is a hodge podge Bugzilla that isn't really any version.
-- then you have the option of obtaining and applying a patch file This would also make it more difficult to upgrade in the future.
from the <ulink </para>
url="">Download Page</ulink>.
This file is made available by the <ulink
Development Team</ulink>, and is a collection of all the bug fixes
and security patches that have been made since the last bugfix
release. If you are planning to upgrade via patches, it is safer
to grab this developer-made patch file than to read the patch
notes and apply all (or even just some of) the patches oneself,
as sometimes patches on bugs get changed before they get checked in.
As above, this example starts with obtaining the file via the
command line. If you have already downloaded it, you can omit the
first two commands.
<programlisting> <programlisting>
bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html/bugzilla</command> bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html/bugzilla</command>
bash$ <command>wget</command> bash$ <command>wget</command>
<emphasis>(Output omitted)</emphasis> <emphasis>Output omitted</emphasis>
bash$ <command>gunzip bugzilla-2.18.0-to-2.18.1.diff.gz</command> bash$ <command>gunzip bugzilla-2.18.0-to-2.18.1.diff.gz</command>
bash$ <command>patch -p1 &lt; bugzilla-2.18.0-to-2.18.1.diff</command> bash$ <command>patch -p1 &lt; bugzilla-2.18.0-to-2.18.1.diff</command>
patching file patching file
patching file patching file
patching file patching file
Be aware that upgrading from a patch file does not change the
entries in your <filename class="directory">CVS</filename> directory.
This could make it more difficult to upgrade using CVS
(<xref linkend="upgrade-cvs"/>) in the future.
<section id="upgrading-completion">
<title>Completing Your Upgrade</title>
Regardless of which upgrade method you choose, you will need to
run <command>./</command> before your Bugzilla
upgrade will be complete.
bash$ <command>cd bugzilla</command>
bash$ <command>./</command>
</programlisting> </programlisting>
The period at the beginning of the command
<command>./</command> is important and can not
be omitted.
<para> <para>
If you have done a lot of local modifications, it wouldn't hurt <caution>
to run the Bugzilla Testing suite. This is not a required step, <para>If you do this, beware that this doesn't change the entires in
but it isn't going to hurt anything, and might help point out your <filename id="dir">CVS</filename> directory so it may make
some areas that could be improved. (More information on the updates using CVS (<xref linkend="upgrade-cvs"/>) more difficult in the
test suite can be had by following this link to the appropriate future.
section in the <ulink </para>
url="">Developers' </caution>
</para> </para>
</section> </section>
</chapter> </chapter>
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